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Jegliche Vervielfältigung, Erfassung und Veröffentlichung dieses Textes, wo und in welcher Form auch immer, ist nur nach der ausdrücklichen, schriftlichen Erlaubnis durch den Herausgeber gestattet! ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ NN, eine Zeitung für WorldsAway ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Ausgabe FÜNF, 20.November 1996 ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Liebe Leser, so, nun hat es doch noch pünktlich geklappt mit der Ausgabe 5, auch wenn es leider für den beabsichtigen Artikel nicht gereicht hat - der kommt dafür aber dann in der nächsten Woche. :) Die Leserzahlen des NN scheinen sich mittlerweile auf um die 90 einzupegeln (85-93-97-90-86), was immerhin etwa 50% der Leserschaft des "Traumboten" ausmacht (der an Popularität nicht eingebüßt hat, was meine vor einigen Wochen geäußerte Vermutung der "Ergänzung" anstatt "Konkurrenz" dann auch bestätigt). Ich kann nur sagen, daß ich mit diesem Zuspruch hochzufrieden bin und denke, daß durchaus noch der eine oder andere Avatar Mit-Leser werden wird, wenn er vom NN erfährt (wer guckt schon ständig in die Bibliotheken, ob da etwas neues aufgetaucht ist?). Irgendwann soll es ja auch Dreamscape-Briefe und einen Dreamscape- Zeitungsdienst geben - das bisher in der Software schon angelegte, doch noch nicht aktivierte Post-System sieht jedenfalls schon einmal "Postgebühren" und mehrseitige Briefe vor -, und dann wird die NN (wenn es sie dann noch gibt) natürlich auch in Phantasus erhältlich sein. Aber, naja - das ist noch Zukunftsmusik, im Moment gibt es das NN eben nur als Forums-Textdatei... Bis zur nächsten Woche, Euer Wolf :)) ========================================================================== DREAMSCAPE: Die vergangene Woche ========================================================================== Großen Anklang fanden die Dreamscape-Neujahrsfeiern. Zur Feier des Jahreswechsels gab es gleich sechs Vendos (davon zwei inhaltsgleiche), in denen vielfach animierte Gegenstände zu finden waren. Zudem waren erstmals Gegenstände zu haben, die "benutzt" werden können, wie Konfetti (davon gibt es übrigens zwei Variationen - eine mit vorwiegend blauem Inhalt und eine mit grünem) und eine Champagnerflasche mit davonfliegendem Korken. Die Designer waren jedoch gnädig und haben kein "Ablaufdatum" eingebaut, wie z.B. bei den Spraydosen, die ja nur 3 bzw. 5mal benutzt werden können, so daß sowohl das Konfetti als auch der Champagner beliebig oft neu "benutzt" werden können. Das lange Rätselraten, ob es sich bei einem Fuzzie um einen Flauschball oder ein Tier handelt, löste sich unerwartet in der letzten Woche, als einige der Fuzzies unverhofft die Augen aufschlugen bzw. regelrecht zu leben begannen, da sie nun die Augen auf- und zumachen. Leider scheint sich dies nur auf ganz bestimmte der Fuzzies zu beschränken. Es gibt zwar verschiedene Theorien, welche der Fuzzies warum "leben" (z.B. die, die verteilt wurden ja, die aus den Vendos nicht), doch für jede der Theorien ebensoviele Gegenbeispiele, so daß das eine Rätsel jetzt gelöst, aber dafür nur durch durch ein anderes ersetzt wurde. Auch in der Zukunft werden uns die Fuzzies also noch reichlich Kopfzerbrechen machen. ========================================================================== GESUCHT: Beiträge für die nächsten Ausgaben ========================================================================== Insbesondere diese Beiträge suchen wir für die nächsten Ausgaben: - Berichte vom Dreamscape-Leben (z.B. aus den Aktivitäten der einzelnen offiziellen Dreamscape-Gruppen und nichtoffiziellen Avatar- Gemeinschaften - begeisterte, distanzierte und kritische Diskussionsbeiträge zu Themen aus WorldsAway allgemein - Spielregeln für Spiele, die regelmäßig stattfinden - Gruppenporträts von Avatar-Gruppen (Beschreibung usw.) - Hinweise auf RW-Treffen für jederavatar (wann, wo?) ========================================================================== PRIDE! UNIVERSE/DREAMSCAPE: Numerischer Vergleich ========================================================================== Vergleichszahlen vom 20.11.1996: Art Dreamscape Pride!Universe Faktor -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anzahl der Locales 127 21 6,05 Anzahl der Vendroids 38 12 3,17 Anzahl Items 342 108 3,17 Anzahl Köpfe 98 22 4,45 1-Raum Appartments vermietet 1.946 290 6,71 2-Raum Appartments vermietet 798 113 7,06 3-Raum Appartments vermietet 199 33 6,03 4-Raum Appartments vermietet 559 68 8,22 insgesamt Appartments vermietet 3.502 504 6,95 Während also, gemessen an der Zahl der verfügbaren Räume, die Appartment- vermietung im Pride! Universe eher unter dem Durchschnitt liegt (die Welt ist eben noch jung und es sind noch nicht so viele Avatare dort, zudem haben die, die dort sind, auch noch nicht so viel Geld ansparen können), ist die Anzahl der verfügbaren Vendroids, Köpfe und Items deutlich überdurchschnittlich. ========================================================================== Vendo-Änderungen im Dreamscape ========================================================================== Die folgenden Neujahrs-Gegenstände waren für 3 Tage (16.