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29 October 2000
July 2000 Merchandise Releases
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Doctor Who Release
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For More SF Merchandise News, visit our VZSciFi community partner, Scififanatic.com JULY ANIME BOOKS The Art Of Pokemon: The Movie
Publications Follow the story of the big-screen release Revelation:
Lugia and Pikachu's Rescue Adventure in an official,
lavish full-colour storybook illustrated by scenes from the
movie-pictures of the characters, the Pokemon, the events, and
more! Includes descriptions of all the human characters and Pokemon
(including Slowking, Lugia, Elekid and the other new
JULY ANIME COMICS Aqua Knight #4 Viz comics/ story & art by Yukito Kishiro/ 6-issue monthly
series Ruliya and Arrabus are interrupted by the arrival of the colossal
floating Zyfort, bringing a group of colonists to Lighthouse
Island! Alcontra, a haughty aristocrat from faraway Antipoda, has
arrived, and it's 1492 all over again as he claims the island for
himself and dubs it Zyland. And "the natives look as if they
will make fine slaves." Dragon Ball: Part 3, #2 Viz comics/ Story & art by Akira Toriyama/ 14-issue monthly
series Gokuís airplane crash-lands in the frozen north, and he is
rescued by kindly villagers whose mayor was kidnapped by the
tyrannical Red Ribbon Organization. Goku has just two questions:
(1) What is this "snow" anyway, and (2) Where are the bad guys to
fight? But to rescue the mayor, Goku will have to storm the Red
Ribbon Tower, and fight Colonel Metallic! Dragon Ball Z: Part 3, #6 Viz comics/ story & art by Akira Toriyama/ 10-issue monthly
series Dr. Briefs shows Goku his newly invented rocket ship that'll send
him to Namek the no-frills way: undergoing 10-40 Gs of gravity! But
just like Nietzsche, what doesnít kill Goku, makes him
stronger! Meanwhile, on Namek, Freeza and his henchmen prepare to
slaughter a Namek village, and Gohan and Kuririn are powerless to
help. Eagle: The Making Of An Asian-American President #6: The
King Of New York Viz comics/ story & art by Kaiji Kawaguchi/ monthly 14-issue
series As the New York primaries approach, candidate Yamaoka tries to get
the endorsement of Gilbert Blackburn, the mayor of New York City
and political power broker. As the political maneuvering becomes
more complicated, Takashi Jo finds it impossible to stay neutral.
Who will be the Democratic nominee: former vice president Albert
Noah, or "reformer with a record" Yamaoka? Inu-Yasha: Part 5, #2 Viz comics/ 11-issue series/ story & art by Rumiko
Takahashi Inu-Yasha abandons the other travelers and heads into the
unknown. Somewhere in the green forest depths waits Kagome's
undead other self, Kikyo, now accompanied by a host of spectral
eels. Is she friend or foe? And can Inu-Yasha choose between
Kagome and Kikyo, the dead woman he once loved? No Need For Tenchi!: Part 9, #5 Viz comics/ 6-issue series/ story & art by Hitoshi Okuda With Ayeka as his bargaining chip, Yataka parlays with Tenchi and Co. for the prisoner he really wants: Ryoko! But some people are more dangerous to have as hostages than enemies! And as tensions mount, the one who's got its finger on the button turns out to be the mechanical intelligence Mikamo. Pokemon: The Movie 2000 Animation Comics: Revelation:
Lugia Viz Publications/4-issue monthly series A mysterious flying fortress is travelling across the land,
seeking to capture all the legendary bird Pokemon: Moltres,
Articuno and Zapdos! Meanwhile, blissfully unaware of the
villainous plot at work, Ash, Misty and Tracey visit a tropical
island where they witness a traditional ritual. Who is the
legendary Pokemon Lugia which has powers over the wind and
sea? What is Team Rocket up to inside a giant Magikarp-shaped
submarine? And who's this girl who comes up and kisses Ash on the
cheek?!? The adaptation of the main feature Pokemon: The Movie
2000! Pokemon: The Movie 2000 Animation Comics: Pikachu's Rescue
Adventure Viz Publications/one-shot comic book While the rest of the Pokemon are having a summer nap, Togepi
wanders off and gets lost, and Pikachu and Elekid must find Togepi
somewhere in the branches of a giant tree! Along the way, they meet
rare Pokemon such as Hoot Hoot, Bellossom, and Ledybya; find a
secret garden; and survive a scary lightning storm up in the
treeís highest branches! Can they rescue their friend and
