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Rosaleah Holiday Celebrations in Phantasus ..................... Acolyte Brynne Bloodline December to Remember ............................ Marianne G Seen in the Street ........................ Rosaleah and Acolyte VIQer CHAOS, Inc. ........................................... Acolyte Serena Ghost Racing Report ................................... Acolyte Serena Gaming Fever Hits Kymer ................................ Wert P. Gumby Bingo Results ....................................... Necrolyte Jackal WARaffle Results ..................................... Acolyte Electra Dreaming Too Much? ..................................... Wert P. Gumby Harvest Hunt .......................................... Acolyte Serena Poetry Corner ............................................... Dedanann Ghost Relay Races Weekly Report ........................ Acolyte VIQer Gaming Reports ........................................ Acolyte Serena Events in Phantasus ...................... collected by Acolyte Brynne How to Publish Articles and Place Advertisements.......Editorial Board >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >THE EDITOR SPEAKS --by Rosaleah Winter. For many, a time of cold and dark, a wish for warmth and light. Yet there is so much to celebrate in winter. The long nights mean more time to gaze at those stars we see from the StarWay windows. Is that really a frog leaping across the sky? Do I see a vendroid up there, dispensing lanterns? Or something more magical, more mystical than that? (And will I remember to get my starnames and constellation sightings in to the contest by the December 15 deadline? Sure hope so!) And of course there are the holidays. Bells. Gifts. Candles. Good cheer. The promise of the return of longer times of light ... as the days grow shorter and shorter, knowing that the longest night brings in its wake the return of longer and longer days. The sun, comfort in the day as the stars are comfort in the night, making its return. And snow! Is there really snow in Kymer? I've heard it's true ... and just as I've enjoyed jumping in the autumn leaves I don't have to rake up, I'm looking forward to trudging through some snow that I don't need to shovel! And without the burdens of mittens or coats! Wow! Winter. Cold and dark and warm and light ... all at once. Right here in Phantasus. What a wonderful place to celebrate in! >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS IN PHANTASUS! --by Acolyte Brynne Come one! Come all! Join us while we celebrate the holidays in Phantasus! The Oracles have much planned for your enjoyment. Here's a rundown of what's in store. Santa Land will be opening at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12. So where is Santa Land you ask? Have you noticed that beautiful banner across the opening to Meditation Park? Be there on Tuesday and see who cuts the ribbon! Don't forget that Friday, December 15, is the deadline for the Star and Constellation naming contest. Name up to 12 stars in the Kymer sky, and connect the dots to identify and name up to 6 constellations. For more details, see the file in Library #4, Star/Constellations Mapping Contest. This contest was suggested by Oracle Uni and is being sponsored by the Sunray Astronomy Guild. Address your entries Acolyte Indigo at 75104,3547, who will be forward them judges. Do I hear sleigh bells ringing? Do I see a sleigh headed toward Phantasus? You bet I do!!! That merry elf himself, Santa Claus, will be arriving in Phantasus on December 15! He's bringing Mrs. Claus and his Elves with him! He and his party will be around from December 15 through December 23. Check the Schedule here in the Clarion for the exact times you can join in on the fun! There will be Caroling and Tree Decorating all through the next few weeks. Be sure to join us for our first Phantasus Holiday Celebration! >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >BLOODLINE DECEMBER TO REMEMBER --by Marianne G The Bloodline truly does hope to make this December one that we all will remember. They have two events this month to help do so. On the 13th, there will be the Bloodline's Second Anniversary Party being held in the StarWay Cafe. CHAOS, Inc will be held at that location, on that night, to be part of the celebration. Other events will also be held there, hosted by other Bloodline members. There is even to be a talent show, so start preparing your talent for it! The event will start at 5 PM WAT and end with a memorable speech given by BLD Stalker. Prizes will then be awarded, to insure that someone stays around to listen to the speech :D The Bloodline is also taking registration, up till that event, of players who are interested in competing in the Snowflake Games. Anyone wishing to play, the games will be held Dec 18th, right after Ghost