
This Weekend!
from his recent surprise appearance at Fanderson's Century
21 convention in October, Shane Rimmer (Scott Tracy from
Thunderbirds) will be appearing at the Birmingham
NEC Memorabilia alongside other cult film, television and
football stars such as Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Jack
Douglas, Ingrid Pitt and Nobby Styles in what is being advertised
as "The Biggest Ever Star Signing Event".
The NEC Memorabilia event is one of Europe's largest collectors
fairs for SF, film, television, pop and comics with over
300 dealers tables on each of the two days. Doors open at
9.00am on Saturday, 25 November for early entry ticket holders
and at 11am for everyone else.
The event is open from 10.00am on Sunday, 26 November and
closes at 5.00pm on both days.
Regular tickets are £6.00 per day for adults and £4.00 per
day for children. Saturday early entry tickets are £10.00.
Attendees can pay on the door or book their tickets in advance
by calling the NEC box office on 0121 767 4555.
Howe's Transcendental Toybox
Launch and Signings News
An event is planned at the Stamp Centre in London to celebrate
the publication of Doctor Who expert David Howe's
merchandise book devoted to the much-loved series. On Thursday
23 November, from 10.30am onwards, The Stamp Centre (situated
at 79 The Strand, London) will be hosting a special signing
for the release of two new stamp covers celebrating Doctor
Who's 37th birthday.
The first is The Assistants United, and attending
to sign copies will be Carole Ann Ford, Frazer Hines, Elisabeth
Sladen and Sophie Aldred. The second cover being launched
is a Doctor Who Birthday Tribute Cover created by
book cover artist Chris Achilleos, who will also be on hand
to sign copies.
Copies of Howe's Transcendental Toybox will also
be on sale, and authors David J Howe and Arnold T Blumberg
will be present to sign copies and generally chat about
Doctor Who Collectibles.
Fourth Doctor Tom Baker has also promised to come along
(work permitting) to oversee the cutting of a special birthday
For more information, or to order or reserve copies of the
book and new stamp covers, contact The Stamp Centre on 0800
975 4581 (overseas: 0044 207 836 2341).
A second signing to celebrate the launch of the book has
been arranged from 12 noon until 4pm on Saturday 25 November
at the 10th Planet Doctor Who store, 36 Vicarage
Field Shopping Centre, Ripple Road, Barking, Essex. David
and Arnold will be there signing copies, and hopefully there
will also be a small display of vintage Doctor Who
merchandise. Come along and join in the fun. To reserve
copies from the 10th Planet signing, or to check availability,
please email them on tenth.planet@virgin.net.
Additional Information at Howe's Who: Go
2001: a Celebration
of British Science Fiction
The year 2001 is a significant year in British science
fiction. It is the 100th anniversary of the publication
of H. G. WellsÕ The First Men in the Moon and the
50th of John WyndhamÕs The Day of the Triffids. It
is also the 50th anniversary of The Sentinel, the
Arthur C. Clarke story which formed the basis of the film
2001: A Space Odyssey.
To celebrate this memorable date the Science Fiction Foundation
is hosting a conference in Liverpool at the end of June
2001, on all aspects of British Science Fiction of the post-war
period. While celebrating the writers and themes of the
past, the event also seeks to examine the writers and themes
of the present and future, and discuss the nature of science
fiction in the 21st Century, tracing various themes.
Event Information on this site: Go
For more information about the conference, please contact
Andy Sawyer at: asawyer@liverpool.ac.uk
Science Fiction Foundation web site at: Go
Star Wars
Exhibition Sellout Success
The exhibition of the creative arts behind the making of the Star Wars
movies with loans from Lucasfilm closed at London's Barbican
Centre recently after drawing the largest attendance since
the arts complex opened in 1982.
"We estimate before the final figures are in that over 140,000
people came during the 16 weeks. Our previous best was 117,626
for the paintings belonging to the City of London Corporation,
but that was free," said spokeswoman Lisa Collins. The Centre
charged £10 for adults and £6.50 for children
to see "The Art of Star Wars." Children under five
years went free.
The Barbican fashioned the exhibition using some 250 concept
drawings, paintings, storyboards, models, costumes and props
from the four films made so far, held in the archives of
moviemaker George Lucas at Skywalker Ranch near San Francisco.
Visitors could see the different ways in which models were
brought to life for the camera, operate an animatronic character,
sit in one of the Podracers and try on creature masks.
"We are delighted it's been such a huge success," said John
Hoole, director of the Barbican art galleries. "Many of
the visitors came to the Barbican for the first time. The
films captured the public imagination across the generations,
from veterans who saw the first film in 1977 to the more
recent 'Phantom Menace' fans," he said.
The exhibition reopens 11 October at the National Museum
of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford, Yorkshire,
where it runs through 29 April 2001. "It will then tour
Europe but venues are still being negotiated," Collins said.
Additional Links: Convention News 2000 Conventions 2001 Conventions 2002
Conventions 2003 Conventions
Additional Resources and
Ansible - a regular SF newsletter is available from this site;
SF-Lovers Site Excellent ongoing site with many useful links, including the invaluable
Science Fiction Resources Guide; SMOF.COM presents: The UK, European and World Science Fiction Convention Listing
UK-based conventions guide; The Zocalo Today -- edited
with aplomb by Sandra Bruckner, this Babylon 5-dominated
newsletter features news on conventions plus a wealth of
information about the show's continued fan activities, the
actors and more. One of the VZSciFi Head Roomers since Day
also a bang-up-to-date web archive at http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/SF-Archives/Fatw/ It concentrates
on European conventions with an international flavour.