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Well, You Know.................Acolyte Milen GAMES AND GAMING: Ghost Relay Races Weekly.................................Acolyte VIQer Ghost Racing Report.............| Harvest Hunt....................| Chaos Inc. .....................}.......................Acolyte Serena Game Reports....................| Bloodline Turkey Trot Results...| Kymer -- A Bingo Game....................................Wert P. Gumby Comedy Tonight: Wert's Dog House.........................Wert P. Gumby Take a Chance.........................................Necrolyte Jackal Jackal's Bingo........................................Necrolyte Jackal Trek Trivia..............................................Acolyte VIQer WARaffle....................................Compiled by Acolyte Brynne DEPARTMENTS: Advertisements................................The Avatars of Phantasus How to Publish Articles and Place Advertisements.......Editorial Board Schedule of Events, 11/28 - 12/04..........Collected by Acolyte Brynne %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% The Editor Speaks.... Acolyte Milen What to do, what to do... __/~~~\/~~~~\_\~~~~~~\___ /~~~/ ] \____|~~~ \_ ] / ] \ ] o THINGS TO DO, Sunday, Dec. 3rd, 199\/~~\ ] | ] - Collect nuts for the winter; first | ] frost is due any day now. | ] | ] - Assist Tia in getting the Glade's | ] LAN set back up. Remember to ask | ] about getting that Internet connect- | ] ion the other sprites have been | ] hoping for. | ] o********************************** | ] **- Edit Clarion for this week, ** | ]* finally prove to other editors * | ] ** that I'm not dead weight. ** | ] ********************************** | ] - Think of new and engaging phrases | ] to use in conversation. | ] Possibilities: "", "", | ] "" and "Wha...?" | ] | ] - Attend self-help class to learn to | ] o stop obsessing over lists so much and | ] | ]_____________________________________________/ Oops. Edit... Clarion... THIS WEEK?! AAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Okay. Okay Milen girl, you can handle this. Okay. Breathe. Okay. Whew. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Alright, I'm better now. Really. Okay. What should I talk about for this "Editor" column? Maybe I should discuss what's going to be in this issue? Like one of Rosaleah's Seen on the Street columns? Or maybe a whole SLEW of gaming reports from Acolyte Serena? I know! I'll slot in some info on Wert and Jackal's Bingo games. To wrap it up... how about a schedule! And then fill in the blanks with some other things lying around. Sounds like a plan! Alright! All set! O-kay! Now, time to get started.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! <<=======================================================================>> SEEN ON THE STREET --by Acolyte Rosaleah Magicas ... Mages ... the streets seem alive with magicworkers these days. We see that Sidekick and Kibbi have become mages under Darpeth's tutelage, for instance, and Dubbs and Darpeth were exchanging magickal knowledge with each other in the Visitors Center the other night. Indeed, Darpeth had a tale about the Blasted Heath and a transfer of magickal power that drove one mage so insane that all he saw he destroyed. :: shudder :: Let's hope our magickal ones are never likewise overcome! Who was that kitty-cat who gave a spider to Windancer? It was a gesture of generosity, surely, but it startled Windancer so (and she admits to not liking spidery creatures much) that she quickly gave it back to her benefactor and ran! Luckily, the spider didn't follow ... And now here's a hidden contest for those of you who stay alert: can you tell me the name of the captain of the Argo? If you don't remember ... take a guess or make up a name! When you see me on the street this week, just tell me the name you've thought of for a token gift! If you're the first to tell me the correct captain's name, you'll get a hundred tokens. I'll publish the winning and most interesting names with the proper credits right here! In the rumor mill today are tales of an iceskating rink hidden away past the gardens ... Quincy getting lost inside the beverage vendroid at the StarWay Cafe and being rescued by Roga Mae, who was trying to investigate the inner workings of the vendroid at the time (can this be the cause of the morphing magick in the beverage containers?) ... sightings of snowmen, no, make that snowwomen, no, make that snowpeople, uh, no, that's snowkids, building snowforts and throwing snowballs at each other all around the fountain (snow? snow without storms or cold weather? of course, in