Encyclopaedia Orellia: Data File 005 -
The Expressways. Last Updated 7 July 3046
The Expressways sweep across the
Orellian System linking all the planets -- the first stage in the
creation of a Dyson Sphere. For orientation, imagine Space City as
the southernmost point and Technos as the North. Currently only two
expressways are open to oxygen-breathing sentients.
In order to maximise enjoyment, the engineers of this environment
have only created a minimal number of visual representations of the
Expressway System as an acknowledgement that some members might find
too much walking very tiring. Citizens are welcome to use these areas
for all law-abiding purposes.
In July 3046, the engineers made significant
structural alterations to the expressways, splitting freight from
civillian traffic. This enables faster acces to the planets.
Immigration taxes were also lifted by popular demand.
Security alert: Infestations of alien fauna and other
problems occasionally plague Expressway users. Many of these are
perfectly harmless and RoboDrones work constantly to keep all
pathways clear of such problems. Aquan Seepweed appears to be
defeating all ongoing attempts to remove it from the Expressways and
we apologise if the smell of rotting vegetation upsets our
Luddites also frequent the Expressways. This
sect advocates the destruction of the Expressways as the work of
demonic beings. While the Council respects the opinions of the Luddites, all acts of
vandalism will be responded to with the full force of the law. If you
witness such vandalism, please report it to the nearest military