Dateline: 23 October
Updates Today Include: Film
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website has been put through the grinder to make the addition
of new pages and images easier for us here at VZSciFi. This
means that many links have changed completely, so if you've
bookmarked this site, we apologise for the changes, but
they needed doing. If you find a broken link, please let
us know, thanks!
Gribbit Mating Season Warning
Visitors to
Space City are advised a Code Red gribbit warning is currently in
effect. If you see any of these vermin you are urged to report your
sighting immediately to Shiren of the T'Chell.
 Stig: Tour License to be revoked?
In shock news for Space
City's favourite tour guide, Archivist Shiren recently announced his
tour license may be revoked. The shock decsion comes after Stig took
the T'Chell envoy on an impromptu tour of the VZones dimension. "I now see why Stig Redfin has become so corrupted by 21st century
foibles," commented Shiren. "I think we will have to re-program him for the 31st as soon as
possible!" Links: September 7 Tour
Time Trawl Experiment Resume
T'Chell scientists have
begun new time travel experiments after it was agreed their
ground-breaking work played no part in the temporal rift which nearly
destroyed the universe earlier this year. The first guests to be
collected from the 21st century will by horror author Yvonne Navarro
on 4 October, who has already visited Space City and wowed its
residents; and fantasy author Storm Constantine on Thursday 5
"Because we already have Navarro's Timecode Signature her
retreival should proceed easily and provide useful callibration
information for future trawls," explained chief retrieval expert
Saw-Yer of the T'Chell. Links: Events
News 3046: April May June July September October
November December
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Events Page
Event Day
Saturday 9 December 2000
VZSciFi presents a member event day of science fiction
mayhem, including guest talks, and much more! Full details:
Author: Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Date to be confirmed
Star Trek: Voyagerdesigner:
Tim Earls
Date to be confirmed
Comics artist: John Higgins
Date to be confirmed
More guests lined up, with dates
to be confirmed
All events will take place in the Space City Convention
Centre, watch this space for dates!
Many More Weekly Events! More
information: VZSciFi Events Page