KK KK YY YY MM MM EEEEEEEE RRRRRRR KK KK YY YY MMM MMM EEEEEEEE RRRRRRRR KK K YY MMMM MMMM EE RR RR KKKK YY MMMMMMMMMM EEEEEEE RRRRRRRR KKKK YY MM MM MM EEEEEEE RRRRRR KK KK YY MM MM EE RR RR KK KK YY MM MM EE RR RR KK KK YY MM MM EEEEEEEE RR RR KK KK YY MM MM EEEEEEEE RR RR CCCCCCCC LL AA RRRRRR IIIIIIII OOOOOO NNNN NN CCCCCCCC LL AAAA RRRRRRR IIIIIIII OOOOOOOO NN NN NN CC C LL AA AA RR RR II OO OO NN NN NN CC LL AA AA RRRRRR II OO OO NN NN NN CC LL AAAAAAAAAA RRRRR II OO OO NN NN NN CC LL AA AA RR RR II OO OO NN NN NN CC C LL AA AA RR RR II OO OO NN NN NN CCCCCCCC LLLLLLL AA AA RR RR IIIIIII OOOOOOOO NN NN NN CCCCCCCC LLLLLLL AA AA RR RR IIIIIII OOOOOO NN NNNN ===================================================================== Volume One, Issue Thirty-Six April 17, 1996 ===================================================================== Published by and for Avatars of Kymer in Phantasus in the Dreamscape Kymer Clarion Editorial Board & Staff: Acolyte Rosaleah Acolyte Milen Marianne G Acolyte BLD Stalker !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*! Copyright 1996. The contents of the Kymer Clarion are the intellectual property of the individual authors. The Kymer Clarion is not to be redistributed in whole or in part without prior permission of the Editorial Board and the inclusion of our copyright notice. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*! >*<>*< INDEX >*<>*< >>FEATURES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Press Communique: Hippies Live in WA ......... from the wire services Menolly's Puzzle Corner ..................................... Menolly Letter to the Editors ....................................... Barmaid Announcement: Attention Alienytes ...................... Femme Fatale Announcement: Duckolyte Raffle ................ Arch Duckolyte Brains Coming This Week: Duckolyte Benefit Auction ... Arch Duckolyte Brains Choke Repair Fund Goes Over The Top ...................... Marianne G Wedding News ................................................... Data >>GAMES AND GAMING: Leadman's 3 in 15 Lotto Results ............................. Leadman Duckolyte Trivia Master ....................... Arch Duckolyte Brains WARaffle Winners ....................................... Acolyte Lynx Pop Culture Trivia .................................... PEZ Collector Clover's Collectibles Auction Results ........................ Clover Monday Ghost Racing .................................. Acolyte Serena European Ghost Racing ................................ Acolyte Serena CHAOS, Inc. .............................................. Marianne G Notes on Hosting ......................................... Marianne G And The Survey Says ...................................... Marianne G >>POETRY AND STORIES: The Lost Avatar Part 2: The Arrival of Twen ..................... Christopher Storm A Man Named Yen ................... as told to Holger by Scheherazade >>ADVERTISEMENTS: Avatars Needed: Poste Restante Service ................. Masked Angel Businesses and Services Wanted: Items / Roommates Searching for an Avatar >>FROM THE BOARDS: Various postings from the forum >>SCHEDULE AND EVENT INFO: Schedule of Events: April 17th to April 25th..........Editorial Board Upcoming Events.......................................Editorial Board =====/ HOUSEKEEPING /===== Colophon..............................................Editorial Board <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><===><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> >**|**<<>>**|**< FEATURES >**|**<<>>**|**< --------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESS COMMUNIQUE ]-[IPPY'S LIVE IN WA --------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, that's right hippies have found their way to WA. This week we have seen a group of 3 hippies walking and singing in the streets of Phantasus. Their clothes were made from cyber orange and purple. They were asking money for the songs they sang and talking about social issues like free connections for the low budget citizen, free cybersex and free parking places. When we tried to discuss other issues about hippies, they sent us to talk to "BB". When we tried to find Brigitte Bardot we failed. About 180 Tokens later in the evening, we see a macho hippy. His name is ']3ig ]3uzzer' - that sounds like BB. His clothes were orange and purple and we felt this had to be the enigmatic man. Are you BB, we asked him. "Yep" he answered, "Can I help you?" Can you tell us about the hippy group, we asked him. Yes, I can, said BB, and he started on with a typically hippy-length story. "About a month ago I was swimming over the ocean and I landed in WA. I liked the city so I stay. In the beginning the life here was hard. My English bad and no tokens enough for a comfortable life here. People make jokes about me as newbie. Someone give me help but most joking over me. On someone advise, I pressed ALT-F4 4 times and was wondering what's happened. "On the third day I remember having a dream. I'm dreaming I was a child and playing on the beach. A group of hippies playing music there. People ignore them, making jokes over their appearance. It was hard for me, but the hippies ignored the jokes. I remember there was a young child that lost his mother. One German girl from the hippy group walked with that child over the beach to find his mother. They find her and the Dutch mother was the first one that said nice words to the group. When I woke up I realised it happened in '68 on a Dutch beach. It was true but I had forgotten it. "I promise myself to not sell my hippie head. I was too young to be a hippie in 68 but now...a whole new world was rising: and no real hippies here. I will be one! I felt the need to know what I'm missing. That day when I go back to WA I have a good feeling over me. I try to help others. Then I met Dread, my double. We talked a bit over WA and how hippies live. Dread helped me on my way. We were walking and talking like hippies that day. A few days later Dread was changed. :-( Every one changes at some time but for me was it hard - I was alone again. "I changed too - I don't forget my promise but I needed other people. Then I met ]-[appy a real hippy. He gives newbies money. 'Why you do that' I asked him, 'I don't need money, man,' he said. I talked with him. When I ask him to form with me a hippie group he's laughing. 'You are not a hippy' he say to me 'You can't live on your own.' " 'But...I need a little PR and do you have tokens?' I give him 300; he split it and gave the first newbie money. Later we make an agreement. I support him and his group; I have to for that German hippy girl on that beach in '68. There are three now: Heroxy, Steo and ]-[appy: three real hippies. If someone needs help they help. If you see them and you have too much money put it on the street so if they need it they can take it. That's my story about the group." We looked at BB. He has changed his boombox head with the hippy head. With a last 'Bye' he's walking away, searching for people who like him. Maybe sometime he will find one. But one dream makes no other life. We disconnect and write up this story. A day later we hear of BB in the v-market. Buying Orange and Purple, the hippy colours! --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Menolly's Puzzle Corner by Menolly --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the answers to last week's puzzles: 1. Bottle party 2. A play on words 3. Take you out to lunch 4. Rock bottom 5. The following day 6. Torn asunder 7. Men out of work 8. In so many words 9. Singing in the Rain 10. Undercover agent 11. Foul language 12. Figure it out. It's easy when you know the answers, isn't it? Now for this week's puzzles:- 1. How many animals did Moses take into the Ark? 2. Divide 30 by half, and add 10 3. If a doctor gave you 3 tablets, and told you to take one every half-hour, how long would they last? 4. How many sides are there in a circle? 5. How far can a dog run into a wood? 6. Which country has a 4th July, U.K., U.S.A., or France? 7. A man built a rectangular house, with each side having a southern exposure. A bear came wandering up. What colour was the bear? 8. If you were alone in a deserted house at midnight and there was a lamp, fire-wood and a candle, and you only had one match, which would you light first? 9. How many birthdays does an average man have? 10. Why can't a man living in Yorkshire, England, be buried west of the River Trent? 11. If you have 2 coins totalling 11 pence, and one of the coins is not a 10pence piece, what are the 2 coins? 12. How much soil to the nearest cubic millimetre is there in a hole in the ground measuring 20cm x 20cm x 10cm? 13. If 2 monkeys sit in the corner of a room and look at another pair in the next corner, and so on until every pair in a corner looks at another pair, how many monkeys could say that they were looking at other monkeys? 14. Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister? --------------------------------------------------------------------- // LETTER TO THE EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clarion Editors, I saw a very sad thing today in WA. A friend of mine called me to the Starway Cafe Obsevation Deck to see a wonderful sight. When I arrived I was truly astonished ... hundreds of T's on the floor, each one placed there by an avatar making a wish! The floor was covered! I will never forget the sight. I duly found a place and put down one T and made my wish and then proceeded to chat with my friends. Others came and placed their T's and made wishes, then an avatar called Manny45 arrived and said that he was going to make a number of wishes. It wasn't until a short while later we realised he was picking up the single T's one by one and putting them into his pocket! He was stealing everyones wishes! There was nothing we could do to stop him. I suppose they were laid around, and didn't really belong to anyone, but I find it so sad that anyone would do such a thing. Perhaps I am too idealistic? I dont know, but it made me very angry and sad. Barmaid [Reply: The incident sounds very distressful, indeed, Barmaid. But, can wishes really be stolen? To see this occurrence in a bit different, better light, consider that a wish once made has already fulfilled its purpose and has been heard. The token of that wish, in this case, an actual token, is but a representation of the wish. A wish, like your dreams, can never be stolen--delayed, yes, unfulfilled, perhaps, but not stolen. And, as the avatar in question felt the need to take those tokens, perhaps he is in greater need than others for a representation of a wish. If that avatar has no wishes or dreams for themselves, then maybe one of the wishes represented by the tokens will become theirs and they will be all the better for it. And we can wish that their wishes, too may be granted. -- The Editors] --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Announcement: Alienytes by Femme Fatale --------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is for alienytes and non-alienytes alike. The alienytes have disbanded and are reforming. Since the new alienytes are totally different from the old we request that those alienytes who still use their alienyte handles remove whatever alienyte title you had from the front of your name. ATTENTION: On Saturday the 20th, at 3:00 WAT the first official meeting of alienytes will be held. The purpose of this meeting will be to familliarize you with our new group, and give you a chance to ask us any questions you may have about the alienytes. Afterwards there may be an assimilation party in which we will give prospective members trial memberships into the alienytes. Contact me, Prime Alienyte Femme Fatale, through the comunity forum if you have any questions. