
LAST UPDATED: 29 October 2000
Information always welcome!
US Comic Book Releases: The
completed release list is posted weekly, usually Tuesday evenings,
at http://www.comiclist.com and other places. You can
receive this list each Tuesday via e-mail by following the
instructions at the web site, or you can email NCRL-subscribe@egroups.com
Additional Doctor Who Release Information : Go
For More SF Merchandise News, visit our VZSciFi community partner,
UK: Doctor Who: The Holy Terror
Big Finish Audio CD featuring 6th Doctor and Frobisher, the
shape-changing Whifferdil featured in many Doctor Who Magazine
comic strips.
UK: Thunderbirds - Episodes 17 To
Carlton Episodes: The Man
From MI.5; Cry Wolf; Danger At Ocean Deep; Move - And You're
Thunderbirds - Episodes 21 To 24
Carlton Episodes: The
Duchess Assignment; Brink Of Disaster; Attack Of The Alligators!;
Martian Invasion
UK: Thunderbirds - Episodes 25 To
Carlton Episodes: The
Cham-Cham; Security Hazard; Atlantic Inferno; Path Of
UK: Thunderbirds - Episodes 29 To
Carlton Episodes:
Alias Mr. Hackenbacker; Lord Parker's
'Oliday; Ricochet; Give Or Take A Million
US: Lost
Universe: Volume 3
On Sale: 14 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 100 minutes; Digitally Mastered DVD $29.98
Kain, Canal, and Millie continue their zany adventures. While the
Universal Guardians handle most of the peacekeeping in the galaxy,
trouble contractor Kain and his crew aboard the Swordbreaker always
seem to get stuck with the assignments that nobody
else wants. As always, they usually complete their missions, but
their methods of operation are a little unusual to say the least.
Along with the usual mayhem, in Ultimate Weapons the crew of the
Swordbreaker is faced with one of their worst nightmares. The
ship's only bathroom is lost in a giant maze!
US: Samurai X:
Betrayal / Rurouni Kenshin: Betrayal
On Sale: 14 November Distributor: ADV Films Approx. 60 minutes;
Digitally Mastered
DVD $29.98
After the Great Fire in Edo, Kenshin and Tomoe are sent into exile
on a small farm. They experience peace and quiet for the first time
in their turbulent lives. The rebellion, wounded after the events
in Edo, is slowly rebuilding, far away from Kenshin and Tomoe.
Their only link to the outside world is Iizuka, who brings them
dire news from the city.
ReBoot: Volume 1
On Sale: 14 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 90 minutes; Digitally Mastered DVD:$24.98
Ever wondered what happened inside your computer when
you switch it on? This 3-D adventure takes you on an odyssey
of epic proportions into worlds never explored before.
Follow our heroes Dot, Enzo, Mouse, AndrAIa, and Phong
into the uncharted reaches of The Web, where the search
for a lost friend leads to a high-tech battle for survival.
Gasaraki Volume 2: The Circle Opens
On Sale: 28 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 75 minutes; Digitally Mastered DVD: $29.98
Giant robots meet in fierce combat for the first time
as betrayals and bloodshed tear the allied coalition apart.
Friend and foe become meaningless words as brother sacrifices
brother in a desperate battle for control of the secrets
behind the T.A. And even as the T.A. team attempts to
rescue Yushiro from the forces of an unknown enemy, his
mysterious opponent reveals herself to him.
Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty
Publisher: Titan
paperback/£9.99/On sale 24 November
Now in paperback, the hugely acclaimed cross-generation Batman
saga. A classic!
Preacher: Dead Or Alive Ð The Collected
Publisher: Titan
Books.192pp hardback/£29.99/On sale 24
Every Glenn Fabry Preacher cover, plus previously unseen sketches
and roughs, the perfect deluxe Preacher gift book.