prevent a forest fire? The whole adaptation of the theatrical short
which accompanies Pokemon: The Movie 2000. Pokemon Tales Movie Special: Pikachu's Unparalleled
Adventure Viz Publications/collectible board book. Story by Junko Wada. Art
by Toshinao Aoki The latest in the series of durable, full colour children's board
books! Which would you rather have for a friend: the
electric-tailed Pikachu, or the equally shocking Elekid? In this
book, a boy and a girl go on two great adventures with their
favorite Pokemon, and return to tell the tale. Magical Pokemon Journey, Part 2 #1: Almond's Adventure
Club Viz Publications/4-issue monthly series. Story & art by Yumi
Tsukirino More quirky, hilarious adventures in Magical Pokemon
Journey! Almond decides to take the Pokemon on an adventure in
an underground cave! Can Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Pikachu tough it
out long enough to get a few XP? Then, Hazel, Pikachu and
their friends go skiing. But are they really smart to enter the
territory of the icy Articuno? And, more importantly, to eat ice
cream while it's cold out? Ranma 1/2, Part 9, #3 Viz comics/ story & art by Rumiko Takahashi/ monthly 11-issue
series Question: Why was Ukyo's ultimate okonomiyaki sauce a disaster?
Answer: Because Ranma secretly messed with the ingredients! Now, Ukyo's
staying at Ranma's house to atone for making such a bad sauce-and
she's getting stoked to cook again! How long can Ranma battle his
guilty conscience while also fending off Ukyo and her food? Silent Mobius: Catastrophe #2 Viz comics/ story & art by Kia Asamiya/ 6-issue monthly
series 8 extra pages for the same price! A mysterious cyborg killer,
composed of the same "megadyne" technology as A.M.P.'s bionic woman
Kiddy Phenilóis slashing its way through Tokyo again, and
she's not just a mindless murderer like the last one was. What's
worse, Kiddy's acquaintances have become dragged into the conflict,
and there are some things you just shouldn' t get involved in
without a little cyberware.
Pokemon: The First Movie Animation Comics Viz Publications/Viz graphic novel The original Pokemon movie comics (based on the 1999 film) return
in a convenient graphic novel format with all 4 issues of Mewtoo
Strikes Back and the one-shot Pikachu's Vacation in full
colour! Illustrated with actual cels from the hit movie, this
graphic novel has all the scenes you remember, and some you
probably missed! IN THIS VOLUME: Mewtwo was cloned from Mew's
DNA and designed to be Team Rocket's ultimate weapon, but Mewtwo
had other plans! When Ash, Misty, and Brock receive an invitation
to a dark castle to meet the "greatest Pokemon trainer in the
world," they discover the ultimate Pokemon's shocking scheme to get
revenge on human trainers once and for all! Who is stronger: the
Pokemon or the Poke-clones? And is fighting really the answer?
Plus, the Pokemon have the day off in "Pikachu's Vacation", but can
Raichu and Pikachu get along? Introducing Marril, Snubble, Donfan
and other new Pokemon characters!
Video Girl Ai, Vol. 2: Mix Down Viz Publications/Animerica Extra graphic novel. Story and art by
Masakazu Katsura Beautifully drawn romantic comedy! High school student Yota
Moteuchi has a nickname among his classmates: "Dateless." That
doesn't stop him from falling in love with his gentle classmate
Moemi, but his heart is broken when she tells him that she loves
Yota's best friend, the immensely popular Takashi. Crushed, Yota
enters a mysterious video shop, Gokuraku, where he rents a video
starring the cute young idol Ai Amano. But when he plays the video,
Ai emerges from the TV and lands in Yota's bed-a real-life video
girl dedicated to improving his love life whether he likes it or
not! This graphic novel copies the Video Girl AI stories from
Animerica Extra Vol. 2, No. 8 to Vol. 3, No. 4. IN THIS VOLUME: As the VCR overheats, the "defective" Ai is
recalled by her heartless creator back into the video world whence
she came! And finally, when she is allowed to return to
Yotaís side, it is under one condition: she cannot allow
herself to fall in love with him, or she will be deleted! Will she
be seduced instead by Yota's classmate, the artistic-and
scheming-Takao Sorayama? Meanwhile, Moemi's relationship with
Takashi is hollow, and she turns to her "good friend" Yota for
reassurance. But is it just reassurance she wants...or have
Yotaís dreams been answered?
