Apartment: | Space City, three room apartment. |
Hangouts: | The Black Hole Bar, Technos, and the Dropzone in Space City. |
Friends: | Archivist Shiren, King Rolo, Artist Krash, TonyC, Tony C2, Tony C3, Linsue |
Favourite Objects: | A pint of Aquan Bodyblaster (milkshake to you Hooms). |
Favourite Shops: | All of them, especially Mojo Records in VZones San Francisco. But sadly taht vanished after the temporal disaster so now I just stick to the weird stuff on Technos and drink more milk. |
Best sayings: | If you're standing still, you're dead. |
Horrors: | Standing still. And Bognor Regis, where I ended up after a teleport accident recently. Ahh! |
Top tip: | Don't stand still. |
Links: | Daily stuff about the best sci-fi strangeness: Go And a feast of media info: Go |
Apartment: | This is where I live. OK, it's not much yet, but there are other things you can spend your hard earned malooga on.   |
Hangouts: | There are some brilliant places in the zones. My favourite bar was the Stingray but I hear the Argossians have turned that into a health club, so now you'll find me in the Dropzone or the Black Hole, on Technos. I found this great place in that cyberdimension hoojamaflip Vzones, but I had such a terrific time I couldn't tell you where it was now . Take it from me, Aqua is pretty dull, no atmosphere. Perhaps that's because they sucked all the oxygen out to deal with the Baines Disease outbreak, but I don't go there much. |
Friends: | My best friend is Archivist Shiren. No, really. He always has these things he notices about people and some of the things he says, they just "crease me" as some of you Hooms say. Grigor is OK, but don't buy your gribbits from him. |
Favourite Objects: | My pint of Aquan Bodyblaster aka Yarble milk. You Hooms don't sem to like it much, but to me it's Garinex Nectar! Milk is the best Hoom drink there is. Don't leave home without having a glass! |
Cool Things to Do: | Trivia Quizes and picking stuff up about twenty-first century entertainment from you Hooms. It's a mad place, madder than this, show business... |
Diary: | I'm keeping track of the people I meet, the stangers I don't and the things I get up to here: Otherwise I would never know most of it had happened. |
Shopping: | Shops are great. Buy everything! Especially on Harvax! The Ghoax need the money. |
Links: | Look yourself, you lazy Hoom!. |