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters
Publisher: Titan
Books.112pp paperback/£10.99/On sale 24
Boba Fett headlines this ruthless gathering of the galaxyÕs
most fearsome and deadly bounty-hunters.Spanning all eras of the Star Wars Universe, Bounty
Hunters turns the spotlight on those with an appetite for the
chase and a hunger for chaos. The vilest villains, the deadliest
mercenaries, the dark underbelly of a galaxy at war is exposed as
never before. Meet Aurra Sing, the dark femme fatale who strikes
without warning or mercy, Dengar, 4-Lom and Bossk, whose prey is
the pilot of a certain Millennium Falcon, and Kenix Kil, the
bounty-hunter with an even darker past, one that begins with the
rise and fall of the Crimson Empire!
Transmetropolitan: Back On The Street
Publisher: Titan
Books.72pp paperback/£7.99/On sale 24
Anarchic future journo,
Spider Jerusalem returns... for the first time?!
UK and Eire only: Simpsons Comics
It's television's latest sensation: 'The Homer Show'!
Yup, Homer's life is being broadcast worldwide via satellite
- that's every "doh" and every "woo hoo!" televised for
all the world to see... blood curdling stuff!
£2.30/On sale 2 November
UK and Eire only:
Star Wars Magazine #29
Episode II is underway, and not only is this magazine
first with the news, it's also got the first in-depth
interviews with the main cast! Plus, the Producer and
Production Designer spill the beans on what's hot behind
the camera. £3.25/On sale 6 November
World: Xena: Warrior Princess MagazineFeaturing Hercules #14
Everyone's favourite villain Autolycus is grilled, just
to see how far you really can get with charm! US $5.99/UK
£3.25/On sale 9 November.
UK and Eire only:
Star Wars Comic #2
The latest chilling instalment of a new Darth Maul story,
in which more of the Sith's past is revealed! £1.99/On sale 20 November
UK, Eire, Australia and New
Zealand: Buffy The
Vampire Slayer Magazine #15
Everything you'll want to know about Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
and the lowdown on how to be a vamp and still keep your
tan, courtesy of the special f/x team at Optic Nerve.£2.75/On
sale 21 November.
UK, Eire, Australia and New
Zealand: Star Trek
Monthly #73
It's an all-villains special this month, as the track
records of the galaxy's greatest threats are put under
the microscope, with the aim of finding out who's the
baddest of them all. Plus we take a look at Star Trek's
evil counterparts. £3.50/On sale 24 November
UK and Eire only:
Simpsons Comics #48
The chilling story of Brain Freeze Steve, the kid whose
head exploded (apparently) when he drank a Squishee with
two straws. It's rumoured he haunts the Kwik-E-Mart to
this very day, and Bart, Lisa, Martin and Milhouse are
about to discover the terrible truth! £2.30/On sale
30 November.
Blade Runner: The Inside Story
Publisher: Titan Books. 80pp
hardback/£16.99/On sale 24 November
Go behind-the-scenes on Ridley ScottÕs cult classic, in
this insightful behind-the-scenes book, probing the visual
effectswizardry that created future LA. Contains many rare
The Worldwide Guide To Movie Locations
Publisher: Titan Books. 416pp paperback/£16.99/On sale 24
Ever wondered just how far, far away the Star Wars galaxy
really is, or where OO7 shot the Man With the Golden Gun, or
just how exactly to find the Lost World: Jurassic Park?
Well, trouble your grey cells no longer, The Worldwide Guide to
Movie Locations has the answers and more besides. A travel
guide and a film guide all in one, Movie Locations takes you behind
the scenes of over 1500 films, allowing you to literally follow in
the footsteps of Darth Vader, James Bond, that T-Rex and many other
movie legends. Pack your lightsaber!
The Orokon Book IV: Sisterhood of the Blue Storm
by Tom Arden. Publisher: VGSF £16.99 (HB)
In a time lost to legend, the many Isles of Wenaya were
united in worship of Javander, goddes of the seas. From
her vast, fantastical plaace beneath the waves, Javander
presided over a caste of priestesses, linked in a psychic
web. Then the web was broken, Javander's people turned
to false gods and the priestesses who once served her
so well became the evil Sisterhood of the Blue Storm....
slave galleys, ghost ships, shipwrecks and sea monsters
are onlyu part of this enthralling fantasy as the explorer
Jem and his companions arrive on the isalnd of Javander
pursuing their mystic quest for the long-lost crystals
of the Orokon...
