KK KK YY YY MM MM EEEEEEEE RRRRRRR KK KK YY YY MMM MMM EEEEEEEE RRRRRRRR KK K YY MMMM MMMM EE RR RR KKKK YY MMMMMMMMMM EEEEEEE RRRRRRRR KKKK YY MM MM MM EEEEEEE RRRRRR KK KK YY MM MM EE RR RR KK KK YY MM MM EE RR RR KK KK YY MM MM EEEEEEEE RR RR KK KK YY MM MM EEEEEEEE RR RR CCCCCCCC LL AA RRRRRR IIIIIIII OOOOOO NNNN NN CCCCCCCC LL AAAA RRRRRRR IIIIIIII OOOOOOOO NN NN NN CC C LL AA AA RR RR II OO OO NN NN NN CC LL AA AA RRRRRR II OO OO NN NN NN CC LL AAAAAAAAAA RRRRR II OO OO NN NN NN CC LL AA AA RR RR II OO OO NN NN NN CC C LL AA AA RR RR II OO OO NN NN NN CCCCCCCC LLLLLLL AA AA RR RR IIIIIII OOOOOOOO NN NN NN CCCCCCCC LLLLLLL AA AA RR RR IIIIIII OOOOOO NN NNNN ===================================================================== Volume One, Issue Thirty-Three March 26, 1996 ===================================================================== Published by and for Avatars of Kymer in Phantasus in the Dreamscape Kymer Clarion Editorial Board & Staff: Acolyte Rosaleah Acolyte VIQer Acolyte Milen Marianne G Acolyte BLD Stalker >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*< !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*! Copyright 1996. The contents of the Kymer Clarion are the intellectual property of the individual authors. The Kymer Clarion is not to be redistributed in whole or in part without prior permission of the Editorial Board and the inclusion of our copyright notice. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*! >*<>*< INDEX >*<>*< >**|**<<>>**|**< FEATURES & DEPARTMENTS >**|**<<>>**|**< The Editor Speaks..........................................Marianne G Pictures for this Issue...............................Various Avatars Letter to the Editor.............................................Prof Seen on the Streets..................................Acolyte Rosaleah REWARD!....................................................Marianne G From The Boards..................................Avatars of Phantasus Hero's of the Dreamscape Diary of A Newbie............................................SmilerUK Teleporter Experiment Reveals Void...................Acolyte Rosaleah Menolly's Puzzle Corner.......................................Menolly Where Am I?.......................................Necrolyte Xian, SrK Wedding/Divorce Announcements and Reports Princess Di & Ropes / Precious Brat & Salizarr / Acolyte Nicci & Mivo / Duckolyte Dream Diana & Duckolyte John Whiz Become an Ordained Avatar!.....The Council On Marriages In Kymer New Redwall Village, Temporarily disbanded.................Andy Smith Arrest By The Fashion Police!.............Interview By Acolyte Serena --_^+^_-- GAMES AND GAMING --_^+^_-- Pop Culture Trivia Winners..............................PEZ Collector Duckolyte Trivia Master.........| Create A Game Contest...........>..............Chief Duckolyte Brains KYMER Results....................................Sunray Knight Oliver WARaffle Results.........................................Acolyte Lynx Ghost Race Results Duckolyte Ghost Racing....................Chief Duckolyte Brains Monday Night Ghost Racing.........................Acolyte Serena European Ghost Racing Results.............................Holger Cloud Racer Special Coming....................Acolyte Serena & Holger Contestants Wanted.........................................Marianne G Leadman's Sport Betting Announcement..........................LeadMan +-- :) POETRY, STORIES AND JOKES (: --+ Alayne, Storyteller of the Dreamscape..........Eärendil, Ethereal Elf My life................................................PoetOfTheNight Vollmond...............................................PoetOfTheNight Writing Their Own Chapter: The Poetry and Storytelling Guild Gets Underway.........Scoop Nickels A Place of Our Own.............................................Judith $ $ $ ADVERTISEMENTS $ $ $ The Avatars of Phantasus Avatar Comings/Goings/Changes Businesses And Services Community Notices Help Wanted Lost/Found/Buy/Sell/Trade ###### SCHEDULE & EVENT INFO ###### Event Notices.........................................Editorial Board Schedule of Events: March 27th to April 3rd...........Editorial Board =====/ HOUSEKEEPING /===== Colophon..............................................Editorial Board >**|**<<>>**|**<<>>**|**<<>>**|**<<>>**|**<<>>**|**<<>>**|**<<>>**|**< >>**|**< THE EDITOR SPEAKS >**|**<< By Marianne G Where do I begin? There is so much to say, so many changes, so much that have been going on.... and it's my turn to talk! Well, first, lets talk about the changes that the CLARION has been busy making. We've introduced TWO new Insert sections! Think of it as your weekly sunday paper with all those little inserts you pull out and enjoy before you get to the main paper. We hope these will be helpful and fun for all and will give those creative people an outlet. One you will find soon, we hope before the end of the week, is the PHANTASUS PRIMER, and this, we hope, will be constantly updated. We're trying to condense the most up to date and useful information into one file for those new to our little corner of the dream to access. As things change, as we work on better ways to present information, we will be udating this insert, but, it will stay under the same file name, just replacing the old issue, with just a notice on the top telling you what issue it is, and when it was last updated. Now, we know that there are many things we left out, or items that as a newbie you may find more useful, so please, feel free to contact us and help us make it the best refrence we can. Consider it as a helpful little tourist brochure that can get you started on your way about town fast and easy. The second insert is our new Cartoon Pages, and if ever there was a poor ragged paper that was in need of assistance this is it. People, I want to warn you before you download it.... I was never very good at art.... I try.... I can see how I want it, but it just never seems to come out that way... On Caribe we had people who took the graphics available and made them into pictures (shown in our art gallery) and designs and comics! I know there is someone out there who can help us bring the same here, or who can do it in GIFS that can be downloaded for all. The idea is, we do want both PC and MAC to be able to enjoy it, we do want to show off the talents of the creative people we have here, and we do hope that you'll all deluge me with items for future issues. These inserts have been in the works for OVER a month, but we do have other items you may just be noticing. We hemmed and hawed over putting in items off the boards, figuring most had probably read them. We did finally, in the last issue, introduce FROM THE BOARDS where we highlight some of the most popular issues being discussed. We're now going to try and add an extra edition to that where we highlight the Hero's of the Dreamscape. These are the people who go that extra region, who bring those F3's out on everyone's faces. It's great to recognize them instead of all the negative aspects we see more often. As if that wasn't enough for this issue, it's my turn and we received a letter to the Editor! That means I get to answer it.... What do you mean it's a tad long? Well.... Ok, I love letters... I can handle them, bring it on in.... WAIT! YOU SAID ONE LETTER! HOW CAN ONE LETTER BE THAT BIG???..... It's not really that bad, one tends to be overwhelmed when it's been quiet for long periods. Can you believe what's been happening lately? We have a VOID out there now. Course, one innocent was lost.... but you can read all about it in this issue. Then there was the tagging, hope this wakes some people up out there. Remember that little golden rule of do onto others as you would have them do onto you. I have to depend on the kindness of everyone. With my memory problems, it's the only way I can function. It does hurt me, however, when people are hurt and I can't do anything to stop it. Funny thing about pain, it's the one thing you can remember long after the cause of it has gone away. We have a brand new world here, and we are the shapers of that world. It's a big responsibility, but one I'm willing to go for because I know you all are out there to work with me and help me. I much rather be side by side with my friends, then facing one that makes themselves my enemy. Well.... I've certainly made this part of the paper long enough. I swear I'm not getting paid by the word. Even though I didn't have time to tell you bout them, I do hope you will support us in raising funds for the CHOKE Machine repair, check out the latest results of events, see what you may have missed on the streets, and just enjoy this issue as much as we enjoy bringing it to you. In closing, I go to my favorite source, the old Book of CHOKE.... .... and the CHOKE Machine stood there, battered and beaten and listing badly to one side. It is hard to believe that one had actually been attacked so viciously as to cause such extensive damage. Was the CHOKE Machine to blame for it's nature? It's nature was what had been chossen for it by the community, and now, the community could only stare in horror at the damage one of it's members had done. To assault a poor machine that refused to give up a CHOKE, when it's very function WAS to safeguard and dole out the CHOKE on a highly limited basis......... - From THE BOOK OF CHOKE By Marianne G >>**|**<< >>**|**< PICTURES FOR THIS ISSUE >**|**<< AFTER.GIF By Passion for Fashion Police Story CREATEG.GIF By Marianne G for Duckolyte Create A Game Story ENGAGEMT.GIF By Marianne G for the Engagement of Mivo and Acolyte Nicci INPINK.GIF By Marianne G for Seen On The Streets MEMORY.GIF By Marianne G for Discovery of the VOID REWARD.GIF By Acolyte BLD Stalker for REWARD! Notice STORYTIM.GIF By Marianne G for Eärendil's story on Alayne >>**|**<< >>**|**< LETTER TO THE EDITOR >**|**<< Dear Mr Editores, sirs. I am a recent recuit to this marvelous dreamscape that we refer to in many ways. Yet I already have gathered a great many questions. I would appreciate very much if yopu could see you way to answering any of them for me :-D I from the UK. It has come to my attention that despite one or two events at approx. 