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Announcing: Duckolyte Raffle by Arch Duckolyte Brains --------------------------------------------------------------------- A brand new Raffle will be kick off at the Duckolyte Benefit Auction on Friday April 19th at the Starway Stage. The Duckolytes will be holding a monthly raffle for rare items which will be announced at the benefit auction each month. Details about the auction and prizes going up for grabs, will be made available at the auction, along with a list of authorized representatives. This raffle will be used to fund Duckolyte events and activities. We are working out the final details now on a big event which will be announced shortly. Please join us for the fun at the First Benefit Auction this Friday at the Starway Stage. Door Prizes consisting of many rare items will be given away throughout the evening. -------------------------------------------------------------------- //Coming This Week: Duckolyte Benefit Auction by Arch Duckolyte Brains and Chief Duckolyte Raptor -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Duckolytes are very excited and proud to be bringing to you a new and wild auction starting April 19, 1995 at 7 PM WA time in the Starway Stage cafe, and will be held on a monthly basis thereafter. We are happy to be announcing that this is a Duckolyte benefit auction and all proceeds will be going into the Duckolyte benefit fund to help sponsor future prizes for events held in the Dreamscape. To put on events that contain prizes it takes many tokens, most of which come from the sponsor's own pockets. This will offset the high cost of holding special events and will bring to you a larger number of prizes. All avatars of Kymer will benefit from this and the Duckolytes are elated about bringing it to you. During the event there will be door prizes which will be announced soon, as well as the items up for bid. The items up for auction are as following (but can change as new items are added): Bag (Halloween, holds 4 items) Butterscotch Candy_Head (Sweetie Pie,Love Ya,Lets Not,Buzz Off) Duck_Head* (rare non-vendo green) Fern Flowers (roses in vase) GingerBread_Head Gingerbread House Heart Chest (hold 10 items) Hot Chocolate Lacey_Heart Head* (rare non-vendo color) Mystery Chest (filled with many rare items) Ornament -Ballerina (morphing) Ornament -Snowman (morphing) Ornament -Angel (morphing) Ornament -Gnome (morphing) Ornament -Drum (morphing) Peppermint Pink 74/Pink 60 Head spray (full)- Rare non-vendo Pink Body Spray (full) -Rare non-vendo Red 90/Orange 12 Head Spray (full) -Rare non-vendo Red Body Spray (full) -Rare non-vendo Rocking Horse Rose_head* (several rare colored) Snowball Snowman_Head Valentine (pink) Christmas Wreath Wendy_Head* (painted rare gold/blonde) The auction will be handled a little bit differently from auctions of the past. We will add our own flavor of bidding to make it more enthusiastic for the bidders, and for those who like to watch. One of the ways of bidding (traditional) is that the item up for bid will go to the highest bidder. The other variation called "Duckolyte Rules" will go like this: the item up for bid will be deliberately started high, then gradually go down in price. The first bidder to bid gets the item. Here is an example, lets say the item is a rare Cute Elf head (rep), the floor is opened by the auctioneer at say 10,000 tokens. The price gradually decreases until a bidder bids on it. The first one to bid gets the item. This type of bidding adds a new excitement and tension to the auction. The Duckolyte sponsors will be charging a fee of 10% for items placed on consignment, and once again the profits will go to help fund future events in Kymer. Items up for bid at the auction are guaranteed not to be sold in vendos. We are looking forward to seeing you Friday, April 19 at 7 PM WA time in the Starway Stage Cafe. The Duckolyte Collectibles Benefit Auction will have many rare items up for bid. Everyone who comes is eligible for door prizes. We hope to see you all there !! Please contact the following authorized individuals for items to be placed on consignment, Chief Duckolyte Brains Chief GK Raptor-Duckolyte SrK Do not accept offers from imitators claiming to represent the auction. Contact us in world if you have a rare item that you would like to place on consignment. -------------------------------------------------------------------- // CHOKE REPAIR FUND GOES OVER THE TOP by Marianne G -------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can see by the diagram below, the CHOKE's repairs, are completly paid for- YEA!!! And the docs have put in the neccesary IV's for free. They said it gave them practice - no one had ever had to feed CHOKE into a machine before... but the excess drain from the 3-Liter bottles that were accessed put a severe drain on it's resources. As a reminder, any funds raised in excess of those needed for repairs, will be donated to hosts of events so they can help the community forget and heal the wounds of the vandalism. We are no longer looking for any who may have been involved in this. Many have come forward to take responsibility to help me deal with the issue, and I thank you for your concern. However, the lab informs me that they would be unable to make a posi- tive id even if possible suspects were rounded up. I would not wish to be part of any witch hunt of possibly innocent avatars. I would not wish any false accusations. Nor would I wish others to act rashly on my behalf. Therefore, it is time to put this behind us and work to repair the machine, and the community. I know your generosity will continue to pour funds into our little effort, and the community will be the richer for it. Donations can still be accepted by any of the CLARION staff, including myself and my alternate, Acolyte Serena. Those who are scheduled to benifit from the excess are the Helper group, SunRays/Knights, Ghost Racing/CHAOS Inc., Bloodline, and the Duckolytes. If you have other groups in mind who host games, please let us know by contacting me at 72007,221 Below is the total of the funds collected, and the post I made to the forum announcing the end of the search for vandals. *** - 6,117T (*) 5,000T The community has gathered together to help repair the |*| damage..... one of the meanings behind the word COMMUNITY |*| when I see it. There comes a time when there must be a |*| healing of wounds and you have to look forward. To |*| 4,000T harbour darkness in your heart, to concentrate only on the |*| past, is not how a community faces the future. |*| |*| Yes, it's good to seek knowledge and help from the past. |*| 3,000T It's even wise to remember the history of the past to |*| avoid mistakes in the future, but to dwell on the past, |*| and mostly on the past hurts and harms, is to not let |*| yourself advance to the next level of growth. |*| 2,000T |*| As the Book of CHOKE says: |*| |*| CHOKE is in the past, the present and the future, but to |*| 1,000T think only of the CHOKE you once had, is to miss seeing |*| the CHOKE you could be having. |*| |*| Thank you for your continued support! |*| ~ RAISED SO FAR: 6,117T ESTIMATED REPAIR COSTS: 5,000T Thanks go to MindyM, Wart, Utopia, Bog and Wolf Darkmane --------------------------------------------------------------------- // WEDDING NEWS Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, People of Kymer a wedding is a festive thing and shouldn't be the center of controversey. We had good intentions when we set up these guidelines, rather that see something as beautiful as two people joining together become an issue, I'll submit the following change to our council to bring peace to our fair land. The reception fee was nothing new, it goes back to the original guide- lines of the council set in October, 1995 before any of these problems existed. I am tentatively going to interpret the 100 Token reservaton fee as an optional handling charge for the Acolyte/Ordained Avatar to handle the booking arrangements only. This would allow an avatar to bypass the Acolyte/Ordained avatar and book the locale themselves by directly E-Mailing the scheduling committee for no fee. This way, the interpretation of Oracle Teresias could stand intact. The rest of the council must agree to this. I represent one vote on the council and there needs to be a consensus among us. I'll E-Mail this idea to the council and get a consensus on approving this interpre- tation ASAP. Pending further notification from the council, we will suspend require- ments that all receptions be booked through only an Acolyte/Ordained Avatar. They MAY still collect the 100 Token fee if asked to book it by an avatar on their behalf. The avatar can be informed that they may E-Mail the scheduling committee direct, if they want to. I will repost ONLY if the council decides against this interpretation. I am hoping that by the time we ordain our 7 avatars, we will have this straightened out. I suspect the council will allow this ruling to stand since we can't guarantee any public locale. I am hoping turfs will resolve this problem eventually, once released. -Data (Council on Marriages in Kymer) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> --_^+^_-- GAMES AND GAMING --_^+^_-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3 IN 15 LOTTO RESULTS by Leadman -------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the results of the first drawing of LeadMan's 3 of 15 Lotto, Saturday 13th, 3PM WAT at BAR-L BAR Storeroom. == The winning numbers are 7 - 9 - 13 == Tickets with 3 matches winning 2048 token: 07-09-13 Namenloser (Blind Guardian D) Tickets with 2 matches winning 146 token each: 06-07-13 @Dark Sun@ 03-07-09 Flynx 07-11-13 Gambler 09-11-13 Gambler 05-07-09 Highflyer 09-13-15 Holiday 06-09-13 Holiday 06-07-09 Holiday 04-09-13 Max Raven 05-07-09 Mirical Bernd 05-07-13 Namenloser (Blind Guardian D) 04-09-13 Sas Cool 07-12-13 Sukelie 03-07-13 Vagabond You'll be contacted by your ticket seller for payout, or you may contact them inworld yourself. ***** LeadMan's 3 of 15 Lotto ***** Select 3 of 15 numbers from 1 to 15 and win with 2 or 3 matches. The order of the numbers isn't important. Tickets 20T each, unlimited tickets allowed. Next drawing Saturday, April 27th, 3pm WAT, BAR Storeroom. You don't have to be present to win. Download LOTTO315.ZIP from the forum lib for easy ticket selection. Contact me (Leadman) if you want to become a ticket seller. -------------------------------------------------------------------- // DUCKOLYTE TRIVIAMASTER by Arch Duckolyte Brains -------------------------------------------------------------------- The first week of this month's championship for Duckolyte TriviaMaster was held on April 7th at Starway Stage. This week's topic was "Travel". The results were as follows: 1st Place: Julie S. won a rare colored Rose Head with matching paints, and Heart Chest 2nd Place: Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler won a rare colored Lacey Head with matching paints, and Heart Chest 3rd Place: Duckolyte Chris Brown won a rare colored Duckhead with matching paints, and Heart Chest This week's topic is Business. This topic like all topics in Duckolyte TriviaMaster is broadly based on all aspects of the subject. **** Special Prize **** This month's Grand Prize will be a very special head from the Oracles themselves. Please join us every week for the fun, and have a chance at this prize and many others as we play fast paced multiple choice Trivia. The standings for the month of April are as follows: Julie S. 5 points Cut-Me-Own_Throat_Dibbler 3 points Duckolyte Chris Brown 2 points Jadelin 1 point There is still plenty of time to qualify for the monthly championship. Special prizes are awarded to the top three monthly finialists. The Monthly Champion is determined by weekly winners using the following point system: 1st Place = 5 Points 2nd Place = 3 Points 3rd Place = 2 Points 4th Place = 1 Point "Duckolyte TriviaMaster" is held every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. WAT on the Starway Stage. Valuable Door Prizes!! Topics are changed from week to week. Weekly Prizes with Grand Prize awarded monthly. All questions have multiple choice answers, (which means that if you are terrible at Trivia Games normally, you have a chance here simply by making a guess) . --------------------------------------------------------------------- // WARaffle Winners by Acolyte Lynx (CKC-CCGA) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This week's WAR Winners netted a total of 14,000 tokens, as follows: 1st place 7000 Tokens-----Arch Duckolyte Brains 2nd place 3500 Tokens-----Athelstan 3rd place 2100 Tokens-----Sappholyte Normala Orlando II 4th place 1400 Tokens-----Satan We have added Big Kahoona and Sunray DreamKeeper to the WARaffle sales staff. Welcome aboard BK & DK!! Current list of reps. Acolytes: Lynx (ckc-ccga), Nicci, Moria and Electra Mivo,Chief Duckolyte Renegade,BLD Quackers,Big Kahoona and Sunray DreamKeeper See ya next week! --------------------------------------------------------------------- // POP CULTURE TRIVIA PEZ Collector --------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you culturally challenged??? If not, Pop Culture Trivia is the place to be on Wednesday nights. We had the largest turnout to date for the event and hope to break the record again next week. The questions ran the gamut from Movies and Television shows, to Music and People. We also had another large group of first time players, WELCOME!! Congratulations to the following winners: 1st place Wart a rare Lacy heart head 2nd place Mr. E?! hot chocolate 3rd place Ducklyte Askani 2 cans of non-vendo blue body/skin and head paint The next game will be on Wednesday April 17, 1996 from 8:00PM - 9:30PM WAT in front of the Library. As always, game play is FREE and no special software is required. Game play is easy. There are 3 rounds of 8 questions. The first three correct answers to each question score, and the top three players who've scored the most by the end of the game win