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October 2000
Fiction: Author Links
Additional links welcome!
These links are official home pages where indicated.
Piers Anthony: Hi Piers
official homepage of Piers Anthony and Xanth including the
Xanth timeline, family tree, bibliography, and more.
Barnes's Virtual World
A detailed
guide to Steve's work and life, with the occasional column
and movie reviews.
Lois McMaster Bujold
The official and authorised Lois McMaster Bujold web site,
the award winning Science Fiction and Fantasy author. The
site includes biographical information, news, mailing list
info and more.
In addition to other work, Cascio wrote the format for the
never-made TV series Martian Law.
Jeanne Cavelos
Author of several media books including
Babylon 5 (the technomage trilogy) and The Science of
the X-Files.
C J Cherryh
The first port of call when seeking information
on Cherryh's many works.
well organised site devoted to all Storm's much praised
fantasy works.
Michelle Crean
Dave Duncan's Web site
A useful guide to the work of this fantasy author.
Dinotopia: The Official Website
The definitive guide on the web to the wonderful books.
While Harlan Ellison does not use the web himself this is
his official site. An extremely thorough resource for this
great author.
Robert L. Forward
Includes information
on both his science and science fiction.
David Gemmell
Simon R. Green
R. Green has no official connection to this site, although
he knows of its existence and occasionally sends updates
about his work in progress.
According to this web site, after years of publishers' rejection
letters, Green sold an incredible seven novels in 1988,
just two days after he started working at Bilbo's bookshop
in Bath (this after three and a half years of being unemployed).
This was followed in 1989 by two more, and a commission
to write the bestselling novelization of the Kevin Costner
film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, which has sold
more than 370.000 copies.
This eventually led to his most current bestselling SF/Space
Opera series: The Deathstalker Saga, a series of five books,
of which he himself admits has gotten kind of got out of
hand, since it was supposed to be three 500-page books...
Green made his long-awaited return to Fantasy with the sequel
to Blue Moon Rising: Beyond the Blue Moon.
October 2000: One of Green's old short stories, Manslayer,
is being reprinted in a new anthology, Swords Against
the Millennium. Ed. Mike Chin, publisher Alchemy Press.
Most specialist shops should be able to get it, if not try
Andromeda Bookshop in Birmingham, UK. Manslayer,
Green's first professional sale, was written in 1977, and
sold in 1978. It appeared in a little-seen magazine Airgedlamh,
and was never seen again. "
Haldeman's Home Page
Joe Haldeman's
Home Page
Joe Haldeman, Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author. His
work is well known for its complexity and depth of theme.
He has written a number of highly praised short stories.
His novels include the classic Forever War and
Harrsion does not have an official web site and neither
is he pleased with an unofficial one that has sprouted
up. He told Ansible: "Jeremy Alan Smith person has set up an 'unofficial'
M John Harrison website. Not having an official one, I
would be quite happy with this except for his dazzling
incompetence. He's now begun bothering anyone he can get
hold of who might know me, which is just deeply unhip
& embarrassing. If you hear from him, could you give
him a firm no? (To any request at all ...)"
K. Harper
P. Hogan
Bulletin Board: http://www.jamesphogan.com/bb.html
Hogan told his fans 12 October 2000 that he has been swamped
by a heavy travel schedule, moving into a place that hebought
in Florida to use when in the US, instead of the apartment
he's been renting there, doing what one can for various
friends and relatives who have been sick, and despite
it all, finishing his latest book.
"Remember the original Leslie Charteris "Saint" books
from the 1930's?" he asked his fans. "I used to devour
them as a teenager, and after hearing me talk about them,
my sons decided to give them a try and thought they were
great. One day while we were driving, the youngest, Joe,
said, "Why don't you create a space-going Saint? The idea
appealed to me: a time when humanity is past its current
idiotic phase of cultural negativism and technophobia,
vigorously expanding across the Solar System. Every type
of habitat, lifestyle, social, political, or economic
experiment what an environment to turn loose an adventurer
in to tell any kind of story you want!
