UPDATED: 31 October
Comic Book Releases: The
completed release list is posted weekly, usually Tuesday
evenings, at http://www.comiclist.com
and other places. You can receive this list each Tuesday
via e-mail by following the instructions at the web site,
or you can email NCRL-subscribe@egroups.com
Doctor Who Release Information : Go
For More SF Merchandise News, visit our VZSciFi community partner, Scififanatic.com
UK: Doctor
Who: The Shadow of the Scourge
Big Finish Audio CD featuring 7th Doc, Ace and Benny
A four-part story starring Sylvester McCoy and Sophie
Aldred, and featuring Lisa Bowerman. The Pinehill Crest
Hotel in Kent is host to three very different events:
a cross-stich convention, an experiment in time travel
and... the summoning of the scourge. The Doctor, Bernice
and Ace find themselves dealing with a dead body that's
come back to life, a mystical symbol that possesses its
host, and a threat from another universe that's ready
for every trick the Doctor's got up his sleeve. This time,
has the Doctor gone too far?
Who: The Robots of Death BBC Worldwide. Featuring the Fourth Doctor and Leela.
Featuring an audio commentary by producer Philip Hinchcliffe
and scripter Chris Boucher, plus picture gallery and some
unseen studio footage.
Escaflowne Vol. 1: Dragons & Destiny
On sale: 3 October 2000 Distributor: Bandai Entertainment
Rating: 13up DVD BiLingual
SRP: $29.98
VHS DUB (FOX Version)
SRP: $14.98 VHS dub (Unedited) SRP: $19.98
Hitomi Kanzaki is a typical high school
girl, with typical high school problems. But when a vision
of a young man battling a dragon becomes a reality, her
life changes forever. Drawn into a strange vortex with
the swordsman, Van, Hitomi is thrust into the strange
world of Gaea. Entangled in a struggle over life and death,
Van must learn to master the suit of armor, Escaflowne.
Chased by the Empire of Zaibach, Van and Hitomi will encounter
both allies and enemies in an effort to unlock the secrets
within Escaflowne. Hitomi's heart, stirred by love and
adventure, but at times aches with sorrow. But why was
she sent to this world? Her journey as just begun. Created
by Shoji Kawamori (Macross Plus) á Character Designs
by Nobuteru Yuuki (Record of Lodoss Wars, X)
US: Blue Submarine No. 6 Vol. 4 Minasoko - The Ocean Floor
Bandai Entertainment. Rating: 13UP DVD BiLingual
SRP: $19.98
Directed by Mahiro Maeda á Utilizes the latest
in 2D/3D CG Animation á Voted BEST U.S. Release
- SPJA: Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation
The poles are shifting and most of the EarthÕs
land is now underwater! The scientist Zorndyke has seemingly
turned his back on humanity, creating a race of beast
people to challenge the humans for global supremacy. MankindÕs
last hope is the Blue Fleet and its state-of-the-art flagship,
the Blue Submarine No. 6. With the final battle at hand,
Hayami and Kino must confront Zorndyke and stop his plans
for destruction. But who is the real enemy - Zorndyke
and his undersea army, or humanity itself? The climatic
end to one of the biggest anime releases of the year!
US: Jubei-Chan
the Ninja Girl: Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch Vol. 2 Basic
Ninja Training
Bandai Entertainment. Rating: 13UP DVD BILINGUAL SRP:
The Legend of Yagyu Jubei continues as the reluctant Jiyu
Nanohana comes to terms with her dual identity as a normal
junior high student and the reincarnation of legendary
warrior Yagyu Jubei. Now, Jubei must fight even more deadly
assassins, including on who bears more than a passing
resemblance to her late mother! Action and comedy collide
in this outrageous series! HIGHLIGHTS: á Created
by Akitaroh Daichi á Character designs are by Takahiro
Yoshimatsu ("Slayers", "Trigun") á Produced by
MADHOUSE Studio ("Ninja Scroll", "Trigun")
US: Outlaw
Star Vol. 1 DVD Collection 1
Bandai Entertainment. Rating: 13UP DVD BILINGUAL SRP:
Created by Takehito Ito ("Angel Links") Original Story
by Hajime Yadate ("Gundam Wing", "Escaflowne") - Special
Premium DVD 9 Episodes on a 2-disc set!