11am WAT. The majority of the events are featured at roughly 2 in the morning Waking World Time. and as a consequence myself and many other european types cannot join in as much as we would love to, unless we all become insomneacs, with no lives, no jobs, and no money to pay the phone bills. I was wondering if any of the event organisers, whom ever they may be, would like to organise some more events earlier in the day. I would do it myself but i dont know if im allowed to, or what the rules or stuff like that are. }:-{ On my travels it also seems that a great number of people ignore others completely, by just passing them by without so much as an in response to a freindly hello. (Just an observation). Why are there never any Acolytes around when I need them? more than 4 times when I have been visiting the dreamscape and not an Acolyte in sight. This purturbs me somewhat. Or it would if I could spell. :-) How do the Acolytes become Acolytes, could I be one :-? Why do pawn machines give such low prices for goods?, and why are they called pawn machines if you cannot reclaim your "sold" goods before a period of time has elapsed? That was the principal behind pawning goods, I beleived. Can we intoduce new objects into the dreamscape, by creating them ourselves?. How do they get introduced? Could ones that we create be evaluated for inclusion or not? Who is the man that the flowers outside the library are dedicated to? I love the dreamscape. Keep up the good work. Sorry for my having interupted your life. Yours Humbly. Prof Editor's Reply: Wow Prof! You sure gave me lots to answer. Lets take them one by one, but first, let me welcome you to the dreamscape, and may all your dreams be pleasant. As for events, it's true, there never seem to be any for those on the European side of the Ocean. One of the reasons for this is that it does cost a tad more for our overseas companions to access us. What with a harder time connecting, and, from what I understand, higher charges phone wise. So, it is nice that there are some who still are willing to host the few we do have during your time. Can you host your own games? Sure, there is nothing to stop you from hosting. Depending on what you want to host, that is the key.... Do you have a game of your own you want to try out? Bingo games you need to purchase the neccesary rights to host from Wert. Or perhaps you're not sure what you would like to host. I can tell you that I am working on a partial listing of games that were developed and refined at CHAOS, Inc and are ready for all to play. Once that file hits the library, there may be an idea there that you would like to try. Other hosts are also going to be featuring their games in it. As for the ignoring problem.... it was discussed some time ago here and on the forum boards. I believe, that the majority feel that if you are in a rush, you should not feel the need to say hello to EVERYONE you pass by from point A to point B. But, you could always ghost to get there without seeming to be rude also. Then there are those who when you pass and say hi do not respond due to ESP blitz or they may even just be stoned to rack up those tokens. I guess the best course is not to be offended, as some day it may be you rushing past with no time to say hi :D As for the Acolytes... we don't have as many as most of us want to see, and few of them work during your hours. We put our faith in the Oracles and Morpheus and we know that they can see the situation just as we can. Can you become one? There is a file in the Worlds Away Life Section of the forum Library that may help give you an idea of what they are looking for.... Pawn Machines... they give 80% of the original value of the item being pawned... so a head you bought for 100 T's would be pawned for 80T's. Why pawn machines when you do not have the option of retrieving them? I suspect due to the fact that they were called Pawn Machines on Club Caribe and the name persists.... If you must, think of them as pawn brokers who you always forget to get a claim ticket from..... As for objects... they are introduced into the dreamscape by the Oracles and the Worlds Away Development Team.... Avatars have no way of intro- ducing them into the worlds. However, we do have one form of input. When you speak up in publications and on the boards as to things you would like to see, or change, etc.... those notices are read. The more avatars you have clamoring for an item, the higher it goes on their list of things to do.... Not to say we'll get EVERYTHING we post on the boards... heck, I'm still waiting for my ponytail and CHOKE, but it is a way to be heard and seen. I did get the ability to fly, wear cotton jeans and paint my head... not just because I posted, but because of EVERYONE who posted for those items..... it does work :D Finally, for the flowers.... glad you asked. Just so happens we have an article in this weeks edition addressing that very issue. So lean against one of those building posts (we still can't sit), and relax as you read your reply in the CLARION, and read the story on the VOID for your answer to this last question :D - Marianne G >>**|**<< >>**|**< SEEN ON THE STREETS >**|**<< By Acolyte Rosaleah Word is that pink is definitely the season's IN color. Passion and Brimble certainly look "in the pink" these days, don't you think? See INPINK.GIF to look for yourself. However, word is that they did not always have the right pink look. The fashion police actually stopped Pash on the streets! Speaking of Fashion, those ghost racing hosts Acolyte Serena and Holger seem to be making some lately. First, they convinced their winners that wearing a paper bag over their heads was the tops, and now word is that they have their latest monthly champs sporting a pair of Oracle Teresias's Socks! Yes, you heard it here first. Seems that Serena was able to get the Oracle to donate his favorite pair of socks no less. One wonders if the odor eater head can be far behind..... You know, come to think of it.... the fashion police pulled her over for red stains on the pink.... the socks have a red band... is it possible the Oracles Laundry met with a slight accident? Before we go too far, Acolyte Serena's alternate avatar Marianne G was seen in the impound area with a group of men who were taking measurements of the CHOKE Machine. Seems they were there to give an estimate on the cost of the repairs..... I don't know what figure they gave her, but I understand that she fainted when she heard it. Rumor has it that several of the locked doors around town, most notably the ones at Harlequin Games and the Temple, have shown signs of attempted forced openings. I don't know about any forcing, but I've certainly seen several folks trying out every key they could get their hands on in those doors, to no avail. Could a key_to_happiness really open a door? So far, all reports along those lines are decidedly negative. Necrolyte Benny is seeing better these days with a pair of fancy eyeglasses that he won in a game. We asked him what game, but he was so busy looking at a now unblurred world that he must not have heard the question. The glasses are a snazzy aviator style that look really good on him! Have you noticed the number of avatars who have been changing their names lately? You sometimes wonder if you will be able to keep track of them... Well, the CLARION to the rescue, check out a new addition to the advertising section of this issue. >>**|**<< >>**|**< REWARD! >**|**<< By Marianne G For any information leading to the apprehension of the person or persons who committed an act of vandalism on the impounded body of the CHOKE Machine owned by one Marianne G. The reward, which consists of a written article in the CLARION detailing the bravery and civic mindedness of the informer, is also open for donations to the cause. Any donations made to the CHOKE Criminal Investigation Fund, will be turned over to the person who gives the information leading to the arrest of the vandals. Donations will be taken till the end of April by Marianne G, Acolyte VIQer, Acolyte Milen, Acolyte Serena, Acolyte BLD Stalker and Acolyte Rosaleah. At the end of that time, if no one is caught, the funds will be used to repair the CHOKE Machine, removing the offending 3 Liter Dispenser Opening. All remaining funds collected will then be used to put the memory of the crime behind us by giving it to organizations and individuals who host games in Kymer. You can help us to decide which organizations/individuals should receive the tokens for hosting by telling us your preferences at the time of the donation. Currently, the ones we are considering include the Helper group, SunRays/Knights, Ghost Racing/CHAOS Inc., Bloodline, and the Duckolytes. If you have other groups in mind who host games, please let us know. As for the criminals who are out there - YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Turn yourself in now and we will try and keep Marianne G under control. For a look at the Damage caused, see the picture, REWARD.GIF in the Newstand Library that goes with this story. RAISED SO FAR: 300T ESTIMATED REPAIR COSTS: 5,000T >>**|**<< >>**|**< FROM THE BOARDS >>**|**< ******************************************************************* * NOTICE - The Following Section Does Not Represent the Views of * * The KYMER CLARION or its staff. These are all Views, opinions * * statements, expressed by the individual named, and posted by * * them on the public forum boards. They are reprinted here in an * * effort to keep our readers informed and entertained. Whenever * * possible, we will attempt to publish boths sides of issues as * * they are presented to the public. * ******************************************************************* The last week has been a true battle.. What have I learned as a citizen of Kymer, A Sunray Knight, and dreamer? More than I can say in words but.... We as a community can and must be aligned as one positive and construc- tive force in order to overcome any kind of abuse and negativity. As my friend Holger always says.. it is the Yin/Yang of life. We must expect it.... We need to believe in our higher ideals in order to stay united group which is the only way we can create wonderful beautiful things for our world. The Knights, the guilds and the Roundtable serve as structures that can be used by us to make Beauty and Inspiration happen. Without, believing in the goodness inside one another..what is the point of sitting at a Roundtable? Ohhh The Dream does not come easy in Cyberspace ...........but it comes faster and falls harder than in the Waking world. The monsters in the moat around our Dreamscape castle have their purpose too. They get lost and confused, frightened and lonely and yet they are not smart enough to have more than a few war tactics, like: ..Divide and Conquer is their main game. Set one Sunray against the other..or one group against the other...cause strife between and within the groups so that everyone loses sight of their purpose We, as Sunray knights and citizens of Kymer each have been given a toolbox that are there in the oaths we have taken.. Patience , Love and Acceptance in the face of all obstacles We can even understand that these Obstacles are signs that we are doing something right! We all need the qualities that have been asked of us, in being Dreamers and in being Knights.. These qualities are lofty and beyond our reach at times. But we have all tasted the joy of selfless giving, of turning the other cheek when deeply injured, and of patience beyond our own endurance ...or we would not have been so inspired by the values and vows of the knighthood. My heart is with my friends who have suffered..Knights, Acolytes, Oracles, Guardians and the rest. I am helpless to change what has already happened, but that helplessness has forced me to find inner ways to cope with the'enemy' which is- in fasct- within each one of us.. Thus I am unable to judge..right or wrong.. since each one of my friends is 'right' from his own perspective! I have seen the light at the end of this tunnel. The Darkness never reigns for very long..not with a group of idealists like we are the guilds are coming.. the surge of Spring and re-birth is around the corner and yes.. We are one, as groups we may have different structures but our overall purposes are the same.. Unity, Harmony are the magical ingredients to creating FUN in this world and in that our Inspirations can soar and be appreciated In the name of the Light and the Dream your sister and devoted comrade Sunray Fawn >>**|**<< A few weeks ago, my pet human, Dennis S, wrote a message about his manhood. It seemed that whenever I popped out of his pocket, someone