Signup/Email issues

If you've recently visited this site based on the VZSciFi interview with John Freeman or the newly found Lucasfilm's Habitat game footage and tried to signup as either a free or a paid member but ran into problems, we've now fixed the issue.
In porting everything over to the Ghost CMS we had to sign up to Mailgun to handle our mail to ensure you'd receive any messages we sent you. In order to keep the site as economical as possible, we'd chosen to use their pay as you go play so we only pay for what mail we send out, however there was a mixup with the plan we chose and so our mail access was cut off.
If you've tried to perform any action on the site that would require an email response from us in the past couple of weeks, it wouldn't have gone through so please try again.
Signing up as a free member will ensure you receive copies of our latest news posts in your inbox (and we don't post too regularly so we promise we won't spam you). You'll also be able to comment on any of our posts too and join the discussion.
Signing up as a paid member only costs $3 a month and will get you
- Early access to interviews, upcoming articles and exclusive content
- Donator role in the Discord server
- Future voting in polls for upcoming content you'd like to see next
All content will be made free after a period of time because we want to ensure this history is available to everyone, but your support is really helpful. Without you, none of this would be possible.