"Outlaw Star is cool. Very Cool!" - EX: Anime & Manga
Online "A good mix of lighthearted comedy, adventure,
and action." - Animerica
Gene Starwind is a man with a past. Working as a part
time mercenary, bounty hunter, and bodyguard, Gene works
within the law and sometimes he works...around the law.
Piloting an experimental ship, Gene and his crew must
uncover the secret behind the Outlaw Star and their mysterious
crew member, Melfina, before the Pirates Guild and the
mystic Tao priests catch up to them. Roaming the galaxy
with a with an inexperienced crew, chased by ferocious
felines, and cut-throat outlaws...No matter how fast they
go, danger always manages to catch up to them.
Esiner's Minor Miracles
by Will Eisner. Publisher: DC Comics Edited by Karen Berger Hardcover: $29.95 Softcover: $12.95 New York City. It may be the toughest city on Earth in which to
survive. The endless flow of people, the break-neck pace. But, amidst
the glistening skyscrapers of Manhattan are the neighborhoods that
are the city's heart and soul. They are places filled with love,
death, betrayal, spiritual longings, and earthly poverty. Places of
miracles large and small. Minor Miracles is the first original work for DC Comics by
master storyteller, comics innovator and legend Will Eisner --
following the recent Last Day In Vietnam graphic novel from
Dark Horse Comics -- as he returns to the New York City of his youth,
proving miracles can happen everyday in unlikely places to unlikely
people. Minor Miracles, the latest addition to the Will Eisner
Library and available at the same time in both hardcover and
softcover versions, is a collection of four remembrances of the
apocryphal stories or "meinsas" that filled the air of the tenements
and streets of the Dropsie Avenue of Eisner's youth (the same
neighbourhood found in Eisner's A Contract With God and
Dropsie Avenue). These are stories of outrageous fortune and unlucky coincidence
that, like memories themselves, are subjective and often unreliable
-- but ultimately, miraculous. Eisner's graphic storytelling is as
brilliant as ever. While he weaves these four stories against a
specific backdrop, the power of this new work, like that of his past
masterpieces, is in the universality of his themes. Like the tall
tales still told in neighborhoods everywhere, the stories in Minor
Miracles provide people something to share, something to cling
to, and something to believe in. Most important, they give one hope
and wonder.
Lit: Folklore and Fairytale is a treasure
and a treasury! Innovative cartoonists and renowned children's
book artists from around the world have gathered to bring
you the magic of fairy tales through the wonder of comics.
The stories in this 64 page, hardcover book range from
old favorites to new discoveries, from the profound to
the silly. A treat for all ages, these picture stories
unlock the enchanted door into the pleasures of books
and reading! Little Lit: Folklore & Fairy Tale Funnies
is a RAW Junior Book with Joanna Cotler Books/an imprint
of HarperCollinsPublishers.The book was edited by Art
Spiegelman, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Maus,
and of the best-selling children's book Open Me...I'm
a Dog! Fran¨oise Mouly has been the art editor of
The New Yorker since 1993. Together they created
RAW magazine, making comics a literary genre.
by Helmut Merschmann. Titan Books. £14.99. Paperback.
Published October 2000.
From the acclaimed 1982 short Vincent to 2000's
smash-hit Sleepy Hollow, Tim Burton has created
a dream world that cannot be matched. This book explores
the meaning behind the motion pictures, examing everything
from the director's animated projects Frankenweenie
and The Nightmare Before Christmas to big-budget
extravaganzas Batman and Sleepy Hollow,
plus his work with composer Danyy Elfman.
Woman: The Complete History
by Les Daniels. Titan Books. £24.99. Hardback.
Published October 2000.
Author Daniels and award-winning designer Chip Kidd return
with this stunning celebration of the world's best known
superheroine, published to celebrate her 60th birthday.
Tracing her evolution through comic books, graphic novels,
televsion (who can forget Lynda Carter?), toys and associated
merchandise, the book includes interviews with a host
of the most famous Wonder Woman comic writers and artists.
