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|   |    May 3046 3 May 3046: Luddites Crash System Teleports Wednesday 3 May, Harvax: The T'Chell Matriarchs have declared holy war on the Luddite terrorists who hacked the system-wide teleport protocols enabling unauthorised access to Harvax yesterday. The illicit opening of the teleport system, allowing access to Harvax for the first time in 30 years to non residents other than military personnel, has sent shockwaves through both Ghoax and T'Chell community on the planet. Sacred items, rare fauna and flora: nothing seemed safe from the Luddites who invaded the planet. Innocent travellers found themselves at the mercy of angry T'Chell warriors defending their world from unexpected and, for many, unintentional invasion. "This intrusion is most unfortunate," commented Archivist Shiren of the T'Chell, whose envoy status on the Space City Council means he is one of the more high profile T'Chell off Harvax. "However, I am sure it will not deter the Matriarchs from the official re-opening of the planet. Diplomacy has prevailed -- though severely tested. "Unfortunate? It's a kragging squee!" screamed an enraged Ghoax when relayed Shiren's comments. "These off-worlders sweep in here without so much as a by your leave and steal everything -- it's no wonder we haven't let them set foot in the place for so many years." Despite Ghoax protests, many of them involving heavy weapons, the T'Chell fully expect Harvax Immigration to be open by 13 May. "They'll have everything nailed down by then," smirked resident Dropzone barfly Stig Redfin during a voxpops walk through earlier today. This newsfeed was brought to you by Arko Grimfold -- sponsored by Stig Redfin's Space City Tours! 5 May: Sacred Grove Speeds Harvax Opening Monday 8 May, Space City: The T'Chell Matriarchs have agreed to open Harvax to visitors after Space City Council agreed to construct a 'Sacred Grove' area in the Expressway subsection between the T'Chell home planet and Orell. "The T'Chell feel this will prepare visitors for their immersion into Harvaxian culture," commented Council member Tania Ash. "Yeah, and if that doesn't work the Ghoax will bite their legs off," laughed Dyson engineer expert, Mr. Templeton. There had been concerns that the opening of Harvax to explorers and tourists would be delayed beyond next weekend as a result of Luddite hacking of teleport protocols last week, causing mayhem on Harvax. Several sacred relics remain unaccounted for after explorers accessed the planet in error. Tour Permit Agreed Stig Redfin, well-known barfly on both Orell and Technos, has been given a limited permit to run tours of Space City and beyond by the Tourism Council. Despite his rough manner Redfin is an accomplished tour guide and his weekly excursions are being laid on for new visitors to Orell from Vzones. Silicone Lifeforms Donate Lava Pool Three intrepid silicone lifeforms from a star system in the Ungaran Sector have donated a working lava pool as a rest stop decoration near Vulka Immigration. Decked in protective armour to prevent erosion, the Ungaran visitors assured Space City Council the lava pool would become a major tourist attraction. "We'll see how it goes," commented Councillor Arno Ghelflin. "If the temperature levels in the sub section get too high we may just have to move this gift for the comfort of our humanoid tourists." This newsfeed was brought to you by Arko Grimfold -- sponsored by Stig Redfin's Space City Tours! 11 May: Harvax Immigration Controls Lifted! Thursday 11 May, Space City: Space City Council confirmed to day that immigration controls to the planet Harvax could be lifted sometime soon, announced Council member Tania Ash. In the run up to the opening diplomatic negotiations conducted via Archivist Shiren nearly foundered after Luddite sabotage resulted in the theft of sacred items from the planet. "We have ways of recovering them," Shiren muttered darkly, believed to be a hint that the T'Chell have access to Chi'kkren technology still undiscovered by Human scientists. Tours Go Ahead Thursday 11 May, Space City: Stig Redfin's tours begin today. The well-known barfly on both Orell and Technos, has been given a limited permit to run tours of Space City and beyond by the Tourism Council. Despite his rough manner Redfin is an accomplished tour guide and his weekly excursions are being laid on for new visitors to Orell from Vzones. Visitors ponder Archie's Quest Meet