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Commenced: 8 August 2000. LAST UPDATED:
13 November 2000
VZSciFi DataFile:
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
The children's
wizard hero comes to the big screen
Status: A
boy wizard has been found. Warner Bros. have announced
that (August 2000) that 13-year-old British actor
Gabriel Thomson has been picked from thousands of
young hopefuls to play the bespectacled wizard in
the forthcoming Harry Potter film. Thomson was last
seen on British television playing the young Pip
in the BBC adaptation of Great Expectations
shown in the UK during Christmas 1999. His most
recent film role was the lead in the New Line production
of The New Adventures of Pinocchio, which was released
in 1999.
The selection of Radcliffe to star as the plucky
young wizard's apprentice capped an extensive talent
search among thousands of kids who sought the part
in the film, based on the first of four best-selling
children's books by J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros. said.
In addition, newcomers Emma Watson, 10, and Rupert
Grint, 11, whose acting experience to date consists
only of parts in school plays, will join the cast
as Harry's two best friends at the Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft and Wizardry -- Hermione Granger and
Ron Weasley. The announcement by Warner Bros., carried
on its official web site (http://www.harrypotter.com),
follows mounting speculation in the British press
since the studio issued a casting call months ago.
The roles of Harry, Hermione and Ron are the only
ones to be announced so far, though other names
have surfaced during the past few weeks in the trade
press. Britain's
Alan Rickman and Irish actor Richard Harris reportedly
have been in talks to play the roles of Professor
Snape and headmaster Dumbledore, respectively.
Dame Maggie Smith has emerged in media reports in
connection with Harry's art teacher, Professor McGonagall,
and Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane as been linked
to the role of Hagrid, the school's groundsman who
befriends the young wizard.
Previously: The Mail on Sunday (30 July 2000)
reported that 11-year old actor Sean Flynn, grandson
of Errol Flynn was to read for the part of Harry
Potter. Warner Bros. are seeking three actors to
play Harry as the character ages through what the
company hopes will be a movie series as successful
as the books by J.K. Rowling.
Mother Rory said: "He's just like my father. It's
uncanny to see how the camera loves him because
he has charisma, like Dad."
Sean recently completed a film with Cheers
star Kirstie Alley and has made hundreds of commercials.
Although he lives in Los Angeles with his mother
and father - the Israelie-American film producer
Gideon Amir - he spends summer holidays in Britan.
"Sean has a perfect English accent," Rory told the
Mail, who lived for a decade in Oxfordshire.
Such news will add to concerns that, despite requests
from the author, Harry Potter may not be played
by a British actor.
On 13 July The Guardian reported that sources
at Warner Brothers had moved to head off speculation
that the forthcoming Harry Potter picture will have
an American hero. The news site Annanova had originally
reported problems over the casting of Harry Potter
for the eagerly-anticipated Harry Potter and
the Sorceror's Stone movie.
In a story followed up by the Guardian it
was reported that British casting executive Susie
Figgis has been scouring Britain for the right young
actor to play JK Rowling's hero and is understood
to have come up with 10 possibilities. Top of her
list was thought to be Durham-born Jamie Bell, who
makes his big-screen debut in the autumn, alongside
Julie Walters in Dancer.
According to Annanova, director Christopher Columbus
had been less than impressed with the choices of
actor on offer and may be looking for an American
to fill the role, despite his claims, again repeated
in the Guardian in March this year, that: "It's
essential to find a British boy to play Harry."
However, Annanova's sources appear to have been
ill-informed. Inside.com has quoted an unnamed senior
source at Warner Bros as promising that "This will
be a British Harry. Not a single person in this
film will be anything other than British. Chris
is very protective of the integrity of the book."
JK Rowling, creator of Harry Potter, has specifically
said that she wanted a British child to play the
role, and this row echoes earlier problems in the
film's production when Steven Spielberg, who was
originally lined up to direct the film, allegedly
walked away from the project after disputes over
creative differences with Rowling, having been set
on casting American child star Haley Joel Osment
(of The Sixth Sense fame) in the title role.
The latest reports suggest that director Columbus
is being careful to stay much more faithful to the
original books.
Harry Potter fans have been scrambling for copies
of the latest novel, Harry Potter and the Goblet
of Fire. Early reports showed that more than
three million copies have been sold in the US, and
the book and its predecessors quickly dominated
the UK book charts.
Author J K Rowling has admitted
she's nervous about the Harry Potter movie Hollywood
is making. She admits she does not have much control
over what happens with the movie, but is being regularly
asked for her opinion. Additional information on
this aspect: Guardian
has also apparently revealed a dislike for critical
works such
as the Science Fiction Foundation's Terry Pratchett:
Guilty of Literature, accordfing to her agent
Christopher Little as he forbade quotation from
the sacred texts (at least their British editions)
in the proposed Harry Potter and the Ivory Tower.
Ansible reports that oincidentally, the Publisher's
Lunch e-newsletter rumours that Rowling is thinking
of changing agents, having discovered that an alleged
20 per cent commission plus deduction of
all charges and overheads is not exactly standard.
Thomson (Harry
Potter); Emma
Watson (Hermione Granger); Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley)
Hollywood Reporter reported 19 June that
Scottish actor-comedian Robbie Coltrane was in negotiations
to play the large, friendly giant Hagrid. Hagrid
is the games keeper at Harry Potter's magical school,
Hogwarts, who was expelled from the school under
mysterious circumstances.
Hollywood Reporter added that British actress Maggie
Smith was also understood to be in discussions regarding
a role in the film, though it is unclear whether
Smith's schedule will work out because of other
Coltrane's recent film roles include appearances
as the Russian black marketeer Valentin Dmitrovich
Zukovsky in the James Bond feature, The World
Is Not Enough a role he also played in GoldenEye.
Script: Steven Kloves (Wonder Boys screenplay,
Flesh and Bone, Fabulous Baker Boys, Racing with
the Moon. Favourite Harry Potter character: Hermione.
Sometimes credited as: Steve Kloves.
Producers: Producer David Heyman
Director: Christopher Columbus
Other Prod Personnel:
Prod Company: Warner Bros.
Production Notes:
US Release Date:
UK Release Date:
Electronic Arts: The The Computer Game
Electronic Arts sealed
the deal with Warner Bros. to give them the exclusive
interactive rights to the Harry Potter book series
and film franchise at the end of August 2000. No
financial details were released.
The Animation
World Network reported that EA has the key Internet
gaming rights which could bring Potter games to
America Online, where EA is the exclusive programmer
of their game section. EA worldwide studios president
Don Mattrick will work with author J.K. Rowling,
film director Christopher Columbus and executive
producer David Heyman on the game titles.
"EA has accepted the challenge to create a series
of interactive games that reflect the incredible
imagination of J.K. Rowling's books," said Mattrick.
"We are extremely excited to become part of the
HARRY POTTER phenomenon by bringing our own brand
of interactive magic to this fantastic series."
Official website: Go
Fan websites: Information
Sources Include: Animation
World Network | Annanova.com
| The
Guardian | Inside.com
| The Sunday Mail | Information
Potter Book Link at Amazon.co.uk
Release Dates:
| 2001
Specific Film Pages:
Amazing Spider-Man Harry
Potter | Jurassic
Park | Mission:
Impossible 2 | The
Mummy Franchise Return
to Planet of the Apes | The Star Trek Franchise |
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