Fully illustrated, including original character designs.
the Vampire Slayer #14 (Titan
Magazines, UK & Eire only)
Trek Monthly #72 (Titan
Magazines, Australia, New Zealand, UK & Eire only)
Wars Comic #32 (Titan
Magazines, UK & Eire only)
Magazines, UK & Eire only)
UK: Dark
Terrors 5: The Gollancz Book of Horror
Edited by Stephen Jones and David Sutton. VGSF. Hardcover.
Published 19 October 2000.
Hallowe'en draws near and tales of ghosts, ghouls and
witches will abound. This is the time of year people want
to be scared and what could be scarier than tales grounded
in reality. The kind of tales that will quicken your pace
as you walk home at night or paralyse you with fear on
hearing the strangest noise as you lie in bed, the kind
of tales that will never let you look at a stranger the
same way...
Authors include Peter Straub; Michael Marshall Smith;
Rasey Campbell; Brian Stableford; Kim Newman and more.
US: The Dastard
by Piers Anthony. Publisher: Tor. Hardcover. Published
October 2000
US: The
Chick is in the Mail
ed. Esther Friesner .
Baen Books. Hardcover.
October 2000
House Harkonnen
by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.
Bantam Doubleday
Dell Pub (Trd). Published 3 October 2000 Brian
Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson continue their tales of
spicy space politics. This time, the focus is on the greedy,
manipulative Harkonnen family, whose wicked schemes in
this book lay the groundwork for the unforgettable story
of Frank Herbert's Dune.
US: The
Legend that was Earth
by James P. Hogan. Baen Books. Hardcover.
Published October
UK: Year
of the Griffin
by Diana Wynne Jones. Victor Gollancz Millennium.
Hadcover. Published £16.99. Trade paperback £9.99
Set in the fantastic surroundings of a Wizard's University
in disarray Diana Wynne Jones, one of Britain's foremost
childrens' fantasy authors, returns with this sequel to
her award-winning novel The Dark Lord of Derkholm.
Diana Wynne Jones' latest story of magic and mayhem is
both hilarious and enchanting.
UK: The
Flightless Falcon
by Mickey Zucker Reichert.
Victor Gollancz Millennium. Hardback £16.99. Trade
paperback £9.99. Published 19 October 2000.
Tamison is a flightless falcon: a worthless
man who cannot even work to feed his family. Once a miner
like the rest of his family, he lost his nerve after a
cave-in which trapped him and killed his father and brother.
Now he's reduced to occasional menial labour and scavenging
for food. In desperation he breaks into a hunters' guid
to steal meat, is caught and imprisoned...
Storm of Swords: Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3
by George R.R. Martin. Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd).
Published 31 October
George R.R. Martin's six-part Song of Ice and Fire series
is shaping up as a fantasy legend--a dense, intelligent
epic played out on a vast historical field, with magic
playing a small, meaningful part. The third book, A
Storm of Swords, continues the epic story of the divided
Seven Kingdoms and the children of the usurping king.
US: The
Amber Spyglass
by Philip Pullman. Knopf.
Published 10 October
The Amber Spyglass is the final book in Philip Pullman's
masterful trilogy, His Dark Materials. Within strange,
parallel worlds, our young heroes, Lyra and Will, struggle
to find one another. Meanwhile, an interdimensional rift
threatens the lives of beings on all planes. If you haven't
discovered these recommended books yet, start with the
first, The
Golden Compass.
Hymn Before Battle
by John Ringo. Baen
Books. Hardcover.
October 2000
A first novel of alien invasion by a former US Army paratrooper.
King's Peace
by Jo
Walton. Publisher: Tor Hardcover.
Published October
Sulian ap Gwien was seventeen when the Jarnish raiders
came. Had she been armed when they found her, she could
have taken them all. As it was, it took six of them to
subdue her. She will never forgive them.
Thus begins her story - a story that takes her back to
her family, with its ancient ties to the Vincan empire
that once ruled in Tir Tanagiri, and forward to Caer Tanaga,
where the greatest man of his time, King Urdo, struggles
to bind together the squabbling nobles and petty princes
into a unified force that will drive out the barbarian
invader and restore the King's Peace.
Ringing with the clash of arms and the songs of its people,
rich with high magic and everyday life, The King's
Peace, Jo Walton's first novel, begins an epic of
great deeds and down-to-earth people, told in language
with the strength and flexibility of sharpened steel.