-18.11.) in den Vendos: Luftballons ***: yellow gelb 20 Token light green hellgrün 20 Token dark green dunkelgrün 20 Token dark red dunkelrot 20 Token purple violett 20 Token black schwarz 20 Token pink rose 20 Token blue blau 20 Token grey grau 20 Token Karnevalsmasken: Die folgenden masken existieren in zwei Versionen, die zwar gleich aussehen, sich aber durch den Namen unterscheiden. Die Masken aus den Vendos heißen durchweg "Karnival_96_Souviner_Mask", während die während des neujahrs auf den Straßen verschenkten Masken "Mask" heißen. half, white halb, weiß 150 Token half, green halb, grün 150 Token full, white voll, weiß 150 Token glasses, red/red feathers Brille, rot/rote Federn 150 Token glasses, red/gold feathers Brille, rot/ goldene Federn 150 Token glasses, green Brille, grün 150 Token glasses, gold Brille, gold 150 Token cat Katze, violett 150 Token dog Hund 150 Token glasses, purple Brille, violett 150 Token cat, green Katze, grün 150 Token half, purple halb, violett 150 Token half, orange halb, orange 150 Token glasses, aqua Brille, türkis 150 Token dog, blue Hund, blau 150 Token Half, pink halb, rosa 150 Token Sonstiges: Champagne_'96 ***+ Champagnerflasche 50 Token Champagne_'96 *** Champagnerglas 25 Token Confetti_'96 ***+ Konfetti 10 Token Sparkling_Cider_'96 *** Cidre 25 Token Sparkling_Red_'96 *** roter Sekt 25 Token Sparkling_Water'96 *** Mineralwasser 25 Token Skillet_'96 Bratpfanne 75 Token Cassarole_'96 Kasserole 75 Token Carmel_Peanuts_'96 Erdnüsse 15 Token New_Year's_Clock_'96 *** Uhr 250 Token Popcorn_'96 Popcorn 15 Token *** = animierter Gegenstand + = kann "benutzt" werden ========================================================================== Vendo-Änderungen im Pride! Universe ========================================================================== NEU in den Vendroids sind die folgenden Gegenstände: Scott* Männerkopf 250 Token Sector 4 Virago* Frauenkopf 250 Token Sector 4 Teddy Teddybär-Kopf 400 Token Sector 4 Pansy* Stiefmütterchen-Kopf 300 Token Sector 4 Apple_Pie Apfelkuchen 75 Token Sector 2 Big_Turkey Truthahnbraten 75 Token Sector 2 Cranberry_Juice Preiselbeer-Saft 25 Token Sector 2 Plate_of_Food Bratenplatte 35 Token Sector 2 Pumpkin_Rie_Slice Kürbiskuchen 25 Token Sector 2 Pumpkin Kürbis 150 Token Sector 6 Pile_of_Leaves Herbstblätter 40 Token Sector 6 Cornocopia Füllhorn 100 Token Sector 3 ENTFERNT wurden die folgenden Gegenstände: Rob* Männerkopf 250 Token Sector 4 Virago Frauenkopf 250 Token Sector 4 Frog Froschkopf 400 Token Sector 4 rose* Rosenkopf 300 Token Sector 4 box o' truffles Trüffel-Herzschachtel 30 Token Sector 2 Gingerbread man Lebkuchenmännchen 15 Token Sector 2 pizza Pizzastück 25 Token Sector 2 Pride!Cola Cola 15 Token Sector 2 Sports Splash 15 Token Sector 2 Gargoyle Gargoyle 40 Token Sector 6 flowers Blumen in oranger Vase 10 Token Sector 6 bouquet Blumenbukett 30 Token Sector 3 ========================================================================== PRIDE! UNIVERSE VERANSTALTUNGSKALENDER 21.11. - 27.11. ========================================================================== Dieser offizielle Veranstaltungskalender wird von Freiwilligen erstellt und ständig aktualisiert. Er ist in der Nachrichtensektion "In-World Schedule" unter dem Titel "Event Schedule" zu finden. Für Neuaufnahme, Änderung oder Streichung einer Veranstaltung bitte per E-mail direkt (also nicht per Forusmnachricht!) an Aglaia (UID: 74742,2146) wenden. Alle Zeitangaben sind in WAT (= WorldsAwayTime), für die deutsche Zeit müssen also noch 9 Stunden hinzuaddiert werden! AM = 0-12 Uhr, PM = 12-24 Uhr). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Donnerstag, 21.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Words of Pride, hosted by Aglaia and Z 19:00 (6 PM) Pad: Words of Pride A word game patterned after the American TV show, "Wheel of Fortune" with three ways to win tokens, as well as two championship rounds. All solutions can be found by clicking on things located in the Pride Universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Freitag, 22.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bingo hosted by Abbi and Kerowyn 20:00 (8PM) Pad: BINGO Bets vary from 30 - 110 tokens, and you *must* download the file Bingo.exe or Bingo1.exe prior to play. For more information, ESP either Abbi or Kerowyn onworld. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Samstag, 23.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Words of Pride, hosted by Aglaia and Z 17:00 (5 PM) Pad: Words of Pride A word game patterned after the American TV show, "Wheel of Fortune" with three ways to win tokens, as well as two championship rounds. All solutions can be found by clicking on things located in the Pride Universe. Bingo hosted by Abbi and Kerowyn 20:00 (8PM) Pad: BINGO Bets vary from 30 - 110 tokens, and you *must* download the file Bingo.exe or Bingo1.exe prior to play. For more information, ESP either Abbi or Kerowyn onworld. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Sonntag, 24.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bingo hosted by Abbi and Kerowyn 20:00 (8PM) Pad: BINGO Bets vary from 30 - 110 tokens, and you *must* download the file Bingo.exe or Bingo1.exe prior to play. For more information, ESP either Abbi or Kerowyn onworld. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Montag, 25.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Words of Pride, hosted by Aglaia and Z 13:00 1 PM Pad: Words of Pride A word game patterned after the American TV show, "Wheel of Fortune" with three ways to win tokens, as well as two championship rounds. All solutions can be found by click on things located in the Pride Universe, so start clicking! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Dienstag, 26.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTUMN HARVEST PAINT PARTIES! There will be three 90 minute parties on in Eclipse Disco: 10:30AM - 12:00 noon (19:30-21:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit) 3:30PM - 5:00PM (Mittwoch, 00:30-02:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit) 10:00PM - 11:30PM (Mittwoch, 07:00-08:30 Uhr deutscher Zeit) In order to have as many people get their things painted, there will be a 3 item per avatar limit. Also, you MUST bring your own paint. Also to expediate the painting, please have your items ready to paint, not in a trunk or a sack. And please take your paint with you when finished. And just to make it easier, here are some of the things that can and cannot be painted by catagory: Accessories: Only the Divine_Glasses & the Fetive_Fedora CAN be painted. Heads: The Froggie, Teddy, Boombox, Pipe, Fishbowl & Bag heads CANNOT be painted. Containers: Gift boxes & the Safe CANNOT be painted. Knick-Knacks: Whip, shackles, any flowers, Elvis painting, leaves, logs, pumpkin, voodoo doll, dumbell, web, skull, frog, and any food or drinks CANNOT be painted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Mittwoch, 27.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Words of Pride, hosted by Aglaia and Z 17:00 (5 PM) Pad: Words of Pride A word game patterned after the American TV show, "Wheel of Fortune" with three ways to win tokens, as well as two championship rounds. All solutions can be found by clicking on things located in the Pride Universe. ========================================================================== PHANTASUS-VERANSTALTUNGSKALENDER: 21.11. - 27.11. ========================================================================== Dieser offizielle Veranstaltungskalender wird von freiwilligen Acolytes erstellt und ständig aktualisiert. Er ist in der Nachrichtensektion "In-World Schedule" unter dem Titel "Event Schedule" zu finden. Für Neuaufnahme, Änderung oder Streichung einer Veranstaltung bitte per E-mail direkt (also nicht per Forusmnachricht!) an Acolyte Sabertooth (UID: 76645,3012) wenden. Alle Zeitangaben sind in WAT (= WorldsAwayTime), für die deutsche Zeit müssen also noch 9 Stunden hinzuaddiert werden! AM = 0-12 Uhr, PM = 12-24 Uhr). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Tägliche Veranstaltungen -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo" with JP, Purple Demon 5:00 -7:00AM, Harlequin Games, Daily except Saturday and Sunday KGC's POT Bingo, Duckolyte Alien 11:00 AM-1:30 PM, outside Harlequin, Sunday and Wednesday Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players. Bets are from 60T-110T., 10 Tokens for additional jackpot. Sponsored by the Kymer Gambling Corporation. ***GAMES 'R US*** Be sure to download BINGO1.EXE from the Citylife-Forum (sec. 6). White Hawk Roulette, White Hawk 11:45 AM-1:00 PM, Regency Hall, Mon., Wed., and Fri. Download White Hawk's Roulette Player program (WH_RLT.EXE)from the WA community forum Plug-ins library. Check out its point and click interface! Isildur's Jackpot Bingo, Isildur 2:00-3:00PM, Harlequin Games, Daily on Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri, 1st Week Where bets are 110 for full pot and 60 for half with 10 Ts from each bet going into the JP. When