dream, anything is possible!) ... a grey avatar named Statue seen standing very very still in the Temple Registry ... and reports of a gnome seen scurrying around outside the Magic Shop ... and the sounds of singing voices, yes, singing, in the vicinity of the theater. <<=======================================================================>> A THOUSAND POINTS OF... WELL, YOU KNOW (The following was heard at the organizational meeting of one of the many new groups to speckle the surface of Phantasus. Transcribed, somewhat haltingly, by Acolyte Milen.) CHAIRMAN: I call this meeting to order. Secretary, would you please read off the minutes of the last meeting? SECRETARY: We called the meeting to order, we, er, sat around and chatted, we dispersed. CHAIRMAN: Was there *anything* else? SECRETARY: Yes, we decided that the Friar Head is ugly, noted that no one in their right MIND colors themselves all purple and we talked about computers, pizza and, in one rather unlucid moment, that sparrows would make super letter-openers. CHAIRMAN: I see. SECRETARY: Yes. CHAIRMAN: It is evident that we are a group without direction, and I, as your Chairman, am the one to give it to you! ASSEMBLED THRONG: Why you? (The Assembled Throng is rather upset with his position, and truly believes that *he'd* make a much better chairman, easy.) CHAIRMAN: Just because. THRONG: Mutter, mutter, annoying, mutter, disgusting, mutter, mutter, mutter, revoultion, mutter.... CHAIRMAN: I propose that we need to give outselves a name. Such a name will give us the cohesiveness and sense of group identity necessary to truly fulfull our purpose. THRONG, SECRETARY and an INNOCENT GHOST WHO JUST HAPPENED TO BE PASSING BY: What purpose is that? CHAIRMAN: I'm not sure, why don't we make up a name and see what it implies? THRONG, SECRETARY, GHOST: Ahhhhh. CHAIRMAN: Any suggestions? THRONG: How about the, er, "Autolytes?" CHAIRMAN: No, that's already taken. Hmmm... SECRETARY: "Necrolytes?" CHAIRMAN: Hmm? Naaah... taken too. THRONG: Why "Necrolyte," anyway? SECRETARY: You call this life? CHAIRMAN: SECRETARY: Ow! CHAIRMAN (getting smug): Alright you knuckleheads, you need to be *creative*. No more of these me-too names. Got that? SECRETARY: Budlyte, Buglyte, Flashlyte? THRONG: Blacklyte, Carlyte, Sunlyte? GHOST (getting into the spirit of things): Buzz Lyteyear? CHAIRMAN (deep in thought): ... THRONG: Why do we have to have "Lyte" on our names at all? I mean, it was clever the first hundred or so times, but now it's just sort of tried and kind of sad. CHAIRMAN: Secretary, could you please strike Assembled Throng's remarks from the record? We have to time for stupid questions. SECRETARY: Mutter, annoying, mutter, revolution... CHAIRMAN: Well, here's my idea. We'll call our group G.R.O.S.S., for "Get Rid Of Slimy girlS." THRONG, SECRETARY: Yaaaaayyyy!! Great name! CHAIRMAN: Now let's all go over to Suzie's house and throw snowballs at her! GHOST (who's read this particular Calvin and Hobbes strip before and storms off): Grumble... My point, I believe, is abundantly clear: Have fun with your groups, but leave Lyte for beer. =========================================================================== GAMES AND EVENTS =========================================================================== Ghost Relay Races Weekly By Acolyte VIQer The races this week went very well, we seem to have gotten a large enough crowd to run 5 races every week. Average time from start to finish is 15 minutes per race, depending on the level of co-operation we get from the contestants. Remember, if you stick around after you race, there may be an opening in the next race for you. Repeat players are welcome. ESP the host, Acolyte VIQer to get into the next races, we like to have the contestants lined up in advance. We will ESP if you get restless and wish to move around a bit before your race, we don't expect you to wait there the entire 15 minutes before your turn comes. Just let us know you will be close at hand. Remember, you may travel as a ghost or teleport if it saves you a few steps, any method of travel is acceptable. Thanks again to Kran and Acolyte Electra for all their help, I consider both of them my official Ghost Relay helpers. We would like to thank all those who partook in this event and those who waited patiently but didn't get the chance to race this week. Please join us again next week and race crazily around the city!! We promise you will get a chance too :D. >> GHOST RACING REPORT By Acolyte Serena PIE.GIF GHST1195.GIF Gifs by Marianne G Last race of the month and it was a doozy! One of the races was for the last of only three