US: New
Jedi Order: Balance Point
by Kathy Tyers. Ballantine Books. Published
31 October 2000
Kathy Tyers takes on the Star Wars legend in this,
the second in the New Jedi Order series. In this exciting
episode, the Solo family must face a terrorist group that
threatens the New Republic. Jacen Solo's fate hangs in
the balance -- how he chooses to use the Force will decide
everything. New to the series? Start with R.A. Salvatore's
Vector Prime.
US: Zeitgeist
by Bruce Sterling. Bantam Doubleday Dell
Pub (Trd). Published 31 October 2000
Bruce Sterling's keen observations of how culture and
media collide in the postmodern world are legendary. Professional
culture-hacker Leggy Starlitz creates a teen phenomenon
with his fake girl-band, G7. Leggy walks a dangerous line
between politics and pop culture in the millennial Mideast,
but when his own daughter shows up to meet the band, things
get really interesting.
Trade Paperback
UK: SF Collector's Editions: Dark
by Daniel F. Galouye. £9.99. Published October 2000
UK: SF Collector's Editions: The
Wind's Twelve Quarters
by Ursula K. Le Guinn. £9.99. Published October
US: Accidental Creatures
by Anne Harris. Publisher: Tor Trade
Paperback. Published October
US: King Rat
by China Mieville. Publisher: Tor Trade
Paperback. Published October
UK: SF Collector's Editions: Way
by Clifford Simak £9.99. Published October 2000
US: A Door Into Ocean
by Joan Slonczewski. Publisher: Tor Trade
Paperback. Published October
UK: SF Collector's Editions: The
Dreaming Jewels
by Theodore Sturgeon. £9.99. Published October 2000
Drake, author of Servant of the Dragon,
released in paperback this month, was born in
1945 in Dubuque, Iowa. He graduated from the University
of Iowa in 1967, marriued and then entered law
From there Drake was drafted into the army where
he was trained and sent into Vitenam and Cambodia
as an interrogator with the 11th Armed Cavalry
Regiment. David is probably best known for his
military SF novels and fantasy, but he has also
written thrillers and space operas.
US: Xone of Contention
by Piers Anthony. Publisher: Orb. Mass Paperback. Published
October 2000
UK: Angel
Fire East
by Terry Brooks.
Publisher: Orb. Mass Paperback. Published 5 October
The final volume in Brooks latest trilogy. As a Knight
of the Word, John Ross has struggled against the tireless
dark forces of the Void for 25 years. A wanderer scarred
as deeply by the magic he wields as by the unspeakable
horrors he has witnessed in its service, Ross is driven
by dreams that show the world reduced to blood and ashes
by the Void and its minions. But for all his powerr,
John Ross is only one man, while the demons he battles
are legion...
2: The Wolf Worlds
by Chris Bunch & Allan Cole. Orbit. Paperback. £5.99.
Published 5 October 2000.
The second in a fast-paced SF adventure series, full
of action, adventure and intrigue. The Eternal Emperor
ruled countless wolrds across the galaxy. Vast armies
and huge fleets awaited his command. But when the Emperor
needed to pacify The Wolf Worlds, the planets of an
insignificant cluster that had raised space piracy to
a low art, he turned to Mantis Team and its small band
of miltant problem solvers...
UK: Servant
of the Dragon
by David Drake. Victor Gollancz Millennium. Paperback.
£6.99. Published 12 October 2000
The young King Garric is faced with all the burdens
of kingship. Guided by the ghost of King Carus and the
help of the sorceress Tenoctris, Garric should have
few problems. But a threat emerges from the past --
the Wizard Purlio seeks to conquer the future with an
army of the dead. And Garric's sister Sharina has gone
missing, abducted through time itself by a gigantic
bird. And if Garric hopes to defeat the dead, he must
become one of them...
UK: Anita
Blake, Vampire Hunter 3: Circus of The Damned
by Laurell K. Hamilton. Orbit. £5.99. Published
5 October 2000
UK: Anita
Blake, Vampire Hunter 4: The Lunatic Cafe
by Laurell K. Hamilton. Orbit. £5.99. Published
5 October 2000
US: The Stainless Steel Rat Joins
the Circus
by Harry Harrison. Publisher: Orb. Mass Paperback. Published
October 2000
US: There and Back Again
by Pat Murphy. Publisher: Orb. Mass Paperback. Published
October 2000
UK: The
Proof House: Volume 3 of the Fencer Trilogy
by K.J. Parker. Publisher: Orbit.