half pots are won the other half goes into the JP and JPs have a way of gettin REAL BIG real fast. Last game is BLACKOUT with JP active so that JP always falls. Multiple cards are welcome. The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo" with JP, The Purple Demon 3:00 - 5:00PM (WA Time), Harlequin Games, Daily except Saturday and Sunday Golden Knight-Honey's Goodtime Bingo, GK Honey 5:00-7:00 PM, Outside Harlequin Games, Daily except Saturday and Sunday Bets are 110 Tokens or 60 tokens for half pot. Fun,prizes, and surprizes. Arch Shark Sniper7 Bingo 7:00-8:00 PM, Harlequin games, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Come and win lots of T's! Duckolyte Kymer, Melissa T 9:00-11:00 PM, Harlequin Games, Sun., Tues. and Wed. For those late nights when you don't have a date, or you need some excitement, come play Duckolyte Kymer with Melissa T. Come check it out! First to call Kymer wins the pot. You will need KYMER1.EXE from the AWAYFORUM to play. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Donnerstag, 21.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 5:00-7:00AM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events NUbie YUniversity 6:00-9:00 AM, SCHOOL turf, Weekly Turn newbiehood from a week to an hour. Learn the basics: Your way around with a tour, Turn, Walk and Stand where you want Worlds Away Economics, The 3 W's of getting help (who, when and where) How to avoid stealing and being stolen from. Donations gratefully accepted now or later Get Lucky with Savannah's Bingo 9:30a-11:00a WAT at Harlequin Games, 2nd Week Win lotsa Ts at jackpot bingo with your hostess, Savannah. Miffies Bingo, Host Miffie 11:00AM-1:00PM, Harlequin Games!, Weekly Come play, come win, Come and have a laugh!! Games will be odds bingo OR pot bingo Foxhunt, Kaiserfuchs, Kaiserfuchsin, and others 12:00 Noon (21:00 CET) , D-Treff Turf, Weekly Hide and Seek game on the streets and locales of Phantasus. (Fuchsjagd:) Players with the most accumulated points or the winner of the championship round (qualified for that are the winners of the weekly prefinals) Cats Therapy, Mirical Bernd2 12:00 PM, in Turf "FW", Weekly German event, prizes are rare items. European Ghost RACING, Darkhorse 12:00 PM-1:00 PM, Dreamland Turf, Weekly Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship! Newbies Club, Aphrael 12:30-2:30 PM (21:30 CET), in front of the Library, Weekly Tour of Phantasus, for newer Avatars, to become acquainted with the city. There is always something new to discover. CAT.Bingo, CAT.Media 2:00-3:00 PM, Harlequin Games Bets are 100, 70 or 40T for full, 2/3 or 1/3 pot (with 10 for JP) The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 3:00 - 5:00PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events CHAOS Incorporated, Acolyte Serena or Marianne G 5:00-7:00 PM, Dreamland turf, Weekly New! Games and more! Golden Knight-Honey's Goodtime Bingo, 5:00-7:00 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Knights of Kymer Trivia - Sunray Knight Oliver Every Thursday at 7:00 PM WAT in turf Ten Forward, Weekly 20 questions on general trivia. Rare/valuable prizes each week, and a monthly grand prize to each month's big winner! Jadelin's Jackpot Bingo, Jadelin 7:00-9:00 PM, Outside Harlequin Games, Weekly Call BINGO first and get payouts depending on the number of players! Bets are 120T or 70T for half the pot. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Lib 6. Pinkie and the Brains, Passion 7:30-9:00 PM, Pinkie's Place (turf) Weekly "Pinkie & The Brains" is a game like Hide and Seek, and is loads fun! All participants start at the turf "Pinkie's Place" to receive instructions for each race. Prizes are locked in special chests to be opened for all to see. Monthly Champion also selected. BeauMec's Bingo, BeauMec 9:00-12:00AM, Harlequin Games, Weekly Madra Rua Bingo, 100T per card, no maximum number of cards. 50T per card for half of pot, in which case, remainder goes to 2nd place. Final bonus game for those who play all games; the prize is a rare item. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Freitag, 22.