
| Encyclopaedia Orellia: Data File 002 - The Chi'kkren
While exploring the system the colonists discovered all the planets were inhabitable, though some proved more inviting than others. It is assumed the Chi'kkren were oxygen-breathing given what they left behind, although they had a non-Humanoid body shape. So far, very few records of the Chi'kkren have been deciphered and much of their technology remains mysterious in construct, operating in many cases, or so it has been suggested, on the quantum level. (Explorers will be delighted to learn that there is a huge bounty on the discovery of any new Chi'kkren technologies).
Although bi-pedal in appearance, and possibly of simian origin, it appears the Chi'kkren evolved well
beyond that form as its society advanced, incorporating genetic and technological developments into re-structuring
their very appearance according to their role in society.
The Chi'kkren who built the Expressways connecting their home system's worlds (if indeed, Orell is the Chi'kkren home system)
were tall, spindly creatures, possibly multi-limbed or able to Ôadd' limbs depending on their work detail.
Planet-dwelling Chi'kkren were shorter, more muscular, capable of great acts of strength.
It appears the Chi'kkren society was divided into several levels:
The Hierarchs: Selected for their intelligence and bio-telekinetic abilities these Chi'kkren organised the
building of their technological achievements. Tall, graceful and appearing as near-divine beings in the surviving
visual records they also had a strength of purpose and brooked no opposition to their orders.
The Hierarchs were served by Creators -- scientists -- and acolytes. Acolytes were as often as not selected from 'lesser races such as the T'Chell (found largely on Harvax) or the Ukkran (based on Aqua). These lesser races may or may not be native to the Orell System.
The Builders: Adapted genetically and mechanically according to their duties these Chi'kkren were master builders,
working directly in a hive-mind-style state to create the structures their masters have left behind, literally working
until exhaustion if circumstance so demanded. In order to maintain healthy numbers of this 'caste' it is possible the
Builders were fast bred in some way and perhaps Technos hides the secret of such technology.
The Servitors: Non adapted Chi'kkren considered unsuitable for higher functions, who acted as maintainers and repairmen
for the gigantic structure being built. These creatures appear close to Human -- bipedal, with only their golden eyes
indicating a different planet of origin.
What happened to the Chi'kkren?
One theory as to their disappearance is that the Chi'kkren disappeared into one of the many strange dimensional portals
now being discovered on Orell and Harvax. These portals are jump-off points to other solar systems, universes and even
times but access to them is currently restricted to hand-picked teams of military and scientific researchers.
It is also suspected, although hotly debated, that there were in fact two races co-existing within the Orellian system
at some time, until the Chi'kkren wiped out their rivals. Some fanatics, who form the core of the Luddite Movement
(their foreheads tattooed with a defiant XXX), have argued that this second race protested at the creation of the
Dyson Sphere and this resulted in their destruction.
The Luddites have taken up this unproven cause on behalf of
the forgotten aliens and preach for the dismantling of what exists of the Dyson Sphere construction. Conversely,
the Progressives argue fanatically for its expansion and completion.