June 3046 3 June 3046: Transwarp technology nets first guests!  Space City, 3 June 3046: T'Chell scientists have perfected adaptations of Chi'kkren 'timetrawl' technology, it was announced today. The technology, discovered in the bowels of Technos, means that Space City residents and visitors will be able to meet some of the greatest science fiction creators of the twenty-first century. The Timetrawl Project's first capture is expected to be comics creator Steve Conley on Thursday 8 June. Utilising Chi'kkren advanced technology, T'Chell scientists will literally pull Conley, creator of the Astounding Space Thrills comic online strip and subsequent comic book, from his home in the ancient United States and into the Space City conference room. Temporal field technology should enable an appearance of "at least an hour", before energy demands are exceeded and Conley is snapped back to his own time frame. "Hopefully all of him, both ways," muttered temporal engineer Isaac Allison. The T'Chell are delighted with results of their project so far, claiming to have already brought even twentieth century personalities into our time zone, including Elvis Presley. However, no Human scientist was on hand to witness this earlier experiment, or verify claims by Aquan Stig Redfin to have seen Presley in Expressway One late last week. Seepweed spreads Expressway engineers are frantically trying to combat a renewed spread of seepweeed in Expressway One's Aquan sub-section, which is affecting some visitors' enjoyment of their passage to Technos via this longer Expressway to the Orell system's outermost planet. "Every time we get rid of it in one sub-section it just pops up somewhere else," commented Engineer Barcas. "It's like it knows we're coming at it with weedkiller, and hides." This newsfeed was brought to you by Akro Grimfold, sponsored by Gribbit Dipsticks -- the tastiest snack in the five planets!
Astounding Space Thrills! Temporal visitor to release souvenir badge Space City, Monday 5 June 3046: As excitement builds in Space City over the fast-approaching apperance of comics creator Steve Conley this Thursday (8 June), news has reached us that the event will be marked by the release of a special commemorative badge. Space City visitors and colonists will be able to buy the badge (pictured here worn by temporal engineer Mr. Templeton) after the special creator event, which sees the trans-temporal appearance of Conley in the Space City Conference Room. His appearance has been made possible thanks to T'Chell scientists' success with adapting Chi'kkren 'timetrawl' technology. Second TimeTrawl Experiment Imminent In a separate announcement, T'Chell scientists have successfully calculated the transference algorithm to bring author Yvonne Navarro to Space City on Thursday 15 June. The event will coincide with the 1046th anniversary of the release of her work That's Not My Name, the latest in a series of successful original novels from the author in addition to her still popular novelisations of the near-legendary Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series. Asked why the time trawl technology hasn't yet scooped Buffy from Earth's 21st century, T'Chell scientists said they still doubted the famous vampire slayer was ever a real person. T'Chell Palace: Opening Imminent Aware of continued demand from vistors to be able to view the T'Chell Palace on Harvax and purchase its famed ceremonial shields, the T'Chell Matriarchs have said that openings will take place "very soon". "Keep visiting," said Sheera, Matriarch of the Lesser T'Chell. "What, and put up with more of those bad jokes?" squealed Stig Redfin on hearing this news. His comments are perhaps unfair since Space City tourists have been able to access the Palace as part of his weekly tours, although, as yet, they have not been able to purchase any items. This newsfeed was brought to you by Akro Grimfold, sponsored by Gribbit Burgers -- the yummiest snack for carnivores in the five planets! 13 June: Event Success Spurs further guest visits! Space City, Tuesday 13 June 3046: T'Chell time trawl scientists are enthused by the successful scooping of comics creator Steve Conley last week. The online strip author delighted crowds of Space City residents with stories of how his comic strip, Astounding Space Thrills, came about and the ensuing discussion on the future of comics. Steve revealed he got a lot of ideas while drinking coffee early in the morning and at one point even produced a coffee machine to prove it! A transcript of the event has been posted. This week's event features author Yvonne Navarro, writer of sveral original novels and licnesed works including adaptations of the Species films and Buffy: The Willow Files, released recently. Guest events are still being planned for the rest of the year: call back for news! T'Chell Palace Opens The T'Chell Matriarchs have opened their palace on Harvax, enabling the purchase of some stunning war shields to complement the Ghoax spear already on sale in the T'Chell market on the jungle planet. Teleport Problems Continue Temporal engineers are trying to ascertain the cause of recent teleport problems to the system's planets and come up with a more stable solution to continuing access problems. "Luddite damage to the system has caused software glitches across the whole Expressways network," announced Engineer Vorin. The latest casualties of the ongoing teleport problems were Councillor Mann and Envoy Ash, highly respected members of the Space City administration. The pair were on their way to the Freganian System when a teleport glitch hurled them into oblivion. Engineers are doubtful they can be recovered. In a separate incident, Engineer Barcas, who had been assigned duties clearing seepweed from the Aquan sub section of the Expressways, has been reported missing after a surprise gribbit migration buried his team for over four hours. This newsfeed was brought to you by Akro Grimfold, sponsored by Gribbit Burgers -- the yummiest snack for carnivores in the five planets! 16 June: Googahs Liberated! Space City, Friday 16 June 3046: Kymerian diplomats successfully negotiated with the T'Chell for the release of their captive Googah late last week. The Googah, who had been placed in telepath harness and forced to tell terrible jokes to vsiting tourists on Harvax, are now safely on their way back to their native home on Kymer. The Googah were replaced by volunteers from a more mercenary species, who are being paid 500T a month to tell even worse jokes than the traumatised Googah. It is believed that with the increased traffic to the now opened palace, their more impressive stature will better serve to keep order and discipline among the offworld visitors. Googah Newsfeed Report by: Caretaker Cuz (Ambassador/Hostage Negotiator) Links: Information on Harvax 21 June: Mary Gentle TimeTrawl test goes awry! Space City, 22 June 3046: T'Chell scientists admitted yesterday that early tests to pull author Mary Gentle from the 21st century, in preparation for next week's event, had mis-fired. Their scoop brought a Terran Kune Kune pig into the Space City Conference Centre, where it worried a lurking polymorph, diguised as a chair, for a few minutes. The pig was safely returned to its correct time period. "We can only assume Mary Gentle was in close proximity to the animal," explained Temporal Engineer Anders. "This temporal science thing is highly dangerous!" protested Luddites terrorists on hering the news, beaming their complaint from somewhere on the planet Charan. "They should leave the 21st century where it is. Before you know it, they will be bringing the infamous crisp stealer and master thief Gary Lineker here, and what influence will that have on our offspring? It will be a disaster for modern morality!" Links: Mary Gentle Transcript 29 June: Makeover madeover! Space City, 29 June 3046: Space City businessman Gherag Norr announced improvements to his body shop in the Space City Mall today. The re-vamped store will continue to sell nanotech molecular arranger sprays, enabling visitors to change the colour of their outfits without buying a new one. However, responding to traveller requests for further enhancements, Norr is adding an Aquan-built bodychanger and meeting room. His mallside vending machine will now move indoors to encourage more custom. Links: Space City Datafile Expressways Redeveloped Amid last-minute protests from Luddite sympathisers, temporal engineers have made major improvements to the system expressways, re-allocating certain areas to freight only. The change shortens journey times between planets for travellers. Googahs Welcomed! Kymerian diplomats have welomed the return of their Googah. The Googah, who had been placed in telepath harness and forced to tell terrible jokes to vsiting tourists on Harvax, are now safely back in their native home on Kymer. Links: Information on Harvax Old News 3046: April May June July September October November December |