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 5:00-7:00AM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Miffies Bingo, Host Miffie 11:00AM-1:00PM, Harlequin Games!, Weekly Come play, come win, Come and have a laugh!! Games will be odds bingo OR pot bingo White Hawk Roulette, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM, Regency Hall, See Daily POETRY NIGHT, Blaufüchsin 12:00 PM (noon) (21:00 CET), D-Treff, Weekly Poetry reading night, bring your favorite poems, or your own. Wordsalad with Kiwi-Schokoline 12:00- PM, in Turf "FW", Weekly (pure german event) Set words together, which have been torn apart. Very funny. Prizes are rare items. Kymer with Irrelevant 1:00 PM, in Turf "FW", Weekly (pure english event)Prizes are either rare items or tokens. Gotcha!, Angelika (First Week) 1 pm - 2 pm (22 Uhr CET), In front of Library Players have to find and tag me, Angelika, to win rare items and Tokens. Versteckspiel! Findet mich und gewinnt rare items und Tokens. Isildur's Jackpot Bingo, 2:00-3:00PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 3:00 - 5:00PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events Sunray Knights of Kymer VoCC Auction 5:00 PM WAT, Turf: Sunray VOCC Auction, Weekly All proceeds raised go to the Victims of Crimes and Crashes Fund Donations accepted (tokens or items) accepted from anyone, at anytime To donate contact Sunray Render or Sunray Ann. Golden Knight-Honey's Goodtime Bingo, 5:00-7:00 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily TREK TRIVIA 6:00PM-7:30 PM WAT, Starway Cafe Orbitron Room, Weekly Admiral Picard hosts Trek Trivia! Rare prizes and tokens given away with a lot of fun! Join us in the Starway Cafe orbitron room, back near the stage! This month the Admiral is giving lessons on speaking Klingon!! What will be next?? Who knows! Be there Friday nights at 6 PM WATime!! Arch Shark Sniper7 Bingo, 7:00-8:00 PM, Harlequin games, See Daily Trivia CHALLENGE!, Megret, SrK 7:00 PM (19:00)-8:30 PM WAT, Megret's Madhouse, Weekly A fast paced general knowledge trivia, that is NOT multiple guess. Fun and FREE, 50% of all door prizes are rare items and all of the other prizes are Winner's Choice! For more info and an occassional HINT: HTTP://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Megrets_Place Soccer-breakfast, Germanicus 9:30 PM, Turf "FW", Weekly International Event (all languages) Talk about soccer in the Friends World turf (FW). The weekly winner of the Friends World-toto-game (new in WA-forum) is published there and receives his prize. Look into Library Section "WA Life" for details in playing toto. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Samstag, 23.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARaffle Drawing, Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Alternate Saturdays, 2:00-3:00 AM, WARSUN Inc. Turf, Alternate Sundays, 5:00-6:00 PM, WARSUN Inc. Turf, Weekly Purchase tickets from authorized agents. Door prize raffle! Guided Tour!, Angelika (First Week) 7 am - 8 am (16 Uhr CET), In front of Library Bilingual guided Tour (english/german). Come join us and explore the city! Bingo, Tarquin 007 8:00-10:00 AM WAT, Harlequin Games, Weekly Golden Handcuffs at the Kymer University Apex Gym, MarvL 9:00 to 10:00 AM KIU turf, Weekly Container Handling Skills, theft prevention, self-defense. Download KIUAPEX.WAM if you wish to review the lecture notes. Honey's SuperPrize Bingo 10:00-12:00 WAT, Harlequin Games, Weekly Here's your chance to win RARE items for only a 150 token bet! Monty Python Trivia, Piemur 10:00AM WAT, Phrog Phun (turf), Weekly 20 Questions about Monty Python taken from the movies, albums, and TV Show. Players will have 30 seconds to answer. Prizes for the top three players each week. Come to the turf Phrog Phun at 10AM WAT to join us. Bingo & Horse Racing, Arch-Emperor Paul (London Lad) 10:00-1:00 PM WAT, Turf The Games Room, Weekly Harkonens will be holding a regular Bingo & Horse Racing slot every Saturday. Everybody is welcome and it is the chance to win lots of tokens. You will need to download the games from the WA forum to play. Novalis's "Music Trivia", Novalis 12:00 WAT (21:00 CET), Turf: Kunterbunt, Weekly a temporary German event, but "soon" be for English-speaking people too, the game will be held as "multiple choice", no additional software needed,everybody is welcome! Ghost-Race with Nonsense. Stone 1:00 PM, in Turf "FW", Weekly (pure english event)Prizes are rare items, tokens or normal items. Bingo, SH@LIMAR sweet geisha 05:00 - 06:00 PM, Outside Harlequin Games, First Week Bets 110/60T with JP Bar-L Happy Hour, Acolyte Milen & many others 6:00-8:00 PM, Bar-L Bar, Weekly The whole purpose is to get to know your fellow avatar! Occasional Theme Nights with many fun ideas, entertainment,and games. During the event the hosts'll even be distributing snackies and drinkables to the patrons! Arch Shark Sniper7 Bingo, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM, Harlequin games, See Daily -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Sonntag, 24.