Rubarb pie slices on the Island. I had racers asking for this item days before the race even. But I held firm, not giving into bribes, pleading, or sob stories, and managed not to even nibble on the slice, saving it for the race. When it came, everyone unghosted down right in front of the slice and no one could find it under their legs! They tried jumping up to see it and grab it, they tried telling the others to move. It looked like a stand off (see PIE.GIF) with one stating they were not moving, and another that they had all day if needed to wait for that slice! Just when I thought I would have to go down there and have the race again, Hera managed to snag the slice from beneath everyone's feet! Hera said later, that she lives in New Orleans and is pretty good at getting items from the ground under peoples feet, as the annual Mardi Gras kept her in practice. Winning one race this week were Huckleberry for 50T, Tasslehoff won one of the famous bowling pins (#5 - only 5 to go!), miranda jean won 50T, Hera won the pie slice and Christa won 50T. Winning two races were Necrolyte Benny a cactus and a fox head, ABE winning a trophy (rumored to have been in Oracles Vaserius's closet - was our Oracle once a race car driver? He sure moves fast around the city!) and 50T and Necrolyte Xian winning a rope and 75T. Winning 10 to 20T in tokens during the everyone wins races were Knight Dangaio, Holger, Nexus Kane, Necrolyte SunRay White Rose, Cyberguy, Idril Celebrindal, Piemur, Passion, Mula, Sidekick, Sage Magus Elminster and Scutter. Congratulations to all our winners! As there was no one close to ABE, he did not have to have a race off to win his prize. He won a rare plate with Turkey breast meat and the trimmings, which should help him earn a turkey when he finds those other parts. Congratulations ABE on your first Ghost Race Championship! (See GHST1195.GIF) This monday, the 4th, Acolyte VIQer, with the help of Necrolyte SunRay White Rose, will be running the races for me. See you all on the 11th when I take control again :D >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< HARVEST HUNT By: Acolyte Serena Some of you may have already seen the delicious pies that were baked one afternoon by our very own Oracle Teresias. After he was done baking, he cut them up and gave as many acolytes as he could, pie slices to do with as they please! There were pumpkin, apple, cherry, chocolate and mincemeat pie slices, and there were even three, very rare rhubarb pie slices! I am told that the wild rhubarbs grow only in the deepest part of the jungle and are hard to obtain. They are not to be confused with the more common and hardly unique rhubarb. Not all the pies were cut up, however, three of them remained unsliced and complete. These are available for any avatar to win. How? Just collect six pie slices and turn them in for a complete pie. So hunt down the acolytes. They will be hiding the slices, or giving them as prizes at contests or just maybe giving them out for a good deed. Hunt down those pie slices and then contact me. I have three perfect pies going out to the first three who do so. You can reach me at 72007,221 to arrange a turn in time, or just to let me know you have them. I will also be taking turn ins before the CHAOS, Inc. game on Wednesday nights. That was announced last week, and now I get to announce that the first avatar turning in slices for a whole pie was Jax! Jax was at the CHAOS game to turn in his slices, retaining one, and then receiving the whole pie from me. I hope to give out those two other pies also. And now there is MORE!!! Hot out of the kitchen of the Julia Childs of Kymer, the Oracle with the chefs hat, the Pillsbury dough boy of Phantasus, comes some of the best turkeys and parts you have ever seen or tasted! Oracle Teresias not only cooked them to perfection, but made them available to continue the harvest hunt. Now, if you manage to find one of the rare plates with Turkey breast meat and trimmings, just team it up with a drumstick, a wing, and a plate of giblets. As an interesting side note, giblets come from the famous Kymer Gobblers, and their giblets regenerate when taken! So Teresias received donations from the Gobblers of their giblets to cook up plates of them for our enjoy- ment. I'm told it's a very tasty dish, but the Gobblers don't just give out their giblets to anyone. Once you have all the parts necessary, contact me at 72007,221 and if you are one of the first three in, you will win one of three whole turkeys! You will be allowed to keep one of the items you turn in to redeem for the turkey. Just a few warnings. This is Kymer, a