UPDATED: 12 November
Why not use
VZSciFi as an extension to your convention events and as a chat
faclity on your convention web site?
Information gratefully
received. Please include
convention name, dates of the event and both land, web site and
e-mail contact information. Entries will not be included without a
land contact address. While every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of the information provided VZSciFi takes no responsibility
for its accuracy. Conventions have been known to be cancelled at very
short notice and all information, particularly prices, should be
confirmed with the convention before travelling. Guests usually appear subject to
work commitments.
Links: Convention News 2000 Conventions 2001
Conventions 2002
Conventions 2003
UK: The Art of Star Wars
£10/£6.50 children.
Children under five years free. The National Museum of Photography,
Film and Television in Bradford, Yorkshire, where it runs
through April 29, 2001. It will then tour Europe but venues
are still being negotiated.
until April: Star Trek Science
Science Museum, London. Further Information: Go
UK: Avengers Day 6
January 2001. National Film Theatre, South Bank, London.
With Brian Clemens? £7.50/session, NFT members £1 less.
UK: ConThirteen
(13th UK filk con) 2 - 4 February 2001. Albany Hotel,
Eastbourne. #25 reg; concessions available. Contact: 15
St Catherine's Cross, Bletchingley, Surrey, RH1 4PX. E-mail:
UK: The
Annual Starfleet Ball 9 - 11 February 2001 The
Carrington Cross Hotel, Bournemouth. Guests: Robert Picardo
(The Doctor, Star Trek: Voyager); Hattie Hayridge (Holly,
Red Dwarf); Jaqueline Pearce (Servalan, Blake's 7); Michael
Sheard (Star Wars, Grange Hill and more). More to be announced.
Details: stamped addressed envelope to Snowdrop Cottage,
6 The Street, Sutton Waldron, Near Blandford, Dorset. DT11
8PF. E-mail: anne.lindup@starfleet-ball.com
Who One Day Event featuring Elizabeth Sladen,
Anthony Ainley, Wendy Padbury and Mark Strickson Saturday
28 October 2000 10th Planet, Vicarage Field Shopping Centre,
Barking. E-mail: tenth.planet@virgin.net.
Phone: 0208 591 5357.
£30 full day, children under 16 £23.
Whovention 2001 16-18 February 2001 Rydges North
Sydney 54 McLaren St North Sydney Guest: Colin Baker. Until August 31
$60 for DWCA members, $80 for non DWCA members Until October 15 $75
DWCA Members, $95 non DWCA members (Want to join DWCA then go
to www.dwca.org.au) Send money
to Whovention 2001, PO Box 4, Epping, NSW 2121 (Cheques and money
orders payable to Whovention - no CASH please) Please include
following information with money. Name, address, phone, email and
age. UK: Redemption 2001 23 - 25 February 2001 Ashford International Hotel, Ashford,
Kent. Blake's 7/Babylon 5 convention. Guests: Gareth Thomas (Roj
Blake), Ron Thornton (Foundation Imaging, model builder for B7), Andy
Lane (author, the Babylon Files), David Walsh and Michael Sheard (B7,
Doctor Who, Star Wars). Details: s.a.e. to Lesley Rhodes, 26 Kings
Meadow View, Wetherby LS22 7FX. E-mail: redemptioninfo@smof.com.
MARCH UK: MicroCon 2001 3 - 4 March Devonshire House, University of Exeter. Contact 22 Cottey Brook, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 5BR. E-mail: John.Toon@reuters.com UK: Starfury 2001 16 - 18 March 2001, Heathrow Park Hotel, London. Guests: Jerry Doyle (Babylon 5), Robert Leeshock (Earth: Final Conflict), Lisa Howard (E:FC), Von Flores (E:FC) and Richard Chevolleau (E:FC). UK: Helicon 2 (Eastercon) 29 March - 1 April, Hotel de France, Jersey. _Guests announced:_ Brian Stableford, Harry Turtledove, Peter Weston. #30 reg, #15 supp/junior. Contact 33 Meyrick Drive, Wash Common, Berks, RG14 6SY. E-mail: members.paragon@keepsake-web.co.uk
UK: Eclectic 21 25-7 May 2001, Holiday Inn, Leicester.
Multimedia convention. £50 reg, £35 under-18s; day rates
£30 and £25. Cheques to Bats 2000 Ltd. Contact: 47
Bennetts Ct, Bristol, BS37 4XH. E-mail: eclectic21@burble.com
UK: Glasgow Toon
Festival 26- 27 May 2001 Glasgow. Comics convention.
