
29 October 2000
Licensee Contacts Arc ModelMakers Limited edition 1:10 scale models. BBC Audio BBC Radio Collection release of stories whose visual versions were wiped. BBC Books Doctor Who original fiction. Big Finish Productions Licensed audio dramas. Titles include The Genocide Machine and new adventures featuring the Eight Doctor as well as older stories. Dapol Toy Figures and keepers of the Doctor Who exhibition. Harlequin Miniatures Doctor Who Miniatures. Panini Publishing Doctor Who Magazine. Mart's Place - Doctor Who Magazine Guide: Go Product Enterprise Ltd Dalek Rolykins Slow Dazzle Publishers of the Doctor Who calendar in the UK. All Slow Dazzle calendars are now available, on-line, at CalendarMart. |
Who Merchandise Releases
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Audio CD -- Graphic Novels --
Magazines -- Novels
DVD and Video
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DOCTOR WHO AUDIO The First Doctor Soundtrack CD: Doctor Who: Galaxy 4 BBC Worldwide. Released June 2000. Featuring the First Doctor, Vicki and Steven. The Second Doctor Soundtrack CD -- Doctor Who: The Highlanders BBC Worldwide. Released August 2000. Featuring the Second Doctor, Ben, Polly and Jamie. The last fully 'historical' Doctor Who ever made, the story sadly wiped from the BBC visual archive. Soundtrack CD -- Doctor Who: The Macra Terror BBC Worldwide. Released August 2000. Featuring the Second Doctor, Ben, Polly and Jamie. Watch out for that claw! The Third Doctor UK: Doctor Who: The Ghost of N-Space BBC Worldwide. Released August 2000. Featuring the Third Doctor and Sarah. The Fifth Doctor UK: Doctor Who: Winter for the Adept by Andrew Cartmel. Big Finish Productions. Published July 2000. Featuring the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa. UK: Doctor Who: Dalek Empire: The Mutant Phase Big Finish Audio CD. Published December 2000. Featuring 5th Doctor, Nyssa The Sixth Doctor UK: Doctor Who: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor by Nicholas Pegg. Big Finish. Published November 2000. Featuring the Sixth Doctor, Evelyn and the Brigadier. Big Finish UK: Doctor Who: The Ghosts of N-Space Featuring the Third Doctor and Peri. BBC Worldwide UK: Doctor Who: The Apocalypse Element Big Finish. Released August 2000. Featuring the Sixth Doctor, Evelyn, Romana II Writer: Stephen Cole Director: Nicholas Pegg Cast: Colin Baker (Sixth Doctor), Maggie Stables (Evelyn), Lalla Ward (Romana) plus Michael Wade, Tony Keetch and Drew Fettes as Time Lords. Doctor Who Magazine #289 reported that Lalla Ward reprised her role in this new tale featuring the Sixth Doctor and new companion Evelyn, which picks up a thread in both the Virgin New Adventures and the BBC Books where Romana has become Lord President of the High Council of Gallifrey since leaving the TARDIS (Romana and K9 parted company with the Doctor in Warrior's Gate). At the start of this new story, Romana has been missing for 20 years -- when she and a number of senior galactic representatives disappeared during a mission to the planet Etra Prime. The Doctor is drawn to the planet Archtryx, where the bodies of some of the lost Etra Prime mission have since materialised and the location of an event comprising members of the many civilisations that have discovered time travel. Meanwhile the Time Lords incumbent President has invited a Dalek Task Force to land on Gallifrey itself... UK: Doctor Who: The Holy Terror Big Finish. Published November 2000. Featuring 6th Doctor and Frobisher, the shape-changing Whifferdil featured in many Doctor Who Magazine comic strips. The Seventh Doctor UK: Doctor Who: Grave Matter by Justin Richards. BBC Books. Published May 2000 A trip to a remote isalnd plunges the Doctor back into a Gothic horror. "For those... who like their Doctor Who to go bump in the night, this is Doctor Who to be read with the lights on." (Vanessa Bishop, Doctor Who Magazine #291). UK: Doctor Who: Space Age by Steve Lyons. BBC Books. Published May 2000 UK: Doctor Who: Dalek Empire: The Genocide Machine by Mike Tucker. Big Finish. Released May 2000. Featuring the Seventh Doctor and Ace. UK: Doctor Who: The Shadow of the Scourge Big Finish Audio CD. Released October 2000. Featuring 7th Doc, Ace and Benny A four-part story starring Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred and featuring Lisa Bowerman as Benny. The Pinehill Crest Hotel in Kent is host to three very different events: a cross-stich convention, an experiment in time travel and... the summoning of the scourge. The Doctor, Bernice and Ace find themselves dealing with a dead body that's come back to life, a mystical symbol that possesses its host, and a threat from another universe that's ready for every trick the Doctor's got up his sleeve. This time, has the Doctor gone too far?
