Site Migration

As you may have noticed, this site looks a little different than before.
In the past, I've been using Bootstrap to create the pages for this place because it was pretty simple, and it was also really lightweight. I didn't really want to use a content management system as it adds extra overhead.
I've since come to realise that whilst that was all well and good, it stopped me from expressing my creativity and sharing my research on this platform. Creating those pages took a lot longer than being able to click on "New Post", plinking out some words and then hitting "Publish".
To that end, I've started to migrate the site over to the Ghost CMS.
Whilst this migration occurs, things may be missing such as the wiki, the image archive and other things. I will be restoring all of this content, but it will take a little time.
In the meantime, if you want to get in touch, you can hit me up via email or head on over to the Discord.