place of magic, and when ever you're walking around the turkey parts will all try to morph and fool you into thinking you have the more rare plates of breast meat. Don't be fooled. They can't keep up the act for long if you stand still and stare them down. Also, we have found that some avatars are still unaware of the event. When they find the turkey parts, they have been eating them and leaving plates of bones behind. I will not accept eaten turkey as a part to trade in, but if you wish to keep the plates with the bones (the china is good china after all), you are more then welcome to. Happy Hunting! >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< CHAOS, Inc. By: Acolyte Serena What is Chaos Inc.? Chaos Incorporated is a total unknown every week. We may be trying out a new game to see how it plays. Maybe we'll be giving an old one a twist! Maybe it will be a paint party that week, or a singing contest. No one knows! We may not even know till we get there to host it! We do ask that you come early to hear the instructions for that event at that time. This week at CHAOS, Inc. - before the game begins, we will be asking all those who participated in the harvest hunt, and have six pie slices to turn in for a whole pie, or all the turkey parts to turn in for a turkey, to do so! Those who can not attend the game, to turn in their pie slices or turkey parts, are asked to contact Acolyte Serena at 72007,221. We tried out a new game of WHITE ROSE MYSTERIES at CHAOS, Inc. on the 27th and yes, we do have to work on the timing, but other then that I found it fun. Many thanks to Necrolyte SunRay White Rose for not only thinking of the idea, but developing it so we got to this trial period. Any time we play a new game, or even refine an old one, we do ask if you would send any suggestions to improve into us here at CHAOS, Inc. We are always on the look out for new ideas, and ways to fix games up. We also appreciate your patience as we do work on improving the game during the playing. Winning first place at the mysteries was Samson who managed to solve two of them. In second was Arch Mage Darpeth and Hera Too. Third place went to Sidekick. You received points for solving and also for asking good questions. Also winning tokens at the games were Damia, Necrolyte Benny, Christa, Boogie Man, Scutter, and Necrolyte Jackal. Next week we may have a surprise game and hostess. It may even be new! Or it may be old and ready to be written up and placed in the library. Who knows, I don't, it's CHAOS! >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< GAMING REPORTS By Marianne G BLOOD.GIF By Marianne G You don't have to be a writer for the paper to have you game results published! If you run a game or event, and want the winners to see their name in print, send us the event results! You can reach me at 72007,221 and depending on when I get it, will decide when it is published in the CLARION. So send us a rundown on your event and who won. You know we love hearing from all of you! Speaking of Events, Some of the Bloodline were caught inworld at the fountain recently, planning some December events. (See BLOOD.GIF) Word is that they may soon be asking for entrants to sign up for something, and taking bets on those that enter. Maybe this time I will even place a bet and win! Keep your eyes open when checking out the event postings, and see if you can enter. >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< BLOODLINE TURKEY TROT RESULTS By: Marianne G BLDTROT1.GIF BLDTROT2.GIF BLDTROT3.GIF BLDTROT4.GIF BLDTROT5.GIF Set of 5 Gifs By: BLD Stalker Race day dawned with clear skies and a slight breeze. It was a wonderful day to race, or to bet on your favorites. There were three teams racing in two races, and bets were so fast and furious, that if BLD Quackers had not been there, I would never had been able to manage it. We were hoping for a fun, yet money making day to finance future Bloodline activities, and we believe this was achieved. The three teams were: Team 1 - Flash - Hera - Shaker - Jax Team 2 - Necrolyte Jackal - Necrolyte Benny - Necrolyte Xian - Passion Team 3 - Trapper - Vestal, Version 1.1 - Utopia - Earendil Most of the comments I had heard before the races seemed to point to team one being the favorite. But that did not daunt the enthusiasm of the Passionate Necrolyte team and Trappers Troopers. In fact, despite being the underdog in both races, team 3, though not winning, did show themselves to be dangerous competition. Despite frequent reruns the races did finally go smoothly with Team one winning both races, and each member of the team went off with two engraved