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UPDATED: 16 November 2000
VZSciFi: Babylon 5 Datafile
This Page:
Production Notes
about the Production Crew Authors
VZSciFi Links on this Show:
5 Main Cast News Babylon
5 Supporting Cast News
Babylon 5 Web Links
Babylon 5 Merchandise
Babylon 5 Magazine
years in the life of the crew of a space station --
Earth's 'last best hope for peace' -- told against
a background of ancient wars, powerful alien races
and mysteries...
For More Babylon 5
News, visit our VZSciFi community partner,
News: The Zocalo Today
just in: Penny
Lane Appeal from Pat Tallman
you chosen the gift you will send along for Pat's
special Christmas project with Penny Lane? Are you
having trouble deciding? Gift certificates are the
easy way out - and it will give each child the opportunity
to choose what they would like the most. So don't
Tallman has worked with Penny Lane, an organization
that benefits abused children, for many years.
More information on this project is available at Pat
Tallmans' website: The
Pat Tallman Fan Club
Jeremiah Is Straczynski's
Pilot: Variety recently identified the
pilot being written by Babylon 5 creator J. Michael
Straczynski for Showtime: Jeremiah, based on
a long-running European SF comic series of the same
Variety said that the SF pilot from Lions Gate
Entertainment will tell the story of Earth 15 years
after a virus has killed everyone who has reached
puberty. Joe Dante (Small Soldiers) will also
executive produce the pilot, which could develop into
a Showtime series. Straczynski is the
designated showrunner.
Of plans for the show, Straczynski commented:
The book has been in print about 20 years and is in
desperate need of updating," explains Straczynski
of his motivation to do the show. "A lot of what was
in the book was fresh at the time, but we've had any
number of other post-apocalyptic stories in TV and
film (A Boy and his Dog, Damnation Alley, Logan's
Run, the various Mad Max movies) along the way,
and there has to be a totally fresh approach, something
to bring the thing into the 21st century. They gave
me complete free rein in doing so.
As to why Showtime? jms made comments on this over
several e-mails:"If you do a show that could just
as easily be on ABC...why put it on Showtime? I want
to take this to the wall...
" It's also going to be nice, in the pilot, to really
take things to the wall in terms of content, something
I could never do in syndie or basic cable. "
Sciography B5 Documentary Update : The
SCIFI Channel special featuring Babylon 5, to first
screen in the US, has been delayed. The original air
date had been 24 September; it has been rescheduled
for 15 October. "I spoke with the exec producer the
other day," J. Michael Strczynski told online fans
on 14 September, "and what they want to do is expand
it in several areas, including interviewing some actors
who didn't get interviewed the first time around,
such as Jerry Doyle, which I felt was a good call
because not having him in would be a huge omission."
Michael Straczynski's dream of an SF series based
on a five-year story arc often proved a nightmare
in its actualization. The hour-long Sciography Babylon
5 episode gives both fans and the uninitiated
a chance to experience the real dramas behind one
of the most popular sci-fi series of all time.
Television executives' expulsion of the main star
of Babylon 5 after the first season, cast members
threats to walk off, a distributor in trouble, accidents
on set, and a lack of syndication slots for the fifth
season -- all forced Straczynski to redevelop his
master plan time and time again.
Amazing Stories Cancelled: Ansible reports that
Amazing Stories which published several original Babylon
5 stories by J. Michael Straczynski, is to be
dropped by its publishers Wizards of the Coast after
the current Summer 2000 issue. Assets and inventory
are being sold to Ben Bova's Galaxy Online.
Warner Bros.
Principal Characters: Richard
Biggs ( Doctor Stephen Franklin), Bruce
Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Peter
Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas
Katsulas (G'Kar), Mira
Furlan (Delenn), Claudia
Christian (Ivanova), Jerry
Doyle (Michael Garibaldi), Michael
O'Hare (Commander Sinclair) Bill
Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter
(Marcus Cole), Walter
Koenig (Alfred Bester), Patricia
Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andrea
Thompson (Talia Winters), Jeffrey
Willerth (Kosh)
Production Team: J. Michael Straczynski,
Dougles Netter, John Copeland, John Iacovelli, Fiona
Avery. Visual Effects by Foundation Imaging then Netter
Digital. Creative Consultant: Harlan Ellison
It Screens Where?