on Wa was calling him a sissy. I am proud to say that Teddies are proliferating. In fact, this past week, I counted more teddies with male human pets than female human pets. My thanks go out, especially to real men like Stupid, DIG, that big dark horse, that unicorn, and many others. I wish I could list all there names. Now Dennis is only harrassed late at night, when the shy people come out of their little closets. No problem, I am SOOOO happy to have been released from my closet (pocket). No more closet teddies. YEA! Thanks to all you REAL MEN out there, and to the wonderful support coming from the women. Cool! Chin (with Dusty the Cat at the Keyboard) >>**|**<< I am surprised not to see a thread about this in the forum yet so I will start it myself and hope the information I have is accurate. Last night a few of us got together for a birthday party for out friend OM in the Park. I will not go into all the details but to make a long story short HHC paid us a visit and tried to steal many of the presents. Thanks to quick thinking he only got 2 empty boxes and a boom box. While he was in the process of stealing Oracle Vas came down and said he saw almost the whole thing. He left abruptly and was going to handle the matter. I was told that HHC was sent to *The Void* :) F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 FINALLY!! My information I believe is accurate as I have heard it from a few sources already. If not I apologize in advance but I thought you would all want this information ASAP. As my friend NeM, who was also at the party put it: >>Oh, by the way.... HHC is in fact stuck in the void. Picture this... he is in the void, with a boom box stuck in his hand (way to go Leadman) and the song he is hearing is "Lets Keep on Dancing!" (he hangs with too much movement) Or, better yet.... "Kumbaya?" rofl<< ROFL, I just love that imagine !! BTW, right after HHC left, Nerve Gas arrived and started stealing. I was ESPed later that this was HHC's 2nd avatar Anyway, it was all rather sad, but if HHC finally was banished it was all certainly worth it. :) However, my guess is we will see him again on another account. How do you get rid of an Avatar like this? Cant they just keep changing accounts and keep disturbing our peace? Oceanfront >>**|**<< Hmmm, I'm not sure. BUT, I'm glad he is in the VOID!!!!!!!!! Think about it... (sing to the theme of Ding-dong the witch's dead) Dingdong HHC is gone the chieftain's vanished He's been banished Ding dong HHC iiiiiiiisss GOOOOONNNE! (sing to the theme of the 7 dwarves "It's Off To Work We Go") Hiho, hiho, It's off to WA we go, Now that HHC is gone WA has a new dawn Hiho, Hiho, hiho Hiho! hiho! I need help... Necrolyte Sunray White Rose >>**|**<< Privacy in locales ------------------ WorldsAway was designed with the right to privacy as a fundamental principal. Each locale is designed so that if you cannot see anyone else, you can rest assured you are alone and your conversations are not being overheard.. You cannot hide behind objects. You cannot "lurk" without being seen (as a ghost). The Ghost image cannot be suppressed. However, failsafes have been designed into the system for the unlikely event that the ghost icon cannot be seen (such as a bug). The ghost icon is a representation of a user. That user takes up space whether or not the ghost icon is there. So, if indeed the ghost icon does not show up, the user is still there-- simply choose "Who's in here" from your avatar's "Status" menu and the system will tell you if there are any ghosts in the locale. It has been asked if the private rooms are truly private. Yes, they are. It is possible for Oracles to become a ghost in those rooms, but as noted above, it is impossible for *anyone* to not take up space in a locale. So, even if it were possible for someone to "hide" in a MAX=2 private room, only one person would be able to enter. Oracles can enter a full locale (including private rooms) but have no way to hide their entrance. Again, as noted above, you can always choose "Who's in here," and the system will tell you who is in the locale. Oracles can appear to materialize out of the clear blue sky if they teleport from one location to another. Similarly, Acolytes can do the same when responding to pages. An avatar may seem to appear out of the clear blue sky if summoned by an Oracle. There have been many discussions in many places on the reasonable expectation of privacy. For the Dreamscape, it might be said it is reasonable to expect privacy in a private room, but not reasonable to expect it out on the street. Monitoring conversations ------------------------ WorldsAway is an on-line service. For communication to be possible, those conversations need to exist somewhere. In WorldsAway, they exist on an FCT server. It would not be honest to say these communications could not be monitored. However, I can assure you that *they are not monitored.* Neither are they logged. ESP cannot be intercepted. It is private communication between two avatars. Peeking in pockets, hacking --------------------------- (important note-the term "hack" is not used here as a derogatory term, but as a way to describe the external modification or addition to the WA client) It is possible to monitor the data stream coming through the modem and see what is in other people's pockets. It is possible that the client could be hacked to do all sorts of "interesting" things (just as it is possible to hack any piece of software), but they would only occur locally--our server does not trust the client, and will not allow any "illegal" operations to affect other users. One could write a program that interfaces with the WA client and distribute it (such as games and host programs that have been written), but again, the server will not execute operations that would be detrimental to others. FCT is not supplying *any* such software. Whether or not there is a black market for these things (if they exist), we do not know. That sophisticated software exists to do such things, we sincerely doubt-- but I suppose that depends on one's definition of "sophisticated." Actors, NPCs ------------ NPC stands for "Non-Player Character." NPCs, or actors, are and will be used in the Dreamscape for storylines, to facilitate plots, to introduce new items. These actors may or may not be FCT employees. The FCT staff does use our service. Some reveal themselves, some do not. So do CIS employees. I'm sure people from other companies with competing services use WorldsAway without revealing themselves as well. FCT monitors the product, not individuals. In this respect, it is no different than the any CIS Forum. Strange Occurrences ------------------ One post mentioned the possible spontaneous appearance of the heart decoration on the altar in the Tabernacle. This is no mystery--it was placed there on Feb. 13th by an Oracle while decorating for the Waking- World wedding (along with the extra vases). Things like this happen *all the time.* It isn't a secret, it's just perception. The Dreamscape is a roleplaying world. That is, for the most part, people are doing things they wouldn't normally do, such as changing heads. We have elves, we have ducks, we had a "flashing" statue for goodness sakes! :) There isn't anything stop someone from logging in and saying, "The sky turned pink yesterday!" And we wouldn't want to stop them, either. Monitoring the service ---------------------- WorldsAway is many things to many people. One of those things is a business. In order to run this business properly, FCT requires tools to measure their success or failure. These measures come from statistics such as average login time, number of active users, etc. Server tools also allow the Oracles to tell how many people are on-line, who is on-line, and where they are. These tools are used on an as- needed basis. This is not any different than any other on-line service- -it is simply a necessity for running such a service. But is it private? ------------------ Yes, mostly. As an entertainment service, WorldsAway provides a medium for interaction and communication. FCT has endeavored to provide a secure environment for that interaction, and we continue to ensure that it is as secure and private (where appropriate and reasonable) as possible. Sincerely, Bob Jones World Planning Team Member Fujitsu Cultural Technologies >>**|**<< >>**|**<< >>**|**< HERO'S OF THE DREAMSCAPE >>**|**< If anybody has a torgenson teddy that they are willing to sell, please let me know. It's(the teddy) for a friend. Please, I need to know as Soon as possible!! Duckolyte Proud Feather ONE OF OUR HERO's REPLIED: I just so happen to have an extra T. Teddy! Since I have such a bad taste in my mouth from all this HHC crap and misc. other things that have happened in-world lately I feel it is time to spread a little good cheer (yeah...I know it aint Xmas). So ESP me (Gib) in-world and the Teddy is yours...for free! :) - Gib (struggling to focus on positive stuff and not negative stuff) >>**|**<< I want to say a very public and very big THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Duck Acolyte Jimi. My client crashed in the middle of a WA chat with a friend and I couldn't get back in despite repeated attempts. Jimi was incredibly kind and ESPed a message to the friend I was chatting to. MY HERO! I'm going to get him a huge box of chocloates when I go back in and next see him. MY HERO! It's true what they say about ducks . I'm going to treat the first duck I meet in there as well . Werewolf >>**|**<< If you donate Tokens toward the KCS to Normala Kelly, I will give you a heart chest. Please be generous with your donations... the top 10 donators who give to her by this Monday will each receive a chest from me Sappholyte Orlando II >>**|**<< >>**|**< DIARY OF A NEWBIE >**|**<< By SmilerUK Time spent on-line will never be the same since I discovered Worlds Away. Here is a diary of my recent experiences as a newbie. FRIDAY 8TH MARCH YES! The WA software on CD has finally arrived through snail mail. I install it on my computer and run the programme. This is so cool! After months of chatting on Cserve's forums, seeing the people you talk to is quite an experience! SATURDAY 9TH MARCH There are so many avatars on WA all with different heads, clothes and accessories. Will I ever have enough tokens to change my newbie image? I sell my newbie head but still can't afford the Panda head I've set my eyes on in the Nu Yu. I'm now a headless newbie. Kymer is such a friendly place. I've met many avatars and acolytes who have given me tokens towards my Panda head. One nice avatar even gave me their Barbie head. They must feel sorry seeing a headless newbie wondering around. SUNDAY 10TH MARCH I've decided to sell the Barbie head. It looked quite nice on me, but I couldn't take the comments I got from some fellow acolytes. How does Pamela Anderson put up with it? Everyone keeps mentioning how I can win tokens by playing games. Must check this out. This afternoon I run into a group of acolytes outside the Isle Caribe. Apparently they are ghost racing. I have no chance of winning. My computer is too slow. Decided to check out the bingo in the evening. I had a great time until the end when I realised that I hadn't won anything and that I was 200 tokens lighter. I wish British Telecom would introduce free phone calls like in the U.S. Right now I can only afford to be on-line during the weekends. SATURDAY 