Tom Arden official web site: Go
UK: Winter's
Robert Jordan. Tor. Hardcover. £17.99. Published
23 November
the series' favourite characters are back. Rand and Min
are fleeing from the evil Cadsuane. Meanwhile, Faile is
imprisoned, Mazrim Taim is caught lying, and Perrin's
army is on the move. How will the Daughter of the Nine
Moons affect the Seanchan? How will the White Tower withstand
rebel attack?
The Wheel of Time has proved to be one of the most
significant and biggest-selling fantasy series of recent
years, its popularity and importance hgrwoing with each
new novel. SF magazine Locus called it "A great
read... the volumes only get richer as they go along."
US: The Independent Command: Flight Engineer III
James "Scotty" Doohan & S.M.Stirling. Baen Books.
US: Ceres Storm
by David Herter. Tor. Hardcover.
Robert Jordan. Tor. Hardcover.Published 7 November
to the Wheel of Time series should start with Book One,
The Eye of the World.
Abandon in Place
by Jerry Oltion. Tor. Hardcover.
The Arms of Hercules
by Fred Saberhagen. Tor. Hardcover.
When the King Comes
by Caroline Stevermer. Tor. Hardcover.
Night of Madness
by Lawrence Watt-Evans. Tor. Hardcover.
Trade paperback
UK: Warriors of the Tempest
by Stan Nicholls. Publisher: VGSF £9.99
The follow up to Bodyguard of Lightning and Legion of
Thunder, the highly-regarded first and scond books of
Orcs: First Blood, set in a world where orcs are the heroes...
UK: Everien Book Two: The Riddled Night
by Vallery Leith. Publisher: VGSF £10.99
The sequel to the acclaimed Company of Glass returns to
a well rounded, carefully thought out magical realm. Everien
is a land where time and landscape alike shift and change,
creating an original fantasy land. Istar the warrior again
finds herself fighting an enearthly Sekk, roused by the
discovery of an ancient winged skeleton...
The Marriage of Sticks
by Jonathan Carroll. Tor. Trade paperback.
by Charles de Lint (Orb). Tor. Trade paperback.
Foreign Bodies
by Stephen Dedman. Tor. Trade paperback.
The Arms of Hercules
by Fred Saberhagen. Tor. Trade paperback.
Epiphany of the Long Sun
by Gene Wolfe (Orb). Tor. Trade paperback.
UK: SF Collector's Editions: Beasts
by John Crowley. Publisher: VGSF £9.99
One of the most important SF novels of the 1970s, Beast
creates a resonant and enduring myth of man and nature
for our time. Painter is a leo - part man, part lion -
the result of one of man's genetic experiemnts, a powerful,
beautiful, enigmatic creature deemed a 'failure' to be
hunted down. But Painer has two advantages in this world
of small, bickering nation states and political accommodation
and compromise: his own strength and integrity, and the
guile of Reynard, another of man's experiments, a subtle
and potent intriguer, a king-maker.
UK: SF Collector's Editions: Floating Worlds
by Cecelia Holland. Publisher: VGSF £9.99
A delightful and funny space opera finds Captain Pausert,
master of the old pirate-chaser venture having finally
found his metier. Unlucky in love and unsuccessful at
business, he seems to have a knack for selling job-lot
cargoes around the fringes of the Empire. In fact, he's
so far ahead of the game that he even finds time to perform
the occasional noble deed. Which is how, on the dull,
dumpy, sixth-rate planet of Porslumma, he rescues three
poor child-slaves from their abuisive masters. And finds
himself broke, hunted by the authorities of his home planet
and at odds with the most malevolent force in all of space...
UK: SF Collector's Editions: Fury
by Henry Kuttner. Publisher: VGSF £9.99
earth is long dead, blasted apart, and the human survivors
of the catastrophe who settled on Venus live in huge citadels
beneath the Venusian seas in an atrophying, class-ridden
society ruled by the immortals - genetic mutations who
live a thousand years or more...
