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18 July 2000
Datafile: The Terminator Franchise
adventure with a time travel
twist, as freedom fighters from the future seek to
save humanity in the past, pursued by relentless cyborgs...
James Cameron has
confirmed he will not be climbing aboard to direct
Arnold Schwarzenegger. According to Hollywood trade
reports, Cameron, who wrote and directed the first
two Terminators, has declined, apparently
citing ireconcilabldfrences with the new film's
producers, Mario Kassar and Andy Vajna.
"I don't think [Cameron] has talked to Mario or
Andy about this in over a year," longtime associate
Rae Sanchini told Daily Variety (13 July).
Despite Schwarzenegger's return to the franchise,
Sanchini said directing a sequel was never even
a real consideration for the Oscar-winning Cameron.
"[Schwarzenegger and Cameron] are fabulous friends,"
added Sanchini. "And yes, they love working together,
but no, he won't be directing the movie."
In June 2000, when Schwarzenegger confirmed he would
be back again as the killer android, he told Access
Hollywood, "My big wish is that Jim Cameron
and I will work together again."
Previously: "We've been working long and hard
to bring Terminator back to the screen and
to have Arnold aboard," Vajna has commented. "This
project brings together a team that has had fantastic
successes and we look forward to working together
again on this much anticipated project."
Producers Mario Kassar and Andrew Vajna announced
they had signed two distributors as equity partners
on the development and production of their Terminator
3 and Terminator 4 sequels at the end
of March 2000 (Source: Hollywood Reporter).
VCL is GermanyÕs leading independent video distributor,
and Toho Towa a Japanese distributor. VCL is a 25
per cent equity partner on the sequels, and perhaps
Toho Towa has a similar deal. No other distribution
is set but a US studio deal is expected.
In addition to the 25 per cent equity stake, VCL
holds an option to all German-language distribution
rights, from theatrical to DVD. The 25 per cent
stake will give VCL a quarter of all profits made
on the film (including ancillary rights) worldwide.
Because VCL does not have a theatrical distribution
infrastructure, it will resell theatrical and TV
rights within Germany, which may put the video distributor
on the map locally as a rights trader -- VCL is
becoming increasingly active in this area.
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger. No word on whether
Linda Hamilton is in the frame as yet. Arnold Schwarzenegger
has officially committed to reprise his role as
the Terminator cyborg in Terminator 3.
At the time of the VCL distribution deal announcement
in March 2000 (see below), Kassar told Hollywood
Reporter that even if Schwarzenegger decided not
to be part of the new movie, it would go ahead.
"I would love to have Arnold," the producer said.
"If he chooses not to, it would be too bad, but
weÕre making the movie.
"I must be honest -- with him (the box office) would
be great, but itÕs such a franchise that it would
almost hold its own without him."
Script: Tedi Sarafian (Tank Girl, Solar
Crisis). (David Wilson, who was involved in
"The Thomas Crown Affair" remake, has completed
an 80-page treatment for "T4."). Hollywood Reporter
says the story sees Schwarzenegger's Terminator
battling a next-generation female terminator.
Producers: Andy Vajna and Mario Kassar
Director: TBA. According to Variety,
Schwarzenegger has final approval over who will
direct the sequel.
Other Prod Personnel: TBA
Prod Company: C-2 Pictures
Production Notes: One of the first productions
from C-2, headed by former Carolco Pictures principals
Vajna and Kassar, is scheduled to start shooting
in Los Angeles in late spring 2001.
Andy Vajna picked up the underlying rights to the
third film way back in October 1997 for $8 million,
$1 million of which went on the rights owned by
the defunct producer of the first two films, Carolco,
and auctioned off). Vajna and Mario Kassar (Vajna's
supposedly former partner at Carolco) then bought
producer Gale Anne Hurd's 50 per cent share of the
franchise. The Terminator is based on a on a character
James Cameron originally wrote with Gale Ann Hurd.
Schwarzenegger has long expressed his desire to
reteam with James Cameron, saying many times that
he would not do T3 without Cameron, and he
has repeated this wish on his official we b site
in relation to news of these latest T3 plans.
Linda Hamilton, who played freedom fighter mother
Sarah Connor, has indicated the same.
The relationship between Cameron and Kassar and
Vajna is known to be tenuous, but Hollywood Reporter
reported 21/06/00 that its sources indicated that
not only had there been talks between Schwarzenegger
and Cameron about him helming T3, but the director
has read the script.
Terminator 3 has been a long time coming.
Way back in 1998, Variety 'Dish' columnist
Michael Fleming reported that sources told him James
Cameron was planning to write and direct a third
feature. Arnold Schwarzenegger was expected to return
if Cameron committed to direct, even then. Lightstorm
bigwig Rae Sanchini would also have produced.
US Release Date: The film is expected to
be ready for Summer 2002.
UK Release Date: TBA
DirtSide Reviews: Bit early, mate!
According to press reports
surrounding recent news about the franchise, C-2 Pictures
are also planning aTV series and a computer game based
on the franchise. Those rights will also fall within
the VCL deal and possibly within the Toho Towa deal.
Access Hollywood, Hollywood Reporter,
Schwarzenegger.com, Variety
Release Dates:
| 2001
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