prizes. Players get to choose their prizes in the order that they place. Next weeks prizes will include another rare Lacey Heart head, some rare paints and some cool item still to be determined. Next weeks theme will be another mixed bag of Pop Culture questions from Music, TV, Movies, Food/Commercials and just plain stuff! Come join the fun and play the game that brings back all those fond memories and tests the amount of useless information crammed into your heads! -------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLOVER'S COLLECTIBLES AUCTION RESULTS by Clover -------------------------------------------------------------------- From April 8's auction: Item Buyer Sale Price Snowball SophS 1550 Peppermint Lockjaw 1650 Gingerbread House Ryoko 3200 Hot Chocolate Krazy Kat 1350 Torgersen Teddy Ryoko 4050 Scarlett_head* My Name is Fancy 3200 Flowers Ruby 2300 Paint Blue 80 (2 left) QuietWinds 3000 Paint Red 62 (full) Beached 850 Heart Chest Cyberdog 1500 Rose_Head Sunray Mage Darien-GK 2550 Wendy Head (rare color) Lord Will 1350 Halloween Bag Duckolyte Indica 3500 Skull (Decorative)SunRay Mage CyberMageII 12000 Garlic Knight Mage Jed 2100 Voodoo Doll Arch Duckolyte Brains 1400 Door Prize Winners (Heart Chest): Sappholyte Normala Orlando II Dennis S -------------------------------------------------------------------- // MONDAY GHOST RACING by Acolyte Serena -------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to thank the Duckolytes for including their races in the two wins per week limit. This may make the racers scream NOT FAIR! but if you are a player who can not make it down due to a few avatars who rule the races, you are probably making plans for nominating your favorite duck to Morpheus for sainthood. Yep, looks like the racers will have to decide on the race of their choice for the month and stick to that one. So check out the Schedule at the end of this CLARION, and decide if you are going to race on Sunday, Monday or Friday! Now, bout the races on the 8th of April..... Winning one each were fancy That;) for a pink valentine, Darkhorse for a Valentine head w/ non-vendo Blue lace, Lindsey P. first time winner won her choice of non-vendo paint and Duckolyte Chris Brown won his second of the week here taking 100T's. Finally, Arch Duckolyte Brains took away some Hot Choclate. Not winning a second puts him one behind the leader now. Winning two each, were SunRay Mage CyberMage II for 100T total, Bud Drakir won 50T and a fern (who will be keeping his other fern company), and Speed Racer X won 50T and a snowball that he didn't want! Seems the Duckolytes will have it then for their upcoming auction. Now, what happened to our Key? Necrolyte Benny was not here this week, which does not happen often, so no key to be raced for. Benny, just try and get the keyed turned in to someone when you can. For those of you who missed it, we now have a KEY_TO_GHOST_RACING. You can keep it for a week, and can only win it once a month. Now, naturally, they should be good for something other then just winning bragging rights for a week. Their win not only counts towards the monthly race win total, but they do give you one more extra. Those winning the key are allowed to win not the limit of TWO races that week, but a limit of THREE races for the week. You can not, however, win more then two races at one game. Therefore, if you win the key on Monday, you are allowed to win 2 at Monday and 1 on Friday, or, if you win nothing other then the key on Monday, you are still eligable for two wins on Friday. For the key won on Friday, however, since it is the end of the week, they will be allowed to win their limit of Three races (2 one night and 1 the other night) the week FOLLOWING their win. ------------------------------------------------------------------- // EUROPEAN GHOST RACING by Acolyte Serena ------------------------------------------------------------------- We regret to inform you all that there will be no more Friday/ European Ghost Racing. If there are any who would like to take on the task of hosting the Friday games for me,I'd appreciate your contacting me at 72007,221. Please express any views you have on hosting at that time. You would need to make your event on a date when you could consistently host it at a European time frame. You would also be required to report the results of the game to myself, and the papers. I hope that I will soon have someone to host the games, and I know they will have a hard task following Holger's act. At this time, I'd like to thank Holger for all his hard work and the continued effort he put into the event. He will be missed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAOS, Inc. by Marianne G ------------------------------------------------------------------- This past Thursday, the 11th of April, we played a new game called Twenty Clues..... kinda like 20 Questions, but I gave the players Clues, and they ESP'ed in their guesses. They were allowed one guess per clue.. but they had to get that guess in before the next clue was given. It helped to have Acolyte Milen take the answers while I gave the clues. Answers ranged Years, (1973 and 1948) to Places, to People (Bugs Bunny, Pablo picasso), to things (refrigerator, pool table)... boy did we have a selection! I screwed up a tad on the scoring.... lined paper would have helped there. But when it was sorted out, Third place was SpearaPM, Second went to Meridien and First Place to Wart. Other winners were Utopia, Anais, Swifty_26, Uriah Heap, Damia, MindyM, and Pegasus. What, Damia wasn't in the top three? She had some ummm crashing problems that kept her out of the running this time. As a reminder, we're going to have another Sadie Hawkins Day Race this month for CHAOS, Inc..... I'm setting April 18th as the date! If you were there for the last one, this is where the ladies get to race down the men, and no, unlike the origin, they do not get to marry them afterwards. To help you remember, some of the rules are: 1) You are not allowed in buildings except when entering and leaving the Bar-L at the beginning and end of each race. 2) If you enter a crowded area, either that has no slot for anyone to come down, or that causes you to ghost, you have to exit that area (and unghost if you ghosted) - Males must be unghosted at ALL times except when they are forced to ghost.... and can not hide in full regions so that the ladies can not unghost to Tag them. 3) The Bar-L and the entrance to the Bar-L are safe areas. You can not tag anyone in them, and you can not stay in them during game play. You can only use them to exit and enter the playing field on the streets. What protection does the poor male have? Hints from those successful at evading capture during our first try at the game were: ..... just keep moving! And beware of who may be in the clouds!...... ..... you can try hiding behind another avatar... sometimes taking your head off helps..... they may not bother to use the STATUS, WHO'S HERE option and just ghost through........ ...... carry spare paints and heads... sometimes a good disguise can give you the time needed to run before getting tagged....... That's the best help I can give you all.... see you with your sneakers on Thursday, April 18th, at 5 PM WAT in the Bar-L storeroom. Speaking of games. We're currently writing down the rules of games we introduced to the dreamscape, and others submitted to us. When com- pleted, the file will be uploaded to the library to help out not only the game players, but potential hosts who may have an interest in seeing how the game is hosted. Get in touch with me in the dreamscape or at 72007,221 if you have a question or interest in this project. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // SOME THOUGHTS ON HOSTING by Marianne G --------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, for all you people who are thinking of hosting your own events, or helping to host, here are some suggestions and helpful qualities for you. Two weeks ago we started with Patience and advertising, last week we covered Rules and Preparation. This week we cover the overall finishing and closing of the events. Just a few things to think of as the players are leaving, and before you collapse from exhaustion. I also want to state, that perhaps, before, I did not stress strongly enough, the role the Scheduling Commitee Playes. They are unpaid, under appreciated, and very helpful. What they help hosts do is insure that your perfect time and locale is not in use by another, and that it is advertised as being available to you. Yes, it may mean that you have to give them advanced notice.... but then most events would be better run if they had that advanced planning.... not to mention, better ad- vertised. Yes, that means contacting the Committee (at 76645,3012 for those who missed it last week), AND the papers, but it will be well worth it for your peace of mind! Now, on to this weeks topics: 5) Clean-up: Near the end of the game/event, there are a few things that you may want to consider doing. Do advertise the date, time and location of your next event. If the avatars liked your event, nows the best time to let them know when and where they can see more of it. Do remember to thank them for coming. There are more events out there then there use to be, and I know that you took all this time to make your game as great as it is, but they gave up their time to attend also. So even if you had one or two problem children, it is only proper to thank them for making your event a success by attending it. Do remember to write up and send in your list of winners to the papers. You can reach the CLARION at 72007,221 and there is also the ESP! out there to send results to. 6) Other Considerations: When an avatar has to leave early, and have only played part of the game, what do you do? What ever it is, make sure you have it stated in advance either in the forum rules, or at the start of the event. There are a few choices, some of which depend on the game. Races and such, sometime the prize is what they race for. Therefore, nothing else is needed. At ghost racing, my rule is that yes, I give out tokens for those who come and do not win, but they have to be there at the end to claim them. If they do not stay for the end, then I do not hold the tokens for them. Sometimes, you can set an amount, I would not make it any more then 50T, or less then 10T. If they leave early, you can hand them this amount. Or you can have a policy that they have to be there at the end to win their prize, it can not be claimed later. Many favour that last choice, if only because, if you start paying those who have to leave for whatever reason, it stops the flow of your event. Everyone has to wait till you pay out one, or more people. Some games even require that you then have to change pairings or teams if they were part of a competing team, etc... No, it is not unreasonable to not want your event disrupted by leaving players. But if you make this your rule, you want to be able to, at the start 1) tell them how long the game is expected to last, and 2)your policy, and that if they leave before the end of the game, they will not receive any prize. Speaking of prizes, I personally prefer they don't get out of hand. Sure, we have plenty of tokens and items around if you've been here for any lenght of time, but that is not true of newbies, and also, there is always the danger of a flooded economy where the items lose all their value. Host also should realize, that unless they are receiving tokens from the players, like bingo games, that provide the pot, they can not overextend themselves. I'd like to think, and I've been proved right many a time, that the players come to the games for the social interaction, the challange and the fun. They are not just there for the prize. So don't think you have to be rich when it comes to those items. In fact, you may even want to make them more special by limiting the number of them, or the token amounts you give out. If you run an exciting game, no one will miss them. Sure, you may have a whiner or two, but they are 1) Not worth going broke over 2) not the majority and 3) not the one hosting. Make sure your players know that your rules are your rules, your interpretation, and your say goes. You can't bend over backward to try and please them all. Yes, you need to be fair, but don't let others tell you how to run your game.... it only makes it harder for you to run it. Also, you can have games based on, what we call at CHAOS, Inc. the honor system. There are times, depending on the game, when we give the rules to the players, and tell them they are on the honor system to, perhaps, not block following (which is sometimes used for tagging), to report in when they are tagged, to not communicate in ESP with the others, etc.... I have never had any problem with it, and if you do, you can always ask the offending player to leave. When it comes to disruptions, everyone winds up developing their own way of dealing with it, from ignoring, re-locating, rationalizing, or even just ending the event. You have to do and deal with it as it occurs, good luck to you. In all, the more fun you have hosting, and they have attending, the more fun the event is for both. When it becomes a hassle to host, then it's time to take a little vacation..... do remember to inform the papers and the scheduling committee if that is needed. Maybe you'll come back refreshed, or find a way to do it with less problems or you'll be able to see it different. As easy as it appears to some, hosting is not all it's cracked up to be, and you should make sure you are ready before making that committment.... gee, it's almost like a marriage! Have I totally prevented anyone from striking out into the gaming territory? I hope not, but I do hope that I've given you some things to think about. I'm sure there are lots more that I forgot to say, or that you'll find out when you start hosting. Most importantly, have fun, cause if it's not fun for you, it won't be for the players. For all of you that do put your talent, time, patience and soul on the line to host, consider this a great big THANK YOU from everyone who came and may have forgotten to express it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- >> AND THE SURVEY SAYS by Marianne G -------------------------------------------------------------------- Just recently the Bloodline brought you the KYMER FEUD game for your enjoyment. 