Racing, at 6 PM WAT. They may last up to 3 hours long, so players should anticipate to be on for that time, or longer to be in all the games. There will be four events taking place around the fountain, and rotating after round, with players being able to attend the events in any order, as long as they attend each event once! Then, all contestants will gather for a fifth hide and seek event that can make or break your point total to get you in the final standings. Register by sending EMail to Marianne G at 72007,221 or BLD Stalker at 76571,1241. The final list of registered players will be announced at the Anniversary party on the 13th. Those not playing, can still participate by placing bets on the players who are registered. Winnings will be paid out to those who bet on any registered player, who in the registered players standings, come in 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Others can play the game, as long as they report first to the help desk, to be told when the game is starting, and the instructions, but for the purposes of the bets, their standings do not count. Registered players will receive instructions PRIOR to the games in EMail to speed up the play time. A short summary will be provided at the begining of each round. Register early to take part! I always hear people who ask me when are you going to do the dance contest again? Or the Turkey Trot? If I had known it would have been this fun, I would have signed up! These events are made to be ONCE A YEAR! You will not see the Snowflake games, or any of the DECEMBER TO REMEMBER events till Next December, so sign up and play now. >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >SEEN IN THE STREET --by Rosaleah with special guest Acolyte VIQer Alert reader Necrolyte Benny was the winner of 100 tokens, esp-ing the correct name of the Argo Captain to me. Is it Ulysses? Nooooo ... could it be Morpheus? Uh uh. The Argo's Captain, never seen on the streets (at least I haven't run into him ...) but whose cabin most of us have visited, is Proteus. And, Proteus, if you're reading this, a hearty thank you for the gift of 50 tokens you leave in a chest in your cabin for each new arrival to Kymer! VIQer tells me he's been seeing a lot of new faces lately. But -- sometimes those faces are missing! What could he mean by that? Well, he says, people are walking around everywhere without heads on their shoulders! What could be going on? Some have sold their heads to the pawnbroker machine on the corner, but others have lost their heads to such things as the promise of trade for an item of more value than the head. But, of course, what seems to good to be true, usually is. VIQer advises all to keep their head on their shoulders, where it belongs! Further on the headless front, I heard from one among us who said simply than he hadn't yet found a head that fit his image of himself, so he chose to go headless. Decisions, decisions ... always tough to make! VIQer asks: Who was that kissing bandit I saw last night at the welcome gates to Phantasus? She was dressed all in black and was sneakin up to steal a kiss! The new arrivals were having a great time watching! There seems to be a lot of good folks greeting our new arrivals at the portal to the city. It's good to have a little help getting on your feet, I remember when I came into the city for the first time. There weren't nearly as many people around--available help was far more scarce than it is today! And, speaking of kissing, I never did learn who won the kissing contest on the stage at the StarWay Cafe the other night: was it Mr. and Mrs. Nutty or Mr. and Mrs. MadDogJ? I have a feeling they both won! Or, rather, all four! Kissing! Romance! Ferret Freedom Day! Hey, how did that get in there? Well, we heard that a certain ferret-friendly ww law was passed ... and a certain pair of ferrets who have found their way to Kymer will be marking the occasion with a spring wedding. More details forthcoming, we're sure! >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >CHAOS, Inc --by Acolyte Serena What is Chaos Inc? Chaos Incorporated is a total unknown every week. We may be trying out a new game to see how it plays. Maybe we'll be giving an old one a twist! Maybe it will be a paint party that week, or a singing contest. No one knows! We may not even know till we get there to host it! We do ask that you come early to hear the instructions for that event at that time. Last week at CHAOS, Inc we had a visit from BLD RazzaMaTazz who was there to introduce the game of Stack'Em! This game will also be played during the snowflake games that are part of the Bloodline's December to Remember! The object of the game was, when Stack'Em was called out, you used the option (when you click on the floor at the host/ess feet) to become an avatar as close to them as possible. All the players, first