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23 October 2000
Why not use VZSciFi as an extension to your
convention events and as a chat faclity on your convention web
Information gratefully received for 2000AD and beyond. Please include convention name, dates of the event and both land, web site and e-mail contact information. Entries will not be included without a land contact address. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided VZSciFi takes no responsibility for its accuracy. Conventions have been known to be cancelled at very short notice and all information, particularly prices, should be confirmed with the convention before travelling. Guests usually appear subject to work commitments.
Additional Links: Convention News 2000 Conventions 2001 Conventions 2002 Conventions 2003 Conventions
FEBRUARY MARCH MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST UK: 2002: A Discworld Odyssey 16-19 August 2002, Hanover International Hotel, Hinckley, Leics. GoH Terry Pratchett and all the usual suspects. Rates TBA. Contact (SAE) 23 Medora Rd, Romford, Essex, RM7 7EP. Official Bursar and co-organizer: Paul Rood. E-mail: info@dwcon.org Additional Links: Convention News 2000 Conventions 2001 Conventions 2002 Conventions 2003 Conventions Additional Resources and Sources Ansible - a regular SF newsletter is available from this site; SF-Lovers Site Excellent ongoing site with many useful links, including the invaluable Science Fiction Resources Guide; SMOF.COM presents: The UK, European and World Science Fiction Convention Listing UK-based conventions guide; The Zocalo Today -- edited with aplomb by Sandra Bruckner, this Babylon 5-dominated newsletter features news on conventions plus a wealth of information about the show's continued fan activities, the actors and more. One of the VZSciFi Head Roomers since Day One. There's also a bang-up-to-date web archive at http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/SF-Archives/Fatw/ It concentrates on European conventions with an international flavour.