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|   |  April 3046 25 April 3046: Welcome to Space City! Space City News welcomes newcomers to Orell and our solar system! We hope you enjoy your stay! Don't worry about what the locals think or say to you! Orell and the planets our world is linked to could do with a bit of livening up, and that feeling was born out in an Insta-Poll carried out when the dimensional barrier between your cyberworld and our existence was opened by T-Chell scientists experimenting with ancient Chi'kkren relics. Space City News knows that you'll bring new perspectives and a healthy boost to our world's economy! And to make you more than welcome, we'll be laying on several events to keep you entertained, organised by our fine Welcome Party Guides and friends! So what are you waiting for? Activate your LogIns and visit us today, along with several twenty-first century comics artists making their first temporal jump to our world! This newsfeed was brought to you by Arko Grimfold, sponsored by Comics 2000 Ð the Orell System's greatest Comics Tribute Event! 27 April: Victor Sanderson Fired! Wednesday 26 April, Space City: Legendary Dropzone barman Victor Sanderson was sacked by his own son in a dramatic incident during last weekend's Comics2000 celebrations! Space City News can report that undercover Space City police operative Cuz discovered Sanderson senior selling rare Chi'kkren artefacts to gullible visitors to Orell's capital city! The artefacts -- drinks that would have turned the slimmest figure into a burgeoning mass of unappealing fat -- were confiscated by authorities and a devastated Sanderson Jnr. had no option but to dismiss his father from the bar job he has held for nearly 24 years. "I can only guess he was overawed by our city's new visitors. The place has gotten downright busy, " commented the new 26 year-old bar manager. "It was like he went into culture shock from meeting so many new people, and started to do some crazy things." Sanderson Snr. has reportedly taken a long vacation to Charan on the advice of Archivist T'Chell. "Give the guy a break!" wailed well-known bar crawler, Stig Redfin. "He was just doing his job, you know? "Sure, he ran things to the wire, but don't we all now and again." Asked by this newspaper if this was Redfin's defence for last year's release of Aquan Seepweed into Expressway One -- still running riot in some parts of the Aquan sub section -- Redfin disappeared into a crowd of VZoners celebrating their first visit to Space City. This newsfeed was brought to you by Arko Grimfold -- sponsored by Sanderson's Brandy Snaps! 28 April: Technos Dig Opening Date Nears Friday 28 April, Technos: T'Chell archaeologists have been working through the night to open parts of the bio-organic planet Technos to the general public! The famous excavations, closed for many months due to concerns at the number of visitors getting lost on this strange planet, will hopefully be opened sometime today, Friday. "There are certain issues outstanding," commented Archivist T'Chell, speaking exclusively to Space City News. "We had hoped to be able to open the Chaosium Depths, but the Bio-spiderz persist in creating problems with that. After we lost 12 RoboDrones, and Xenobiologist Ashe disappeared who knows where, we reluctantly closed off that section." However, the locales on offer include a stunning Chi'kkren Relic Room. This is where visitors can purchase some exciting Chi'kkren relics; the Chi'kkren Trophy Room, where a T'Chell head scan has just appeared in the last few days; and the Black Hole Bar, a great place for a drink and a chance to chill out. This Technos newsfeed was brought to you by Tania Rann -- sponsored by Gribbits Crisps Old News 3046: April May June July September October November December |