
UPDATED: 12 November
Crusade Datafile
This Page: Crusade Campaign
Notes: The Ulysses Foundation -- Cast
Updates --
Additional Datafile: Crusade
Episode Guide
More Crusade information, visit our VZSciFi
community partner, ISN
News: The Guide to Crusade
follow-up to Babylon 5. With the Earth poisoned
by a Shadow virus, Captain Gideon and the Excalibur
crew must seek a cure, or the Human home world will
die in five years...
The Zocalo Today reports thathere are some great behind-the-scenes
photos available at Peter
Woodward's site taken during the filming of New
Discoveries in an Ancient Land. This is a special
for the US History Channel Peter worked on this summer
Crusade for Crusade
The energies of thousands of fans'
campaign to save Crusade, cancelled in 1999,
is being channelled into a new avenue. The Crusade
for Crusade web site announced in February the
creation of the Ulysses Foundation and Crusade for
a Cure. The initiator of this project and the president
of the Ulysses foundation is Alisa Schreibman who
helped write and design the Variety ad placed
during the show's run to urge its renewal.
"Last year, when TNT cancelled J. Michael Straczynski's
Babylon 5 spinoff Crusade, a group of
fans joined together in an effort to save the show,"
explains the site. "As we fought together, we discovered
that we shared not only a love of Babylon 5
and Crusade, but also a passionate commitment
to the progressive values advocated in these shows
and other quality science fiction. To put this energy
to use, a group of us have formed a new nonprofit
corporation, The Ulysses Foundation, which will raise
money for research that melds scientific progress
and social justice. The proceeds of our fundraising
campaigns will be donated to reputable research institutions
engaged in projects that reflect our interests.
"In the spirit of the Excalibur's mission and
in honour of Crusade, the Ulysses Foundation
is proud to announce our first campaign: Crusade for
a Cure: A Call to Arms against AIDS. Crusade for a
Cure is a year-long fundraising drive.
For further information visit the Ulysses
Foundation website. In the near future, Crusade
for a Cure merchandise including t-shirts, postcards,
and more will also be available on the site. All enquiries
to ulysses@ulyssesfoundation.org
or president@ulyssesfoundation.org
The Ulysses foundation is a registered corporation
in the State of California. Until such time as state
and federal tax exempt status is granted, contributions
to Crusade for a Cure: A Call to Arms a gainst AIDS
are not guaranteed tax-deductible. For questions about
legal issues, tax status, or contributions, contact
Alisa Schreibman at president@ulyssesfoundation.org
for Sale: Fiona Avery's Crusade scripts,
including the unproduced Bester story Value Judgements,
are now available for purchase via: http://www.sff.net/people/chris-tsirbas/sftl.html.
At present this service is only available to US fans,
because of postage costs. Scripts from the Lot is
an initiative to curb the illegal sale and distribution
of pirated scripts and screenplays. It addresses the
issue by providing a venue where screenwriters can
offer legal copies of their scripts directly to potential
buyers. SFTL also provides the information necessary
so that you may contact individual screenwriters to
request copies of their work.
Scripts Online: J. Michael Straczynski's two
unproduced scripts for Crusade can be read
online at bookface.com.
Avery's Value Judgements script will be online
at bookface from 24 July 2000.
What the heck happened?
Crusade launched 9 June 1999 on TNT US. It
was billed as a limited series. This was untrue. The
show was canceled mid-production. Crusade was
effectively killed thanks to TNT's destruction of
the series, despite good ratings for a short-run SF
series in both the US and on Sky in the UK. It would
be nice to be wrong and miracles happen, but it looks
as though the series only future is now as part of
the wider Babylon 5 universe, perhaps in new text
A campaign to get the show renewed was organised,
which is continuing as of 6 March 2000.
Official campaign Site: The
Crusade - The Quest for Life
Sister Campaign Site (which features detailas of
the Ulysees Foundation): Crusade
for Crusade
and Crew Updates (For more crew updates,
see Babylon
5 page)
Gary Cole (Captain Gideon)
Recommended website: The
Gary Cole Archives
Dae Kim (Lt. John Matheson, a telepath)
Recommended website: The
Zocalo Today. Other
Recommendations welcome!