Mass Paperback. Published 5 October 2000
Colours in the Steel and The Belly of the
Bow, the first two volumes of the Fencer Trilogy,
introduced a remarkable new voice in fantasy fiction.
The Proof House is the final volume in K.J. Parker's
series, described by SFX as "a tour de force of
black humour and Yes, Minister-style political machinations."
After years spent in the saps under the defences of
the apparently impregnable city of Ap' Escatoy, Bardas
Loredan, sometime fencer-at-law and the betrayed defender
of the famed Triple City, is suddenly a hero of the
Empire. His reward is a boring administrative job in
a backwater, watching armour tested to destruction in
the Proof House.
the fall of Ap' Escatoy has opened up possibilities
for the expansion of the Empire into the land of the
plainspeople, and Bardas Loredan is the one man Temrai
the Great, King of the plains tribes, fears the most...
US: In Legend Born
by Laura Resnick. Publisher: Orb. Mass Paperback. Published
October 2000
US: Earth Final Conflict: The Arrival
by Fred Saberhagen. Publisher: Orb. Mass Paperback.
Published October 2000
UK: The
Last of the Renshai
by Mickey Zucker Reichert. Victor Gollancz Millennium.
Paperback £6.99. Published 12 October 2000.
For centuries, four wizards have held the delicate balance
of power in the troubled Northlands. But balance is
shifting and squabbling human tribes are dragging the
mortal world towards the long foretold Great War. The
Gods of Valhalla watch and wait as the ancient name
of Renshai brings a sentence of death to each of the
Colbey Caltinsson is the Last of the Renshai and seeks
bloody vengeance for the genocide of his race -- a genocide
the by Rache's mother knew was coming when she dragged
him from a fatal attack. On Colbey's fate, and that
of the untried boy Rache, hangs the preservation - or
the damnation -- of the entire world.
UK: Thunderbirds
- Ltd edition box set
US: Escaflowne Vol. 1: Dragons & Destiny
On sale: 3 October 2000 Distributor: Bandai Entertainment
$14.98 VHS DUB (UNEDITED) SRP: $19.98
"An Amazing Show!" - Animerica "A total must
for all anime fans!" - Protoculture Addicts
For details, see DVD release, above
US: Blue Submarine
No. 6 Vol. 4 Minasoko - The Ocean Floor
Bandai Entertainment. Rating: 13UP VHS DUB SRP: $14.98
VHS SUB SRP: $19.98
"There's nothing quite like it!" - Gamers Republic.
For details, see DVD release, above
US: Jubei-Chan the
Ninja Girl: Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch Vol. 2 Basic
Ninja Training
Bandai Entertainment. Rating: 13UP VHS DUB SRP: $19.98
For details, see DVD release, above
US: Silent Mobius Vol. 7 The Final Battle
Bandai Entertainment. Rating: 13UP EXPANDED VHS SUB SRP:
Based on the hit Manga series by Kia Asamiya ("Dark Angel",
"Steam Detectives"). The Silent Mobius Manga/Comic is
currently being serialized by Viz Communications
The final volume of this stunning science fiction series!
How will the saga of Human vs. Lucifer Hawk end? Will
the women of the AMPD be victorious, or will Earth fall
to these demons from another dimension? Based upon Kia
Asamiya's hit comic, the final battle is at hand!
Bandai Entertainment, Big
Finish, Doctor Who Magazine, Little Brown, Orbit,
Simon & Schuster, Titan, Victor Gollancz Millennium
note that all merchandise release dates are always fluid
and I would recommend checking with the producers official
web site for confirmation before screaming at your poor
local dealer if they haven't got something you really, really
want in stock...
Merchandise release Information from VZSciFi
2000 Releases
May 2000 | June
2000 | July 2000 | August
2000 | September 2000
| October 2000 | November
2000 | December 2000
2001 Releases
January 2001|February
2001| March
2001 | May
2001| July
2001 | August
2001 | September
2001 |October
2001 |November
2001| December
2001 |
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