75 Questions were posted in the CLARION to provide us with answers for that game. For some of those questions, there was not enough clear winners for the question to be used. However, there were some clear winners on some of the answers, and for the enjoyment of all, we will present some of them in this and a future CLARION or two. The number of avatars who voted for each answer is presented in (#) format after that answer. These are the last of the survey questions that had enough to use them as questions. Hoped you enjoyed the feature..... maybe someday we'll take them again and see how the opinions had changed. If a cowboy tended bar at the Bar-L, what color stetson would he wear? Top answers were White (11), Black (8), Red (3), and Brown/Tan (3). How many heads should and alien waiter at the Starway have? With 29 responding, top answers were three (13), Two (8), and one (4). If you owned a cat on Kymer, what color would it be? With 25 respond- ing, answers were Black (7), Black & white (4), and White (3). Kymer needs an ice cream parlour. Where would you like to see one open up? Top answers were Meditation Park (7), Fountain (7) and the Visitor Center (5). What flavour Ice Cream would you order on your cone? With 25 answers, top ones were Choclate (7), Vanilla (5), Rocky Road (4), and Straw- berry (3) // ONLY THREE FOR MY FAVORITE FLAVOUR????!!!!// When asked what their favorite closed building was in Kymer, 22 avatars answered with top replies being Magic Shop (7), Isle Caribe (5), Regency Hall (4) and Harlequin Games (3). And finally, 20 answered the question of what their favorite open building in the city was, top answers were Starway Cafe (8), VMart(5), and Bar-L Bar (4). <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <<<>>> ** <<<>>> POETRY & STORIES <<<>>> ** <<<>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //THE LOST AVATAR Part 2: The Arrival of Twen by Christopher Storm, Sunray Knight ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Twen stepped out of the NuYu and onto the bustling city street. Taking a quick glance at the myriad different creatures who were walking past he felt a wave of self-consciousness wash over him. It had been two weeks since he had arrived on the Argo after his incredible adventure and he had only just saved up enough tokens to change his appearance at the NuYu. And while they had done a wonderful job transforming his look into one that felt more like himself, he still felt a little uneasy with his appearence. It, like all things in Phantasus, would take a little time to get used to. Stepping into the street and heading to the north he thought back to his incredible arrival to this place. His first recollection was of appearing on the Argo, the mysterious ship that had brought him here, in a blinding flash of lightning. His stay on the ship was a short one, however, and within seconds the fierce storm in the skies had thrown him overboard, despite the Captain's valiant efforts to save him. He found himself washed up on the shore of a small beach that lead into a dense jungle, and not wanting to tempt the storm further, he had run into it for shelter. In retrospect, that wasn't one of his smartest moves. Not only could he not remember who he was, other than the odd name Avatar 2012, but he had lost himself in some strange jungle. A jungle that just happened to be home to some nightmare beast that decided he would make a good afternoon snack. Twen's short life here would have ended quick had not that mysterious robed figure appeared and sent the vicious creature back into the jungle. The stranger then managed to somehow teleport Twen back onto the Argo which had docked at the city gates. There was no sign of the Captain on board, and other than that annoying parrot there had not been much to see. So without wasting any time Twen had wandered onto the Promenade leading to the city gates. Not wanting to continue with the rather odd name he had arrived with, but still at a loss for his true identity, he had logged himself as Twen in the registration book. Since that time he had managed to save up enough tokens while exploring parts of the city to afford the transmutative powers of the NuYu staff. And that brought him to now. Still with no clue to his identity, Twen was determined to figure out who exactly he was. Not too sure where to start, Twen figured he would finish exploring the city of Phantasus, hopefully picking up some clues on the way. "Excuse me, are you done with the ATM?" Twen asked a lanky unicorn as he stepped up behind him at one of the two banking machines in the city. "Sure am!" The unicorn replied in a half-whinny of a voice. "I'm Kintarra, by the way. Don't think I've seen you around here before... are you new?" "Sure am" Twen replied while sliding his change into the deposit slot. "Is it that obvious to see?" He added with a smile. "Heh... yeah, when you've been here for a while it gets pretty easy to spot the newest travellers to the city. At least you have a good look about you instead of that hideous appearance we all arrive with. Well, for a human anyways." "Thanks," Twen chuckled, "You're not too bad yourself. Say, maybe you can help me Kintarra. I was wondering if you could tell me which direction it is to the turf apartment building. I thought it might be by a magic shop, but I can't seem to find that either." "Well I hate to break it to you Twen, but they're not done constructing it yet. Hopefully it will be some time soon, though." "What? But I've seen pictures of them... er... where DID I see those pictures?" Twen shook his head to try and clear his thoughts. He had the image of the turfs clearly in his mind from a picture he had once seen, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it. "You okay?" Kintarra inquired with a concerned look. "Yeah... its just that I remembered something for a second from my past. Thats the first thing I've been able to recall sinc..." "STOP!" The cry cut through the air and interrupted Twen. Both he and Kintarra looked down the street to where the cry had originated. A young female duck had been knocked to the ground and was trying to get back up. She cried out again, this time pointing to a large person sprinting up the street as she did so, "STOP HIM! He stole my chest!" Both Twen and Kintarra spotted the thief at the same time. He had a large muscular build, sheathed entirely in tight black clothes. The stolen chest was under his skeletal arm. Skeletal? Twen looked up at the face of the thief and let out a gasp of shock. It was a skull. A skull with cold steel eyes and a menacing snarl on its bony jaw. Since his arrival Twen had not seen such a creature, and regretted seeing him now. Truly a horrific sight to see that huge skeleton running up the street with a deadly look about him. Especially since he was running straight for Kintarra and Twen. TO BE CONTINUED... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //A MAN NAMED YEN as told to Holger by Scheherazade ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time, there was a man named Yen. He had everything he wanted, everything others thought was good. Yet he knew he lacked something. So he went to the merchant in the village, the most wise man in town, the most respected, and the most known for his honesty, and Yen asked, Can you tell me, What is the truth? The merchant thought. And finally answered, "I know it in my heart. But I can't put it into words." Stay here a year and a day, and you, YEN, will know... So Yen stayed for a year and a day, and met all kinds of people and travelled far and wide. But eventually the time was up, and he discovered. That, dor the merchant, the truth meant being honest, good and fair only because that was good business sense. Yen was not happy. On his travels he found a kingdom where all seemed full of joy. So you asked the king, "can you tell me the truth?" And the king thought, and thought, until he said, "I know it in my heart, but there are no words..." So, again, Yen stayed for a year and a day, learning what it was to be a king. And he discovered, that, for a king, the "truth" is finding out what is possible... Only that. What is possible, not necessarily good or bad, Yen was not satisfied. He still yearned for more. At the edge of the kingdom, there was an abbey, full of books, surely there, Yen thougt, I can find the truth. And, for the year and a day, he read and read. Until he learned that ALL the great truths were learned long ago. Yen hurt. His head ached. His feet ached. And his mind was full of pain. He simply wandered into the hills. And a thunderstorm caught him outside a cave, where he saught shelter. There was silence there. Deep Silence. And, very slowly, Yen realized he was not alone. Even in the deepest of the silent moments. Yen was not alone. But he did not know who or what was there... He listened. He learned to listen to his heart, and see beyond what human sight can see. All this he learned in the darkness of the Great Silence, with the being in the cave. Finally, it was time to go -- and Yen broke the silence, saying, "is there anything I can do for you, before I leave?" And the being answered, "Yes, come outside with me." For the first time Yen saw the being he had learned so much from. It was so horribly ugly that it was impossible to tell if it was man or woman. All the lines of all the tears in all the world wrinkled its face. And all the lines of all the laughter in all the world were there too. And this being said, "Yen, what do you see?" Yen replied, I see great ugliness and great beauty. Then, said the being, will you do one more thing for me? "yes" said Yen, for you have given me more than I knew how to find.... Then, said the being, Go, and tell the world I am beautiful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <<<<<<<++++++>>>>>>> ADVERTISEMENTS <<<<<<<++++++>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- // AVATARS NEEDED: The Kymer 'Poste Restante' Service by Masked Angel --------------------------------------------------------------------- I am relatively new to WA (about 3 weeks on and off), and one of the first problems I encountered was trying to find an Avatar again in WA. I mean, you have a quick chat with someone, they say they have to go and log off. You would like to meet them again but have no way of contacting them. You don't have their UID, and just logging inworld and ESPing seems a pretty hit and miss affair. So I came up with the idea of a 'Poste Restante' service in Kymer. Wouldn't it be nice if you could leave a message at a known point for another Avatar - by Avatar name - that they could pick up the next time they came inworld? I thought so. So I thought about it some more and could see a way in which it could work, and I got some Software together to help out and tested it and its looking good. It works like this. The Poste Restante service will have Avatars on duty at a particular spot (outside the Library for instance) at predefined timeslots. These timeslots will hopefully cover most Avatars normal times in WA. Any Avatar can leave a message for another Avatar with the Duty Operator (or MAilMAster). When an Avatar enters WA all they need to do is go to the Poste Restante and inquire if there are any messages for them. The MAilMAster on duty will then give them any messages being held for them. Simple really - and I hope a really useful service. The Software takes care of receiving, storing and handing out the mail (so the Operator doesn't have to do much except be there) and as it is all handled by ESP you don't even need to be in the same location as the MAilMAster. In order to launch this new service, I need a core of Operators who are willing to take on a Timeslot (not necessarily every day, maybe once a week for say half an hour). If anybody is interested, could they please contact me. Initially the service will be free to test it out and get it going, but eventually we may charge a nominal sum - say 5Ts for each deposit or collection. This money will go towards reimbursing the operators for the time they spend being MAilMAsters. I would be interested in any views on the service, and especially would like to hear from Avatars (or Organisations) interested in being operators. Masked Angel (101705,517) -------------------------------------------------------------------- WAMACRO ver. 2 now available -------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 of WAMacro is now available in forum library 5. It contains the following additions: - Toolbar - Comment lines - PgUp/PgDn/Up/Down scrolls the WorldsAway message window whenever WAMacro is activated - A "humanize" option, which tries to make the output more natural by changing the line delays depending on the line length - Ctrl+F2 inserts the text "^{F2}", Ctrl+F3 inserts "^{F3}", etc. - All special characters work, like the "hug" characters ("{}"), and other Alt+xxxx combinations, e.g. left arrow (Alt+0129) Check out the updated help file for further information. Download and enjoy. :) Regards, Shaker --------------------------------------------------------------------- //// //// Businesses And Services //// --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Play the WA Pick-3 Lotto to WIN BIG!