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UPDATED: 24 October 2000
VZSciFi DataFile:
The Mummy Franchise
A brief guide to the sequels and prequels to the 1999
smash movie
The Mummy II: The Mummy Returns
Premise: Sequel to the smash 1999 summer
movie The Mummy
Previously: Variety
announced on Wednesday 19 January 2000 that Universal
Pictures have signed both Brendan Fraser and co-star
Rachel Weisz officially for a sequel to 1999's The
Mummy, which began shooting spring 200 for a May
2001 release. Fraser is expected to receive around
$12.5 million for his work. The two will be joined
by John Hannah, who was the first original cast member
to sign with the sequel about a month ago. Stephen
Sommers will once again return to take on helming
duties. Sommers has indicated the sequel would focus
on the creature resurfacing in London.
Universal production president Kevin Misher said the
script calls for Fraser and Weisz's characters to
be married with a nine-year-old son showing the same
daring flair as his father. Possible locations include
Egypt, London and Morocco, he added.
Cast: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John
Hannah, Dwayne (WWF's The Rock) Johnson
Script: Stephen Sommers
Producers: Information welcome!
Director: Stephen Sommers
Other Prod Personnel: Information welcome!
Prod Company: Information welcome!
Prod Start:
US Release Date: May 2001?
UK Release Date: Information welcome.
The Mummy III: The Scorpion King
Premise: Prequel to the The Mummy
Currently: Variety reported 13 July that British
writer Jonathan Hales, currently in Australia working
with George Lucas on Star Wars II, will pen
the as-yet-not-greenlit third installment of the action-adventure
franchise. The film is expected to be a prequel to
the 1999 surprise hit, which grossed more than $400
million worldwide.
Hales broke into the business as a theatre director
and wrote several episodes of The Young Indiana
Jones, along with Jason and the Golden Fleece
for Disney.
Cast:The possible prequel may be toplined by
pro wrestling star the Rock, who portrays the Scorpion
King character in The Mummy Returns. The Rock,
who played college football as Dwayne Johnson before
becoming an attraction of the World Wrestling Federation,
entered serious talks about the third installment
after studio execs were impressed by dailies shot
during production of the sequel.
Script: Jonathan Hales
Producers: Information welcome!
Director: Information welcome!
Other Prod Personnel: Information welcome!
Prod Company: Information welcome!
Prod Start: TBA
US Release Date: TBA - Not Yet Greenlit
UK Release Date: Information welcome.
Sources include: Cinecon.com, Variety
Release Dates:
| 2001
Specific Film Pages:
Amazing Spider-Man Harry
Potter | Jurassic
Park | Mission:
Impossible 2 | The
Mummy Franchise Return
to Planet of the Apes | The Star Trek Franchise |
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