"My agent, Eleanor Wood, liked the idea; so did Jim Baen.
So that's what I've been doing for a while now. The first
two stories are finished, entitled, His Own Worst Enemy
and The Plague of Akhnaton (the latter possibly
to be renamed The Khal of Tadzhikstan, to avoid
future confusion). Both will go into a novel-size volume,
title and release date still to be decided."
Gavriel Kay
authorized website on the worlds and works of Guy Gavriel
Kay - to date, eight books (The Fionavar Tapestry trilogy,
Tigana, A Song for Arbonne, The Lions of Al-Rassan and
The Sarantine Mosaic duology) that have been translated
into more than 14 languages and achieved bestseller status
worldwide. This is not a site by Guy Gavriel Kay, but
one that does have his full and considerable support.
Crawford Kilian
Michael P. Kube-McDowell
Well-known author of many Star Wars original
novels and more.
The Official Katherine
Kurtz Deryni site
Staple Lewis was born in Belfast in 1898. As a child,
he was fascinated by the fairy tales, myths and ancient
legends recounted to him by his Irish nurse. The image
of a faun carrying parcels and an umbrella in a snowy
wood came to him when he was sixteen. However, it was
not until many years later as a professor at Cambridge
University, that the faun was joined by an evil queen
and a magnificent lion. Their story became The Lion,
The Witch And The Wardrobe, one of the best-loved
books of all time. Six further Chronicles of Narnia followed
and the final title, The Last Battle, published
in 1956, was awarded the highest mark of excellence in
children's literature - the prestigious Carnegie Award.
Harper Collins Children's Books is celebrating the 50th
anniversary of C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe with this new Narnia website.
Created jointly between Harper Collins Children's Books
in the US and the UK, the new site is part of a year-long
celebration in honour of the 50th anniversary of The
Lion, The Witch And the Wardrobe. The site offers
info on the seven-book series and their creation, illustrated
guides to the magical lands and the characters, and assorted
interactive games.
Charles de Lint
Writer of some
of the best modern fairy tales, including Memory and
Dream, a particular favourite.
Brian and Silky Lumley Homepage
Michael McCollum
N. McIntyre
Yvonne Navarro
Author of Final
Impact, That's Not My Name and several licensed
novels including Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow
and the two Species adaptations.See also VZSciFi
June 2000 Event Page.
Orman's DW Page
Kathryn Rusch Official WebsiteThe
hooror.net is currently undergoing a revamp and there is
no distinct link to Kathryn's site as of October 2000. Information
on where it has gone welcome.
Gary Russell
Writer of several Doctor Who novels, former Doctor
Who Magazine editor and producer of the Big Finish Doctor
Who audio CD dramas.
Sargent Biopage
Robert Sheckley's Almost Official Homepage
David Sherman
Co-author of Starfist: First to Fight with
Dan Cragg
Silverberg Quasi-Official Home Page
Called the Quasi-Official Robert Silverberg Site, a
term of the author's own devising, because "this is
as close to an official site as I'm ever going to have,
because I lack the technical skills to build a site of my
own, as well as the time and, I suppose, the energy. And
also my temperament is not inclined toward more self-promotion
than is absolutely necessary for my professional well-being,
and setting up a web site for oneself strikes me as a rather
emphatic act of self-promotion. On the other hand, the site
as Jon has constructed it contains everything that a proper
author site should have, and nothing that it shouldn't.
I was immensely pleased to discover it in my on-line wanderings
and I continue to enjoy visiting it (as well as to make
use of its bibliographical material for my own reference!)"
Author of The
King's Peace, a fantasy novel from Tor books. The
site contains some links on the book, a map, and some additional
information. There will be a sequel, The King's Name,
to be published by Tor some time in 2001. She's presently
working on an SF novel. Also on the site is some poetry,
reviews and fanzines and some great storytelling card games.
Walton's past work includes a variety of roleplaying features
for UK magazines, and game module creation for Steve Jackson
Games. There's a beastly fairy store by Walton on Infinity
Plus which is well worth a read.
Matthew Woodring Stove
Author of Heroes Die
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