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- WE SUPPORT PAC! You choose three numbers from 0 to 9 and three numbers will be drawn on the appointed date. If your numbers match ours then YOU WIN! The lotto is now at ->8000T<- Tickets cost 10T each with NO LIMIT! Pick your numbers inworld after paying for tickets. You don't have to be present at the drawing to win. But be there for the many door prizes! If you would like to obtain tickets contact any of the following ticket sellers: ®Joe Blowsem UP¯, Mr. Boombastic, Sherry, Knight Sir Lancelot Charlie Chicken, Mage Dumpling, Chuck1, or Sean If you have any questions or would like to buy tickets with PAC E-Mail us at 73357,1576 Thanks, <> --------------------------------------------------------------------- // LeadMan's Sport & Event Bets --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bet on all major Waking World sports events (and more) and earn big money! We cover Boxing, Formula 1 Car Racing, Indy Car Racing, ATP Tennis, NHL, NBA, etc. We are working on bets for inworld-events too. Bets ranging from 20-1000T We are accepting Phantasus Credit (PAC) Official agents: Cr. Necrolyte Little Princess, Tin-Tin, Rotfuchs ESP us or E-Mail LeadMan at 100413,1430 if interested A list of the latest is available for download as SPORTBET.TXT --------------------------------------------------------------------- // LeadMan's 3 of 15 Lotto --------------------------------------------------------------------- Select 3 of 15 numbers from 1 to 15 and win with 2 or 3 matches. 50 percent of pot are paid for tickets with 2 matches, 50 percent of pot are paid for tickets with 3 matches. If no win for 2 or 3 matches, pot is added to next jackpot. Tickets 20T each, unlimited tickets allowed. Next drawing Saturday, April 27th, 3pm WAT, BAR-L-BAR Storeroom. You don't have to be present to win. Download LOTTO315.ZIP from the forum library for easy ticket selection. Contact any of the following ticket sellers to buy tickets: Highflyer, Sukelie, §pellßinÐer, The Duke For further questions, to buy tickets with PAC (208-3) or if you want to become a ticket seller, E-Mail me at 100413,1430 --------------------------------------------------------------------- // WorldsAway Yellow & White Pages --------------------------------------------------------------------- For the most complete listing of inworld businesses, and the ONLY single listing of resident avatars, check out the WorldsAway Yellow & White Pages! Whether to find a service, check to see which businesses are already operating inworld, or to verify the correct spelling or User ID of an avatar, the WA Yellow & White Pages is the BEST source available! We also list you WWW Homepage and set links on the Web version of the Yellow Pages: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/germangiant/yellow.html You can download a copy of the WA Yellow & White Pages in the WA Forum library, Newsstand Section, filename YELLOW.TXT, or get it on the Web! Thanks to all the WAYP customers for making it a success! If you have any questions or would like to place an ad, contact GermanGiant, Big Kahoona, Necrolyte Xian SrK, Hotspot, Mr. Nice Guy or Sunray Dream Keeper. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hera's Advertising Services --------------------------------------------------------------------- I had a need for doing some advertising and found a gap in our business community. I created my own service which proved very successful in telling Kymerians about upcoming events. If you need to "get the word out" about your upcoming event or you just want to increase attendance, please contact me at 71762,3210. I will send you rates and coverage. Hera's Advertising Services (HAS) is not affiliated with the Knights of Kymer. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vivid Ads --------------------------------------------------------------------- VIVID ADs is a graphics and advertising company in WA. VIVID Ads makes top quality computer graphics for all advertising purposes. We even design advertisements! Cheap, low everyday prices will only make it convenient for your needs, large detailed pictures are about 350T. And "pocket sized" are only 60T - 80T! We make all styles and formats for both PC and MAC. Interested in expanding your advertising with eye-catching pictures? Drop us a line at CIS 73357.1576 for information on our products. Or catch me inworld, <> --------------------------------------------------------------------- // WA Photography Service --------------------------------------------------------------------- WA Photography Service by Acolyte VIQer and staff... Our prices are very reasonable. Special editing services and custom photos also available. We will help you remember that special moment. Format of your choice available. Reprints available, in case of lost photos! For service, contact Acolyte Sunray VIQer at 70724,425 and we will make your arrangements with our staff. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // G&G Services --------------------------------------------------------------------- G&G Services are proud to present their range of new services: o Web Page Design - from only 30T per set Need a professional looking Web Page for only a few tokens? o Web access for those who can't access the Web - 10T per page/site Modem can't access the Web? Give us the URL and in return for 10T, we'll get you the page(s) o Cheat provision - 2T per cheat Can't win a game? We have cheats for 90% of games! o Cyber-Hunting - 5T per find Looking for a particular person, article or page? We can do it for a very small fee! To inquire about any of these brilliant services, please e-mail : George - 100745,2707 Gary - 101603,2730 --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Moon Design --------------------------------------------------------------------- Want a special portrait of the real you? Want an unusual piece of art for your new turf? Want a greeting card so unusual that the recipient will never forget you? MOON DESIGN can custom design anything you can imagine and things you have never even dreamed. Each graphic is an original work of art. Your graphic will be delivered in JPEG, GIF, or the format of your choice. Prices are determined on an individual basis and are surprisingly affordable. References and samples available on request. Email 102514,3721 or ESP aprilsmoon inworld. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Solo Enterprises --------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you looking for FRIENDSHIP or even LOVE? Then we are here to assist you in your search! We have set up an organization to help avatars become friends and meet with other avatars inworld. Download FRIENDS.ZIP from WORLDS AWAY LIFE in the community forum for a questionnaire to fill in. For more information ESP either Kage Solo or Kaylam Solo Inworld. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Personalized WA Clocks --------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you downloaded the Wyld's WA Clock from the forum? Are you tired of seeing my ugly mug holding said clock? NOW from Wyld Karde software: Personalized WA Clocks! For just 50T (plus package and posting) YOU can own a copy of the WA clock software with the picture of your choice! The readout window will be moved to fit your picture at no extra cost! E-mail me, Prime Alienyte Wyld Karde, at 101467,470 for your copy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Phantasus Credit --------------------------------------------------------------------- Do what you want to do without ever taking out a token. How? Get Phantasus Credit and find out. It's free for February and March. Contact Imagination at 76724,3017 for more information. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clover's Collectibles --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->CLOVER'S COLLECTIBLES<-- The Dreamscape's premier dealer of rare heads and items no longer available in vendos. --><-- We are here to serve you. We are accepting consignment of rare items for future sales. Consignment fee is 20% of selling price. All items will be auctioned to the highest bidder. If you have rare or hard to obtain items you wish to place on consignment, please contact one of our staff via Email (All CIS UIDs and information supplied will be handled in a professional and confidential manner): Clover 73071,1252 Remus 74627,1701 Passion 102443,1111 Please supply the following information: -Consignor Avatar Name -Consignor UID (if different from UID on Email) -Item Names -Minimum starting bids for each item -Locale for collecting consignment item -Proposed time for collection of consignment item You will receive return Email either confirming the meeting or proposing an alternate meeting time. Please allow 1-2 days for a response. --><-- ****************WARNING**************** * Protect yourself from scam artists! * *************************************** Do not meet with anyone claiming to represent Clover's Collectibles unless you receive return Email with an appropriate staffer UID from the above list. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Kymer Community Services: Information --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kymer Community Services Information packet is finally available in the Newsstand section. The brochure includes descriptions of many of our programs, such as the Voices Poetry Project, Avatarobics, Kymer Crime Victim Support, Kymer Avatar Peer Counseling, Vendoholics, the Infatar Sandbox, Phantasus Fountains Country Club, and the new Hunter Brown Academy...plus much more. The title of the file is KCSINF.TXT. Normala Kelly, Director, Kymer Community Services --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Kymer Community Services: Matchmakers --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kymer Community Services is looking for single avatars.... both male and female.... to join the Matchmaker service. There are men and women avatars waiting to be matched to the mate of their Dreams! Hurry.... love could be around the corner! We are also looking for more avatars to join the E-mail Club which is now being formed. For information and info on how to apply, please see KCSINF.TXT in the Newsstand library. Come join the fun!!!!!! Normala Kelly Director Kymer Community Services --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chaleur SucrŠe Strippers --------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to put some "sweet heat" into those otherwise cold & boring bachelor parties? If so, then consider "Chaleur SucrŠe", strippers extraordinaire. Also available for birthdays, and private parties. Introductory rates now in effect. E-Mail either 502 @ 102674,2417, or Zoran @ 102064,543 --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Duckolyte KYMER --------------------------------------------------------------------- I am please to announce that starting this Sunday I will be hosting Duckolyte Kymer in front of Harlequin games. Games will start at 9:00pm and run until 11:00pm WAT. I will be hosting Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Call Kymer first and win a payout depending on the number of players. Bets are 25-250T. The more players and higher the bets placed, the bigger the payout. You will need KYMER1.EXE from the WA community forum to play. I look forward to seeing you there, Duckolyte Melissa T --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Phantasus Dept. of Social Services: Adoption Agency --------------------------------------------------------------------- For many months now I have witnessed the formation of many special relationships in the Dreamscape. However until now only the relationship of marriage has been recognized under Kymerian and Phantasian Law. The Phantasus Adoption Agency is now here to provide avatars and inanimate objects alike with the chance now to officiate the parent-child relationship in the eyes of Morpheus. For everyone out there who shares a special bond with another avatar or who has that special teddy/infantar/fuzzy in their life and desires a way to make it legal we are here to serve you. The officiating can be something as simple as a library upload or as elaborate as a wedding ceremony. It's the family's decision. =-) If you would like to book an appointment or have any questions please email me at 102212,1117 or reply to this via forum message. Since this agency is in it's youth we are looking for your feedback. What can we offer you to make your life in the Dreamscape more enjoyable? It's all up to you! You can email suggestions. Background: I have been in the Dreamscape for eight months now and previous experience in this field in officiating weddings. I can give references upon request. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>-<<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> Phantasus Department of Social Services: ~Birth Certificates ~Teleporter's Operator Licence ~Death Certificates ~Passports ~Almost anything else you can think of. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // WA Community Theater --------------------------------------------------------------------- WA Community Theater (not the thing that isn't open yet- this is like a theater group) is looking for avatars who would like to star in our first production! our first play will be "Little Red Riding Hood" ALL parts available there will be 2 rehearsals and probably 3-4 performances interested? ESP: Dot Warner or e-mail me at 73110,1546 --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Kymer 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- I am starting a new Lotto called the Kymer 5. If you have taken part in the Pick-3-lotto You probably know who Joe Blowsem up is. He is helping me get it started. Tickets cost 15 Tokens each But there are many specials. Buy 5 get 2 free=75T Buy 7 get 3 free=100T Buy 10 get 4 free=150T Buy 20 get 8 free=300T I am also looking for more sellers. If you are interested Be sure to ***E-MAIL ME ONLY*** at----72662,1457 and I will give you info about it. But hurry up there are limited positions!!!! If you have any Questions Just ask me here or E-mail me. The only sellers now are.... Joe Blowsem up Chuck1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // New Service: Prepaid Credit ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In May, there will be a new service from Phantasus Credit called Prepaid Credit. I'm sure you all know what it is by the name. You will be able to pay now for credit that can be used to buy stuff later. You will be able to use it with all the existing Phantasus Credit sup- porters. The best feature is that you don't have to get a permanent number and go through a long registration process. All you have to do is pay me or any of the PAC helpers and you will be sent a list of supporters, your temporary number, and how much you have on your account. It's that simple. No bills to pay and no membership fees. Just the standard 9% PAC interest rates. In other words if you pay 50T, you will get 45T to spend. Another good feature is no spending limits. You can pay as much as you want. This is not meant to replace the standard buy-now-pay later credit. With the buy-now-pay-later version, you soon will be able to take money out of your account inworld. With prepaid, you have to pay right away. More info on this is coming soon. If you are interested or want more info, please e-mail me at 76724,3017 Imagination --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Phantasus Credit --------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever gotten tired of waiting up to a half hour just for a game of Bingo to start? Well if you are then you need Phantasus Credit. It's a convenient alternative to tokens. When you play a Bingo game, all you have to do is ESP the host your account number and your payment and you are set to play. We already have over 25 members (and still growing). Here are the businesses that accept credit: Pick-3 Lotto Vivid Ads The K-5 Group Kymer Community Services (KCS) Leadman's sports and events bets Leadman's 3 out of 15 lotto BINGO (some hosts including Leadman) Honor Studios, Ltd. GermanGiant's Yellow and White Pages Other things you can do with credit is pay for things by e-mail instead of going inworld and finding someone. If you want more information, there will be a Questions and Answers file released in the forum in a couple days. It should be called pacqa10.txt. Just keep looking in WorldsAway Life. Or you can e-mail me and I'll try to explain it from my head as best as I can. If you want to join, make sure you write your INWORLD NAME in the letter. Imagination --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hippie Concert --------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Grafter Xiphid announces... | | --------------------------- | | | | The Dreamscape's first hippie concert! | | | | In practice now - a new hippie band willing to bring | | you, friendly citizens, a brand new experience. The | | band, called ]-[ippie Gang are fun loving members of | | WA come together for this unique experience. | | | | This not-to-be-missed experience will take your head off, | | change your colour scheme and zonk your zombies! Some of | | you will be familiar with leading members of the | | ]-[ippie Gang : | | )-(appy, | | ]3ig ]3uzzer, | | Heroxy and | | Steo. | | Other hippies and groupies are to be seen around town and | | at their popular practice sessions. | | | | Watch for more news of the ]-[ippie Gang and the launch | | date of their first public concert. To receive advance | | personal notification of the event, E-Mail Grafter's | | promotion clerks on Doug_Kate_Milnes@CompuServe.com | | 101655,2526 | | | | See you there! [Or be square] | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- // First Independent Turf Agency --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! ########## ## ########## ##### ! ! ########## ## ########## ## ## ! ! ## ## ## ## ## ! ! ## ## ## ## ## ! ! ###### ## ## ## ## ! ! ###### ## ## ######### ! ! ## ## ## ########### ! ! ## ## ## ## ## ! ! ## ## ## ## ## ! ! ##irst ##ndependent ##urf ## ##gency ! ! ! ! ----------------------------------------------------- ! First Independent Turf Agency // deutscher Text folgt // Hi friends and visitors of Kymer, today it is a great pleasure for me to announce the foundation of a new agency in Kymer. As you surely heard, TURFS will soon be to released in Kymer. At this time, nobody knows exactly, how turfs will appear In-World, but some abilities are already published. So it will be possible to share a turf with some other avatars (up to 16 owners). And of course to share the rent as well. This agency is established to make things easier. Do you want to share a turf with somebody and don't know with whom? Do you look for a special time, being alone in a turf with a friend? Do you look for a special interest group, coming together in a turf? Do you want to cancel your lease agreement? This new agency will help you. It's not sure, how turfs will be distributed, but if you want to be on the FITA queue, email me. To be as flexible as possible for the agency, it is necessary that the price for entering the queue will be about 100T. This is, in my opinion, a really fair price which also newbies can afford. I don't want to make any big profit, so if in any reason, the FITA couldn't keep that promise you will get your money back (promised). Your email should include your avatars name, a suggestion to meet and pay, and a short description of your interests In-World, so I could make a good selection in joining shared turfs. The other possibility is, to meet me In-World. I will be present during the week at 11:00am till 1:pm and on weekend/eastern perhaps longer, but no fixed time. On the other hand, I'm looking for some partners, to help me in FITA. I'm calling from Europe, so it will be useful, if some avatars from USA and/or Down Under will join the FITA. your sincerely Baghira, UID: 100541,2735 German translation ------------------ Hallo Freunde und Besucher Kymers, es ist eine groáe Freude fuer mich, heute die Gruendung einer neuen Agentur in Kymer anzukuen- digen. Wie Ihr sicher gehoert habt, werden bald Wohnungen/Appartementes in Kymer zur Verfuegung gestellt. Im Moment weiss zwar noch keiner wie das mit den Turfs werden soll, aber einige Moeglichkeiten sind schon veroeffentlicht worden. So wird es moeglich sein, dass mehrere Avatars sich ein Turf teilen (bis zu 16 Bewohner). Natuerlich wird dann auch die Miete geteilt. Diese Agentur ist gegruendet worden, um Dinge einfacher zu gestalten. Weisst du nicht mit wem du eine Wohnung teilen sollst? Moechtest Du zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt mit einem Freund/Freundin allein in einer Wohnung sein? Moechtest Du in Deiner Wohnung Leute treffen, die aehnliche Interessen haben? Moechtest Du Deinen Wohnungsanteil verkaufen? Diese Agentur wird Dir dabei helfen. Zur Zeit ist noch nicht bekannt, wie die Wohnungen verteilt werden, doch wenn Du auf die FITA Warteliste kommen moechtest, sende eine Email an mich. Um moeglichst flexibel beim An- und Vermieten von Wohnungen zu sein, finde ich es notwendig, dass der Preis um auf die Liste zu gelangen 100 Tokens betraegt. Dieser Betrag ist meiner Meinung nach sehr fair, und auch von Newbies aufzubringen. Ich moechte mit dieser Aktion keinen grossen Profit machen, darum verspreche ich, dass jeder seinen Beitrag zurueckerhaelt, sollte ueber die FITA die Wohnungsvergabe nicht wie geplant stattfinden koennen. Deine Email sollte deinen Avatarnamen, einen Zeitpunkt InWorld zum Treffen und Bezahlen, und eine kurze Beschreibung Deiner Interessen InWorld enthalten, damit eine harmonische Zusammenstellung von Wohn- ungsgemeinschaften moeglich ist. Eine andere Moeglichkeit ist natuerlich mich direkt in Kymer anzusprechen. Ich bin normalerweise von 21:00 (Telekom Billigtarif) bis 23:00 (11:00 bis 13:00 WA) in Kymer, am Wochendende und Ostern wahrscheinlich laenger. Allerdings habe ich keine feste Uhrzeit. Auf der anderen Seite suche ich noch Partner fr die FITA. Da ich aus Europa komme, waere es praktisch, wenn die Avatars aus USA oder DownUnder kommen wuerden. eurer Baghira, UID: 100541,2735 --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wheels on Fire Limo Service --------------------------------------------------------------------- Let Karynda be your Worlds Away ride....as in wheels. Need to get somewhere *FAST*? Need to find that item or place? Want to whisper sweet nothings to that special someone without the hassle of driving? I work for tips (tokens). For all you politicians and lovers, any talk or gift giving will be held in the strictest confidence!! **Hours On Duty.....Fri & Sat 5:30pm WAT 8:30pm WAT** Open to other scheduling. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // @sk @thena Advice Column --------------------------------------------------------------------- IS SOMETHING TROUBLING YOU? =T Do you need advice on something that's been nagging at your mind? Are you just looking for someone to actually *listen* to you for once? Well, look no further...because @untie @thena is here for you! Stemming not from any professional counseling abilities but just a genuine desire to help others in their trials, @thena can surely lighten your load. She's Kymer's "Ann Landers", and she wants to lend you an ear! So if you're troubled...if you're sick of being ignored...or you just want somebody else's two cents, then don't hesitate to @sk for help. Privacy ensured, @thena will *NOT* use your real or avatar name should she choose to include your letter in her column. ESP to: Magica SunRay @thena! or E-mail her at 102051,145. ~~~~~@sk @thena...because she cares, that's why! = )~~~~~ (The column @sk @thena is not affiliated with the Magicas or the Knights of Kymer.