UK: SF Collector's Editions:
The Witches of Karres
by James H. Schmitz. Publisher: VGSF £9.99
delightful and funny space opera finds Captain Pausert,
master of the old pirate-chaser venture having finally
found his metier. Unlucky in love and unsuccessful at
business, he seems to have a knack for selling job-lot
cargoes around the fringes of the Empire. In fact, he's
so far ahead of the game that he even finds time to perform
the occasional noble deed. Which is how, on the dull,
diumpy, sixth-rate planet of Porslumma, he rescues three
poor child-slaves from their abuisive masters. And finds
himself broke, hunted by the authorities of his home planet
and at odds with the most malevolent force in all of space...
UK: SF Masterworks: Pavane
Keith Roberts. Publisher: Millenium. £6.99
1588: Queen Elizabeth is felled by an assassin's bullet.
Within the week, the Spamish Armada had set sail, and
its victory changed the course of history. In 1968, England
is still dominated by the Church of Rome. There are no
telephones, no television, no nuclear power. As Catholicism
and the inquisition tighten their grip however, rebellion
is grwoing... This is one of Roberts' finest novels, highly
regarded by his peers and fans alike with an intriguing
alternate timeline tale supposrted by some superbly created
characters that bring it to life. Recommended. A fantastic
addition to the SF Masterworks library.
Mass Paperback
UK: Bloody Bones
by Laurell K. Hamilton. Orbit. £5.99.
Published 2 November 2000
When Anita Blake's boss at Animators, Inc., informs her
that she's expected to raise 300-year-old zombies from
a field of jumbled bones just to settle a land dispute,
she's understandably annoyed. But as soon as she arrives
in Branson, Missouri, to do the deed, the job gets more
interesting. A psychotic sword-wielding vampire starts
committing multiple murders in the area, and Anita must
call on Jean-Claude, her powerful fanged suitor, for help.
As always, Anita prevails over the undead, keeping Jean-Claude
at arm's length, clearing the cemetery land of an ancient
enchantment, and nailing the vampiric killer in one fell
UK: The Killing Dance
by Laurell K. Hamilton. Orbit. £5.99. Published 2 November 2000
Anita Blake, vampire hunter, is now herself a hunted woman.
Who put the $500,000 price on her head -- a man or a monster?
It's not just her own skin she needs to save; the rivalry
between her werewolf boyfriend, Richard, and Marcus, the
other alpha werewolf in his pack, has come to full boil.
And there's always Jean-Claude, the vampire who's been
waiting for just the right moment to slip inside Anita's
head and heart. Don't assume anything, though -- Hamilton's
probably got a few more surprises in store.
UK: Third Book of the Orokon: Sultan of the Moon and
by Tom Arden. Publisher: Millenium. £6.99
Prince Jemany is plunged into a seething hotbed of political
machinations and rebellion as he begins the next stage
of his quest to recover the long-lost crystals of the
oroiokon. Already the anti-god Toth Vexrah is working
his evil upon the suceptible and easily swayed. Only jem
stands in his way - but he's trapped in the bizarre, horrifying
dreamworld of the enchanter Almoran...
Farscape 1: Ship of Ghosts
David Bischoff. Publisher: Boxtree. Published 10 November,
Crichton would have answered the distress call Moya received
for altruistic reasons alone. However his desperate alien
shipmate fugitives had other plans. Survival! Then Rygel
recognized the ships markings. This race knew the starways
like the back of its ventral tentacle! However, inside
the alien ship the crew found instead a mystery wrapped
up in an enigma and shunted into a ghost-universe. Would
Crichton, the wandering Earthman, Rygel XVI the power
mad schemer, Ka D'Argo the haunted warrior, Pa'u Zotoh
the exotic blue priestess and Aeryn Sun the Peacemaker
at war with herself, find the key that would take them
home? Or would the Ship of Dreams and ghosts add their
troubled souls to its grisly collection in a galaxy beyond
Death itself?