five down from ghost, and the host/ess are all one in front of each other forming a stack. As you come down, you call out a number from 1 to 9 and then those five numbers that are called out by the players, are added together, with the digits of the answer added together, until a single digit number is had. At this point, the stack of players start to peel off! With each one calling out their number, and ghosting, until the magic number is reached. The player who is that number in the stack, earns the point and the win. If the one at that count in the stack is the host/ess, everyone in the stack wins a point! If the single digit magic number is a 7, 8 or 9, then everyone in ghost wins a point! It was great fun, and we'd like to thank BLD RazzaMaTazz for let- ting us try it out. Winners at the game were Flash, HD, MaxRaven, Clone Ranger, Jupiter, Actionizer, John Whiz, SKY TOWER, Caell, Supel, quickag, and Necrolyte Benny. We thank you all for coming. WE STILL WANT YOUR CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY SONG LYRICS! If you want to help choose the songs for a future CHAOS game, send in the lyrics to one of your favorite songs! You also have to send in the title of the song. Just send all information to 72007,221. Due to holiday conflicts, the CHAOS, Inc game on the 27th may have to be moved to the 29th, same time (5 PM WAT) in the Bar-L Bar Storeroom. However, please remember that the game on the 13th, will be held not in our ussual Storeroom location, but in the StarWay Cafe to be part of the Bloodline Second Anniversary Party! We all hope that you will come to enjoy CHAOS, Inc and the other events, and stay to hear the speech that BLD Stalker has taken such pains to write :D >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >GHOST RACING REPORT --by Acolyte Serena I want to first thank Acolyte VIQer and Necrolyte SunRay White Rose for running the races for me this past week. I also want to remind you, or tell you if you didn't see the notice on the board, that the races on Dec 25th will instead be held on Dec 28th, in front of Isle Caribe at 5 PM WAT. That date will be the last race date of December, so a new monthly race champ will be crowned then. I understand VIQer had no problems running the race, but one of the racers did try and kiss him. Remember, no trying to kiss up to the host or hostess, it won't work to win that championship! Winning one prize each were ABE winning a spider, Actionizer getting the orchid, Mr. Nice Guy winning 100T and Knight Dangaio won the computer head that was donated for our games. Tied so far in first place for this month, are the winners of two prizes each. That includes Necrolyte Xian winning an Eprom and 50 T, Shaker winning bowling pin #6 (4 to go!) and 50T, and Necrolyte Benny winning 50T and a plate of turkey bones. Now wait a minute here! There was a turkey on that plate when I gave it to VIQer! I think someone may have gotten hungry :D Hope you all enjoyed the races, and I'll see you the 11th, the 18th and the 28th for more of them! >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >GAMING FEVER HITS KYMER --by Wert P. Gumby Gaming Fever has hit the island in a big way and KYMER bingo is the latest rage. Since last week when it first came out, the KYMER bingo card program has been downloaded over 120 times. The first trial game was played on Friday, Dec. 1 and it proved to be very popular. During the week, Necrolyte Jackal had tried to host some games, but had problems with crashing into the waking world. He, along with over a dozen others, showed up at the Bar-L Bar's storeroom, on Friday night, for another exciting round of KYMER bingo, hosted by Wert P Gumby. The first game was won when BB yelled "KYMER" and received 400 tokens, which was graciously donated back to the pot. (Thanks BB!) The second game was a long one, and ended with Necrolyte Jackal, SKYTOWER, Caell, and Skyhawk all yelling "KYMER" at the same time. The four of them got to split the 700 token prize. Game three took a long time to get started, as several new players came in and had to be helped set up their cards. This is when Necrolyte Jackal discovered that he could play multiple cards (just like Bingo in the waking world). Skyhawk won the third round and got 300 tokens. Round four was for a prize of 1084 tokens, including donations from Christa and Necrolyte Jackal. Several avatars began playing with multiple cards, including Utopia, Pegasus, Caell and Necrolyte Jackal played with THREE! Jackal's strategy paid off, and after a short fast round, he announced "KYMER" and collected his winnings. Several people wanted to keep playing and more were showing up to watch, but Wert P Gumby had to leave. Necrolyte Jackal agreed to take over the hosting and after a short wait for people to come back from the ATM's, the games continued. Wert will