16TH MARCH At last! I've finally saved up enough tokens for the Panda head and some spray for my body too!! I love my new image! No bingo until tomorrow. I'm suffering from bingo withdrawal. SUNDAY 17th MARCH What a day! In between getting pinched by St. Patrick's Day avatars dressed in green, I take some advice of a fellow avatar and invest my remaining tokens on accessories. My pockets are full so I brought a chest. As I put the chest down and fill it up, my computer crashes! By the time I return an avatar has found it and is not responding to my pleas for its return. Instead they walk off leaving me bemused. In the blind panic I manage to esp my friends, Ultraviolet and Infrared. A wild chase ensues and in the end I get my chest back. I'm too scared to check the contents in case I crash again. I spend the remainder of the day relaxing with bingo. I forgot I was broke! Luckily Jadelin whom I'd met on bingo the previous week offered to pay for me. If only everyone in Kymer is as nice as the friends I've met so far. WEDNESDAY 20TH MARCH Check my email. I'm devastated. There is no email to tell me that I've won the 6000 token jackpot on the WA Lotto. Not even a consolation prize! I can't wait until the weekend for bingo... >>**|**<< >>**|**< TELEPORTER EXPERIMENT REVEALS VOID >**|**<< By Acolyte Rosaleah Like many accidents, this one broke upon our consciousnesses suddenly, but it had been a long time in the making. There'd been signs, most notably here the appearance from time to time of odd objects attached to the teleporter at the entrance to the Blasted Heath; we simply hadn't known what they were. And Tuesday night ... well ... Tuesday night, when I walked past Charles Faulter PhD standing by the Oak teleport, surrounded by a crowd of the curious going in and out of the teleporter, I thought only that whatever it was they were doing, the worst that could happen would be a sudden infusion of insect heads, perhaps, or maybe some of the colors in the V-Mart vendos would turn an electric-bright shade of their former selves. The air was certainly charged. But not until I received a page from Charles Faulter in a locale called The Void did I think anyone was in any real danger. I was strolling up Oak, headed for the Temple, when the first page struck. When Acolyte Libra walked into locale on the corner of Oak and Temple, she asked if I'd been getting odd pages from Charles Faulter. Apparently, Dr. Faulter was paging frantically, and esp-ing everyone he'd been talking to earlier. I'd never heard of the locale the pages were coming from: The Void. Where could it be? "Help!" Dr. Faulter was calling into all our ears. "It's ... it's ... empty! so white! cold!" He spoke of pain. But where was he? Should we try to go to him? We shuddered to think what might happen if we went there. Could we rescue him? Would we find our way back? Or would we be sucked into the vortex with him? Maybe, I thought, if we could find out just where this place was, we could give him esp directions out of there and not have to go there ourselves ... but where would the Void be? I thought of the locked doors and headed toward the Magic Shop as quickly as I could. But, no, I heard no cries behind that door and banging on it, as usual, did no good. And still the pages from Dr. Faulter came, each cry more desperate than the last. I thought perhaps there'd be a clue at the teleporter and headed back there, calling out to the Oracles as I went ... Oracle Teresias arrived at the Oak teleporter shortly after I did. But there was nothing to be done. Charles Faulter called out with his last breath a request to smash the experiment he'd been attempting at the teleporter. Teresias, aware it was the only thing to be done, nodded solemnly and removed the extraneous parts that Dr. Faulter had placed there, smashing them as he did so. Charles Faulter was lost, gone, disembodied he'd said, torn apart in pain. We all felt a measure of it. When Mykey came through the teleporter having failed in his attempt to find and save Dr. Faulter, he was the saddest unicorn I had ever seen. We shuddered to think of what the experiment may have brought to Phantasus and of Dr. Faulter's fate and his dying word, "nooooooooooooooooooooooooo...." Teresias was saying the Oracles would investigate, look into this Void, see what it was. We were all so shaken up, I barely heard Teresias's words. I remembered a bouquet of roses I'd been carrying in my pocket; somehow it seemed appropriate to leave these flowers at the foot of the teleporter, and others followed suit. When Teresias saw the bouquet, he placed it on the archway by the teleporter, in memory of Dr. Charles Faulter. There the bouquet remains, a reminder of an experiment gone awry, and a memorial to the experimenter. To see a picture, refer to MEMORY.GIF in the Newstand section of the Library. Late breaking news is that there is another who has found his way to the Void. Perhaps the Oracles have mitigated its effects somewhat, as he has not, as Charles Faulter did, broken apart, at least not yet. Perhaps, indeed, he'll find the way out. >>**|**<< >>**|**< MENOLLY'S PUZZLE CORNER >**|**<< By Menolly Here are the answers to last week's puzzle: 1. 5 Toes on a Foot 2. 1 Wheel on a Unicycle 3. 32 Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes 4. 12 Days of Christmas 5. 76 Trombones in the Big Parade 6. 9 Lives of a Cat 7. 1001 Arabian Nights 8. 12 Signs of the Zodiac 9. 29 Days in February in a Leap Year 10. 9 Planets in the Solar System 11. 3 Steps to Heaven 12. 64 Squares on a Chess Board Jet Spotter informs me that they were too easy, but perhaps he's just too clever for his own good! Anyway, I hope you had fun with them. Now we have this week's puzzle. You will need to use your logic skills for this. I suggest drawing out a grid to help you. A VISIT TO KYMER Last Saturday, 5 young female Avatars went to the city of Phantasus. From the clues given below, can you work out the name of the male Avatar who accompanied each female, which locale in Phantasus each visited, and the most memorable moment that each had. Female Avatars: Colette Trillion Leia Rowan Peaches Male Avatars: Hercules Samson Darius Jaxom Moon King Locales: Visitors Centre Isle Caribe Meditation Park Bar-L Bar Starway Cafe Memorable Moments: Met an Oracle Played Ghost Racing Won a Teddy Bear Was chased by Alienytes Was given a rare head Clues: 1. Trillion was not accompanied by Hercules or Samson, and she did not play Ghost Racing. The Ghost Racing was not played at the Visitors Centre. 2. Peaches went to Phantasus with Darius, she was not the Avatar who met an Oracle. 3. Leia visited the locale known as the Bar-L Bar. 4. One Avatar went to the Isle Caribe with Samson. She was not Rowan, who was not the Avatar who was with Hercules. The latter female won a Teddy Bear. 5. It was Colette who got chased by Alienytes. 6. The Avatar who was with Moon King did not go to the Starway Cafe, and Darius did not go to Meditation Park. Answer next week. (The names in this puzzle are entirely fictitious and bear no relation whatsoever to any Avatar having the same name(s)) >>**|**<< >>**|**< WHERE AM I? >**|**<< By Necrolyte Xian, SrK The winners from last week are: 1st Airion...................100Ts 2nd @Dark Sun@...............75Ts 3rd Inazuma..................50Ts Good job winners! To those who didn't get a chance, last week's solution was: north fountain right. For the next few weeks, I will be going on vacation for spring, therefore Where am I? will be halted until my return, sorry. But keep your eye on this column for the next Where am I?. For those going on vacations, I hope you enjoy yourselves. Until then, ALOHA. >>**|**<< >>**|**< WEDDING/DIVORCE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS >**|**<< To all our Wonderful Friends! We hope you will join us as we celebrate our wedding, this Saturday, March 23, at 11 a.m. WAT, in the Rose Garden! Chief Duckolyte Brains will be officiating at our ceremony. There will be some special Duckolyte touches added! "Rumor" has it that they will be flying the "lost man" formation for Ropes! Reception at the StarWay will follow our wedding! See you all there! Hugs! Princess Di and Ropes >>**|**<< WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!! In the Fire Room on March 16, 1996 Salizarr did Me( Precious Brat ) the distict honor of asking me to be his Bride! Needless to say I said " YES", before falling over in a dead faint! I hope all our friends will leave the first week of June open on thier calenders open for the Wedding. I have always wanted to be a June Bride! I did plan to have a birthday party planned around that time, I guess we get to combine the two! Two parties in one! LOL We plan to have an engagement party soon. I will post the exact date as soon as I come down from the clouds! Thanks, One and ALL Precious Brat and Salizarr >>**|**<< <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello everyone I would like to take this time to announce my engagement to the lovely Precious Brat, Man O man is she the one for me!!! After much nervousness I finally popped the big one.. And she Said YES!! can you believe that? old Sali is down for the count! Turn out the lights the parties over..LOL and Sali's lovin every minute of it!! We plan to wed in June and we invite everyone to come and celebrate with us.. I will post a invitation soon.. And BTW to my lovely bride who I know will read this..... ..Fly me Away....Babe... Salisarr >>**|**<< Wedding: Acolyte Nicci and Mivo to be married on June 22nd at 1 PM WAT in the Tabernacle by Oracle Uni. More details will be announced as they are decided on by the happy couple. They were last seen at their engagement party, a picture of which can be seen as ENGAGEMT.GIF which was uploaded to the Newstand Section of the Library with this issue. >>**|**<< Duckolyte Dream Diana would like to announce: Duckolyte John Whiz and I are now Divorced. WE have done this by agreement and hold no blame to each other or anyone else. WE will remain in Kymer and Be Duckolytes and very good close friends.. Thank you from Both of us. >>**|**<< >>**|**< NEW REDWALL VILLAGE, TEMPORARILY DISBANDED >**|**<< By Andy Smith The Redwall Charter has been posted in the Kymer Clarion. It speaks of a place written of by Brian Jacques, a place of "... Brothers and Sisters of peace and goodwill, living together in harmony..." The ideals and practices of the 'Redwallers' as depicted of in the books describe 'gentlebeasts' of honesty and integrety. I could not justify in my own mind trying to bring Brian Jacques wonderful work into WorldsAway, or on the internet, without some sort of permission or legal basis. Redwall Abbey does not belong to me, I can't take it for my own. Rather than be dishonest, and try to 'sneak' it into existance, I have decided it is best to hear from professionals who can secure permission for what can and can not be done in the context of WorldsAway. In addition, Redwall Abbey was populated by 'gentlebeasts' who either already knew the way of life they have chosen, or they were tutored in it before they actually became adopted as it's citizens. Truely, there were woodlanders like the Gussim Shrews who espoused the ideas, but with much bickering among themselves, true to their way of life, and true to their wanderlust, they would camp in Redwall for the winter only. Their love for the river took them back into Mossflower, and not