Broadcast details
Last Updated: 14
November 2000
Cable: The
SciFi Channel
Network: No
the lead of its UK-based counterpart, The SCI FI Channel
US acquired exclusive rights to the Emmy Award-winning
SF series Babylon 5, the cable network announced
Monday, 3 April 2000. SciFi Wire was first with
the news, stating that in a deal with Warner Bros. Domestic
Pay TV, Cable and Newtork Features, SCI FI picked up
the rights to all 112 hour-long episodes of the series,
as well as four two-hour telefilms based on the show.
Babylon 5 fans will recall that at one point,
the SciFi Channel was considered a possible saviour
for Crusade, the B5 spin-off series butchered
by TNT.
"Babylon 5 is one of sci-fi fans' favourite series.
We are thrilled to be able to add it to our schedule,"
said Bonnie Hammer, executive vice president and general
manager of The SCI FI Channel.
Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski told
online fans he was delighted by the switch from TNT.
"I'm most pleased," he said in a post on rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated,
"and am looking forward to seeing the show finally get
a good timeslot and the kind of support that SFC can
Sciography will devote an entire episode to the
intriguing behind-the-scenes story of Babylon 5
on Sunday, 24 September 24 as a kick-off to the letterboxed
edition of Babylon 5, the series. The Babylon
5 series launches exclusively in the US on SCI FI
the following night (25 September) - and will air Monday-Friday
at 7.00pm.
As a special added feature, SCI FI will televise the
series as it was originally conceived and produced --
in its never-before-seen letterbox format.
Broadcast details
Last Updated:
November 2000
Digital: SciFi
Terrestrial: Channel 4
Web Link for tx Information: Information
Cast Information
of the tremendous support for this section,
and links about the Babylon 5 cast now has its own page.
Thanks to everyone helping these pages grow!
Babylon 5 Production Crew
Michael Straczynski --
Douglas Netter -- John
Copeland -- John Iacovelli
-- Fiona Avery -- Harlan
Michael Straczynski
Info: Aside from creating Babylon 5 and Crusade,
Straczynski's credits, in a variety of capacities, also
include Murder She Wrote; Captain Power and the Soldiers
of the Future; The Real Ghostbusters. He holds a
Bachelor's degree in Clinical Psychology with a minor
in Philosophy, and a second Bachelor's in Sociology
with a minor in Literature.
Recommended web sites:
Loedding's Home Page - JMS Postings - Babylon 5:
Find B5 creator Joe Straczynski's on-line comments on
all manner of things here.
on Writing: Joe's writings on writing compiled
into handy volumes for net users.
Crusade Scripts online: J. Micahel Straczynski's
unproduced scripts for the first season of Crusade
are topping the readers' chart over at the 'read-online
website", bookface.com.
a site with copies of a few articles written by jms
during his tenure on The New Twilight Zone. Joe
wrote, among other episodes, The Curious Case of
Edgar Witherspoon, co-written with Huck Barkin.
Current Projects:
The Amazing Spider-Man: Marvel Comics' recently-appointed
editor in chief Joe Queseada has agreed a deal with
jms to write The Amazing Spider-Man. "As a longtime
Spidey fan, this is something I'm looking forward to
enormously," jms told online fan on 1 October. " The
first jms-written issue of TMS will probably hit the
stands around March or April 2001.
Comics: Midnight Nation is about a hard-nosed
homicide detective investigating what looks like another
drug-related murder. Only there's a little more to it
than that...
Straczynski announced will be co-ordinating this new
comics imprint for Top Cow earlier this year. "Rising
Stars has done extremely well for Top Cow,"
he told online fans, "to the point where they asked
me if I'd like my own imprint. I said I'd be flattered.
"They wanted to know what we should call it. I looked
around at all the other heightened titles -- Chaos,
Awesome, Megadeathtech kinds of titles designed to be
impressive and massive -- and said, "How about just...
Joe's Comics?" As in, "I'd like some of Joe's Comics,"
or "Read at Joe's," with a big 1950s diner clock logo.
They thought it was a great idea.
"So the imprint starts this fall: mini-series, maxi-series,
one shots and the like, which I'll write and TC will
print. The basic deal is: I write whatever I want, and
they publish it. It's a terrific deal, and the TC folks
are amazing to work with.
Rising Stars: Action
figures featuring characters from the comic book are
now available, including Patriot and Chandra.
Straczynski is writing a weekly
entitled "Letters From the Edge
for psycomics.com, a division of USA Networks.
new column appears each Monday and a new weekly column
by Kevin (clerks) Smith runs each Friday.
Shock and Milestone Comics co-creator Dwayne McDuffie
contributes a weekly comic book and media opinion column,
Brought to You By, on Wednesdays.