turkeys. It's amazing what you can do with a carving knife in skilled hands. I would not have believed it possible to use one to engrave a turkey, but Oracle Teresias once again surprised me. I'd like to thank him, the judges, Elwing, BLD Quackers, and BLD Stalker for the fine work they all did in making it possible. I'd also like to thank all those who went around the track before hand making sure it was clear. FineDude, who was one who performed this service, is also the only one who has not yet come forward to claim his prize. Please contact me to do so. All the racers were very skilled. You would have thought that they had been racing around fountains with platters of turkeys all their lives. There was only one spilled Turkey, which was very quickly put back on the platter. Kymer is so clean, I doubt if team member who won it will even notice that it had been on the ground a minute. Team 1 could even be found two hours before race time practicing the hand offs! I was also surprised that two of the teams had found time to color co-ordinate their clothing into team colors. It made it much easier for the judges to tell who was who. As for winnings. Those placing winning bets were Acolyte Electra, Miranda Mirage, Flash, Hera, Jax, Damia, Sullivan and FineDude and a total of 5147T were paid out in prizes and bets and the Bloodline still managed to make some funds for more events. I declare the Turkey Trot a success and I hope to see you all next November when I post on the boards for teams. Maybe we'll have enough for a few more races with many more teams, and far enough in advance to do the bet taking days before the event. Stay tuned for more Bloodline events, and another chance to bet with your tokens coming soon. >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< KYMER -- A BINGO GAME --by Wert P Gumby Friday Night we had a great turn out for the first ever Cyberspace bingo game called "KYMER." We played five rounds, and the winners were DragonFlyer, Five Spice, Max Raven, and Eärendil. The last round was a tie between Max Raven and Earendil. All winners received 100 tokens per round... >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< COMEDY TONIGHT: WERT'S DOG HOUSE --by Wert P Gumby Wert's Dog House was a big success. We laughed it up for close to 2 hours with various people coming and going all the time. Here's the best joke of the evening: (EDITOR'S NOTE: The joke has been excised from this report because I just didn't feel right printing a story about a monkey that sticks a peanut in a digestive orifice that wasn't meant to support it, at least not heading in that direction. Just use your imagination. HINT: It also involved a cue ball. We now return you to our regularly schedled report, still in progress.) We laughed for a whole five minutes on that one.... >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< >> TAKE A CHANCE Hosted by Necrolyte Benny,Trapper,Necrolyte Jackal Located outside The Fire Room on Sundays at 4-6pm WA time Sundays Starting on 12/10/95 Description: There is a 25 token entry fee 50% of this goes to the newbie fund the rest goes to the following weeks prizes. The player who answers the most questions per round will come into the fire room and either take the tokens offered or select a chest and receive the prize that is in it. There will be two rounds for this first time and might increase depending on attendance.Hope to see every one there.There are 15 questions per round. >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< >> JACKAL'S BINGO where: Outside the Magic Shop when: Mondays 8-10pm WA time host:Necrolyte Jackal Description: Everyone should know how to play:-). There is a 25 token door fee this will help make the pay offs better. And the pay off for the final Game really big. Players will need to download the Bingo card that is in the forum library in order to play. Hope to see every one there. If we have a good turn out we can schedule this for another day. There will be several combinations to win with also. >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< Trek Trivia By Acolyte VIQer (Captain Picard) Trek Trivia is hosted in the StarWay Cafe "Lounge". This room is located to the right of the Head Vendroid, on the way to the StarWay Stage. We have combined Stump The Trekkies as the second half of this event due to the lack of available players on Sundays. We also feel that this will give you a chance to get back at us right away for asking all those tough questions . It's a matter of convenience since we have all our players present for Trek Trivia, to host both halves of this in the same