Daniel Dae Kim (Lt. Matheson) was a
guest-star on the sixth season Star Trek: Voyager
episode "Blink of an Eye," playing a pilot from a
planet with a pivotal role in the story.
© 2000 Warner Bros.
Peter Woodward
(Galen, techno-mage)
Birthday: 24 January
Recommended website: Peter
Woodward Official Site
13/11/00: The
Zocalo Today reports thathere are some great behind-the-scenes
photos available at Peter
Woodward's site taken during the filming of New
Discoveries in an Ancient Land. This is a special
for the US History Channel Peter worked on this summer
The Zocalo Today reports that Peter Woodward has won
a part in an upcoming pilot being made by Warner Bros,
a remake of the "Three Musketeers" -- playing the
bad guy.
The origins of Galen: "I've long enjoyed and been
fascinated by wizards, starting with Gandalf," creator
J. Michael Straczynski says of the mysterios techno-mages,
"and figured wouldn't it be great to take that to
the next level, to look at what Clarke described as
technology of sufficient advancement that it had the
appearance of magic. So why not MAKE technology magical?
Why not take the mystery of a tradition such as the
technomages would represent and make it something
very cool?
"The interesting thing about technomages is that everyone
tends to ask them, "How'd you do that?" When the really
important question is, "WHY do you do that?" Why is
it so important to them to keep mystery and the like
alive? Because we need those things."
Holden (Dr. Sarah Chambers)
Recommended website: Crusade
The Zocalo Today reports Marjean Holden will
become a regular on Beastmaster. She will be
going back to Austrlia soon to begin filming.
Carrie Dobro
(Dureena Nafeel, thief)
Recommended website: Crusade
David Allen
Brooks (Maximillian Eilerson, IPX Consultant)
Recommended website: The
Max Eilerson Page
Includes links to unofficial Crusade fiction.
Also: The
IPX Files
This is a beautifully designed site,
part of the starriders.net
group which have sites about Babylon 5, The Prisoner
and Blake's 7. Recommended viewing.
Executive Producer:
J. Michael Straczynski (see Babylon
5 page for latest news)
Producers: Doug Netter and John Copeland (see
5 page for latest news)
Reference Editor: Fiona Avery (see Babylon
5 page for latest news). Transcript of VZSciFi
event in July 2000 with Fiona Avery here.
Copyright Holder: Warner Bros.
UK Broadcast Details: Sky One
US Broadcast details: TNT
Official website: www.the
Official B5 Fan Club
E-mail: b5FanClub@aol.com
The Babylon 5 Fan Club has been caught up in the bankruptcy
of Netter Digital, which ran the operation. It's not
doing anything right now. "Since as far as I know
the orders had to be processed by hand, I don't believe
anyone's cards are being charged," J. Michael Straczynski
told online fans on 6 October 2000. "I've asked several
times for them to take the [web]site offline until
this is straightened out. It should be attended to
Publishers of Christopher Franke's B5 music
and other soundtracks. Crusade albums available.
Titan Magazines
Babylon 5 Magazine was published through the entire
production run of Crusade and featured exclusive reports
on the making of every episode produced. Links on
this site: Babylon
5 Magazine FAQ -- Titan
Magazine FAQ
Sources include: GIST
TV Gossip & News , Babylon
5 Magazine, rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated,
Zocalo Today
you have any further information on Crusade
and its team, please e-mail me at jfreeman@avaterra.com.
SFTV Resources on this site
Babylon 5 Links: Babylon
5 Data File (includes news on the production crew)
| News
about the Main Cast and Guest Stars | News
about Guest Stars and Supporting Cast | Babylon
5 Magazine FAQ | Babylon
5 Web Links |
Crusade Links: Crusade
| Crusade
Episode Guide
Farscape Links: Farscape
Data File |
Episode Guide
Star Trek TV Shows: Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine Data File |
Trek: Voyager Data File |
Trek Series 5 Data File |
Doctor Who: Doctor
Who Data File|
Who Merchandise Release Information
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