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Wanted: Chess Head --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi all! I have recently heard that there is another Chess Piece head somewhere in Kymer besides Artema's, I am desperately looking for it, if you have any information about it, or have it yourself please reply. Thank you! CyberMage 102166,617 --------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Searching for an Avatar --------------------------------------------------------------------- Two weeks ago I met a wonderful woman in Kymer City! Her name is Meri4. She is American and I am German. I cannot stay online the whole night. Therefore I would like to contact her by mail to fix a date. Please help me. If you know her, give her my CIS address. Axel Buese alias Tasario III 100305,3302 --------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Alienyte Femme Fatale: Roommate Wanted --------------------------------------------------------------------- SBAF (single blue athletic female) interested in turfmates. Gender, sexual preference, group affiliation, and acclimation towards cleanliness do not matter. Has to be willing to let me paint the walls pink . There is a good chance that I might throw large parties ON OCCASION. Other than that, my only request is that you are trustworthy to pay 50% of the rent (or 33% if I find two good applicants) and to not steal any stuff that may be lying around. Please e-mail me your applications. Alienyte Femme Fatale 102354,2721 --------------------------------------------------------------------- // R@ven E: Roommates Wanted --------------------------------------------------------------------- TURFMATES NEEDED Since turfs are close and near, and said to be expensive too, I'm looking for three other avatars to share a turf with me. I don't play my stereo too loud, bring my own food and my spider's very friendly. Preferably avatars who aren't outlaws and aren't obsessive about tidiness.. Please send applications by e-mail to: R@ven E, 100014,1457 with avatar's name and a few things about yourself.... Thank you. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wanted: New Club Members --------------------------------------------------------------------- The new Club in WA. Join now, BotF = Brotherhood of the Future Is the perfect base for fun and teamworking to make the live easier, Join now and send your Id and Name and you are in the strongest. No cost. Just fun Justice Willi * BotF 101542,1446 --------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Prez: Waking World Get-Together --------------------------------------------------------------------- All Detroit-area residents and expatriates cordially invited to make yourselves known! I am organizing an in-world get-together for us. How about sometime in May, on a Saturday evening? Prez 102726,1655 ===================================================================== >>**|**< FROM THE BOARDS >>**|**< ******************************************************************* * NOTICE - The Following Section Does Not Represent the Views of * * The KYMER CLARION or its staff. These are all Views, opinions * * statements, expressed by the individual named, and posted by * * them on the public forum boards. They are reprinted here in an * * effort to keep our readers informed and entertained. Whenever * * possible, we will attempt to publish both sides of issues as * * they are presented to the public. * ******************************************************************* >>**|**<< Just a short note to all of you to thank you for your support and kindness. The loss of my things hurt, but not nearly as much as the feelings I had of betrayal and violation. What you all did by standing beside me was show me that a thief can NEVER take my friends away (or my Bingo Host ). The surprise party you made for me last night warmed my heart. It does not matter to me that another thief came and stole the stuff again. What does matter to me is that you all took the time to come together and make such an effort to do something so thoughtful. Thanks to all of you from the bottom of my heart. Oceanfront >>**|**<< >>**|**< HERO'S OF THE DREAMSCAPE >>**|**< What makes a Hero of the Dreamscape? Well, I get to decide that, don't I? I think it's someone who shows us the good not only in themselves, but in all of us. Someone who gives the dream special meaning... or makes us look at it from another view then our own... The best thing on Caribe, and the hardest to lose, were the people who make it special. Sure, these Hero's are chosen based on posts on the forum boards, not by inworld activity (unless it's a post detailing that activity), but they represent the people that keep the dream from becoming a nightmare. The ones that make this dream so hard to leave.... If you want to make sure I didn't miss a post on the boards, that you believe is deserving of recognition, please feel free to copy it and send it to me at, (you guessed it) 72007,221 and please, you can also reach me there and tell me if you even like my choices or not! >>**|**<< MY HUMBLE IDEA: Partition WA into a few different areas: KID_WORLD: This area is definitely "child-safe" where thievery is illegal, communications are automatically monitored for key phrases (ie: F_CK), an Oracle or experienced Acolyte is on-duty at all times who is "armed" with the software tools to deal with those who brake the rules.. (ie: kick them out of Kid_world and record this… if it happens, say, two more times in the next month… kick them out of Kid_world for good!) FCT and a group of responsible Avatars are elected to make rules and regulations governing this area of WA to make it appropriate for family activities. (they can also DEVELOP ideas and games for kids too! Gee, thought-provoking activities for kids? WOW! ) BAD_LANDS: This is like the current state of WA today. Some vague rules in effect but nothing really forcing people to abide by them. Freedom but not direct pervertedness. People should "behave" but "big-brother" is not watching all their moves. Warning signs at the exit of Kid-world should be posted to let them (and their parents) know that they are leaving a protected area… SINISTER-CITY: No rules apply in here! BUT: FCT should implement some sort of actual controls for who gets the "privilege" to enter here. This could be something like "CasinoLand" in Imagination. Definitely someplace we don't want "kids' entering.. but may be entertaining for many adults… Sometimes we get the urge to be downright medieval…. A good place to take out your anger and work off stress… … This would require some UID controls.. like maybe a signed statement mailed to FCT stating that the user is over 18? On top of these three areas we have TURFS… Within each Turf groups of avatars may get together and make WHATEVER GOVERNMENT they wish.. implementing their OWN rules and codes of conduct. FCT could even go as far as putting Turfs in each of the three different aforementioned areas above… to give some controls over the activities in them. Finally: I strongly believe that if FCT does NOT implement something similar to this, then it will eventually fall to the forces of natural selection… and fade into the sunset like Pac Man… something that was GREAT… in its time….. Tad :{} This was just to show that there MAY be a way....... Tad :{} -Tad Pole:{} >>**|**<< Greetings! ADAPTIN' MAKES IT HAPPEN! Last night 4/9/96, I attended Acolyte Data's WOF game co-hosted by Milen and Necrolyte Sunray White Rose. We had a disrupter named Ralph Polo who refused to ghost and then scrolled the screen during the game further disrupting the natural flow of the event. However, White Rose, who ghosted so a contestant could come down in her spot, exhibited quick thinking and turned the entire situation around from the clouds by adapting the event and working around Ralph. Since she was the Ghost Host, and Data's three avatar-form contestants and contestant host were already present on screen, Ralph was instructed by White Rose that he would not be able to participate in the event unless he was a ghost. Shortly after being told this, he did indeed ghost and White Rose was able to be back on screen. During this, she was being esp bombed by some fool named Asmodeus in addition to dealing with Ralph! She *Never* lost her cool and the event had a happy unvolatile ending. During a recent disruption at Clover's Auction, for which I was present, our disruption situation escalated into a volatile situation because we did not adapt and work around the disrupter. The concept of adaptation of events was relayed to us privately by an oracle. At the time we did not see this as a solution but after I witnessed what White Rose portrayed by quick thinking last night, I am convinced that adapting our events around the resident idiotlyes, thieves and fak- olytes will work if given a try. It sure worked for White Rose. As a staff member of Clover's Collectibles, we also have adapted and no longer open chests during the auction to remove items going up for sale. We meet ahead of time empty our pockets and fill them with the items to go on the block. Therefore nothing ever has to hit the ground making it pretty slim pickings for resident thieves. WTG White Rose! Because of you! I have coined a new Slogan! ADAPTIN' MAKES IT HAPPEN! When you adapt your event around these fools, you can make things happen! Go girl! Your Friend, Passion <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ###### SCHEDULE & EVENT INFO ###### SCHEDULE OF GAMES AND EVENTS Week of April 17 through April 23 All Times in WAT (Pacific Standard) WEDNESDAY, April 17 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................. LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games KGC's POT Bingo ..................................... Duckolyte Alien Call KYMER first and get payouts depending on the number of players! Bets from 50-500T. Sponsored by the Kymer Gambling Corporation. Download KYMER1.EXE from the Community Forum. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Duckolyte Bingo ............................ Chief Duckolyte Renegade Call KYMER! first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Download KYMER1.EXE, from AWAYFORUM/Library 4 WorldsAway Life. 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Oceanfront's POT Bingo ................................... Oceanfront Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 60/110T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Stage TechTrivia ................... SunRays Hera, Mariah and Knight Alexis Computer Technical Trivia questions. Everyone wins. Tokens, rare items and door prizes awarded. Sponsored by the Entertainment Guild. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................ Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. - Library Pop Culture Trivia .................................... PEZ Collector This week's theme is a mixed bag of Pop Culture questions from Music, TV, Movies, Food/Commercials and just plain stuff! Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. There is no fee to play the game. Exact prizes will be announced before the event. 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Duckolyte Kymer .......................................... Melissa T. Call Kymer first and win a payout depending on the number of players. Bets are 25-250T. The more players and higher the bets placed, the bigger the payout. You will need KYMER1.EXE from the WA community forum to play. THURSDAY, April 18 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Storm Games, Kymer Bingo .......................... Christopher Storm All players welcome! You need KYMER1.EXE to play. Bets are 25T-225T. Over 90,000T won so far! 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom CHAOS, Incorporated .................... Acolyte Serena or Marianne G Something new and different every week! 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................ Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia ................................... Mr. & Mrs. Nutty Questions covering general info. Three winners per game. Grand prize for the most points in a month. 10T playing fee to help defray the costs. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Jadelin's Jackpot Bingo ..................................... Jadelin Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-100T + 20T for Jackpot. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo .............................................. BeauMec 50T per card. No maximum number of cards. 25T per card for half of pot, with remainder going to second place. Final bonus game for those who play all games, with prize being a rare item. FRIDAY, April 19 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................. LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Oceanfront's POT Bingo ................................... Oceanfront Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 60/110T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo .................................. SunRay Mage Darien This is a mage event. The pot gets higher and higher as more people play. You might even be the lucky winner. If you want to win big, be there! 