No Need For Tenchi! Vol. 8: Chef Of Iron Viz Publications/Viz graphic novel. Story & art by Hitoshi
Okuda Science fiction comedy based on the anime series from Pioneer! It
all started when high school student Tenchi freed the alien pirate
Ryoko from her captivity on Earth. Soon enough, her friends and
enemies showed up: alien princess Ayeka, mad scientist Washu, ditzy
space cop Mihoshi. Surrounded by beautiful, feuding alien
women, poor Tenchi is either the luckiest or the most miserable boy
on Earth! IN THIS VOLUME: Five strange stories! When Tenchi starts behaving
strangely, it's time for covert surveillance courtesy of Washu,
Inc. A laboratory mishap leaves Ryoko without her powers, and the
newly human catgirl finds that there are some problems that
smashing through brick walls won't solve, but an escaped alien life
form is not one of them! Master chef Sasami is invited to
compete in "Ferrous Chef", a TV cooking contest where men are men
and lettuce is salad! Finally, Washu's rival Yume returns under
circumstances that'll satisfy your desires for "clean" manga...A
trip to the baths! Plus a story about Yosho, Tenchi's
Pokémon Adventures, Part 2 #6: The Mythical
Moltres Viz Publications/6-issue monthly series. Story by Hidenori Kusaka.
Art by Mato. INCLUDES FREE POKéMON STICKERS! Red finally makes it to Cinnabar Island, but once again, Team
Rocket has made it there before him! Who will be the first to catch
the legendary Pokemon Moltres, the "Bird of Fire"? Plus
Who: Winter for the Adept
UK: Star Trek: Best Destiny by Diane Carey, read by James Doohan. UK: Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Valiant by Michael Jan Friedman
JULY DVD UK: Farscape Vol. 4 (Season One): ??/??/Contender
Dreamwatch #72 Animerica Extra Vol. 3, #8 Viz Manga anthology Issue includes an in-depth look at the manga JIGOKU SENSEI NUBEI
("Hell Teacher Nubei"). VIDEO GIRL AI: Fast forward: it's spring,
the new school year has started, and Yota has been held back a
year, putting him among a new class of underclassmen. Is Ai gone?
And who is the new girl, Nobuko? MARIONETTE GENERATION: Lunch the puppet is leashed to a tree and
confronted by her worst nightmare! Plus "The Princess of the Fall,"
a short story by Haruhiko Mikimoto. FUSHIGI YÛGI: The crystal ball gives Miaka a new clue as to the Sixth Celestial Warrior. Meanwhile, Yui tries to seduce her prisoner Tamahome, because that's what former best friends are for. STEAM DETECTIVES: Narutaki's showdown with Don Death! Will the death sentence be carried out? X/1999: The dreamseer Kanoe invades Kotoriís psyche, while
Subaru, the Seventh Seal enters the picture.
