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29 October 2000
UK-based Online SF Collectable Shops and Services
welcome! Please
include your trading address with any information. For a
list of all traders, including non-web, Go.
Telephone numbers: Outside the UK, remove the first '0' and use country code +44 This list is presented here as a service to SF fans and the VZSciFi community, and any information present has been collected and displayed as accurately aspossible. The inclusion of any shop or service in this list should not be considered and endorsement of that commercial operation by Avaterra.com. Where a complaint about a service is received, subject to investigation, we will of course consider deletion of any information. A-1 Comics 31-35 Parnie Street, Glasgow G1 5RJ Tel/Fax: 0141 552 6692 American Grafitti 78 Church Lane, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1BH Tel: 01271 325740 E-mail: shop@amgrafcomics.co.uk Andromeda 2 - 5 Suffolk Street, Birmingham B1 1LT UK Tel: 0121 643 1999. Fax: 0121 643 2001 The longest established science fiction and fantasy bookshop in the world (est. 1971) Battle Orders Ltd. Contact: 71a Eastbourne Road, Lower Willingdon, East Sussex BN20 9NR Tel: 01323 485182. Fax: 01323 487309 E-mail: info@battleorders.co.uk Direct mail order shop selling replica swords, armour, guns and knives. Cool Stuff 31 Sherwood Road, Worksop, Notts. S80 1QN Tel: 01909 489804. E-mail: steve@.cstuff@virgin.net Flashback Models The Cornershop, 17 Earle Street, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 2BH Tel: 07833 775566 komics Contact address: Awaiting Information A new internet shop for comics fans. Offers at least five different prize draws every month for comics fans and web site members. Kool Collectables Contact address: 61 Goodramgate, York, Y01 7LS. E-mail: mo@koolcollectables.com Wide range of merchandise on offer on this site which is updated daily, including Star Wars, The Matrix etc. Krypton Komics 252 High Road, Tottenham, London N15 4AJ Tel: 020 8801 5378 E-mail: krypton.komics@virgin.net Lensman Toys Contact: 74 Broadway, Blackpool, Lancs. FY4 2HE Tel: 01253 348280. E-mail: lensmantoys@cabinet.co.uk The London Cigarette Card Co. Ltd. West Street, Somerton, Somerset TA11 6QP Tel: 01458 273452 Excellent card collectables service. Paul Mills Contact address: Newgates Gallery, Elm Street, Stamford PE9 1PQ Collectable card seller, includes Buffy the Vampire Slayer Model Mart 72 High Road, Willesden, London NW10 2PU Tel/Fax: 020 8459 0790 E-mail: model.mart@btinternet.com London's biggest dealer in airsoft guns Red Hot Comics The Warehouse, Block D, Unit 7, Glenwood Business Park, Glenwood Place, Glasgow Tel/Fax: 0141 630 0049. E-mail: orders@redhotcomics.demon.co.uk The Sheffield Space Centre 33, The Wicker, Sheffield S3 8HS Tel: 0114 275 8905. Fax: 0114 249 3238 Too Fat Goblinz 3 The Colonade, Eastgate Street, Stafford ST16 2NQ Tel/Fax: 01785 244499. E-mail: matty@toofatgoblinz.fsnet.co.uk Comics, card games, rpg, Games Workshop, collectable figures and other 'stuff'. Twilight Zone Contact: 80 Darlington Street East, Wigan, Lancashire WN1 3AT Tel/Fax: 01942 243101. E-mail: david.tunstall@virgin.net
This list is presented
here as a service to SF fans and the VZSciFi community,
and any information present has been collected and displayed
as accurately as possible. The inclusion of any shop or
service in this list should not be considered and endorsement
of that commercial operation by Avaterra.com. Where a complaint
about a service is received, subject to investigation, we
will of course consider deletion of any information.
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