6:00 p.m. - Library Bachelerette Party for Tinkerbelle ............................ Tonya 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Kategories .............................................. Ann Ominous 20T of each fee is put in the round and 20T into the final. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Lounge Trek Trivia ........................................... Acolyte VIQer Visit the bridge crew of the WA Enterprise. Win prizes and tokens for your Trek knowledge. Get back at the bridge crew with some tough questions of your own! We have to answer correctly or we pay! 7:00 p.m. - StarWay Stage Cafe Duckolyte Collectibles Benefit Auction .......................... Chief Duckolyte Brains and Chief GK Raptor-Duckolyte SrK All proceeds go to the Duckolyte benefit fund to sponsor future events in Phantasus. Many rare heads and items up for bid. See this week's Clarion article for special Duckolyte bidding rules. Contact hosts to place items on consignment. Door prizes! 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Visitor's Center, Left Dreaming Insomniacs Society ........................... Acolyte Milen Something DIFFERENT will be held during these times each week. SATURDAY, April 20 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. (18-20 CET) - South Fountain Central Stammtisch ......................... Brucilla, Perry Rhodan, Sundance Meeting of German-speaking avatars. If you want to spread rumors and news or just want to chat, if you want to learn some German or just love the "sound" of it, you're invited to join us. 2:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games European Duckolyte Bingo .............................. Duckolyte Dan All bets must be 100T or over. When you arrive, please register and pay when asked. 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................. LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Oceanfront's POT Bingo ................................... Oceanfront Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 60/110T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. - Library MultiTrivia ............................................. Mivo, Nicci General knowledge trivia questions will be asked in German and English. Each point for a correct answer is worth 5 Tokens. Frage&Antwort-Spiel zu allgemeinen Themen. Fuer jede richtige Antwort gibt es 5 Tokens. 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Stage WARaffle Drawing ....... Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Purchase tickets from authorized agents. Door prize raffle! 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Mage Darien's Daily Bingo ......................... SunRay Mage Darien This is a mage event. The pot gets higher and higher with more and more players. You might even be the lucky winner. If you want to win big, be there! 6:00 p.m. - Temple Tabernacle Avatar Ordination Ritual .................................. Oracle Uni Come see the avatars ordained to marry in the Dreamscape. Our seven citizens are: Bog, SunRay Ann, Piemur, Arch Duckolyte Brains, Necrolyte Sunray White Rose, Magica Sunray @thena, and Sunray LumMoose-Kymer Guardian. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Outside Library The Poetry Pantry ....................................... Dream Keeper Open Reading. All avatars are invited to read originals or poems by other authors. For this event, it is requested by all poems be 20 lines or less. Special gifts will be presented to those who read. 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games KYMER Bingo .................................... Arch Sharkolyte Snip7 Lots of fun. The game that they'll be playing is POT KYMER. SUNDAY, April 21 7:00 a.m. - Isle Caribe Duckolyte Ghost Racing .................. Chief Duckolyte Mage Brains Win tokens and prizes weekly, and a Monthly Championship. Instructions in English and German. Read GHOSTG.TXT for basic rules. 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................. LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia ................................,.. Mr. & Mrs. Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. 10T playing fee to help defray the costs. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games KGC's POT Bingo ..................................... Duckolyte Alien Call KYMER first, and get payouts depending on the number of players. Bets are from 50T-100T. Sponsored by the Kymer Gambling Corporation. Be sure to download KYMER1.EXE from the Community Forum. 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Oceanfront's POT Bingo ................................... Oceanfront Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 60/110T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 4:00 p.m. - Outside Fire Room Take A Chance ......................... Necrolyte Benny, Xian, Jackal Entry fee: 25 tokens. A special prize is still available. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequiin Games Mage Darien's Daily Bingo ......................... SunRay Mage Darien This is a mage event. The pot gets higher and higher with more and more players. You might even be the lucky winner. If you want to win big, be there! 7:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Stage Duckolyte Trivia Master Game ........... Chief Duckolyte Mage Brains Fast paced trivia using multiple choice answers. Game uses the Trivia Engine just developed by Wert P. Gumby to administer all scoring. 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games KYMER Bingo ....................................... Arch Shark Snip7 Lots of fun! The game that they'll be playing is Pot Kymer. 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Observation Deck Dead Poets Society Recital .. Prez, Sunshine, Brandy, Corey and AlexA Contact Prez [102726,1655] if you wish to be a presenter. Poems should be six verses or shorter. 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Duckolyte Kymer .......................................... Melissa T. Call Kymer first and win a payout depending on the number of players. Bets are 25-250T. The more players and higher the bets placed, the bigger the payout. You will need KYMER1.EXE from the WA community forum to play. 10:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Observation Deck Wedding of Adrian Z. Goldenchild and Golden Flower ............. Acolyte Cerchen Reception at Bar-L Bar immediately following MONDAY, April 22 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................. LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Ruas Bingo ............................................ Escaper Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Oceanfront's POT Bingo ................................... Oceanfront Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 60/110T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. - Isle Caribe Ghost Races .......................................... Acolyte Serena Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship! Please read the recently updated rules found in the Forum, Worlds Away Life section of the library as GHOSTG.TXT before coming to the game! 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................ Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 6:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom Pick-3 Lotto Drawing ..................... <>, Sherry Get tickets now for big winnings! Come for the many door prizes! 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Outside Magic Shop BlackKat Entertainment (Blackjack) .............. Sunray Knight Haplo Players will need BLACKJK1.EXE found in "Worlds Away Life" Library (4) as well as CARDS.DLL and VBRUN300.DLL. Rules and betting policy will be explained by the dealer just before the game. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Jadelin's Jackpot Bingo ..................................... Jadelin Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-100T + 20T for Jackpot. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 8:00-9:30 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Stage Clover's Collectibles Auction ................................ Clover Many rare items auctioned off to the highest bidder. Weekly door prizes, too! TUESDAY, April 23 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................. LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 12:00 noon - Harlequin Games Kymer Pot BINGO ..................................... Simon Spellmoon The rules can be found in AWAYFORUM in the file SIMON.TXT 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ............................................. Escaper Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Oceanfront's POT Bingo ................................... Oceanfront Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 60/110T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................ Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom Kymer/Bingo .................................... Sunray Knight Oliver Everyone who plays in every game of the evening is eligible to win a bonus prize which will be awarded after the last game! Don't be late! 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. - Visitors Center Left Worlds Of Fortune ............................... Acolyte Sunray Data 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Duckolyte Kymer .......................................... Melissa T. Call Kymer first and win a payout depending on the number of players. Bets are 25-250T. The more players and higher the bets placed, the bigger the payout. You will need KYMER1.EXE from the WA community forum to play. =====/ HOUSEKEEPING /===== ==/ CLARION COLOPHON /== PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES TO SEND SOME OF THE INFORMATION TO! PLEASE NOTE THESE CHANGES FOR FUTURE REFRENCE! The Staff of the CLARION Thanks You. - How To Publish In The Kymer Clarion - Waking World CIS email address: 75664,663 Deadline: 12:00 noon WAT every Saturday Letters to the Editors: We'd like your feedback! Please send letters to the above email address with the subject LETTER TO EDITORS. Please mark all letters you do not wish published as NOT FOR PUBLICATION. All mail to the Editors not so marked will be considered for publication, subject to editing for clarity and space considerations. Articles, poetry, etc.: Do you have a poem you'd like published? An Article? Submit them to the above email address with the subject of ARTICLE SUBMISSION. The Kymer Clarion is currently token-free to all members; thus, we are not presently paying for submissions. Advertisements: All ads should be submitted in email or private forum message to the email address noted above and should be marked ADVERTISEMENT. The Board of Editors has not decided yet if they should charge for your advertisements, so get them in fast before they do! ================== Waking World Email Address: 72007,221 or 75664,663 Deadline: 3:00 p.m. WAT every Saturday Wedding Information: We are happy to provide you with a section of the Kymer Clarion where you can announce either a wedding to come or a wedding that has already happened! If you would like your wedding announced in these pages, please send the following marked WEDDING INFO to the above Email Address. Please include the following: Name of Bride Name of Groom Oracle or Acolyte performing service Date of Wedding (to be held, or was held) Reception Location Members of the Wedding Party Events & Game Reports: Event Schedule covers the following Wednesday through Wednesday. The submission to the Kymer Clarion is IN ADDITION to submitting your event information to the Scheduling Group. The Kymer Clarion assumes no responsibility for resolving scheduling conflicts; this will remain under the jurisdiction of the Scheduling Group. If currently recurring events are changed in any way, besides notifying the Scheduling Group, should you wish the Kymer Clarion schedule of Events to reflect your event(s) accurately, please *also* submit the change of information as noted above. Want everyone to know who won at your event? Want to provide them with helpful information on how it was played? Just want your winners to be able to see their name in print? Send your submissions to the Kymer Clarion at the above address, and we'll let everyone know who won what and where! =====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====/ KYMER CLARION Volume one, Issue thirty-six, copyright 1996 Clarion Editorial Board Price: Free Rotating Editors: Marianne G, Acolyte Rosaleah, Acolyte Milen This issue edited by Acolyte Rosaleah Posted to WorldsAway Community Forum on April 17, 1996 >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<