UK: Farscape 2: Dark Side of the Sun
by Jim Mortimore. Boxtree. Published 10 November
Following a disastrous trade agreement, Moya is forced
to hide inside a hollow world orbiting within a collapsing
supergiant star. Inside the planet a society of ocean-dwellers
is threatened with extinction. Clan war begins for possession
of the only means of escape. Millions of lives are at
stake. But Moya is dying and a cure can only be found
at the heart of the sun. With their only means of escape
blocked by lethal traders, Moya and the crew must race
the death of a star to save the life of a world. The journey
will take Crichton to the depths of his soul, Rygel to
the heights of ecstasy and Moya to the dark side of the
US: Dragon and
by Joanne Bertin. Tor. Paperback. Published November 2000.
US: The Silk Code
by Paul Levinson. Tor. Paperback. Published November 2000.
US: Borderlands of Science
Charles Sheffield. Baen Books. Published November 2000
An absolutely fascinating science fact/how-to book for
SF writers. Already out in hardcover.
US: A Wizard and a Warlord
by Christopher Stasheff. Tor. Paperback. Published November
US: Bios
by Robert Charles Wilson. Tor. Paperback. Published November
UK: The Tenth Planet/Attack of the
Featuring the First Doctor, Ben and Polly/The Sixth Doctor,
Combining two stories featuring the planet Mondas -- and the
Cybermen, of course. According to Doctor Who Magazine (#291)
The fourth, missing, episode of The Tenth Planet will probably be
visualised by combining the original soundtrack with off-screen
telesnaps and narration, as was done for the 1998 The Ice Warriors
US: Lost
Universe: Volume 3
On Sale: 14 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 100 minutes; Digitally Mastered
English-Dubbed VHS $19.98 English-Subtitled VHS $29.95
For details see DVD release above
US: Samurai X:
On Sale: 14 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 60 minutes; Digitally Mastered English-Dubbed
VHS: $19.98 English-Subtitled VHS: $29.95 For details see DVD
release above
US: ReBoot: Volume
On Sale: 14 November Distributor: ADV Films
VHS English: $14.98 For details see DVD release above
US: Gasaraki Volume
2: The Circle Opens
On Sale: 28 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 75 minutes; Digitally Mastered English-Dubbed
VHS: $19.98 For details see DVD release above
US: Bubblegum Crisis
Tokyo 2040: Volume 9 - Kill Zone
On Sale: 14 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 60 minutes; Digitally Mastered VHS Hi-Fi
English-Dubbed VHS: $19.98 English-Subtitled VHS: $29.95
Follow Linna, Sylia, Priss, and Nene as the Knight Sabers continue
their mission to protect Tokyo from Genom's monolithic power.
US: Weird-Ohs Volume
On Sale: 28 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 110 minutes; Digitally Mastered VHS Hi-Fi
VHS (English): $12.98
In a world off Route 66 and just beyond the speed limit, there's
Weirdsville, a fast moving society were even the baby buggies are
built for speed. It's a place where cars rule, and racing is a way
of life. Unfortunately for Digger, Eddie, and Portia, their biggest
problem is just keeping up.
US: Burn Up W
(Complete Series) (Re-release)
On Sale: 14 November Distributor: ADV Films
Approx. 120 minutes; Digitally Mastered VHS Hi-Fi
English-Dubbed VHS: $14.98 Get the entire Burn Up W collection on
one video cassette.
US: Golden Boy:
Episodes 1-3 (Re-release)
On Sale: 28 November Distributor: ADV Films Approx. 75 minutes;
Digitally Mastered VHS Hi-Fi English-Dubbed VHS: $19.98
Own episodes 1-3 of Golden Boy, now on one video cassette.
Sources: AD Vision,
Doctor Who Magazine, Little Brown, Orbit, Simon & Schuster,
Titan Magazines, Victor Gollancz Millennium
Please note that all
merchandise release dates are always fluid and I would recommend
checking with the producers official web site for confirmation
before screaming at your poor local dealer if they haven't got
something you really, really want in stock...
Merchandise release Information from VZSciFi
2000 Releases
May 2000 |
June 2000 | July 2000 | August 2000 | September 2000 |
October 2000 | November 2000 | December 2000
2001 Releases
January 2001 | February
2001 | March 2001 | April 2001 | May 2001 | June
2001 | July 2001 | August 2001 | September 2001
| October 2001 | November 2001 | December 2001
Back to Main Merchandise Page |
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