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UPDATED: 24 October 2000
VZSciFi Datafile:
Return to the Planet of the Apes: The Visitors
Action adventure
Premise: An attempt to revive the smash-hit
Latest (13 October 2000): Director Tim Burton's
upcoming remake of Planet of the Apes may feature
a broader variety of ape and monkey species than the
original 1968 film, according to the Coming Attractions
web site. The first movie featured only chimpanzees,
orangutans and gorillas, but according to one of those
ntorious unnamed sources, the simian list is now:
chimpanzees, baboons, orangutans, howler monkeys,
mangabeys, gorillas, spider monkeys, lervet monkeys,
mandrills and loris monkeys. Michael Clarke Duncan
will play a giant silverback gorilla, the site added.
4 August 2000: Mark Wahlberg has got the leading
lady he wanted for The Visitors. Wahlberg has
gone on record speaking of his desire to share the
screen with Fight Club star Helena Bonham Carter,
so he could "make out with her" (a quote from the
Guardian's Film
Unlimited). Variety reports that Bonham
Carter has signed up to play a simian princess who
believes that humans and apes can peacefully live
together in the film. It is rumoured that she will
feature in a bestial love scene with Wahlberg's character.
Said Wahlberg, "I think we'll be making out - which
will be interesting, very interesting. I think we're
going to push the boundaries out a little bit and
actually have sex!"
Cast: Tim Roth will play one of the lead roles
opposite Mark Wahlberg; Helen Bonham Carter (possibly
a simian princess who believes that humans and apes
can peacefully live together); Paul Giamatti (Limbo,
a slave-trading ape who sympathizes with the humans'
Possibles as of 27/07/00: Estella Warren
Script: William Broyles Jr. The project has
previously garnered the interest from several A-list
filmmakers in past months, driven by Broyles' strong
script. Broyles is the scribe behind the Tom Hanks-starrer
Castaway for Robert Zemeckis and Fox. His new
script centres, apparently, on a 25-year-old lead
and was, allegedly, written with stunning visuals
to appeal specifically to Burton, and a strong, humanistic
The film has gone through various incarnations over
the years, including those with Oliver Stone and James
Cameron. The eleventh issue of the online and print
magazine Cashiers
du Cinemart published an extremely interesting
article about the ongoing plans for a new Planet
of the Apes film. The article appears online as
well as in the print version. The article disects
the script submitted by Sam Hamm and Terry Hayes at
least three years ago for consideration, although
that now seems to have been dropped in favour of one
by Bill Broyles, and fills in some background on the
original movie script and the novel that inspired
it by Pierre Boulle. Cashiers du Cinemart is
a 100-page monster this time out, featuring tons of
movie, music, book, and zine reviews, in depth articles
about author Charles Willeford, video provocateur
Mike Z, the unseen Payback, and more.
Producers:20th Century Fox president of production
Hutch Parker will oversee the project. Richard Zanuck
is producing.
Director: Tim Burton. Back in February
2000, the Hollywood Reporter revealed Tim Burton
was in final negotiations to take the helm of the
edgy remake of the 1968 original that starred Charlton
Other Prod Personnel: Five-time Oscar winner
Rick Baker is providing the special effects makeup
for the project. Stan Winston had long been on Planet,
staying on even as the project went from filmmaker
to filmmaker in the development process. Winston worked
on two of Tim Burton's films: Edward Scissorhands
and Batman Returns.
Prod Company: Information welcome!
Prod Start: Must be soon!
US Release Date: 4 July 2001
UK Release Date: Information welcome!
Licensing: A Planet of the Apes computer
game was announced at E3 2000. (Picture by Jim Brumbaugh)
Sources include: Coming Attractions, Hollywood
Reporter, Variety
Release Dates:
| 2001
Specific Film Pages:
Amazing Spider-Man Harry
Potter | Jurassic
Park | Mission:
Impossible 2 | The
Mummy Franchise Return
to Planet of the Apes | The Star Trek Franchise |
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