Stars: Variety reported 16 August 2000
a deal worth upward of $1 million in which MGM has optioned
J. Michael Straczynski's bestselling comic book Rising
Stars for a possible feature.Straczynski is attached
to script.
After writing his first pass on the outline for the
Rising Stars feature film (tentatively entitled
"Born in Fire"), "MGM read the outline, loved it, had
a couple of very smart suggestions..." and as of Wednesday
27 September, jms was put to work on writing the script.
If Rising Stars goes into production, it will
be Straczynski's first produced feature script, though
he has penned scripts for Ivan Reitman and others. The
studio will collaborate on the project with management/production
firm Atlas Entertainment/Gold Miller/Third Rail and
comic book publisher Top Cow. They are already envisioning
a Rising Stars trilogy.
Is Straczynski's Pilot: Variety recently
identified the pilot being written by Babylon 5 creator
J. Michael Straczynski for Showtime: Jeremiah,
based on a long-running European SF comic series of
the same name.
Variety said that the SF pilot from Lions Gate
Entertainment will tell the story of Earth 15 years
after a virus has killed everyone who has reached puberty.
Joe Dante (Small Soldiers) will also executive
produce the pilot, which could develop into a Showtime
series. Straczynski is the designated
Of plans for the show, Straczynski commented:
The book has been in print about 20 years and is in
desperate need of updating," explains Straczynski of
his motivation to do the show. "A lot of what was in
the book was fresh at the time, but we've had any number
of other post-apocalyptic stories in TV and film (A
Boy and his Dog, Damnation Alley, Logan's Run, the
various Mad Max movies) along the way, and there has
to be a totally fresh approach, something to bring the
thing into the 21st century. They gave me complete free
rein in doing so.
"Joe Dante is aboard also as executive producer, and
he will be invaluable in setting the visual and directorial
tone of the series. It's been an absolute pleasure working
with Joe, and if we get past the next few hurdles --
every series has to go through the stages of pilot outline,
pilot script, decision to produce the script and then
the go-order on a series, same as with B5 and
every other programme -- I'm *really* looking forward
to working with him on the series."
As to why Showtime? jms made comments on this over several
e-mails:"If you do a show that could just as easily
be on ABC...why put it on Showtime? I want to take this
to the wall...
" It's also going to be nice, in the pilot, to really
take things to the wall in terms of content, something
I could never do in syndie or basic cable. "
The World
on Fire
On Thursday 28 September 2000, "some friendly folks
at Warner Bros. asked if they could take up the banner
of my project The World On Fire (formally with Chris
Carter) and take it out in the Spring to sell it as
a series."
The suspension of a planned collaboration between The
X-Files creator Chris Carter and Straczynski, titled
The World on Fire has been explained by Straczynski
as part of the fallout due to the cancellation of Harsh
Realm by the Fox Network. Straczynski revealed
that Fox feel the problems with Harsh Realm were
attributable to Carter working on a project based on
someone else's work and as a result are wary of greenlighting
another one, preferring him to come up with his own,
original concept for a new show.
"The irony is that if Harsh Realm had been cancelled
even a week later, we would've concluded the deal with
CBS for the show I'd created, and which Chris, Frank
Spotnitz and I would exec produce," Straczynski told
online fans and at a recent convention. "CBS had agreed
to a pilot production deal, and they were haggling over
the per episode licence fee should the show get picked
up for series when Harsh Realm got cancelled
and the ripple effect started.
"In my years in the biz, I have rarely enjoyed a partnership
with anyone as much as with Chris and Frank," Straczynski
added, "who are not only stand-up guys, but in all of
our discussions I don't think a single idea got broached
that didn't make sense.
"Their approach is the same we had at Babylon 5:
you check your ego at the door and do what's best for
the story. I have nothing but good things to say about
them, and even though Fox felt that they needed to go
forth only with a 100 per cent Chris Carter creation
after Harsh Realm was cancelled (the logic being
that it didn't work because Chris didn't actually create
it), I consider the experience a positive one. "
Ear Theater: Straczynski's audio drama at The
City of Dreams resumed this week with MCSD 00121J.
A request from Captain J. J. Durham Manasee County Sheriff's
Department -- a request for assistance in identifying
the voices on the attached tape in light of tragic events
that have occurred in community of Clarefield.
Already released at SET are: "Night
Tolling of the Hour" featuring Campbell Scott. "The
Friends of Jackie Clay" featuring Merwin Goldsmith.