be hosting another KYMER game next Friday night at 5 pm WA in the Bar-L storeroom. The cost is 25 tokens per card and the winner(s) take all. Necrolyte Jackal will also be hosting games throughout the week. If you'd like to play, be sure to download the KYMER bingo program first. And check out the other game that Wert P Gumby has uploaded: Tic Tac Toe. You can now play this popular game inworld with your friends. If you think Tic Tac Toe is too easy, then try Wert's Black Jack card game, which will allow you to actually see your cards on the screen as you play. If you have any other ideas for games that you'd like to see in WA, pass them on to Wert P Gumby when you see him. He is already working on versions of checkers, chess, Othello, and other card games for your in world entertainment. >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >JACKAL'S BINGO RESULTS --by Necrolyte Jackal At last Wednesday's Bingo game, there were three big winners of 700T each: Flash Tasslehoff Sky Tower These Bingo pots could become much bigger with more players! So be sure to join in on the fun! Bingo games are held at the Visitor's Center Left on Mondays 3-5p.m. WAT and 7-9p.m. WAT and on Wednesdays starting at 6:00 p.m. WAT. The door fee is 75T per player and there are several Bingo combinations that can win! Hope to see you all there so you can have a chance at winning YOUR share of the pot! >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >WARAFFLE RESULTS --by Acolyte Electra The WARaffle winners for Saturday, December 9th, are as follows: 1st.....Nyssa..............6350 2nd.....Edward the Great...3175 3rd.....Dream Keeper.......1905 4th.....Hulk Hogan.........1270 None of these winners were present at the drawing, so if you will contact Acolyte Electra inworld, or by either Forum message or Email, she will arrange to get your prize to you. Her email address is 76050,3623. There were 53 ghosts present at the drawing!!! We, the WARaffle Hosts, would like to thank everyone who participated. WARaffle hosts this week were Acolyte Nicci, Acolyte VIQer, Jax, and Acolyte Electra. For any of you who are wondering why Acolyte Electra has been doing the drawing for the last couple of weeks, rather than Acolyte Lynx, he has had some computer problems and is afraid he might disappear in the middle of the drawing. But we are all hoping he will be back with us by next weekend. We gave away 12 door prizes this week and hope to have even more by next time. I hope all of those who won are happy with their prizes. I threw in a few rare items that I had been carrying around in my pockets. I sure feel lighter now. And I had thought it was just too many doughnuts. Be sure and get your tickets for next week from one of the official WARaffle ticket sellers. They are Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Moria, Acolyte Nicci, Acolyte VIQer, Magica Lambchop, Acolyte Electra, and BLD Quackers. And remember, tickets stop selling for each Saturday drawing at Midnight on Friday night, so find one of the official ticket sellers by that time if you want to participate in the drawing for the tokens. But, everyone is welcome at the drawing for the door prizes. All that is required is to be present and ESP your name to the host. The WARaffle drawing is each Saturday at 5:00 PM WAT on the Starway Stage. That is to the left and all the way to the back in the Starway Cafe. Hope to see you there next Saturday. Thank you again to all those who have helped to make the WARaffle such a success. >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >YOU KNOW YOU'RE DREAMING TOO MUCH WHEN ... --by Wert P. Gumby Can you ever dream too much? Some in the waking world might think so when ... 1. You know the exchange rate of the token and any waking world currency. 2. You haven't slept since you first signed on and consider "inword" time to be your sleep time. 3. You list your Kymerian job on your waking world resume. 4. You've been to a waking world carpet or wallpaper store to browse for your turf's flooring and wall covers. 5. You image waking world speech in colored bubbles. 6. You now dream in pixels. 7. You have to pawn your waking world things to pay for your Kymer things. 8. You will not talk to anyone in the waking world who you can't click on. 9. You find yourself making Kymerian gestures in the waking world. 