Who Magazine #296
Author Stephen Gallagher's unmade
Fifth Doctor story Nightmare Country is under the spotlight
this issue, along with an exhaustive archive on the cassic
Tom Baker story The Robots of Death. Plus interviews with
Who's first villain Kal (Jeremy Young), Big Finish audio news
(the team have just had their licence renewed by the BBC through
2001) and more. And the the comic strip by Warwick Gray and
artist Martin Geraghty, The Glorious Dead, reaches
an unexpected conclusion -- terrific. I strongly believe Gray
should have work on other comics, his writing is superb.
Who Magazine #297
A Cybermen special with features
on the cyborgs, an archive on Tom Baker's encounter with them
in Revenge of the Cybermen, a guide to Gallifrey, an
interview with Sarah Berger, who played a Cryon in Colin Baker's
Attack of the Cybermen. David Howe's fascinating series
on the history of Doctor Who in print continues with
the books' arrival in the US. Plus news and reviews. Sadly,
while Scott Gray brings us another well-written strip editor
Alan Barnes has made the misguided decision to use artist
Roger Langridge on the strip. Langridge is an excellent cartoonist
and his one shot strips for DWM have always amused,
but his style unfortunately lacks the gravitas I feel
the main strip deserves.
Next issue on sale: 16 November 2000
DOCTOR WHO NOVELS The Second Doctor UK: Doctor Who: The Heart of the TARDIS by Dave Stone. BBC Books. . Published June 2000. Featuring the Second and Fourth Doctors, Romana. The Fourth Doctor UK: Doctor Who: The Heart of the TARDIS by Dave Stone. BBC Books. . Published June 2000. Featuring the Second and Fourth Doctors, Romana. The Fifth Doctor UK: Doctor Who: Imperial Moon by Christopher Bulis. BBC Books. Published August 2000 Featuring the Fifth Doctor and Turlough. The Seventh Doctor UK: Doctor Who: Prime Time by Mike Tucker. BBC Books. Published July 2000. Featuring the Seventh Doctor and Ace. The Eighth Doctor UK: Doctor Who: The Banquo Legacy by Andy Lane & Justin Richards. BBC Books. Published June 2000. Featuring the Eighth Doctor. UK: Doctor Who: The Ancestor Cell by Peter Anghelides & Stephen Cole. BBC Books. Published July 2000. Featuring the Eighth Doctor. UK: Doctor Who: The Burning by Justin Richards. BBC Books. Published August 2000 Featuring the Eighth Doctor.
First Doctor
UK: Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction and The Pilot Episode: An Unearthly Child BBC Video. Featuring the First Doctor,Ian, Barbara and Susan. UK: The Tenth Planet/Attack of the Cybermen BBC Video. Released November 2000. Featuring the First Doctor, Ben and Polly/The Sixth Doctor, Peri Combining two stories featuring the planet Mondas -- and the Cybermen, of course. According to Doctor Who Magazine (#291) The fourth, missing, episode of The Tenth Planet will probably be visualised by combining the original soundtrack with off-screen telesnaps and narration, as was done for the 1998 The Ice Warriors Collection. The Fourth Doctor UK: Doctor Who: The Robots of Death BBC Worldwide DVD. Featuring the Fourth Doctor and Leela. Featuring an audio commentary by producer Philip Hinchcliffe and scripter Chris Boucher, plus picture gallery and some unseen studio footage. The Fifth Doctor UK: Doctor Who: Timeflight BBC Worldwide Video. Released July 2000. Featuring the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan in possibly one of the worst-realied stories of the Davison period. Sources: Big Finish Productions; Doctor Who Magazine. Please note that all merchandise release dates are always fluid and I would recommend checking with the producers' official web site for confirmation before screaming at your poor local dealer if they haven't got something you really, really want in stock...
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