"Rolling Thunder" featuring Andre Braugher "The Damned
are Playing at Godzilla's Tonight" featuring Steve Buscemi.
released Straczynski's
new novel, Tribulations, is now available free
online at bookface.com.
Hardcopy versions are also available at darktales.com.
Additional Reference
He Wrote
Straczynski wrote and produced a new Murder She Wrote
TV movie, which aired earlier this yearon CBS. The TV
movie is entitled "A Story to Die For," and co-stars
Richard Crenna and a lot of other folks including, in
a strong supporting role, Crusade's Daniel Dae
Universal Studios broadcast 264 episodes of Murder
She Wrote between September, 1984 and May, 1996.
Nine of these episodes were filmed in Mendocino, California,
while exterior shots throughout Mendocino were used
in the remaining episodes.
Source: jms posting on rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
External Links: CBS
-- Very
basic Murder She Wrote Episode Guide (titles only)
-- Jessica
Fletcher's House in Mendocino!
27/07/00: Netter Digital has filed for Chapter
11, the part of the US Bankruptcy Code describing how
a company or creditor can file for court protection.
In the case of a corporation, reorganization occurs
under the existing management.
Netter Digital continues to provide visual effects for
film and television shows, including the ratings-topping
Voltron. Robotech 30000 is also in the works.
Recommended web sites: Netter
Digital Entertainment
03/02/00: The History Channel US has made its
first airing of a documentary about The Real Flying
Tigers produced by John Copeland and narrated by Bruce
Boxleitner. In 1941, with the U.S. government's tacit
approval, retired Army Air Force Captain Claire
L. Chennault, then a colonel in China's Air Force, formed
the mercenary American Volunteer Group to fight Japan.
Later dubbed "Flying Tigers", these brave pilots set
records yet to be equaled in the annals of aerial history.
Copeland told Sabndra Bruckner of The Zocalo Today that
this project was a "labour of love" for everyone who
worked on it. Copeland's office at Netter Digital is
adorned with pictures indicating the Flying Tigers were
of great interst to him. Check your local listings to
see when this program will air in your locality.
Bruckner interviewed Copeland about this new project
in Babylon 5
Magazine Issue 21.
Iacovelli (Art Director)
Information welcome!
Recommended web sites: Information
Avery (Reference Editor)
Transcript of VZSciFi event in July 2000 with Fiona
Avery here.
Avery continues to pitch stories and scripts in the
dog-eat-small furry alien world known as Los Angeles.
She penned a short story forBabylon
5 Magazine, "True Seeker" which took place on
Narn, a world rarely visited in the series.
September 2000: Fiona Avery's representatives told VZSciFi
"There are more comic book announcements on the way,
as Fiona gears up to write yet another comic, for another
major comic book publisher, coming to stands in the
year 2001. Fiona is also collaborating in the first
stages of a new Warner Bros. project that has to do
with ... wait for it ... Babylon 5."
Cow has confirmed with Silver
Bulletins that former Kiss Psycho Circus
artist Clayton Crain will be joining Fiona Avery on
the soon to be launched No Honor. Crane has
previously worked with Brian Michael Bendis on Sam
And Twitch #14 has has a considerable history with
Todd McFarlane Productions. His more recent work includes
a three issue stint on The Darkness (pictured
right) for Top Cow.
Top Cow describes No Honor as about a world-class
jewel thief who steals an ancient katana from a New
York museum, but what he pilfers is a whole lot of grief.
Accidentally cutting himself on the blade, he releases
the spirit of an ancient Samurai warrior -- into his
own body -- and the two must share the same mind, same
body, same world until both can find release.
For the Samurai named Tannen, there is no greater dishonour
than to inhabit the body of a thief. And for Random
there can be nothing more inconvenient than a spirit
that knows only honor. Tannen sets in motion a series
of events that will lead to avenging his dishonorable
death as well as turning the jewel thief named Random
into a man of honor.
Additional Reports:
29 September
200: Straczynski
writing protege signs with Top Cow
9 October 2000:
Avery has written a script for the fourth season
of Earth: Final Conflict, Essence, along with
other scripting projects.
Some of her short stories, including one titled
Mankind's Greatest Invention, can be found online
at bookface.com.
Avery's first short story, "Luring the Tiger Out of
the Mountains" was posted on Bookface.com
in August.
next traditional print short story will appear in Colonies
magazine, Issue #3, due out in July in the UK and is
called The Silence of Roanoake. The Bard and
his lovely new friend are tracking down a puzzling mystery.