without some relief to Redwallers. There were also those, such as Dandin and Mariel, with a thirst for adventure, who would wonder away from Redwall Abbey. Tree-rose, and Tom, squirrels who visited Redwall, but never stayed. Even for those who espoused the ideals of Redwall Abbey, really had their 'home' set in a slightly different place. But they knew that, and things could be worked out. As New Redwall Village as I called it progressed, I found I did not do proper planning or organization to it. We did not have officers, those who would fill certain roles to help maintain the basic proper functioning of an organization. We didn't have anything to be certain that those who are interested would be properly schooled in what Redwall Abbey, hence New Redwall Village was to be about. We also has a lack of communication among eachother. After several nervous weeks, I decided I would rather disband for a season than wait for problems. That isn't fair to those who would be 'Redwallers', and those of WorldsAway we would serve. I wish to thank those who are interested, and I do ask that if you *are* interested in the ideas of Redwall Abbey, as portrayed by Brian Jacques, I ask you contact me. While we are waiting for legal footing, I will be asking for those who have read the Redwall series to contact me. We will come back, with 'officers' who have a function and purpose spelled out, and the function and purpose of these 'New Redwallers' will be better defined than what I have fumbled through. If we can, *legally*, we will be New Redwall Abbey. If not, we will do what we can, but we will do it 'legally' with no shame or hiding about it. And we will promote it as a functioning organization with a specific set of goals in mind, and the drive and determination to get us there. If you have any questions, or you would like to see what can be done while we wait on legal advice, please contact me at redwall@ai2a.net. Thank you. Andy Smith, human companion to Roga Mae & Ali Quid, ferrets at large >>**|**<< >>**|**< ARREST BY THE FASHION POLICE! >**|**<< Interview By Acolyte Serena I didn't even know we had a fashion police.... and the last person I would think would be arrested by them would be our Passion! But it did happen, so I'm going to let her tell you about it in her own words during our On The Street interview with her..... Acolyte Serena: So.... who turned you in to the Fashion police? Passion: Well are you aware of that non-vendo pink spray? Acolyte Serena: Yes... have even given some out as prizes.. Passion: Well it has something wrong with it... Passion: I had red marks all over me as I wore it. Acolyte Serena: Drat... Passion: but it really didn't bother me. Acolyte Serena: AHHHH, that explains Pearl's red marks! Passion: But it seemed to bother the Fashion Police Acolyte Serena: Looks nice! looks like a design around the neck actually Passion: Well I get an esp from Charlotte-N whom I've never met but heard of. Passion: she said we were 'hereby under arrest' Passion: and that I would run myself outta business if I contined to wear it. Passion: she came down and sneezed twice and Viola! Acolyte Serena: Hmmm, is THAT the picture I was sent that I haven't gotten around to Acolyte Serena: viewing in my mail box yet??? Passion: I uploaded a pic to the forum Passion: Yep ! Passion: that's it! Acolyte Serena: Oh! See, I really should try and keep my mail box under 50 letters....;;sigh;; Passion: It is an honor to have a spray job by Charlotte-N Passion: she is legendary and had not been seen in Months! If you missed the picture, it's titled AFTER.GIF and it's available to see in the forum library! -_^+^_--_^+^_--_^+^_--_^+^_--_^+^_--_^+^_--_^+^_--_^+^_--_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- POP CULTURE TRIVIA WINNERS -_^+^_- By PEZ Collector Pop Culture Trivia is the place to be on Wednesday nights. We had another great turnout for the event. The questions ran the gamut from Movies and Television, to Music and Food stuff. Congratulations to the following winners: 1st place Askani M Non-vendo icy blue colored Rose head and matching paint 2nd place CosmoCat Non-Vendo metallic gray/silver Rose head 3rd place SheWolfie Vase of flowers The next game will be on Wednesday March 27, 1996 at 8:00PM WAT in front of the Library. As always, game play is free and no special software is required. Game play is easy. There are 3 rounds of 8 questions. The first three correct answers to each question score, and the top three scores at the end of the game win prizes. Next weeks prizes will include a rare gold martian head. Next week's theme will be a mixed bag of Pop Culture questions from Music, TV, Movies, and gadgets. -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- DUCKOLYTE TRIVIAMASTERS -_^+^_- By Chief Duckolyte Brains St. Patrick's Day was the official kick-off day for Duckolyte TriviaMaster. The debute was a huge success! The event drew 45 avatars with 38 playing to the end. The topic was "World Facts". All questions in this game have multiple choice answers, which means that if you are terrible at Trivia Games normally, you have a chance here simply by making a guess . I think that contributed to its success. This week's winners were as follows: Chris Brown won First Place winning a Leprechaun Head (actually a rare Cute_ Elf_Head painted with rare green). Unga-Bunga won Second Place winning a Flower_Head(painted rare green). Leadman won Third Place winning a Duck_Head (painted rare green). Each winner also received a Heart Chest with matching rare body paints. Third prize was not an easy decision. We had to go to extra questions to determine if TexWilly Wonka or Leadman would win. Leadman came out on top this week, but something tells me that TexWilly will be back to defend his honor. The Monthly Champion is determined by the following point system: 1st Place = 5 Points 2nd Place = 3 Points 3rd Place = 2 Points 4th Place = 1 Point The Monthly standings are as follows: Chris Brown 5 Points Unga-Bunga 3 Points Leadman 2 Points TexWilly Wonka 1 Point Due to the tremendous response of this event, we have modified the program to shorten the time it takes to display all individuals who have scored correctly on a question. Scoring is administered by a new program developed by Wert P Gumby. Both PCs and Macs can play. We are using the following options: First Answer is the only one to count. ESP answers can only be accepted after the fourth Choice is presented. We also score points based on how quickly you answer correctly. Points are awarded as follows: First=4 points, Second=3 points, Third=2 points, and all other correct answers equal 1 point each. This event is fun and fast paced. Special prizes are awarded to the top three finishers every week. Special Monthly Prize is awarded to the individual with the most points. Door Prizes are provided every week. Door Prizes include rare items, tokens, and items from vendos. All are welcome to join in the fun. The event is held on Sundays, 7:00pm WAT at Starway Stage. No Entry Fees are required. This week's topic is General Purpose Knowledge(a little of everything). Coming weeks topics will include: Entertainment, Travel, World History, Movies, TV, Music, Record Books, US History, Geography, Sports, Quotes, People, Business, Books, Government, Laws, Nations, States, and much more. -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- CREATE A GAME CONTEST -_^+^_- By Chief Duckolyte Brains The results are in regarding the "Create A Game Contest". We had many good ideas, I wish we could use them all. The Winner is Marianne G., who will be presented with an engraved Baby Bear for her excellent idea. I can't say that I am suprised by the fact that she has won.She has proven herself in the past to be one of our most creative game creators. Congratulations Marianne G. ****** Her idea is this: For a monthly prize, it requires that this game be played once a week.... with the prize being determined from among the 4 or 5 winners of that month. No avatar is allowed to win more then one game per month, and for a chance at the monthly prize, they must attend the last game of the month. I call my game: THE KYMER SHELL GAME Objectives of the Game: Be the first to TAG (Click on them and choose the selection FOLLOW) the Duckolyte with the lockable chest. The Follow command allows the Duckolyte tag to be able to tell, in the case of more then one avatar tagging them, who tagged first. If that Duckolyte is the one with the lockable chest in their possesion (or the one with the WINNING lockable chest (see variations below), then the first one to tag them wins that week, and is eligable to go for the monthly prize. Rules of the game and game play: All players and duckolytes start from one area, that is also the regroup area for the end of the game. The duckolytes start on the ground, showing off the chest or chests and passing them from one to the other... This gives the ghosted players a chance to see which duckolytes are to be hunted down in the Duckolyte Hunt if you will (which is another game entirely - not needing a lockable chest......but I digress). There should be one Master of Ceremony for the game, perhaps with a helper, taking down the names of all those who are playing. Names should be taken as they arrive, and placed in wave groups. With first coming getting the chance to go out and search faster then those who arrive late. This is not only to insure that the players arrive on time, but also to help crowd control. One Master of Ceremony on the ground, would mean five avatars per wave. (Which is not to be confused with a WAVE competition, which again is a totally different team sport). The Master of Ceremony should have a written record of who is playing, in what wave and should make sure players are NOT blocking ESP so they can be called in, by the Master and helper, at the end of the game. When all is ready, the Master shouts Go! and the choosen Duckolytes pocket their chest or chests and head out into the wilds of the city. Then the Master reiterates the rules of play, (giving the choosen ones time to get lost) and starts to call the waves down. They are called down in order, Wave 1 being first, and after the Master has verified that all members are there, he sends them out to the hunt. This part is what insures that the avatars do not simply follow the duckolytes out. You know they are there at the start of the race, as they have to BECOME AN AVATAR to screen before they can start to race. A simple STATUS check of WHO'S HERE will verify you have them and their names right. Then, you wait for the choosen one to announce that he's been caught which is the signal for the Master and helper to start ESPing all to return to the start point for the opening of the trunk and the presentation of the prize. Choosen Duckolytes can: 1) Pass off the winning trunk to another choosen duckolyte 2) Hide behind other avatars 3) Change their colors to disguise themselves - or even heads if you wish to allow this (just make sure the avatars are aware of this if so) They can not: 1) Hide in changing rooms 2) Remain ghosted - if they are forced to ghost, they must move to another location and unghost as soon as possible 3) Block Following unless tagged. 