Animerica Vol. 8, #7
Viz anime & manga monthly Features on the latest and greatest anime, exclusive interviews,
news on what's new in Japan and whatís arriving soon in
America, plus exclusive columns, interviews with voice-actors,
anime reviews, games, model kits, anime music, and Leiji
Matsumoto's Galaxy Express 999 manga. Kids' Special! With
the latest news on Digimon, Monster Rancher, and
POKéMON: THE MOVIE 2000, it's a "monster" (pardon the pun)
anime spread for all ages. Pulp Vol. 4, #8 July Viz/ Manga anthology/ MATURE READERS ONLY 184 monthly pages of Japanese culture and comics! New features
include a photography series by Nobuyoshi Araki; new-release movie
reviews by notorious film critic Chuck Stevens (L.A. WEEKLY, SAN
FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN), in-depth comic and manga reviews by
novelist Heinz Insu Fenkl (THE MIMOSA SECTOR), Japanese tabloid
gossip in Kon Isshoís "Millennium News Shock Hour," and much
more! Plus continuing columns on music, film and more. BENKEI IN NEW YORK: A Japanese detective heads out onto unfamiliar
streets in this noir series by Jiro Taniguchi and Natsuo
Sekikawa! SHORT CUTS: Does the word kawaii make you shiver with
anticipation? Or do you just shiver? In either case, it's an
appropriate reaction to Usamaru Furuyaís horrifying,
humorous comedy manga. BAKUNE YOUNG: Who is the man with sideburns and a guitar who has
arrived to face Bakune in one-on-one combat? DANCE TILL TOMORROW: Suekichi's relationship with Miyuki goes
around the baseball diamond a few times while Aya drinks away her
sorrows. STRAIN: "Sweetie" Andrew is still alive, and after
what the explosion did to him, heís got more reason than
ever to kill Shingo. BANANA FISH: As Shorter and Yut-Lung kidnap Eiji, one of
Ashís old enemies arrives in Los Angeles. VOYEURS, INC.: Who
is the stalker harassing an office lady and who is the new member
of Voyeurs, Inc.? Plus HEARTBROKEN ANGELS!
JULY NOVELS UK: SF Collectors' Editions: Big Planet by Jack Vance Victor Gollancz Millennium £9.99. Published July 2000 Charles Lysidder, the Bajarnum of Beaujolais, was ruthlessly expanding his empire on the Bif Planet. The objective of the mission from Earth was to ensure that the whole world didn't fall under the domination of the tyrant. But, when sabotage brought down the spacecraft carrying the mission, the priority changed. The survivors of the crash faced an epic 40,000 mile trek to safety, across the vast and unknown surface of the planet, harassed by monsters and the native people, and by each other. UK: SF Collectors' Editions: The Best of Walter J. Miller by Walter J. Miller Victor Gollancz Millennium £9.99. Published July 2000 Walter M. Miller Jr is best remembered as the author of A Canticle for Leibowitz, universally recognized as one of the greatest novels of modern SF. But he also produced many shorter works of fiction of stunning originality and power. His profound interest in religion and his innate literary gifts combined perfectly in the production of such works as The Darfstellar (which won him a Hugo in 1955), Conditionally Human, I, Dreamer and The Big Hunger, all of which are included in this brilliant and essential collection. UK: SF Collectors' Editions: The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov Victor Gollancz Millennium £9.99. Published July 2000 Andrew Harlan is an Eternal, a man whose job it is to range through past and present Centuries, monitoring and, where necessary, altering Time's myriad cause-and-effect relationships. But when Harlan meets and falls for a non-Eternal woman, he seeks to use the awesome powers and techniques of the Eternals to twist time for his own purposes, so taht he and his love can survive together. UK: SF Collectors' Editions: The Reproductive System by John Sladek Victor Gollancz Millennium £9.99. Published July 2000 Wompler's Walking Babies once put Milford, Utah, on the map. But they aren't selling like they used to. In fact, they aren't selling at all and the only alternative to winding down the company is to tap the government for a research grant. And so Wompler Research Laboratories and Project 32 come into being. The plan is to produce self-replicating mechanisms; identical cells equipped to repair intracellular breakdowns, convert power from their environment and create new cells. But suddenly the nondescript grey metal boxes start crawling about the laboratory, feeding voraciously on any metal... and multiplying at an alarming rate! UK: Noonshade -- Chronicles of The Raven Book Two by James Barclay. £9.99. Published July 2000 The Raven find themselves drawn into a hopeless battle in defence of the brood Kaan as they fight to prevent the other dragons of the dragon dimension pouring into Balaia through the inter-dimensional rip created by the spell Dawnthief. UK: Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. Earthlight £5.99. Published July 2000 UK: Black Eagle Rising: Third Book of Elita by Kate