Even though their hunt takes them through dangerous
adventures on the moon, they're getting closer to unraveling
information about a mystery on Mars. You can order the
magazine direct from their web site. They have just
updated their ordering system to take credit cards!
Links: Colonies
Ear Theater
began transmission of Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Lucky
Strike" on 21 July 2000. Avery wrote the radio adaptation
of the famous short story and Timothy Hutton (pictured
left) stars as Frank January.The
story is an alternate World War II history about the
bombing of Japan.
Themestream is a site on the internet which hosts
a wide variety of internet articles on anything you
possibly want to read about in the Non-Fiction world.
Fiona has opened up a writing corner under "Screenwriting"
and "Writing Tips" to discuss working in TV and Film,
working in Los Angeles, Breaking In, Prose vs. Script,
and many other interesting topics. She plans to write
an article a week. Drop by www.themestream.com and do
a search for Fiona Avery. You'll immediately find all
her articles on the Biz of Writing.
Additional Reference
Value Judgements Online: Monday, 24 July is a day
many fans have been anticipating! Fiona Avery's three
Crusade scripts will go live on bookface.com
! This includes the unproduced Bester story, Value
Judgements, plus The Well of Forever and
Patterns of the Soul.
On 31 July, Bookface is launching a newly available
genre of fiction and Fiona Avery will have "The Midnight
Committee" published for their new launch. This story
is brand new and exclusive to Bookface, and is one of
Avery's personal favorites.
scripts from Crusade are also available for purchase
via: http://www.sff.net/people/chris-tsirbas/sftl.html.
At present this service is only available to US fans.
Scripts from the Lot is an initiative to curb the illegal
sale and distribution of pirated scripts and screenplays.
It addresses the issue by providing a venue where screenwriters
can offer legal copies of their scripts directly to
potential buyers. SFTL also provides the information
necessary so that you may contact individual screenwriters
to request copies of their work.
Recommended web sites:
Fiona Avery's Official Web Site: Go
Read some of Fiona's short stories online at:
Ellison (Creative Consultant)
As of 01/00: Harlan had a short story in Amazing
Stories Issue (#600) If you enjoy Harlan's
work, you'll not want to miss it!
Recommended web sites: Ellison
Harlan Ellison's official presence on the web. Harlan
doesn't use a computer or the internet himself, but
this site is your best resource for this great writer.
The Harlan Ellison Recording Collection is a
membership society recording the spoken word. The eight
dollar membership fee brings you four newsletters of
the Collection and the privilege of obtaining new, never-before-released,
top quality records, cassettes, and CDs of Harlan Ellison
reading his award-winning stories. To join The Collection,
send $8.00 in check or money order to: The Harlan Ellison
Recording Collection, P.O. Box 55548, Sherman Oaks,
CA 91413, USA
Script Writers and Authors
Jeanne Cavelos (novelist)
Recommended web sites:
J. Gregory
Keyes (author, the Bester trilogy)
As of 18/6/00: With the fate of Bester sealed, Keyes
is busy with other projects. He contributed a short
story to the final issue of Babylon 5 Magazine. Among
other things, he recently moved from Washington to
Georgia where his wife has a new job.
Calculus of Angels, the second book in his Newton's
Cannon series, has been on the shelves for a while (go
out and buy it! and the next one, Empire of Unreason,
is expected in May. "There will be a fourth," Keyes
told me recently. "However, as yet unnamed. I
did a related short story, set between books one and
two in Amazing Stories a few months back."
Recommended web sites: Del
Rey Books
Official B5 Fan Club
E-mail: b5FanClub@aol.com
Babylon 5 Fan Club has been caught up in the
bankruptcy of Netter Digital, which ran the operation.
It's not doing anything right now. "Since as far as
I know the orders had to be processed by hand, I don't
believe anyone's cards are being charged," J. Michael
Straczynski told online fans on 6 October 2000. "I've
asked several times for them to take the [web]site offline
until this is straightened out. It should be attended
to soon."
Recommended Fan Web Sites: Go
SFTV Resources on this site
Babylon 5 Links: Babylon
5 Data File (includes news on the production crew)
| News about the Main Cast and
Guest Stars | News
about Guest Stars and Supporting Cast | Babylon
5 Magazine FAQ | Babylon
5 Web Links |
Crusade Links: Crusade
| Crusade
Episode Guide
Farscape Links: Farscape
Data File |
Episode Guide
Star Trek TV Shows: Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine Data File |
Trek: Voyager Data File |
Trek Series 5 Data File |
Doctor Who: Doctor
Who Data File|
Who Merchandise Release Information
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