4) Remove or change heads unless this is allowed and announced at the start. (After all, this is not a Sadie Hawkins Race - which we held at CHAOS, Inc and it was well recieved but that's another story) When a Duckolyte is tagged, they may block following. Then they announce who tagged them first, and announce if that person is the winner or not. If they are not the winner, that person has to remain on the ground, until the duckolyte ghosts.... The duckolyte is allowed, once tagged, to move to a different locale, not more then two to three regions away, and then can unghost, make sure following is enabled and continue with the game. Multiple Chest Version - If you have more then one similar chest - assuming that they are the numbered lockable chest and can therefore be distinguised with an ID - you can have several of them being held by the Duckolytes, with only one being the winner! In the start of the game, you show them the winning chest as they watch in the clouds, toss it to one of the duckolytes, and then, as they begin tossing it back and forth, they start taking others out of their pockets and tossing them around also...... Letting the avatars in the cloud try to keep track of which chest is the winning one..... Then when GO is called, they all pocked their chests and head off. Did you follow that winning chest right? Can you find that Duckolyte before he exchanges it with another? It's all part of the shell game. Monthly Championship Shell Game: At the end of the month, when you have your winners for the month, after the last game, all the winners are allowed to come down out of the cloud.... One chest for each winner is placed on the ground. With their numbers called out as they are put down... Chest #1, Chest #2.... etc... this puts the Chest number above the chest in the voice bubbles so they can be more easily identified by a scroll back by the players if needed.... Then, starting with the winner of the last race of the month, and go back to the first winner of the month, they choose one of the chests by number. They can not pick one that has already been picked. Then the Master of Ceremony opens them one at a time.... enabling all to see if they are empty.... or if the monthly prize is hiding in that chest. Yes, it's a shell game to the very end with the monthly winner not being decided by Computer speed but by pure luck! Which we all know, is a Duck with it's D cut off and an L put in it's place.******* I think this contest is a great idea, I hope you all agree. We are making arrangements as we speak to get this underway. We may try it once at first as a big event, using the multiple chests options, and see what would be required to make it into a weekly event. Something tells me this would be very popular, which means that keeping this game under two hours may be tough . It may be spread out over a week with the final races on the weekend with all winners. Please watch for upcoming announcements regarding this game and other new ones in development. The Duckolytes are committed to providing an enjoyable environment in Kymer. Marianne G., I will make arrangements to get this special prize to you. Perhaps at one of the weekly events already sponsored by the Duckolytes, or at your earliest convenience. Congratulations, and thank-you once again. EDITORS NOTE: WOW! I WON! And it's a great little teddy. Teddy is still deciding on a name, we all know how important that is, but he gets along great with Hamlet my pet skull, tiger, my pet guard spider, and no-name my so shy Torgenson Teddy who won't even speak to me! It's great having a teddy to talk to, and so you can see him also, we took a picture. Look for the one titled CREATEG.GIF in the Newstand Library to see me with my newest pet. We're off now.... Teddy wants to try out some different Ice Cream flavours to see if any of them are good enough to take for a name..... -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- KYMER RESULTS -_^+^_- By Sunray Knight Oliver Last Tuesday night's winners: Elan 900 Krazy Kat 1900 (won 2 games) JGee 800 Egwene 1800 (won 2 games) Chris Gaffney 1000 Duckolyte Melissa T 1100 The Bonus Prize was 600T, won by Nemesis the Inexorable Total winnings for the evening: 8200T I host Wert's KYMER every Tuesday at 6:00 pm WAT in the Bar-L Bar Storeroom. Hope to see an even bigger crowd next week! -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- WARAFFLE RESULTS -_^+^_- By Acolyte Lynx WARaffle Results 4th place 1000 Tokens Perry Rhodan 3rd Place 1500 Tokens GermanGiant 2nd Place 2500 Tokens Brutus 1st Place 5000 Tokens Oceanfront Thanks for playing. See ya next week. Acolyte's Lynx,Moria,Nicci,Electra BLD Quackers,Mivo and Chief Duckolyte Renegade -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- GHOST RACING RESULTS -_^+^_- DUCKOLYTE GHOST RACING By Chief Duckolyte Brains The following are this week's (3/24) results of Duckolyte Ghost Racing: These avatars had two wins each: Duckolyte LumMoose - 50Ts & Flowers Chris Storm - Pink Valentine & Fern Passion - 75Ts & 75Ts These avatars had one win each: OM - Horseshoe Davy - Rose_Head* Duckolyte Mage Scutter - 100Ts The Monthly Standings are as follows: Five Wins: Darkhorse Four Wins: Sidekick Christopher Storm Three Wins: Duckolyte LumMoose Two Wins: Knight Electus Avatar3305 Mage CyberMage OM Passion One Win: Princess Toadstool Captain Griffin Davy Duckolyte Mage Scutter Please join me in wishing these avatars the best in the final Champion- ship race. The races will be moved indoors next week, and permanently due to heavy road traffic outside Isle Caribe. The new location is the Starway Stage. This was the group consensus. Sorry, we have to break tradition, but it looks like the newbie boat from ARGO gets in during the races . The hordes of newbies coming in has caused too many delays to continue as tradition would allow. Thanks For Your Patience. -_^+^_--_^+^_- EUROPEAN GHOST RACING By Holger The 4th and last Ghost Racing of March was held last Friday the 22nd, and as usual was very crowded, no wonder that so many people ran through the screen. Winning one race each was ONLY Soltron2 getting a fox head in the head race. All the other winners got 2 items, i.e. Sidekick got a valentine and 100 tokens, SrK Eclectus snatching hot chocolate and 200 tokens. Astrid took home a yellow candle and 300 tokens while Darkhorse won jade green spraycans for head and clothes and steel color spraycans (also for head and clothes). Actionizer got some new red spraycans (head / clothes) and bronze spraycans (head & clothes). Yep, you noticed right, we had a lot of rare spraycans this time . On top of the monthly championship scorelist are -- SIDEKICK and DARKHORSE -- with both having 8 points ! That means we'll have a monthly championship race on next friday (29th of March, 11 am WAT) to decide the FINAL winner ! As Serena and I already explained, the last Ghost Racing of the month (29th of March) is ONLY for those who didn't win any races through the month of March ! (Of course we'll have the monthly championship race as well) There SHOULD be a list of those who are not allowed to race on next friday in this issue of the Kymer Clarion. Thanks for participating and see you next friday or in the first race of April !!! -_^+^_--_^+^_- MONDAY GHOST RACES By Acolyte Serena Well, this is the report on the races of March 18th. We had a large crowd there, but managed to run it pretty fast. Winning one race each were Bud Drakir for a snowball, OM for a Rose head painted in Non-Vendo Blue, Utopia won 100T and Helpolyte Marla won 100T in the Second Chance Race. Winning two each were Necrolyte Benny, for 50T and a matching set of Non-Vendo White Spray cans, SunRay Mage Cybermage II won a canary and 50T, Sunray LumMoose-Kymer Guardian won 100T all together, and Huck took home 50T and some hot choclate. Since Chris Storm was nowhere to be seen, Necrolyte Benny took sole posession of first place, with two wins in each race so far this month! -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- CLOUD RACER SPECIAL COMING! -_^+^_- By Acolyte Serena & Holger On March 29th, at 11 AM WAT, the Ghost Races will hold it's first Cloud Race Special. For those who read the file GHOSTG.TXT in the forum library, Worlds Away Life Section, they will know what this means. For those who haven't: "What is a Cloud Race Special? It is only open to all those avatars who have not won any races during the month. If you won just one race, at a Friday or Monday race, you can not compete in these races! Only the Cloud Racers for the month can race. There will be the traditional number of races, but the limit will be held to a one win limit. If there are less then 11 avatars present at the end of the race, then after all of them have won at least one race, they all can race again for a second prize. In no case shall the racers be eligable for more then two prizes. Instead the races will end after all have two prizes." So, anyone who has one so far in March can NOT race in the races on the 29th. Holger will be hosting the first Cloud Race Special and I hope you all give him the consideration and assistance I have come to respect from the avatars who attend our events. Who can NOT race? Below is a list of racers.... so far... who can NOT race on the 29th. By the way, the Monthly Champ will still be crowned that night, so any who are in the running, need to turn up for the race off, if needed, or the presentation. Those who CAN NOT race on the 29th Cloud Race Special are: Chris Storm, Dedanann Srk, Astrid, Bud Drakir, Sunray LumMoose-Kymer Guardian, Darkhorse, Crusader Sidekick, Necrolyte Benny, SunRay Mage CyberMage II, OM, Huck, Utopia, Helpolyte Marla, Moody, Actionizer, Princess Toadstool, Mons Olympus, Markus J. Doe., Robynn, Chief Duckolyte Davy Joe, Christopher Storm, Imajica, Huckleberry, Duckolyte Chief Mage Brains, Simon, Vagabond, Necrolyte Xian Srk, Davy, My Name Is Fancy., Unga-Bunga, Chief Duckolyte Brains, Johan, JayVee, Soltron2, SrK Electus and Renegade. There they are, the list of winners so far this month.... the cream of the crop. If you've been having problems touching the ground BECAUSE of these racers, you'll be glad to know that they won't BE THERE to race on the 29th! Here's your chance to get down on the ground and go for the prize. This will happen every time there is a fifth Monday or Friday in the month. Thank you all for your support, and hope to see you there. -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- !CONTESTANTS WANTED! -_^+^_- By Marianne G I have an idea for two great games, but an able and willing pool of contestants are needed to insure they can be played. Spectators are also wanted to help out by voting or betting on the contests. The first one would involve a weekly committment, with Avatars needing to be available from 2PM to 6PM on Sunday nights (exact time yet to be determined). Do you like to brag about your speed and agility? Is your avatar fleet of mind and body? Are you capable of following CHAOS, Inc instructions even when Marianne G has changed the rules for the 5th time? Then this is for you! Be a part of the Kymer Night at the Races! Send in your profile describing your attributes. For every Sunday night, for a month, several races will be held around the fountain....... But these are not simple round the fountain races, oh no! Every week there will be a NEW twist. Every week there will be a NEW challenge. Spectators will have a racing form, published in the CLARION, in advance to help them to place bets.... The odds in the form will be based on past performance by the avatar. There will be several trial races