Celebration of British Science Fiction 28
June - 1 July 2001 Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool,
Guests of Honour Brian Aldiss, Gwyneth Jones, Stephen Baxter,
Ken MacLeod, Nicola Griffith, John Clute
The year 2001 is a significant year in British science fiction.
It is the 100th anniversary of the publication of H. G.
WellsÕ The First Men in the Moon and the 50th of John WyndhamÕs
The Day of the Triffids. It is also the 50th anniversary
of The Sentinel, the Arthur C. Clarke story which formed
the basis of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. To celebrate
this memorable date the Science Fiction Foundation is hosting
this conference on all aspects of British Science Fiction
of the post-war period. While celebrating the writers and
themes of the past, the event also seeks to examine the
writers and themes of the present and future, and discuss
the nature of science fiction in the 21st Century, tracing
themes such as the Cosy Catastrophe, the Regional Voice,
the New Wave (s), Feminism, Politics, the End of Empire,
ChildrenÕs sf, Neo-Victorianism, Steampunk, Utopias, Dystopias
and Generation Conflict. Location: The Foresight Conference
Centre, Liverpool. Accomodation: St. GeorgeÕs Hotel, Liverpool
Costs - Full price: £235 ($355) Includes three nights accommodation,
lunches and evening supper events Students /Professional
Authors: £177 ($265) Day Rate: £50 ($75) Student /Author
Day Rate: £23 ($35) Evening ticket (one night): £18 ($30)
Student /Author evening ticket (one night): £10 ($15) Deposit:
£25 ($38) Deposits for attendance to be sent to: Dr. Farah
Mendlesohn, Middlesex University, White Hart Lane, London
N17 8HR, UK. Please note sterling cheques should be made
payable to the Science Fiction Foundation, dollar cheques
to Farah Mendlesohn.
For more information about the conference, please contact
Andy Sawyer at: asawyer@liverpool.ac.uk
or: Farah3@mdx.ac.uk
or visit the Science Fiction Foundation web site at: www.sf-foundation.com
UK: Nexus 2001 6 - 8 July 2001 Jarvis International Hotel, Bristol. Guests:
Sylvester McCoy (The Seventh Doctor), Ethan Phillips (Neelix, Star
Trek: Voyager), John Freeman. More to be announced. Details: send
sa.e to: Nexus 2001, 280 Southmead Road, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol
BS10 5EN. Note: The Nexus team also meet at the Commercial Rooms in Bristol on
the second and fourth Thursday of every month. UK: Voyager: The Return 27 - 29 July 2001. Guests: Kate Mulgrew, Robert Duncan
AUGUST UK: Eboracon (Unicon) 24-6 August 2001, Langworth College, University of York. GoH: TBA. £25 reg; students £20; £10 supplementary. Contact: 68 Crichton Ave, Burton Stone Lane, York, YO30 6EE. E-mail: eboracon@psych.york.ac.uk Canada: TorCon 3 (Worldcon), Toronto, Canada 28 August - 1 September. GoH George R.R.Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Rates, to 31 Dec 00: $170C/$115US; site voters $105C/$70US; presupporters $140C/$95US; presupp voters $75C/$50US. Visa and (shortly) Mastercard accepted. Contact PO Box 3, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5W 1A2.
UK: Comics
2000 (part 2) October 2001, Bristol,
Date to be announced.
UK: Supernova: Retribution 5 - 7 October 2001. Star
Trek Convention Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow. #50
reg. Contact PO Box 1701, London, SW6 5WU. E-mail: mail@supernova-conventions.com
Additional Links: Convention
News 2000 Conventions
2001 Conventions 2002
Additional Resources and Sources Ansible
- a regular SF newsletter is available from this site; SF-Lovers
Site Excellent ongoing site with many useful links, including
the invaluable Science Fiction Resources Guide; SMOF.COM presents: The UK, European and World Science Fiction Convention
Listing UK-based conventions guide; The Zocalo
Today -- edited with aplomb by Sandra Bruckner, this
Babylon 5-dominated newsletter features news on conventions
plus a wealth of information about the show's continued fan
activities, the actors and more. One of the VZSciFi Head Roomers
since Day One.
There's also a
bang-up-to-date web archive at http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/SF-Archives/Fatw/ It
concentrates on European conventions with an international