slot. This weeks Grand prize winner was: <<------------------>> Scutter! <<------------------>> Scutter won 500 tokens for the grand effort in addition to the 70 tokens for correct answers to the Trivia questions. Once again Samson was inches away from first prize along with Iluvatar! I suspect these two will be back next week with a vengeance and ready to claim the big prize! Congratulations Scutter! I believe it was Scutter's first time out with us too.. %%%% Bridge Crew News and Promotions %%%% Congratulations Lt. Commander Estri! She was promoted from Lieutenant just before the event officially by Capt. Picard.. Her contributions to our event certainly fit right in with the crew's expectations! We are also looking for Commander Soreen, who has been missing in action. If she does not appear on the bridge as ordered soon, disciplinary action, including penalties for going AWOL may have to be imposed on her! Soreen where are you? We are concerned! Our present crew is now five strong: Captain Picard, Ship Captain and Original Series Expert Commander Data, first officer of the bridge, Next Generation Expert Commander Xian, our other Next Generation Expert Commander Soreen, our Deep Space Nine Expert Lieutenant Estri, Specialty still remains to be seen All of our bridge crew participate from time to time asking questions in turn. We ask that you answer by ESP only to: Acolyte VIQer (The Captain). Bring your friends along to this event. Even if you only get one correct answer it's worth 25 tokens for attending! The worst that could happen is that you'll gain more Trek knowledge! It's really loads of fun and brings back memories for many of us older fans from way back. We are now accepting questions for submission at trivia. Send us a few questions you might like asked and we will try to include them. Address all submissions to: Captain Picard 70724,425. Be sure to include the answers, all submissions will be verified for accuracy and content before use. >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< WARaffle Results By Acolytes Lynx and Electra The winners in the WARaffle for Saturday, December 2, were: 1st Place...........Coquette 7000T 2nd Place...........Christa 3000T 3rd Place...........Elminster 1500T None of these winners were in attendance at the drawing. Please contact Acolyte Moria or one of the other WARaffle reps to arrange to collect your winnings. There was a new attendance record for the drawing once again. 53 ghosts were in attendance! Due to the huge participation in the Raffle, we have decided to make a 4th place prize from now on. Also, more door prizes will be awarded to some lucky avatars among those in attendance. Raffle tickets are now on sale for the drawing next Saturday, 5:00 PM WAT at the StarWay Stage. Be sure to purchase them only from authorized WARaffle ticket sellers: Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Moria, Acolyte Nicci, Acolyte VIQer, Magica Lambchop, BLD Quackers, and Acolyte Electra. The WARaffle hosts would like to thank everyone who has supported the raffle and all those who attend the drawings. ===================================================================== DEPARTMENTS ===================================================================== KYMER KLASSIFIDES ] DESPERATELY WANTED- One Pony Tail Head. Must be reasonably priced ] for a poor avatar. Please send pictures of front, back and side view. ] Does not need to be blue. Send photos and price to Marianne G, at UID ] 72007,221 and Morpheus bless you. ] WA Photography Service ] By Acolyte VIQer ] ] With the winter holiday season fast upon us, WAPhotography is ready to ] serve your needs at whatever hours you may need us, we have all the ] bases covered whether it's European time zones, USA or Australian. ] Don't forget to give us at least one week advance notice if possible. ] Usually someone is available for short notice jobs as well... ] Let us add you to our list of satisfied customers. ] ] Quality results guaranteed at a reasonable price! Special editing ] services and custom photos also available. Just let us know what you ] need. Most formats are available, our standards are GIF and JPEG. ] We can convert to most any format for a small fee. Please note that ] other formats usually take up more storage space and take more time ] to send. ] ] For service contact Acolyte VIQer at 70724,425 at forum or inworld ] and we will make your arrangements with our staff employees. ] Free consultations! Please ask any questions... ] We are here to fill your needs and make you at ease! <<=======================================================================>> HOW