before the first official one, to determine those standings. All contestants must be available for them also. To host the above game, I need a minimum of 10 racing avatars who will race in 2 races every Sunday. Alternates may be selected to replace racers who are no show at post time. Contestants needed for the KYMER DATING GAME! Clover and I were discussing this months ago, and how it was played on Caribe, but the difficulties of bringing it here. I have now found the solution and to test it out, I need contestants. I need avatars willing to be fixed up on a date, and willing to go on that date with the date choosen. Contestants applying for the game should specify if they wish to be the asker or the answerer. The one asking, is the one who asks the three answerers questions, and then, based on their answers, chooses their date. The askers will be picked on a first come basis! All others will be placed as questioners or as alternates in case of no shows. The asker, once informed they are chosen, must provide a list of questions, in advance that they will be posing to their dating pool. No questions should be of an offending nature. All contestants must provide a profile that describes themselves and what they have to offer. A minimum of 12 players is needed for this, to host three rounds of the game. Audiance members will be allowed to vote on who THEY think the main contestant should pick. If the contestant pick the same as the audiance, they will receive an extra bonus to assist on their date. When will these games be hosted? Depends on how fast I get a response from the avatars of the community. All help cheerfully accepted. Please send application to 72007,221 and thank you for helping me to host the best events in the dream! -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_--_^+^_- -_^+^_- LEADMAN'S SPORT BETTING ANNOUNCEMENT -_^+^_- By LeadMan NCAA Basketball Final Four POOL, 25T tickets ** Bet on the NCAA-Championship team. Buy as many tickets at 25T each to bet on any of the 4 teams. You may bet on more than one team and the number of tickets to buy is unlimited. The pool will be devided by all winning tickets, buying more than one ticket will therefore increase your stake of the win. Team 1: Sycaruse Team 2: Mississippi State Team 3: Kentucky Team 4: UMass ----------------------------------------------------------------- ** Additional rules for POOL bets: 85% of pool bets will be paid to winners. In case nobody wins 85% of pool bets will be given to Acolyte newbie-funds. +- :)(: --++-- :)(: --++-- :)(: --++-- :)(: --++-- :)(: --++-- :)(: -+ +-- :) ALAYNE, STORYTELLER OF THE DREAMSCAPE (: --+ By Eärendil, Ethereal Elf See the picture STORYTIM.GIF In the Newstand Section of the Forum library that goes with this story. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings, Alayne, the Official Storyteller of Phantasus, honored the Dreamscape with thrilling and wondrous tales from Kymer's history. On Wednesday evening, she reprised the tale of the founding of Phantasus in "The Great Betrayal," an accounting of how the Lord of Dreams was betrayed by his brothers. On Thursday and Friday, she told the two-part love story of Morpheus and Nime. The latter epic she dedicated to the memory of her soul's sister, Nada, and to the love of the first couple in Kymer, Elwing and Eärendil. Recounting her stories of magic, mortals, gods, and passions in the shadow of Cupid's statue, Alayne was heard by over 25 avatars each evening, including Oracle Vaserius all three nights. At the conclusion of her final presentation Friday night, Eärendil made the following short presentation to Alayne: "Alayne, you have greatly honored the Dreamscape these past three nights, with wondrous tales of Morpheus and the history of Kymer. Even more, you have both honored and humbled Elwing and myself, by dedicating the love story of Morpheus and Nime to *our* love. On behalf of the community of Phantasus, I offer this simple song in *your* honor:" oO o/~ o/~ o/~ .oO On Dream-Sewn Wings On thee, lovely Alayne, doth Morpheus smile, Weaver of dreams, renowned for your style, With a voice so pure, We can e'er endure To hearken anon, and listen awhile. Storyteller Alayne, so full of tales, Glides on the wind, that fills Argo's sails. The stories she brings, On Dream-Sewn Wings, Will echo forever, from hills and vales. Beloved Alayne, you honor us all: Avatar, Oracle, great and small. We honor *you* now, And kiss your brow, We thank you for heeding Morpheus' call. ~~~~~ Credit: The phrase, "on dream-sewn wings," was taken from Alayne's tale of the founding of Phantasus, entitled "The Great Betrayal." ~~~~~ Copyright © 1996, Eärendil ~~~ Ethereal Elf All rights reserved. License is hereby granted to the staff of Fujitsu Cultural Technologies Division of Open System Solutions, Inc., to reproduce this work in the WorldsAway Community Forum of the CompuServe Information Service and on the World Wide Web at the FCT/OSSI WorldsAway Home Page. License includes authority for any WorldsAway staff to reproduce the work in any online publication created or maintained for the CompuServe WorldsAway community. CompuServe and WorldsAway are registered trademarks of H&R Block and OSSI, Inc., respectively. +-- :)(: --+ +-- :) My life - Vollmond (: --+ By PoetOfTheNight (Editor's Note: We present here two poems submitted to us by PoetOfTheNight, who tells us it is goal to give our world a bit of Night Romance. PoetOfTheNight writes in English and in German. The poems below, one in English and one in German, are two separate poems, not one a translation of the other. PoetOfTheNight indicates that he would welcome translations, however, if there is a reader who would like to try their hand at it.) My life _____ Just don't tell me What I've got to do. Leave me alone, let me find my own way out there in this new world. I have to fall and feel the pain. I can stand it. I have to run and lose my way. I can refind it. I have to fly and reach the sun. I won't burn too bad. So, let me go, don't try to cage me. I'll break free, anyway. It's just a matter of time, and if I have to free myself, you won't see me again. +-- :)(: --+ Vollmond _______ Die Nacht ist erfüllt vom kalten Feuer, die schwarzen Schatten im silbrigen Licht kriechen lautlos in Deine Gedanken, machen Dich blind... Das Kind tief in Dir, hörst Du sein Lachen? stielt sich ungesehen nach vorn, Neugierde besiegt alle Ängste und Sorgen, wie nutzlos sie sind... Du streifst Durch die nächtlichen Straßen, rennst mit den eisigen Flammen, klirrend zerspringt der Spiegel um Dich, Dein Bild ist verloren, die Wahrheit beginnt... +-- :) WRITING THEIR OWN CHAPTER (: --+ +-- :) THE POETRY AND STORYTELLING GUILD GETS UNDERWAY! (: --+ By Scoop Nickels During the past month, the Knights of Kymer Poetry and Storytelling Guild has started writing their own chapter into the history of Kymer. From their first event on March 2, "Lunch With Walt Whitman," to last night's (23-March) very inspirational "A Night of Miracles," the guild has proven to be very open and accepting to all that might be considered "poetry." "A Night of Miracles" was intended to remind us of the many miracles of life: the random acts of kindness we encounter, unselfish caring offered by friends and strangers, and the light that resides inside each of us. With up to 23 ghosts in attendance at one time, the event got off to a great start. The hosts shared a few poems about the miracles of life and then invited those in attendance to join in. AngelBeta was the first to read. Reciting a poem entitled "Ecstasy," he offered 100 tokens to any avatar in attendance who could guess the author, "a famous musician." Three avatars guessed correctly that it was Michael Jackson. Many of the remaining avatars were surprised at the source as they had not realized that Michael Jackson was a poet as well as a songwriter (although many might argue that songwriters *are* poets ). All agreed it was a beautiful poem. Many others read and shared. My only regret is that there were too many to repeat them all here. However, a few struck this reporter and I would like to take a moment to mention them: Hierophant SRK shared a very creative original story about how he got his name! Sunray Knight Aslan shared a very inspiring passage by Viktor Frankl, an Austrian Psychologist who spent years in Nazi death camps. Miraculously, he found true meaning and inspiration through his experience. Alayne, the storyteller of Phantasus, made an appearance and shared a wonderful (untitled) Thomas Willoch poem which she dedicated to Sandman. Sunray Fawn read a lovely original poem called, "The Last Veil," and Milen shared a very though-provoking P.J. O'Rourke excerpt that definitely captured this reporter's attention . Like all of the Poetry and Storytelling events, those who contributed received rare heads, chests and other items to thank them for their contributions. This is a nice way for those not wishing to "compete" in other events to earn a few special items of their own. All in all, this reporter has found each of the guild's events to be inspirational, enjoyable and thought-provoking. Getting to know many of the faces of Kymer and the inspired souls behind them has given this reporter even more hope for our dreamworld. --Scoop Nickels is an independent reporter, living and working in Phantasus. Scoop can be contacted at 74071,341. +-- :)(: --+ +-- :) A PLACE OF OUR OWN (: --+ On your wedding day -- a poem written to another duck a long time ago also much loved: A Place of Our Own Though we have never met, Or touched each other's hand Yet nightly do we share a journey To a far off neverland. The daylight may be the real world And we be separated by time and place, Yet with night I find you once again And gently touch your face. We touch, we love, we laugh, we play, Who can tell what is real and what is not? And though you flee in the dawn of every day Yet the dream is not forgot. Would that dreams were reality and reality but a dream. Aching from the depths of wanting you, Wish reality be what our fantasies seem. I wish you both much happiness. Judith $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ADVERTISEMENTS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AVATAR COMINGS/GOINGS/CHANGES $ $ $ $ $ Hello Avatars of Phantasus, The avatars Forever Explorer and Dark Ranger have been let loose from their cages so LOOK OUT, here they come! They won't be popping up much this month, though, because I've gone way over my 20 hours already! Be on the lookout for Forever Explorer and Dark Ranger, coming to you next month! $ $ $ $ $ Name Change! I found that "Forever Explorer" didn't fit me, so I changed my name to "SophS" (pronounced "sofz" which is sort of like MarvL (sorry MarvL!) but this avatar is supposed to be "me" so I'll give it a "me" name. Besides, some of my classmates call me that. So, in short, Forever Explorer=SophS $ $ $ $ $ Now is the time of year that a duck's thoughts turn to love. In this duck's case it's Magica Jan, a woman I met here in WA, and after a little while came to love (a fact that surprised the hell out of me), luckily, she felt the same way. Our RW lives now revolve around each other, and we have a bright future ahead of us. It's time for me to concentrate on her, and her alone. Recent events in this forum have caused a rift between us, (and my friends), and I feel that as long as I frequent this place the rift