Encyclopaedia Orellia: Data File 003 -
About Space City Last Updated: 7 July 3046 Orell was the first planet to be colonised in this solar system
after the arrival of the starship Dauntless (see DataFile 001). Its main habitation is
Space City, location of the two 'Expressways' linking this world to all others
in the system. As the focus for the space conduits which bind our
solar system together, the planet is inevitably the nexus for all
economic and political activity, and is the seat of the system-wide
Council dedicated to maintaining law and order on our worlds. The location of Space City was compounded by the presence of
gateways to other dimensions and times, with more being unlocked as
T'Chell scientists discover more of the workings of ancient Chi'kkren
technology. The Chi'kkren of course, were the alien race that built
the partial Dyson Sphere that makes our solar system unique in the
annals of Human discovery, but who have apparently vanished without
trace. (See DataFile0002).
Principal trades: Various, including bio-tech and temporal
enhancement. Principal indigenous intelligent species: Humans
Places to visit:
The Greeting Area This is where new citizens first arrive. This area will be your
first experience of Orellian hospitality, built into every circuit of
RoboOne, our finest mechanoid servitor!
Gate One The primary entry point into Space City. Other gateways are
currently off limits for security reasons.
Main Square Meet and mingle with alien races from all over the know universe,
including Vzoners Ð strange cyber projections from another
reality! This area features ISAAK 001, the first ever Information System
Aware Activated Kiosk. Other ISAAKs are located in Immigration and on
some planets. ISAAK provide system-wide data and other information
about our star system and its many cultures where available.
The Mall For all your retail needs, including sprays to enhance both body and
personal spacecraft, sometimes known as 'turfs'. In June 3046 the first major refurbishment of the mall was made,
adding a body changer and head machine to
the services available.
Mackie's Spaceyards Your opportunity to rent personal living space on Orell and just one
means to transport yourself to other parts of the Orell star system!
Talk to RoboDrone Seven about our competitive rentals!
The Library and
Conference Area Thanks to Chi'kkren temporal technology, Space City regularly brings
you visitors from Earth's past to meet with our citizens. Writers,
artists and other creators connected with twenty-first century are
among our most revered visitors from the origin planet of the Human
race! (Humans make up much of the population of Orell and display
very few of the barbaric tendencies much in evidence in their
history. Do not let their warm skin and strange eye colourings alarm
The Dropzone Bar
The Dropzone Bar provides a meeting place for all sentients, to
pick up gossip, trade and also access the Expressways that will speed
you on your way to the other planets in the Orell System. The bar is
run by Victor Sanderson Jnr., who took over from his father after
some unpleasant activities. This is also one of the places where you might run into Stig Redfin of the Ukrann, who will bring you
up to speed on the latest happenings in Space City and beyond.
Security Warning: Vzones Portal T'Chell scientists recently opened a dimensional portal to Vzones
outside Gate One. Space City citizens are advised to enter this
portal with caution, due to the peculiar activities and hedonistic
displays in some areas of this recently-discovered reality! It
appears that some teleport facilities have been sabotaged and may
result in unexpected transfer to this dimension. Please summon a
Guide to assist your return to Space City if this occurs.
The Space City Council regrets that
for security reasons, many of our city's other attractions, such as
the James Orell Memorial Park and the Science Museum are currently
off limits. Watch for announcements about their opening in Space City