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "HERE YOU CAN FIND IT" AUCTION, GermanGiant and Necrolyte Xian 12:00 AM WAT (Midnight), Turf: WarSun Inc. sponsored by WorldsAway Yellow & White Pages Rare and rarest items from almost forgotten treasure chambers Auction is held every two weeks. From 10-12-96 on we are the only last minute sale for WARaffle tickets!! Take your chance up to half an hour before the drawing! Duckolyte Ghost RACING, LumMoose, Duckolyte Sr. Wing 7:00 AM, Duck Hunt Turf, Weekly English/German, Win tokens and prizes every week, Monthly Championship! Please read ghostg.txt in the forum to understand basic rules. Variations include Box and screen racing. WA-Aholic Meeting, Aphrael 7:00 AM (16:00 CET), D-Treff turf, Weekly Meeting of the WA addicts! We addicts need this place where we can come to talk and discuss our addiction. Our motto is: *I'm not addicted, I just live here!!* SUNRAY STARRAE'S Rare Prize Bingo Event Every Sunday, 8AM WAT TURF: RARE PRIZE, Weekly Six games of Rare Prizes (150T each game) or Prepay 1000T for all games. The last game is the EVER POPULAR - SUR-PRIZE POT Game. Door Prizes after each game! Bingo, SH@LIMAR sweet geisha 09:00 - 10:00 AM, Outside Harlequin Games, First Week Bets 110/60T with JP Guided Tour, Angelika (First Week) 10 am - 11 am (19 Uhr CET), In front of Library Bilingual guided Tour (english/german) Come join us and enjoy the city! Turf Security Training, Aphrael Sunday, 10:00-11:00 AM (19:00 CET), KIU turf, Weekly How to prevent thieves from entering and robbing your turf. KGC's POT Bingo, Duckolyte Alien, 11:00 AM-1:30 PM, Harlequin, Daily Multilingual Trivia (German and English), Michele and Kaiserfuchsin 12:00(Noon)- PM (21:00 CET), D-Treff Turf, Weekly Trivia questions in German and English there are championships with monthly champions for the players with the most accumulated points or (Fuchsjagd:) the winner of the championship round (qualified for that are the winners of the weekly prefinals) What's the word?, Angelika (First week) 1 pm - 2 pm (22 Uhr CET), Spring Garden (1. local) Words have been mixed up and you will have to put the letters in the correct order to win rare items or tokens! Bringt die durcheinandergewürfelten Buchstaben des gesuchten Wortes wieder in die richtige Reihenfolge und gewinnt rare items und Tokens! German Language course from Kaiserfuchs, 2:00- PM, turf: KIU German for English Speakers SOG's Pot Bingo, Host-EMP Paladin SRK Billolyte SOG 4:30-6:00 PM, Harlequin Games, Weekly Payouts depend on the number of players WARaffle Drawing, Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Alternate Saturdays, 2:00-3:00 AM, WARSUN Inc. Turf Alternate Sundays, 5:00-6:00 PM, WARSUN Inc. Turf Purchase tickets from authorized agents. Door prize raffle! Arch Shark Sniper7 Bingo, 7:00-8:00 PM, Harlequin games, See Daily Duckolyte TRIVIA Master Game, Brains, Wing Commander 7:00- PM, Duck Hunt turf, Weekly Fast paced trivia using multiple choice answers. Topics vary week to week, monthly Grand Prize awarded. Uses the Trivia Engine developed by Wert P. Gumby to administer scoring. KYMER Bingo, Arch Shark Snip7 8:00-9:00 PM, Outside Harlequin Games, Weekly Lotsa FUN!! The game that we'll be playing is POT KYMER! Dead Poets Society RECITAL, Prez, Sunshine, Brandy, Corey and AlexA 8:30-9:00 PM, StarWay Cafe Observation Deck, Weekly Poems should be six verses or shorter. Contact Prez [102726,1655] if you wish to be a presenter. Duckolyte Kymer, Melissa T, 9:00-11:00 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Montag, 25.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 5:00-7:00AM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events White Hawk Roulette, 11:45 AM-1:00 PM, MGM Grand turf, See Daily SOG's Pot Bingo, Host-EMP Paladin SRK Billolyte SOG 12:00 - 1:30PM, Harlequin Games, Weekly Payouts depend on the number of players German for English Speakers - Part 1, Aphrael, Darcy 12:00-1:00 PM (21:00 CET), KIU turf, Weekly German Lessons for English speakers Multi Tivia, Holger the Astrolyte 12:00 PM in Turf "FW", Weekly German event, prizes are rare items or tokens. BINGO, DIGgy and Nonsense. Stone 1:00 PM, in Turf "FW", Weekly English event, prizes are rare items or tokens. Isildur's Jackpot Bingo, 2:00-3:00PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 3:00 - 5:00PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events Horse Racing & WARaffle Sales, Sky Tower 4:00-5:00 PM, Isle Caribe, See Daily Events Ghost RACING, Acolyte Serena 5:00-6:00 PM, Dreamland Turf, Weekly Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship! Golden Knight-Honey's Goodtime Bingo, 5:00-7:00 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Clover's Collectibles Auction, Clover 7:00-9:00 PM, CC Turf, Weekly Many rare items no longer sold in vendos will be auctioned off to the highest bidders. Weekly Door Prize Drawings for rare items! Auction list available at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/clover/auction.htm Jadelin's Jackpot Bingo, Jadelin 7:00-9:00 PM, Outside Harlequin Games, Weekly Call BINGO first and get payouts depending on the number of players! Bets are 120T or 70T for half the pot. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Lib 6. Trivia CHALLENGE!, Megret, SrK 7:00 (19:00)-8:30 PM WAT, Megret's Madhouse, Weekly A fast paced general knowledge trivia, that is NOT multiple guess. Fun and FREE, 50% of all door prizes are rare items and all of the other prizes are Winner's Choice. For more info and an occassional HINT: HTTP://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Megrets_Place Fancy That Bingo, Fancy 9:00-11:00PM, Outside Harlequin Games, Weekly 100T full pot 50 T half pot! No Jack Pot! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Dienstag, 26.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 5:00-7:00AM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Miffies Bingo, Host Miffie 11:00AM-1:00PM, Harlequin Games!, Weekly Come play, come win, Come and have a laugh!! Games will be odds bingo OR pot bingo Word Games, Megret. 12:00 N, turf D-TREFF, Weekly GRATIS! VIEL SPASS! RARE PREISE! Ein Multiple Choice Wortspiel besonders für all diejenigen, für die Englisch NICHT die Muttersprache ist. Alle Fragen sollen helfen, den Wortschatz zu vergrößern (z.B. auch Redewendungen und Slang). Anmerkung: Megret kann KEIN Deutsch, aber die Fragen werden für sie übersetzt. Wordsalad, Lexi Tues. 12:00- PM, in Turf "FW", Weekly English event, prizes are rare items. Jackpot BINGO, Lexi 1:00 PM, in Turf "FW", Weekly English event, jackpot is right now: 350 Tokens Madra Ruas BINGO, Oliver, 1:30-3:30 PM, Harlequin Games, Weekly Beteigeuzes Märchenstunde für Nachtschwärmer 2:00-4:00 PM, Turf: Rainbow, Weekly Der ultimative Treff für alle, deren Phantasie auch nachts noch wach ist. Isildur's Jackpot Bingo, 2:00-3:00PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events Snip's7 Pot Kymer, 3:30-4:30 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily SOG's Pot Bingo, Host-EMP Paladin SRK Billolyte SOG 3:30-4:30 PM, Harlequin Games, Weekly Payouts depend on the number of players Golden Knight-Honey's Goodtime Bingo, 5:00-7:00 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Boxerama Trivia, Jal 6:00-7:00PM, Turf: Jal N Suz, Weekly 10 easy questions, 10 great prizes. Sponsored by Acolyte Brynne and ESP! Worlds Of FORTUNE, Acolytes Data, Indigo, and Milen 7:30-9:30 PM, Worlds of Fortune Turf, Weekly Turf Opens at 7:25 PM. Grand Prizes will be on display for all to see in a ghost only locale within the turf. Gaming will be held in the first locale. Duckolyte Kymer, Melissa T, 9:00-11:00 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Mittwoch, 27.November -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 5:00-7:00AM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events KGC's POT Bingo, 11:00 AM-1:30 PM, Outside Harlequin Games, See Daily White Hawk Roulette, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM, Regency Hall, See Daily Beginning German, 12:00 PM-1 PM WAT, Turf: KIU, Aphreal German for English Speakers Aphrael, Darcy 12:00-1:00 PM (21:00 CET), KIU turf, Weekly German Lessons for English speakers Kymer/BINGO, Renegade I 1:00-2:30 PM, Harlequin Games, Weekly Call KYMER! first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Download KYMER1.EXE, from AWAYFORUM/Library 4 WorldsAway Life. POINT OF SALE BAZZAR!!!!!, Lady Dee-Sukelie 1:00 PM, in Turf "FW", Weekly Brand new And for all who likes to sell or buy. Lady Dee-Sukelie gives everybody a chance to sell their items or either to buy items. Point of sale BAZAAR is a non profit place. All you need is either your tokens or bring your items which you'd like to sell. And bring your happiness too. Isildur's Jackpot Bingo, 2:00-3:00PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events The Purple Demon's, "Someone Has Ta Win Bingo", 3:00 - 5:00PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Events Bacchus Red Eye Trivia, Bacchus, god of Wine; and Acolyte Nicci Wednesdays 4:00pm WAT Meditation Park, Weekly (Season: Autumn) -- Vinyards (By the Wine Press vat and the Great Tree of Grapes) An hour of fun with questions asked being totally Dreamscape based! Speed will count but it's dependant more on your wits than your computer. Check out our weekly postings in the Inworld Events section (message section #3) for more details! SEARCH MESSAGES | Subject "Bacchus". Poetry Pantry , sponsored by the SrK Poetry Guild 4:30 PM, Outside Phantasus Library, Weekly Please join us every Wednesday and share an original poem or, due to copy write concerns, a poem written by another author *prior* to the year 1880. Special (rare) awards will be given out to those participating in the event. Golden Knight-Honey's Goodtime Bingo, 5:00-7:00 