Jacoby. Published July 2000. The latest episode in this romantic fantasy epic. The evil sorceror Nash is reciovered from the injuries he sustained when Robert Douglas, Duke of Haddon and named as the Enemy, levelled Elita with his magic. Now Nash is closer to the Key, the Word of Destruction and unlimited power than ever before, with only a tortured man and a headstrong woman standing between him and his ultimate ambition: complete possession of Lusara - and the Ally, Jenn. UK: Song of the Earth by Caiseal Moor. Earthlight £5.99. Published July 2000 UK: The Gods Trilogy by Terry Pratchett. £16.99. Published July 2000 The fourth Discworld trilogy contains the complete text of Pyramids, inwhich the Great Pyramid has just exploded because of paracosmic instability; Small Gods sees Brutha, the Chosen One, called by his god (admittedly while in the shape of a small tortoise); and in Hogfather, it's the night before Hogswatch - and there's a notable lack of the big fat man who delivers the toys. UK: Salt by Adam Roberts HB £16.99 TPB £9.99. Published 20 July 2000 Debut novel. Told by two people, Petja and Barlei, Salt tells the story of simmering tensions between two communities that slips into a tragedy of biblical proportions. United by a dream of a new beginning they colonise their new planet only to find that the isolated landscape brings about ancient enmities which could lead to their total destruction. Adam Roberts is a published academic and teaches English at London University. He contributes regularly to SF academic journals and has just published a critical study of science fiction. UK: The Honor of the Queen by David Weber. Earthlight £5.99. Published July 2000 US: Lt. Leary, Commanding (HC) by David Drake. Baen Books Published July 2000. Action-packed interstellar war tale
UK: Doctor
Who: The Ancestor Cell
Featuring the Eighth Doctor.
UK: Doctor
Who: Prime Time
Featuring the Seventh Doctor and Ace. UK: Star Trek -- New Earth Book Two: Belle Terre by Diane Carey. The second in a six-part series featuring the original crew after the events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
UK: Doctor
Who: Timeflight
Featuring the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan. UK: The Complete Ivor The Engine US: Maison Ikkoku Volume 21: Hot Springs Holiday Viz Video, 2 complete episodes, 52 minutes, English-subtitled. While waiting for things to cool down at Maison Ikkoku, Manager
Kyoko heats up at an onsen or traditional Japanese hot springs
resort. Why is it, though, that she thinks her privacy won't last
much longer? AND THEN: A quick slip from the building's second
story sends Godai to the hospital and a contrite Kyoko stumbling
after. Which one is more upset? Maison Ikkoku is described by Viz as the most
beloved anime romance of all time. At Maison Ikkoku, a run-down
apartment house inhabited by drunks, deadbeats and busybodies, love
blossoms between Yusaku Godai, a bumbling college student and Kyoko
Otonashi, his beautiful, young apartment manager. Between nosy
neighbours, financial problems, and romantic rivals, will their two
hearts ever meet? The entire Maison Ikkoku manga is
available complete in English in 14 graphic novels. US: Ranma 1/2: Martial Mayhem, Volume 9: Battle: Foi
Gras Viz Video, 2 complete episodes, 52 minutes, English-dubbed. A
special 2-part story. There's more here at stake here than a filet of beef! Say "bon
jour" to Picolet Chardin, champion supreme of that most refined of
battle styles -- Martial Arts Dining! Sure, Ranma may have won the
long-ago Battle: Chestnut (remember the amaguri-ken?), but how will
Iron Chef Saotome fare in this latest culinary challenge? Ranma 1/2
Ranma Saotome never thought a martial arts training mission to
China would end up like this! An accidental dunk in a cursed spring
changes boy Ranma into a curvy young girl, every time he is
splashed with cold water. Hot water reverses the effect÷but
only until next time! Pursued by suitors of both genders,
constantly challenged by battle-happy martial artists for crimes
both real and imagined -- what's a half-girl, half-guy to do? New
Ranma 1/2 comics are released monthly from Viz Comics, with
15 graphic novels already available. US: Ranma 1/2: Outta Control Volume 10: Pinky
Promised Viz Video, 2 complete episodes, 52 minutes, English-subtitled Shampoo's got Ranma right where she wants him -- and so long as
his pinky's bound to hers with the fabled "red thread of fate,"
he's not going anywhere! Will Akane make it to the church on time?
Then, Mousse's goose is cooked when Kuno and Kodachi need "bird
feed" for their pet alligator!.
Doctor Who Magazine, Simon & Schuster, Victor Gollancz
Please note that all
merchandise release dates are always fluid and I would recommend
checking with the producers official web site for confirmation
before screaming at your poor local dealer if they haven't got
something you really, really want in stock...
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