TO PUBLISH ARTICLES AND PLACE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE KYMER CLARION Waking World CIS email address: 75664,663 Deadline: 12:00 noon WAT every Saturday Letters to the Editors: We'd like your feedback! Please send letters to the above email address with the subject LETTER TO EDITORS. Please mark all letters you do not wish published as NOT FOR PUBLICATION. All mail to the Editors not so marked will be considered for publication, subject to editing for clarity and space considerations. Articles, poetry, etc.: Do you have a poem you'd like published? An Article? Submit them to the above email address with the subject of ARTICLE SUBMISSION. The Kymer Clarion is currently token-free to all members; thus, we are not presently paying for submissions. We are currently considering our position on this and will notify our readers and potential authors should we decide to begin paying tokens for articles. Advertisements: All ads should be submitted in email or private forum message to the email address noted above and should be marked ADVERTISEMENT. The Board of Editors has not decided yet if they should charge for your advertisements, so get them in fast before they do! <<=======================================================================>> Events in Phantasus Week of Tuesday, December 5 through Monday, December 11 All Times in WAT <<-------------------->> Tuesday, December 5 <<-------------------->> 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Visitor's Center Left Botticelli..........................................MarvL Botticelli is a creativity game with a different category each week. WARaffle Tickets On Sale from 7-8p.m. Outside Regency Hall. <<-------------------->> Wednesday, December 6 <<-------------------->> 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Midday Trivia......................................Jackal3 Players must unscrambled the words to match with the host 5:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Chaos Incorporated......................Acolyte Serena or Marianne G New! Games and more! WARaffle Tickets On Sale from 7-8p.m. Outside Regency Hall. <<-------------------->> Thursday, December 7 <<-------------------->> 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia.......................................Mr. & Mrs. Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. WARaffle Tickets On Sale from 7-8p.m. Outside Regency Hall. <<-------------------->> Friday, December 8 <<-------------------->> 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Lounge Trek Trivia.............................................Acolyte VIQer Show off your Trek Series knowledge to win tokens and prizes! 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Visitor's Center Left Dreaming Insomniacs Society..............Acolyte Milen, Acolyte Nicci Something DIFFERENT will be held during these times each week. <<-------------------->> Saturday, December 9 <<-------------------->> 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Great Kymer Quiz................................Acolyte Moria, Zippy Some easy, some hard, some just downright tricky. 5:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Stage WARaffle Drawing........Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Purchase tickets from authorized agents. Door prize raffle! 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Visitor's Center Outside Ghost Relay Races......................................Acolyte VIQer Ghost races played baton style like Olympic Relay races. Variations will be coming in the future, allowing more winners in each race. <<-------------------->> Sunday, December 10 <<-------------------->> 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia......................................Mr. & Mrs. Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Lounge Stump The Trekkies.....................................Acolyte VIQer This is where you get to ask us the questions!! We must answer correctly or pay up! Try and Stump our Trek panel for tokens! 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. WAT Outside the Fire Room in the Temple of Morpheus Take a Chance...............Necrolyte Benny, Trapper, Necrolyte Jackal The avatar who answers most questions per round enters fire room and can take tokens offered or select a chest and take the prize. 25T Entry Fee <<-------------------->> Monday, December 11 <<-------------------->> 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Isle Caribe Ghost Racing..........................................Acolyte Serena Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship!