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It was, of course, the day that Morpheus sent us all back to the waking world while he worked his magic in the Dreamscape. When we returned that evening, we found all sorts of new things waiting for us! To celebrate this very special occasion, several Kymerians have suggested that we declare November 15 as the official New Year's Day of Kymer and some have also came up with the idea for creating Kymer's very own calendar. We look forward to seeing what becomes of this! New items are in the StarWay Cafe vendroid and some of them are MAGIC! Either that or they're bugs! But whatever they are, it sure is neat to watch an athletic female body in flight while holding a cup of Black Tea! The cup turns into a teapot! And a glass of Latte turns into a martini glass! Whether they're magic or bugs, we hope that Morpheus keeps them just the way they are! Morpheus also changed some of the items in the Keepsake and KnickKnack vendroids. Gone are most of the fuzzies ::sigh:: and the ferns, too. For those of you who have lists of what's in each of these vendroids, here are new lists: Keepsake Vendroid Knickknack Vendroid ----------------------- ---------------------- 1. Key to my Heart 25T 1. Boombox 450T 2. Cactus 250T 2. Charm 400T 3. Fuzzie (dk grn) 800T 3. Pipe 100T 4. Silver Teapot 250T 4. Candelabra 250T 5. Knitting 50T 5. Canary 180T 6. Toy Boat 320T 6. EPROM 1000T 7. Bowling Pin 45T 7. Dumbbells 25T 8. Orchid 400T 8. Voodoo Doll 50T 9. Candelabra 250T 9. Spider 30T Many new little things appeared in the Dreamscape after Morpheus worked his magic. What is YOUR favorite new thing? Send me email to 71273,373 telling me what your favorite new thing is and why and share it with all of us! Have a great week in Phantasus! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% "When You Wish Upon A Star..." Contest Announcement Suggested by Oracle Uni, and Sponsored by The SunRay Astronomy Guild of the KnightLights of Kymer NAME AND MAP THE STARS OF THE DREAMSCAPE INTO OUR VERY OWN ZODIAC!! The starlit sky of Kymer, visible from the Observation Deck in the Starway Cafe will be your source. STARMAPPING CONTEST PART ONE: NAME THE STARS Multiple Winners !!!! As many winners as there are stars visible from the Observation Deck. It is up to you: Name only a few favorite stars, Name only one star, Name up to twelve stars Pictures of the night sky will soon be uploaded to the NewsStand Library. We will divide this picture into sections so that you may easily identify the stars you have chosen to name in your entry. In the meantime, start looking from the deck, and thinking up possibilities. Open your imaginations, and dream and wish upon those stars. STARMAPPING CONTEST PART TWO: "CONNECT THE STARDOTS" Map original Dreamscape Constellations by connecting the stars. (Just as in "connect the dots" ) Name the constellations you discover (the star names from part one do NOT have to match the theme of your constellation - same as in the waking world.) Connect the Stars into groups that suggest a picture and name the picture. Discover constellations within constellations (overlapping is allowed). You may choose to draw an underlying picture, or simply state how your design works. You may submit up to six constellations. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY DECEMBER 15 TO: Acolyte Indigo, 75104,3547 Sunray AngelBeta will head up the judging committee and Oracle Uni will also review the entries. ********* FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS CELEBRATION ********** "When you wish upon a star...." A "Festival of Lights" celebration will be held in Phantasus, when the stars and constellations will be given their names. Oracle Uni will be there to add to the magic of the festival. As each star is officially named, the contest winner may give a wish upon that star. In the event a contest winner has multiple winning entries, wishes may be voluntarily donated by that person to others. As each constellation is named, the contest winner may make a wish for the whole community. After the contest, discovering constellations will be an ongoing activity. The contest is planned just to get us started. Naming your own star can have a very special, personal meaning. Discovering our own constellations can provide a romantic activity for lovers, or a theme for a group even, or just daydreaming as we already do on the StarWay Observation Deck. HAPPY STAR GAZING! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% WARaffle Results By Acolyte Lynx Here are the winners of the November 18 Raffle Drawing: 1st Place.........Necrolyte Benny 2nd Place.........Bright Star 3rd Place.........Acolyte Milen Next drawing will be Saturday, November 25, at 5:00 p.m. WAT at the Starway Cafe Stage. Be sure to get your tickets! See any of the following inworld: Acolyte Moria Acolyte Electra Acolyte Nicci Acolyte VIQer Acolyte Lynx Magica Lambchop %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% Ghost Relay Races By Acolyte VIQer This week we had only a two leg race from the Visitor Center outside to the Magic Shop and back. We were able to host four races within an hour's time however! Prizes were awarded to 16 players in that short period of time. Remember, if you stick around after you race, there may be an opening in the next race for you. Repeat players are welcome. Everyone was very good about ghosting this week so we have decided not to move the starting locale for now. We do need more players! Have some fun racing around the city avoiding full locales and finding the shortest route to your teammates! This week it was a bit of a challenge because the Oak teleport region was full during a good portion of the event. Remember, you may travel as a ghost or teleport if it saves you a few steps! You are not restricted in mode of travel as long as you don't have a horse or something waiting in the next room! I'm trying to think of a way to introduce more variety into the prizes but tokens are nothing to sneeze at! Thanks again to Kran and Acolyte Electra for all the help! Looking forward to next week's races! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% Seen On The Street By Rosaleah What changes we've seen in our friends this week! Some have been working out, some seem to have fallen off their diets, many have changed faces. It's getting to be hard to tell who you know and who's new! Scuttle's not just a golden tinman now, but a muscular one as well. Must say it looks good! Joe has been working out, too, and was seen trying out various head styles. He was a gopher again, last time we spotted him, but it just goes to show that you never can count on things remaining the same around here! The drinks offered for sale in the StarWay Cafe seem to have some magical changeover qualities of their own. You can drink your herbal or black tea from the tea cup, for instance, then bow to turn the cup into a teapot, then move to pour yourself another cupful. Very handy! While you're at the Cafe, you might want to check out the coffees and the mineral water, as well, for similar magic. Speaking of tea, we hear that Clover2 and Scuttle were seen buying quite a bit of tea at the StarWay. Sounds like they're getting ready for a tea party, but it's nowhere near March yet, the dormouse is still asleep, and I haven't seen a single mad hatter around. Besides, that's a different story, unless Alice has found her way to Oz? A recent visitor in the Visitors Center was Father Christmas, dressed all in red and ready with some cheerful ho-ho-hos. It's a little early for Father Christmas just yet, but perhaps he heard about the turkeys trotting around the fountain and wanted to be sure not to miss that particular sight! Did you see a lot of red and blue about town the other night? Superman Too was going about inducting folks into the Superlytes for a day. The idea was to color Kymer red and blue. So if you saw a lot of folks wearing those two colors for a while, you needed rub your eyes too hard. Of course, Damia is still trying to get used to the idea of any color at all other than purple. Perhaps the Superlytes will sponsor a Purple Night sometime in honor of her home planet. Oh my goodness! Purple People! And I never *did* find out if the flying purple people eater was called that because *he* was purple or because he ate flying purple people! Hmmm... perhaps Damia knows? Here a unicorn, there a unicorn, everywhere a unicorn! Where'd they all come from? Where are they going? It was a cornolyte parade! Knights Andres led Zippy, Earendil, Acolyte Ravenwhyte, Acolyte Indigo, and Elwing down Gnarled Oak Street from the StarWay Cafe over to the Bar-L Bar where I caught up with them by the vendroid. What were they looking for there, do you think? Were they working their special magic on the vendroid so that it would dispense only unicorn heads from now on?? Who knows ... but they sure looked like they were having fun! And all the world loves a parade! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% Coming Soon: The Bloodline! By BLD Stalker Announcing the upcoming arrival of The Bloodline ("BLD" for short). Coming soon to a Dreamscape near you!! A Brief History: The Bloodline was originally formed in Club Caribe: the product of the original Lucasfilm "Habitat"(TM) technology created by F. Randall Farmer and Chip Morningstar. Formerly available on Quantum Computer Services' "Quantum Link" network, the now defunct subsidiary of America Online for the Commodore 64, Club Caribe (established in July 1989) combined the enjoyment of the online "chat" environment with the graphics, animation & interactivity of today's video game software -- evolving it into a veritable "animated online community" with us the computer users as its 'inhabitants'!! Toward the end of Club Caribe and the Quantum Link network, much of the support for areas like Club Caribe had long since been removed. Concerned users on the system began banding together in an organized effort to fill the void. "The Bloodline"(TM) was Club Caribe's first independent, 100% guest(avatar) operated support group. Their goal was to unite the masses under a common 'blood' tie of brotherhood & support in that they might support and serve the Club Caribe environment as a singular force...and quote: "Revitalize the Island with a new life's blood!" In the Present: With the defunction of Club Caribe & Quantum Link and the rights to Lucasfilm's Habitat technology having been bought by Fujitsu Limited, a new product "WorldsAway" evolved! Now ... with the public release of WorldsAway, the surviving members of The Bloodline have come forth once again to continue their tradition of support & service to the virtual community of the habitats; their purpose renewed and expanded from their early days in Club Caribe. As quoted from The Bloodline Charter: "... to enrich the 'animated online community' experience for both ourselves and our fellow avatars everywhere." COMING SOON! The Bloodline's new "WorldsAway" Chapter! Formally established in May 1995, the newest branch of the Bloodline will soon be ready to take its place within the WorldsAway community. In the meantime we've already begun to promote our future role in the community by providing our own Brand of games & event activities to the WorldsAway Public (the Bloodline Dance Contest, Go For Broke! and the Bloodline Halloween Bash to name a few ... with plenty more still to come!) On behalf of myself and my fellow BLD'ers I'd like to extend our personal thanks to those of you who helped welcome our informal arrival on the Dreamscape by attending these events & making them a big success!! Eventually as things continue to progress, our support and service of the WorldsAway community shall inevitably grow to include anything and everything from supplying helpful information to hosting innovative game & event activities on a much broader scale! "Get Blooded, join the Bloodline!" The Bloodline is not currently recruiting new members, but we are gearing up to start doing so, hopefully sometime in the very near future! In the meantime, stay tuned to the Kymer Clarion for official news & information as it develops. The Bloodline Executive Staff: BLD Stalker - Grandmaster (76571,1241) BLD Dragon - Assistant Grandmaster (102717,3213) Board of Executive Directors BLD Raven (102234,404) BLD Saber (76645,3012) BLD Quackers (76050,3623) BLD Tabby, aka Marianne G (72007,221) BLD Ryu (70724,425) BLD RazzaMaTazz (103232,2571) BLD Changeling (73142,1230) %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% Trek Trivia By Acolyte VIQer (Captain Picard) Trek Trivia is hosted in the Starway Cafe "Lounge". The participants in this event have named the observation room next to the head vendroid "Lounge". The background is like looking out the window from a Starship.... This weeks Grand prize winner was: Crazee Demeandered Not only did Crazee answer ten questions correctly to win the Grand Prize Star Head but also was one of three to answer the 100 token bonus question, making his total tokens 200! The other two who answered the bonus question were Passion and Zinnia! Congrats you three, you cleaned up nicely! At the end of Trivia on Friday, we added another crew member to our roster: Lieutenant Estri! Welcome aboard Lieutenant, may you serve the Federation well..... Our present crew is now five strong: Captain Picard, Ship Captain and Original Series Expert Commander Data, first officer of the bridge, Next Generation Expert Commander Xian, our Next Generation Expert Commander Soreen, our Deep Space Nine Expert Lieutenant Estri, Specialty remains to be seen All of our bridge crew participate from time to time asking questions in turn. We ask that you answer by ESP only to: Acolyte VIQer (The Captain). Bring your friends along to this event. Even if you only get one correct answer it's worth 25 tokens for attending! The worst that could happen is that you'll gain more Trek knowledge! It's really loads of fun and brings back memories for many of us older fans from way back. Also some breaking news: We are now accepting questions for submission at trivia! Send us a few questions you might like asked and we will try to include them. Address all submissions to: Captain Picard 70724,425. Be sure to include the answers, all submissions will be verified for accuracy and content before use. %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% The Great Paisley Pumpkin By Khai Joybringer This story I am about to share with you was first published during my stay in Club Caribe. My special events were hunts of all kinds, and for a couple months toward the end of 1990, I wrote stories for my weekly theme hunts, which were published on books with paisley covers. This particular story was written for "The Great Paisley Pumpkin Hunt, held on October 31, 1990. While it was a special halloween hunt, with Thanksgiving being this week and pumpkin pies being the usual dessert of choice, I thought I'd share this story with you. For the hunt in Caribe, one storybook was in each of my paisley boxes with a piece of Mr. Paisley Pumpkin (actually it was the closest thing to a pumpkin Caribe had: a large boulder in what was my trademark color -- paisley :D). Enjoy! -*-*-*-*-*- There came a time when it was commanded that all pumpkins would thereafter be orange. But before that time, there existed a different kind of pumpkin than the one we know today. Where and how do I being to tell the story of the GREAT PAISLEY PUMPKIN? The Paisley Pumpkin was older than Mother Nature herself and it was really Paisley Pumpkin who gave life and breath to our universe, though Mother Nature would have us believe otherwise. Paisley Pumpkin roamed the universe at will, creating forms and breathing life into them. He was happiest when he was duplicating himself -- if not his shape, then definitely his color. His fondest desire was to have a paisley universe. On his first visit to Earth, Paisley Pumpkin, feeling particularly tired, decided he would leave this blue planet alone, at least for the timebeing. But, unbeknownst to him, as he was exploring Earth, a tiny tip of his stem (which contained the patterns for all his magical powers) fell off and planted itself deeply into the ground. And from this tiny stem tip grew a consciousness who later became Mother Earth, accepting responsibility for the maintenance of Planet Earth. Mother Earth was pleased with her accomplishments; but she knew her primary skill, weaving various components together to create assorted configurations of consciousness, could be used elsewhere in the Universe. The only thing which stood in her way of greater accomplishments was the Great Paisley Pumpkin. Since she had been created from his stem and was linked to him by thought-form, she knew his goal was a completely paisley universe. She vowed that if he ever returned to Planet Earth, she'd do whatever she must to prevent him from painting Earth paisley. She liked the color; but everything everywhere looking the same would be very boring indeed. Variety, Mother Earth decided, needed to be the theme for the Planet Earth, if not the rest of the universe. For eons, Paisley Pumpkin was so preoccupied painting other planets paisley that he gave nary a thought to Planet Earth. And then the day came when everything everywhere matched. Paisley Pumpkin thought he had reached his goal until he remembered Planet Earth, which he had postponed painting. And that is when he made his fatal mistake. He set his direction sensors to Planet Earth, landing on the highest mountain peak. His first paisley painting project was the mountain on which he stood; starting there, he put his paisley painting powers to use. Mother Earth sensed Paisley Pumpkin's presence on Planet Earth and was determined to stop his paisley painting spree. The day after Paisley Pumpkin had arrived, she discovered that one whole land mass had been painted paisley! She lifted herself high above the planet and saw that all the oceans, rivers and lakes were paisley! "His powers are greater than I realized!" she cried out. "We must stop him before there is not a spot where paisley is not!" Calling upon all the birds that flew, communicating with all the winds that blew, Mother Earth issued an all points bulletin: "Paisley Pumpkin must be stopped before we have a paisley Earth!" While the birds and winds circled the globe searching for Paisley Pumpkin, Mother Earth began repainting all he had already changed. One Seagull was determined to collect the reward (to dwell within a human body) for locating Paisley Pumpkin. She soared for days before she finally found him in the process of painting a pond paisley. "Stop!" Seagull screeched. Paisley Pumpkin kept right on painting. "I beg you, Mr. Paisley Pumpkin, sir, to please not paint all of our planet paisley!" Paisley Pumpkin pretended not to hear her. "Hmmph!" he said to himself. "What could that little bird do to ME?" Seagull flew at Paisley Pumpkin, and even though she was not a violent bird, she pecked him all over his body, causing bits of paisley to scatter into the pond. With an astounded expression on his face, he lashed at Seagull; but she was too strong and too swift for him. She landed on top of his body, pecking his stem, not realizing she had chosen his strongest, yet also his weakest, spot. Until now, Paisley Pumpkin had thought he was immortal, for he had never before been challenged like this. He didn't know that without his stem, he would lose his magical powers. Paisley Pumpkin gasped as he began feeling his body shrink. With each bit Seagull plucked from Paisley Pumpkin's stem, he became weaker and smaller until, finally, he plunged to the ground, precariously perching at the edge of the paisley pond, bellowing: "Defeated by a Seagull! How could it all end this way?" Paisley Pumpkin, knowing his paisley painting days were over, crouched at the edge of the pond and contemplated throwing himself in, until he realized even his moving powers had vanished. Stripped of his magic, Paisley Pumpkin moaned; then he broke down and cried. Just then, Mother Earth came upon the scene. She looked at the paisley pond and declared that it would forever be the only paisley pattern anywhere upon the Earth. She glanced at Paisley Pumpkin, chanted her magic spell and commanded: "For all time to come, all pumpkins shall be orange with green stems." Suddenly, quicker than anyone could see it, Paisley Pumpkin was just a common, garden-variety orange pumpkin, squatting at the edge of the paisley pond. With another flick of her magic finger, Mother Earth released Seagull's soul and gave it a human body within which to dwell, decreeing: "Seagull, I now proclaim you immortal. You can change yourself between human and Seagull at your mere thought. You will fly higher and further than any Seagull either now or hereafter. I also bestow upon you magical painting powers!" Seagull kept humbly quiet. Paisley was her favorite color; but even she knew that a living, breathing universe would require variety to be truly whole. In the centuries which followed, Mother Earth, with the help of Seagull, embarked on a journey to all Paisley Planets, giving a wider variety of color and shape to everything everywhere. It was during this journey that Father Time bestowed upon Mother Earth the title of "Mother Nature" for her efforts in bringing wholeness to the Universe. But what Mother Nature doesn't know is this: Seagull found one isolated patch of the Universe which Paisley Pumpkin had not painted completely paisley. He had created a flourishing green garden and planted paisley pieces of himself. And there, thriving on the voluminous vines, were miniature paisley pumpkins. Seagull tended Paisley Pumpkin's pumpkin patch and visits it often, as a reminder that there once existed the Great Paisley Pumpkin who, in his quest for wholeness, found his greatest joy in painting planets paisley. He just never learned that the only color to bring true fulfillment is the color of variety. How do I know this story? Because I am the Seagull who later became the Goddess of Joy (but that's another story!). And I bring to you little pieces of what was once the GREAT PAISLEY PUMPKIN. %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% Events in Phantasus Week of Tuesday, November 21 through Monday, November 27 All times in WAT <<-------------------->> Tuesday, November 21 <<-------------------->> 7:00 - 9:00 p.m Visitor's Center Left Botticelli.................................................MarvL Botticelli is a creativity game with a different category each week. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Regency Hall WARaffle Tickets On Sale <<-------------------->> Wednesday, November 22 <<-------------------->> 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Midday Trivia.......................................Jackal3 Players must unscrambled the words to match with the host 5 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Chaos Incorporated.......................Acolyte Serena or Marianne G New! Games and more! 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Regency Hall WARaffle Tickets On Sale <<-------------------->> Thursday, November 23 <<-------------------->> Thanksgiving Day 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia.......................................Mr & Mrs Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Regency Hall WARaffle Tickets On Sale <<-------------------->> Friday, November 24 <<-------------------->> 6:00 p.m. Temple Tabernacle Wedding of Elminster & White Rose 6:30 p.m. StarWay Observation Deck Wedding Reception of Elminster & White Rose 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Starway Cafe Lounge Trek Trivia ..........................................Acolyte VIQer Show off your Trek Series knowledge to win tokens and prizes! 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Visitor's Center Left Dreaming Insomniacs Society.............Acolyte Milen, Acolyte Nicci Something DIFFERENT will be held during these times each week. <<-------------------->> Saturday, November 25 <<-------------------->> 2:00-4:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Great Kymer Quiz................................Acolyte Moria, Rydia Some easy, some hard, some just downright tricky. 5:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Stage WARaffle Drawing........Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Purchase tickets from authorized agents. Door prize raffle! 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Visitor's Center - Outside Ghost Relay Races......................................Acolyte VIQer Ghost races played baton style like Olympic Relay races. Variations will be coming in the future, allowing more winners in each race. <<-------------------->> Sunday, November 26 <<-------------------->> 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia......................................Mr & Mrs Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Lounge Stump The Trekkies.....................................Acolyte VIQer This is where you get to ask us the questions!! We must answer correctly or pay up! Try and Stump our Trek panel for tokens! <<-------------------->> Monday, November 27 <<-------------------->> 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Isle Caribe Ghost Racing..........................................Acolyte Serena Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% WA Photography Service By Acolyte VIQer For all your photographic needs! Tell us how you want it done! We will help you with ideas all we can. Weddings, Personal portraits etc.. We do all occasions, you chose which photos to keep. Prices based on job sizes, standard and super size packages available. Quality results guaranteed at a reasonable price! Special editing services and custom photos also available. Just let us know what you need! Mac pictures also available, we are no longer limited to the PC platform. For service contact Acolyte VIQer at 70724,425 and we will make your arrangements with our staff of four employees. Free consultations! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% Kymer Clarion Classified Advertisements SEARCHING FOR VINNY: some over two months ago, at the beginning of beta testing, I ran into Jon in the community forum. Misfortunes happen, and it so happened that we didn't get a chance to meet online neither then or for the last two months,and now I"m looking for him. The last I knew his avatar name was Vinny. So if anyone knows where Vinny is, I would really appreciate if you could let me know. Any information on Buddy would also be welcomed. To the lucky finder, there might be a certain reward at hand. Need I say more? Maharet, 100014,1457 %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% HOW TO PUBLISH ARTICLES AND PLACE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE KYMER CLARION Waking World CIS email address: 75664,663 Deadline: 12:00 noon WAT every Saturday Letters to the Editors: We'd like your feedback! Please send letters to the above email address with the subject LETTER TO EDITORS. Please mark all letters you do not wish published as NOT FOR PUBLICATION. All mail to the Editors not so marked will be considered for publication, subject to editing for clarity and space considerations. Articles, poetry, etc: Do you have a poem you'd like published? An Article? Submit them to the above email address with the subject of ARTICLE SUBMISSION. The Kymer Clarion is currently token-free to all members; thus, we are not presently paying for submissions. We are currently considering our position on this and will notify our readers and potential authors should we decide to begin paying tokens for articles. Advertisements: All ads should be submitted in email or private forum message to the email address noted above and should be marked ADVERTISEMENT. The Board of Editors has not decided yet if they should charge for your advertisements, so get them in fast before they do! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%