10. You know how to get around Kymer better than your home town. --Wert P Gumby >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >HARVEST HUNT by: Acolyte Serena Some of you may have already seen the delicious pies that were baked one afternoon by our very own Oracle Teresias. After he was done baking, he cut them up and gave as many acolytes as he could, pie slices to do with as they please! There were pumpkin, apple, cherry, choclate and mincemeat pie slices, and there were even three, very rare rubarb pie slices! I am told that the wild rubarbs grow only in the deepest part of the jungle and are hard to obtain. They are not to be confused with the more common and hardly unique rhubarb. Not all the pies were cut up, however, three of them remained unsliced and complete. These are available for any avatar to win. How? Just collect six pie slices and turn them in for a complete pie. So hunt down the acolytes. They will be hiding the slices, or giving them as prizes at contests or just maybe giving them out for a good deed. Hunt down those pie slices and then contact me. You can reach me at 72007,221 to set a time to turn them in, or just to let me know you have them. I will also be taking turn ins before the CHAOS, Inc game on wednesday nights. What happened to the turkeys? They have all been claimed! I have just one pie left to be claimed as of this writing. Jax, as was reported, claimed the first pie. Necrolyte Xian claimed a pie AND the first Turkey. Necrolyte Benny also claimed a Turkey and the team of Scuttle and Clover claimed the last Turkey! That leaves just that lonely whole pie left to be claimed. Just sitting there, lonely, uneaten, with that just cooked aroma wafting in the air.... If some one doesn't claim it soon it may not be there for long! This is your hungry and getting hungrier by the minute for some pie, Acolyte Serena wishing you happy hunting! >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>*<>**<>**<>**<>* >POETRY CORNER THE THIEF --by Dedanann I am a thief and thats no lie, "Don't give him that head", I hear you cry, I'm mean, and I'm keen, and I'll track you down, to rip off your head with a Wooosh GIVE sound. You've probably met me or heard of my name, If I am caught, I'll give you the blame. I've scammed you all, not once but twice, and as you're aware I'm not very nice. I sneak and I creep in the temple you'll see, If you put down your chest are you faster than me? I'm always alone and never in a pack, Poof, now it's gone, when you turn your back. My favourite are the Newbies so innocent and blind, and it always makes me laugh, when they think I'm so kind. Lots of things I've taken, and placed them in my lair, but what good are these objects, with no friends in which to share. To change my name's expensive and I've done it twice before, What once was fun is boring now, I can't do it anymore. A thieving life's so lonely, as friendship's buildt on trust, for happiness and friendship, make amends I know I must. So I'll wrap my things in paper and put them in a sack, Then when Christmas day comes round, I'll give the objects back . by Dedanann 8/12/95 (Christmas is coming, the goose is getting scared) >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >GHOST RELAY RACES WEEKLY REPORT --By Acolyte VIQer We were fortunate enough to have enough players for six races this time! Time did run over a bit and to those who didn't get the chance to race this week, there will be a 4-corners race next week! This week we didn't get to let anyone have a second chance, as there were so many new players stopping by! Repeat players are welcome. ESP the host, Acolyte VIQer, to get into the next races, as we like to have the contestants preregistered. We will ESP if you get restless and wish to move around a bit before your race--we don't expect you to wait there the entire 15 minutes before your turn comes. Just let us know you will be close at hand and we'll let you know when it's time to return. The only rules for the Relay Races are basically: 1) Starting players must wait until the host gives the signal to ghost and head for your partner... 2) Any method of travel is acceptable, just remember you have to come out of the clouds to hand off the baton to your teammate. One thing I should note here: Someone told me they had an automobile in the next locale with a driver waiting.. I'm sorry but that will not be acceptable transportation for the Relay Races! (Besides, where do you get fuel in Phantasus?) Official Relay Race Helpers Kran and Acolyte Electra were on duty as usual helping out even the racers who got lost trying to find the magic shop! WTG! Please join us again next week and race crazily around the city!! >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >GAMING REPORTS --by Marianne G BLOOD.GIF By Marianne G You don't have to be a writer for the paper to have you game results published! If you run a game or event, and want the winners to see their name in print, send us the event results! You know we love hearing from all of you! >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >TREK TRIVIA --by Acolyte VIQer (Captain Picard) Trek Trivia is hosted in the StarWay Cafe "Lounge". This room is located to the right of the Head Vendroid, on the way to the StarWay Stage. This week Stump the Trekkies was cancelled due to lack of all the bridge crew! Commander Xian showed up to assist during Trivia. Next week we'll try to have Stump the Trekkies if enough crew materializes :) This weeks Grand prize winner was: ** Sunray Illuvatar ** ---------------- Iluvatar won the Moon head grand prize. It suited him very well as he tried it on right away! Iluvatar also recieved 120 Tokens for 12 correct answers this week. Congratulations Iluvatar! It was a close one between Iluvatar and Crazee Demeandered this time out. We had to break the tie and had a very tough time with those two! We threw out three good questions: they both got the first two and the third one was a judgement call because Iluvatar got it exactly right. Crazee was close enough to ordinarily accept his answer but since we were breaking a tough tie, I had to make a decision... Those two could have had us going for another 15 minutes!! Good work both of you! Everyone who attended this week did well! %%%% Bridge Crew News %%%% Our present crew is: Captain Picard, Ship Captain and Original Series Expert Commander Data, first officer of the bridge, Next Generation Expert Commander Xian, our other Next Generation Expert Commander Soreen, our Deep Space Nine Expert Lieutenant Estri, Specialty still remains to be seen All of our bridge crew participate from time to time asking questions in turn. We ask that you answer by ESP only to: Acolyte VIQer (The Captain). Bring your friends along to this event. Even if you only get one correct answer it's worth 25 tokens for attending! The worst that could happen is that you'll gain more Trek knowledge! It's really loads of fun and brings back memories for many of us older fans from way back. We are still looking for questions submitted for Trivia. Please send us a few questions you might like asked and we will try to include them. Address all submissions to: Captain Picard 70724,425. Be sure to include the answers; all submissions will be verified for accuracy and content before use. >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >ADVERTISEMENTS DESPERATELY WANTED- One Pony Tail Head. Must be reasonably priced for a poor avatar. Please send pictures of front, back and side view. Does not need to be blue. Send photos and price to Marianne G, at UID 72007,221 and Morpheus bless you. + + + + + + + + WA PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICE - WAPhotography is always ready to serve your needs at whatever hours you may need us...any time zone: European, USA or Australian. One week advance notice requested, but we can usually do short notice jobs as well. Quality results, reasonable prices. Special editing services and custom photos also available, GIF, JPEG or conversions to other formats for a small fee. Contact Acolyte VIQer at 70724,425 at forum or in Kymer for consultations and appointments. >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >EVENTS IN PHANTASUS --collected by Acolyte Brynne Week of Tuesday, December 12 through Monday, December 18 All times in WAT (Pacific) <<-------------------->> Tuesday, December 12 <<-------------------->> 5:00 p.m. Meditation Park Santa Land opens!.....................................The Oracles 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. South Fountain Right Apex Training (Run Rabbit Run) ................................MarvL Apex is an anti-terrorist group. Each player must post a 300T bond. <<-------------------->> Wednesday, December 13 <<-------------------->> 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Midday Trivia......................................Jackal3 Players must unscrambled the words to match with the host 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Bloodline December to Remember, Anniversary Celebration................................The Bloodline Games, a talent show, CHAOS, Inc event followed by an awards ceremony. 5:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe (exact room to be advised) Chaos Incorporated......................Acolyte Serena or Marianne G New! Games and more! This week as part of the Bloodline Anniversary! 7:00 p.m. Visitor's Center Left Jackals Bingo......................................Necrolyte Jackal You will need to download the bingo card from the Community Forum Library. 75T Entry Fee <<-------------------->> Thursday, December 14 <<-------------------->> 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia.....................................Mr & Mrs Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. <<-------------------->> Friday, December 15 <<-------------------->> 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Santa Land (Meditation Park) Visit with Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the elves! 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Lounge Trek Trivia...........................................Acolyte VIQer Show off your Trek Series knowledge to win tokens and prizes! 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Lounge Stump The Trekkies.....................................Acolyte VIQer This is where you get to ask us the questions!! We must answer correctly or pay up! Try and Stump our Trek panel for tokens! 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Visitor's Center Left Dreaming Insomniacs Society............Acolyte Milen, Acolyte Nicci Something DIFFERENT will be held during these times each week. <<-------------------->> Saturday, December 16 <<-------------------->> 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Temple of Morpheus, Tabernacle Wedding of Acolyte's Electra and Moria...............Oracle Vaserius Please join the happy couple in celebrating this special day. 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Observation Deck Wedding Reception of Acolytes Electra and Moria.............Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Please join the happy couple in celebrating this special day. 5:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Stage WARaffle Drawing........Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Purchase tickets from authorized agents. Door prize raffle! 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Santa Land (Meditation Park) Visit with Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the elves! 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Temple of Morpheus Tabernacle Wedding of Zena and Kran...................Acolyte Data Please join the happy couple in celebrating this special day. 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Outside Visitor's Center Ghost Relay Races......................................Acolyte VIQer Ghost races played baton style like Olympic Relay races. Variations will be coming in the future, allowing more winners in each race. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Observation Deck Wedding Reception of Zena and Kran...................Zena, Kran Please join the happy couple in celebrating this special day. <<-------------------->> Sunday, December 17 <<-------------------->> 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia......................................Mr & Mrs Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Santa Land (Meditation Park) Visit with Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the elves! <<-------------------->> Monday, December 18 <<-------------------->> 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Isle Caribe Ghost Racing..........................................Acolyte Serena Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship! 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Santa Land (Meditation Park) Visit with Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the elves! 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Fountain, All Four Sides Bloodline December to Remember, SnowFlake Games.....The Bloodline A chance to compete in five events and win points for an overall prize. Those not competing have a chance to bet on the registered competitor of their choice. --------------------------------------------------------- Visit with Santa, Mrs. Claus and the elves at SantaLand (Meditation Park) on the following days: Tuesday, December 19 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 20 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Thursday, December 21 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Friday, December 22 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Saturday, December 23 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. >**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* >HOW TO PUBLISH ARTICLES AND PLACE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE KYMER CLARION Waking World CIS email address: 75664,663 Deadline: 12:00 noon PDT every Saturday Letters to the Editors: We'd like your feedback! Please send letters to the above email address with the subject LETTER TO EDITORS. Please mark all letters you do not wish published as NOT FOR PUBLICATION. All mail to the Editors not so marked will be considered for publication, subject to editing for clarity and space considerations. Articles, poetry, etc: Do you have a poem you'd like published? An Article? Submit them to the above email address with the subject of ARTICLE SUBMISSION. The Kymer Clarion is currently token-free to all members; thus, we are not presently paying for submissions. We are currently considering our position on this and will notify our readers and potential authors should we decide to begin paying tokens for articles. Advertisements: All ads should be submitted in email or private forum message to the email address noted above and should be marked ADVERTISEMENT. The Board of Editors has not decided yet if they should charge for your advertisements, so get them in fast before they do!