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Encyclopaedia Orellia: Data File 010 - Introducing Harvax. Last updated: 13 October 3046

"This is no place for rushing."
-- Archivist Shiren

Harvax is a fresh young jungle world where, on most of its three continents, giant reptiles still rule. The vegetation is lush and wild, with seasons stretched between cruel winter near the poles and mild summer for much of the rest of the planet all the year round. The buildings of the T'Chell, the dominant race here, are strong but functional, and life is a constant battle against an angry nature.

Harvax teems with wild and dangerous life, including several sub-hominoid races believed to have been introduced either by the aliens that transformed the star system or via dimensional portals on the planet, only some of which been located.

Only one race, the T'Chell, have regular contact with Humans and other visitors. Indeed, the T'Chell also have a special Envoy to the Space City Council, Archivist Shiren (pictured). Highly advanced and claiming to be principal servants of the Chi'kkren, they have grudgingly permitted visitors to their major city, Chaross.

The tourist arriving here should be prepared for anything however, since exploration can be fraught with danger. Ancient technology has been found on this planet which has often peculiar properties which some have equate with majick rather than science.

Principal trades: Various trading goods according to the season, and, occasionally, animals as exotic pets. Some strictly controlled agricultural products.

Indigenous intelligent species: The T'Chell and various reptilian hominids. Of these the Ghoax are a stone age culture just beginning to expand into something more. Contact is kept limited and once they have been authorised, any Human settlements, when they are permitted, will protected by null fields to prevent the larger reptiles damaging dwellings. (Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't).

Security alert: The Ghoax remain a threat to the security of this planet. Please report all sightings to the military authorities or Archist Shiren of the T'Chell.

Places to visit

View of Chaross, Capital of Harvax

High above the city of Chaross the visitor arriving from Immigration or their spacecraft can enjoy a stunning vista of the planet's oldest and most-populated settlement, without fear of attack, bite or getting involved in a Ghoax mating ritual. Principally a trading town, Chaross is considered a peaceful place and the T'Chell Matriarchs tolerate no lawless behaviour from anyone, be they Ghoax, Human or Aquan. Especially Aquans.

View of the Temple of Retep
Your first taste of Harvaxian soil. But don't try to eat it, there could be bugs in it and some of them are very poisonous, especially to Humans. The T'Chell have placed a contemplation rock here, so you can reflect on the wonder of the universe. Or write a shopping list. The T'Chell recognise not everyone always feels contemplative like them.

The T'Chell Arena
Prepare for combat -- verbal or physical. The smell of the jagwat weed, prevalent here, has a particularly calming afect on would-be combatants.

T'Chell Arena Gateway
The imprressive, though damaged entrance to one of Chaross' finest structures. Watch out for falling rocks.

T'Chell Debating Arena
Various activities take place in this meeting area, where warriors once clashed in violent (and sometimes majickal) combat. Storytelling, debate (of course) and, occasionally, even some combat. Especially when the T'Chell aren't looking.

T'Chell Marketway
Walk this way to the market and the T'Chell Palace. Lined with some of the finest Harvaxian plant life, including a preponderance of Jarvax and Whistle Reeds.

T'Chell Market
A variety of local goods, including T'Chell artefacts and Ghoax weaponry are sold here.

T'Chell Palace Gardens
This area is home to the rare Harvaxian Green Flitter. The Flitter has a life span of over seven years, making it one of the most successful insects on the planet. However, despite its long life it still hasn't learnt to read.

Before, with GoogahsT'Chell Palace Gates
The idols guarding the palace have been known to share the odd joke or two, without so much as a by your leave.
In June 3046, Kymerian diplomats successfully negotiated with the T'Chell for the release of their captive Googah. The Googah, who had been placed in telepath harness and forced to tell terrible jokes to visiting tourists on Harvax, are now safely on their way back to their native home on Kymer. Now, with Sheraks
The Googah were replaced by volunteers from a more mercenary species, the Sheraks, who are being paid 500T a month to tell even worse jokes than the traumatised Googah. It is believed that with the increased traffic to the now opened palace, their more impressive stature will better serve to keep order and discipline among the offworld visitors.

The longest the Matriarchs have kept anyone waiting at the Waiting Rock is four years. Frenk Redfin died of old age before his request for a license to hunt Gheraptors came up for consideration.

T'Chell Palace Throne Room
The Palace is open only at certain times, subject to the whims of the T'Chell Matriarchs. Objects can be found to purchase here, though the Ghoax are apparently unhappy at the display of their ceremonial Tribal Crown to non-Ghoax. The T'Chell hold the crown in recognition of their position of power on this planet.

Sacred Temple of Retep
Although the T'Chell now dominate this planet -- if a peaceful race such as the T'Chell could be said to dominate anything -- this Temple is believed to have been built by the Ghoax, leading to speculation that this now barbaric race were once more intelligent. Difficult to believe, we know. The god Retep, reperesented here, is considered a symbol for long life and prosperity. Some archaeologists beleive that given its antiuquity it may in fact be a representation of a Chi'kkren builder. This claim is hotly debated in academic circles. Well, they do like to chatter.
It is believed this Temple is built on more ancient ruins, but no scientific exploration has been carried out. This temple is the home of Binky the Ceremonial Gheraptor. He does bite, so don't tease him about his name.

| VZSciFi Main Page | Text © 2000 John Freeman. This site is owned by John Freeman. Harvax was designed by Peter Chamberlain and John Freeman, with additional input from Caretaker Cuz. VZSciFi © 2000 Avaterra.com