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily Duckolyte Benefit Auction, Raptor, Duckolyte Sr. Wing 7:00-9:00 PM, Turf: Duck Soup, Weekly Door prizes, rare & unusual items, our consignment fee is only 10%. Consignments are accepted by the auction staff: Raptor, Duckolyte Senior Wing, Askani, Duckolyte Senior Wing, Sam Clemens, Duckolyte Wing, 502, Duckolyte Wing (or Livy Clemens) LumMoose, Duckolyte Senior Wing, Duckolyte Lindy. Trivia CHALLENGE!, Megret, SrK 7:00 PM (19:00)-8:30 PM, Megret's Madhouse, Weekly A fast paced general knowledge trivia, that is NOT multiple guess. Fun and FREE, 50% of all door prizes are rare items and all of the other prizes are Winner's Choice! For more info and an occassional HINT: HTTP://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Megrets_Place Noggin's Pot Bingo, Noggin 7:00 PM -8:30 PM, Harlequin Games, 2nd Week Bets are 110T for full pot and 60T for half pot. Come have fun, there's lots of money to be won!! Duckolyte Kymer, Melissa T, 9:00-11:00 PM, Harlequin Games, See Daily -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Vorschau -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Keine Veranstaltungen in der Vorschau --- ========================================================================== DREAMSCAPE: Ständige Veranstaltungen im Appartment D-TREFF ========================================================================== Folgende ständige Veranstaltungen wurden NN für den D-TREFF gemeldet: Dienstags: 21.00 Uhr: WORDGAMES mit Megret Donnerstags: 21.00 Uhr: FUCHSJAGD Sonntags: 21.00 Uhr: TRIVIA mit Michele und Kaiserfüchsin Alle Veranstaltungen im D-TREFF sind zweisprachig (deutsch/englisch), so daß sowohl für die Spielanleitungen als auch für eventuelle Fragen stets ein englischsprachiger und ein deutschsprachiger Veranstalter anwesend sind. Die im D-TREFF gewonnenen Preise werden gespendet von Oracle Uni, Acolyte Sabertooth, Kaiserfüchsin und Kaiserfuchs, sowie von Fall zu Fall von weiteren wohlmeinenden Spendern, für deren Zuwendungen wir uns herzlich bedanken. Kontakt: inworld: Aphrael E-mail: Monika, UID: 102354,523 ========================================================================== DREAMSCAPE: Friends World Toto ========================================================================== Hier ist das Resultat der zweiten Runde des FW TOTO: Der Gewinner ist: ***Avatar BANE, THE BARD OF CHAOS *** Für weitere Informationen zum FW Toto lasst Eure Leser bitte eine E-Mail senden an: Germanicus, UID: 73372,557 Turf FW (formally/vormals: Friends World) ========================================================================== DREAMSCAPE: Liste der Oracles und Acolytes ========================================================================== Stehen hinter einem Namen keine Angaben, so bedeutet dies, daß der Betreffende bisher noch nicht erreicht werden konnte, um ihn zu fragen. Name Muttersprache andere Sprachen ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oracle Teresias Oracle Uni Oracle Vaserius Acolyte BLD Stalker englisch Acolyte Brynne Acolyte Chameleon englisch Acolyte Data englisch (spanisch) Acolyte Electra englisch Acolyte Hindemith englisch (deutsch) Acolyte JWFriendly Acolyte Lynx englisch Acolyte Michael deutsch (englisch) Acolyte Milen englisch Acolyte Moria Acolyte Nicci englisch (französisch) Acolyte NightDemon Acolyte Ravenwhyte Acolyte Rosa Peace Acolyte Sabertooth englisch Acolyte Serena englisch Acolyte Sunray Indigo Acolyte Tulip englisch Acolyte VIQer Acolyte Zippy englisch ========================================================================== PRIDE! UNIVERSE: Liste der Shamanen und Yaars ========================================================================== Stehen hinter einem Namen keine Angaben, so bedeutet dies, daß der Betreffende bisher noch nicht erreicht werden konnte, um ihn zu fragen. Name Muttersprache andere Sprachen ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shaman Bwad englisch Shaman Gay Bubba Shaman Kalodia Shaman Rainbow Richard Gay Yaar Alden englisch (spanisch) Yaar ByteDyke Yaar Foen deutsch (englisch/holländisch) Yaar Gala Dyke englisch Yaar Phantom engisch (spanisch) Yaar Wulfila deutsch (englisch) ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Die jeweils neueste Ausgabe der Zeitung findet Ihr im BTXPC-Forum (GO BTXPC) und im WorldsAway-Forum (GO AWAYFORUM). Herausgeber: Wolfgang Röfke Bitte alle Beiträge nur per EMail an: - Internet: wolf@xwolf.com - CompuServe: 74777,2470 Redaktionsschluß für Beiträge für die nächste Ausgabe ist der 27.11.1996, 12:00 Uhr mittags. ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Nächste Ausgabe: so Morpheus und die Leser es wollen, am 28.11.1996 ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