Archie the Android -- a mech life form in serious need of a lube job, you'd think, judging by the way he's been seen apparently begging in the Expressways and Space City. But Archie isn't begging for himself -- he's on a quest to help others! Simply touch him on the shoulder and you'll soon find out which charity the android is asking you to help. In just the past week he has suggested March for Dimes, Breath for Life, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the Red Cross. Despite his good intent, Archie's demenaour and trance-like state has bemused many who've come across him. "He would scare me to death if he got up and moved," said one tourist from the Vzones dimension. Said Guide Moon Dancer: "I think he is on another plane." This newsfeed was brought to you by Arko Grimfold -- sponsored by Stig Redfin's Space City Tours! 12 May: Harvax: Military Chiefs Delay Opening Friday 12 May, Space City: First it was the T'Chell who foundered the opening of Harvax to visitors, now it's the Humans -- the Human Military that is. "The T'Chell may be as friendly as pie, but we still haven't had any assurances that the Ghoax are going to be when we open the gates," snapped Space Commander Mackie. A veteran of three campaigns against Ghoax uprisings on Harvax in the last two years, Mackie urged Space City Council to hold off the eagerly-anticipated beginning to a new era in relations between Human culture and a deadly alien one. For once, Space City Council listened to their most decorated commander but on condition that the delay be short. Observers predict immigrations controls could now be lifted as early as noon on Tuesday. Mackie denied there was any other motive behind the continuing delays, refusing to be drawn on allegations by Luddite sympathisers that the military needed more time to seal off areas featuring recently-discovered Chi'kkren technology. Indeed, the Luddites have further claimed that all Ghoax have withdrawn from Chaross, the only city visitors will be permitted access to, in order to defend these ancient secrets, which they see as sacred relics. Baines disease outbreak: epidemic spreads Aquan colonists are still being denied any emigration permits from their homeworld as the Baines Disease epidemic has now spread to all five undersea colonies. The disease causes abnormal skin discolouration and an obsessional disorder for thumping repetitive noise, believed to be caused by Aquan krietworms penetrating sufferers inner ear while sleeping. This newsfeed was brought to you by Arko Grimfold -- sponsored by Frenks' Gribbit Sandwiches! 17 May: Harvax opens on schedule despite Ghoax protests Harvax, 17 May 3046, Chaross, Harvax: They came, they saw, they bought -- and this time with the blessing of the T'Chell Matriarchs. Thousands of visitors poured into the city of Chaross yesterday as the dominant race on the planet, the T'Chell, finally lifted immigration controls. Despite fears of a Ghoax uprising, the presence of a formidable military force under the direction of Space Commander Mackie outside the city appears to have disuaded this violent people to remain in their jungle hideaways. According to Mackie, this is in effect the strongest protest the Ghoax could make against the new arrivals, effectively denying their existence to their kind. This form of protest rather than anything more unsettling came as some relief to all, particularly Aquan visitors after stories circulated that Ghoax were fond of drinking the undersea reptiles fresh blood. The story was later ascribed to a 'joke' told by Archivist Shiren. "He should get out more," snapped tour guide (and Aquan) Stig Redfin, "That kind of thing just isn't funny." One puzzle on the first day of this new era in inter-planetary relations was the sudden disappearance of an artefact being sold in the T'Chell Market. According to some visitors this "Lost Stone" suddenly vanished from the stalls, prompting speculation that this was an example of T'Chell majick. However, Space City police are believed to be working with the T'Chell authorities after reports that a well-known smuggler, Grigor of the Ukrann, had been seen trying to sell a consignment of "Lost Stones" on Charan. The Lost Stones could be some form of device enabling access to Chi'kkren technology. More news as we get it! This newsfeed was brought to you by Arko Grimfold --sponsored by Frenks' Gribbit Sandwiches! Old News 3046: April May June July September October November December |