will remain. So with a quivering beak, and a cheerful wave, I wish all my friends in here goodbye (sorry I couldn't make dinner Eärendil..hehe). I will, of course, still be running riot inworld (and winning at Chris Storm's bingo!), and I look forward to seeing you all there. regards Bog ;-) $ $ $ $ $ I noticed that Kymer didnt have a Queen. So, I decided to take my rightful place at the throne. Of course, I need a castle, but those turfs are taking FOREVER. I already have an advisor, a Lady-in-Waiting, an attendant, and an Arch Druis to advise me on spiritual matters. I have collected tribute, and all monies go to various charities. Last night the Acolytes got 300T. If anyone pays me tribute, I am going to turn it over for the good of Kymer. All heads, paints, ect...will go towards beautifying Kymer and the newbies. I hope to see you inworld. Your Faithful Queen, Astarte. $ $ $ $ $ As you may know I am the founder of the Helpolytes, well I am quiting there are too may -olytes and half of em do nothing but stand and take up space. If you see just plain MEAF it is still me. $ $ $ $ $ To all the friends I know and all the friends I haven't met yet: I have the great pleasure of announcing that I have been accepted into the flock as an official Duckolyte! My new name is Duckolyte Askani. I'm very honored, and I wish to thank all the Duckolytes who attended my naming ceremony. Thanks again all!! -Duckolyte Askani $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ BUSINESSES AND SERVICES $ $ $ $ $ WorldsAway Yellow & White Pages For the most complete listing of inworld businesses, and the ONLY single listing of resident avatars, check out the WorldsAway Yellow & White Pages! Whether to find a service, check to see which businesses are already operating inworld, or to verify the correct spelling or User ID of an avatar, the WA Yellow & White Pages is the BEST source available! We also list you WWW Homepage and set links on the Web version of the Yellow Pages: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/germangiant/yellow.html You can download a copy of the WA Yellow & White Pages in the WA Forum library, Newsstand Section, filename YELLOW.TXT, or get it on the Web! Thanks to all the WAYP customers for making it a success! If you have any questions or would like to place an ad, contact GermanGiant, Big Kahoona, Necrolyte Xian SrK, Hotspot, Mr. Nice Guy or Sunray Dream Keeper. $ $ $ $ $ LEADMAN's SPORT & EVENT BETS Bet on all major WakingWorld sports events (and more) and earn big money! We cover Boxing, Formula 1 Car Racing, IndyCar Racing, ATP Tennis, NHL, NBA, etc. We are working on bets for inworld-events too. Bets ranging from 20-1000T We are accepting Phantasus Credit (PAC) Official agents: Cr. Necrolyte Little Princess, Tin-Tin, Rotfuchs ESP us or E-Mail LeadMan at 100413,1430 if interested A list of the latest is available for download as SPORTBET.TXT $ $ $ $ $ ***** LeadMan's 3 of 15 Lotto ***** Select 3 of 15 numbers from 1 to 15 and win with 2 or 3 matches. 50 percent of pot are paid for tickets with 2 matches, 50 percent of pot are paid for tickets with 3 matches. If no win for 2 or 3 matches, pot is added to jackpot. Tickets 20T each, unlimited tickets allowed. First drawing Saturday, April 6th, 3pm WAT. (ESP me for location) You don't have to be present to win. Download LOTTO315.EXE from the forum library, not required but makes it easier to select tickets. Contact me inworld to buy tickets. For further questions or to buy tickets with PAC, E-Mail me at 100413,1430 $ $ $ $ $ Announcing Soothsayer Let me say your sooth My background is in Native American tradition and the *reading* I do is focused on helping others identify, celebrate, and or heal the emotions surrounding any given *reading.* I can help you with questions regarding almost any topic, health, work, family issues, romance, communication, personal growth ... (remember the focus of this is in healing/happiness). *I do not predict lotto numbers, or other such things*. For those I suggest you call one of those 1-900-psycho numbers All information revealed will be kept in strictest confidence. You may choose ESP, or you may wish to do it openly with your friends. Fees are based per question. In depth readings also available. Contact me via ESP inworld or e-mail me at 104167,3653. To do a *reading* I need you to have a focused question in mind. You can find me inworld at all sorts of times of the day and night! Happy journeys my friends Mistweave $ $ $ $ $ Kymer Community Services is looking for single avatars.... both male and female.... to join the Matchmaker service. There are men and women avatars waiting to be matched to the mate of their Dreams! Hurry.... love could be around the corner! We are also looking for more avatars to join the E-mail Club wich is now being formed. For information and info on how to apply, please see KCSINF.TXT in the Newsstand library. Come join the fun!!!!!! Normala Kelly Director Kymer Community Services $ $ $ $ $ Hera's Advertising Services I had a need for doing some advertising and found a gap in our business community. I created my own service which proved very successful in telling Kymerians about upcoming events. If you need to "get the word out" about your upcoming event or you just want to increase attendance, please contact me at 71762,3210. I will send you rates and coverages. Hera's Advertising Services (HAS) is not affiliated with the Knights of Kymer. $ $ $ $ $ Play the WA Pick-3 Lotto to WIN BIG!!! WE SUPPORT PAC! You choose three numbers from 0 to 9 and three numbers will be drawn on the appointed date. If your numbers match ours then YOU WIN! The lotto is now at ->5000T<- Tickets cost 10T each with NO LIMIT! Pick your numbers inWorld after paying for tickets. You don't have to be present at the drawing to win. But be there for the many door prizes! The next lotto is on Apr. 8th, at the Bar-L Bar Storeroom at 6pm WAT. If you would like to obtain tickets contact any of the following ticket sellers: «Joe Blowsem UP», Mr. Boombastic, Sherry, Mr Nice Guy Charlie Chicken, or Mage Dumpling If you have any questions or would like to buy tickets with PAC E-Mail us at 73357,1576 $ $ $ $ $ VIVID ADs is a graphics and advertising company in WA. VIVID Ads makes top quality computer graphics for all advertising purposes. We even design advertisments! Cheap, low everyday prices will only make it convenient for your needs, large detailed pictures are about 350T. And "pocket sized" are only 60T - 80T! We make all styles and formats for both PC and MAC. Interested in expanding your advertising with eye-catching pictures? Drop us a line at CIS 73357.1576 for information on our products. Or catch me inWorld, «Joe Blowsem UP» $ $ $ $ $ WA Photography Service by Acolyte VIQer Our prices are very reasonable. Special editing services and custom photos also available. We will help you remember that special time. Reprints available, in case of lost your photos! For service contact Acolyte Sunray VIQer at 70724,425 and we will make your arrangements with our staff. $ $ $ $ $ G&G Services are proud to present their range of new services: o Web Page Design - from only 30T per set Need a professional looking Web Page for only a few tokens? o Web access for those who can't access the Web - 10T per page/site Modem can't access the Web? Give us the URL and in return for 10T, we'll get you the page(s) o Cheat provision - 2T per cheat Can't win a game? We have cheats for 90% of games! o Cyber-Hunting - 5T per find Looking for a particular person, article or page? We can do it for a very small fee! To enquire about any of these briliant services, please e-mail : George - 100745,2707 Gary - 101603,2730 $ $ $ $ $ Moon Design Want a special portrait of the real you? Want an unusual piece of art for your new turf? Want a greeting card so unusual that the recipient will never forget you? MOON DESIGN can custom design anything you can imagine and things you have never even dreamed. Each graphic is an original work of art. Your graphic will be delivered in JPEG, GIF, or the format of your choice. Prices are determined on an individual basis and are surprisingly affordable. References and samples available on request. Email 102514,3721 or ESP aprilsmoon inworld. $ $ $ $ $ Solo Enterprises Are you looking for FRIENDSHIP or even LOVE? Then we are here to assist you in your search! We have set up an organization to help avatars become friends and meet with other avatars inworld. Download FRIENDS.ZIP from WORLDS AWAY LIFE in the community forum for a questionnaire to fill in. For more information ESP either Kage Solo or Kaylam Solo Inworld. $ $ $ $ $ Personalized WA Clocks Have you downloaded the Wyld's WA Clock from the forum? Are you tired of seeing my ugly mug holding said clock? NOW from Wyld Karde software: Personalized WA Clocks! For just 50T (plus package and posting) YOU can own a copy of the WA clock software with the picture of your choice! The readout window will be moved to fit your picture at no extra cost! E-mail me, Prime Alienyte Wyld Karde, at 101467,470 for your copy. $ $ $ $ $ Phantasus Credit Do what you want to do without ever taking out a token. How? Get Phantasus Credit and find out. It's free for February and March. Contact Imagination at 76724,3017 for more information. $ $ $ $ $ -->CLOVER'S COLLECTIBLES<-- The Dreamscape's premier dealer of rare heads and items no longer available in vendos. --><-- We are here to serve you. We are accepting consignment of rare items for future sales. Consignment fee is 20% of selling price. All items will be auctioned to the highest bidder. If you have rare or hard to obtain items you wish to place on consignment, please contact one of our staff via Email (All CIS UIDs and information supplied will be handled in a professional and confidential manner): Clover 73071,1252 Remus 74627,1701 Passion 102443,1111 Please supply the following information: -Consignor Avatar Name -Consignor UID (if different from UID on Email) -Item Names -Minimum starting bids for each item -Locale for collecting consignment item -Proposed time for collection of consignment item You will receive return Email either confirming the meeting or proposing an alternate meeting time. Please allow 1-2 days for a response. --><-- ****************WARNING**************** * Protect yourself from scam artists! * *************************************** Do not meet with anyone claiming to represent Clover's Collectibles unless you receive return Email with an appropriate staffer UID from the above list. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ COMMUNITY NOTICES $ $ $ $ $ The Kymer Community Services Information packet is finally available in the Newsstand section. The brochure includes descriptions of many of our programs, such as the Voices Poetry Project, Avatarobics, Kymer Crime Victim Support, Kymer Avatar Peer Counseling, Vendoholics, the Infatar Sandbox, Phantasus Fountains Country Club, and the new Hunter Brown Academy...plus much more. The title of the file is KCSINF.TXT. Normala Kelly, Director, Kymer Community Services $ $ $ $ $ A todos los hispanos/latinos de WA que quieran pertenecer al nuevo club de hispanos favor de mandar E-mail a Hispaniclyte Iván Boricua al 103201.2414@compuserve.com. Esto con el proposito de acordar una fecha y hora para la ceremonia de iniciación. O envienme ESP en WA a "Hispaniclyte Iván Boricua". Los requisitos son ser hispano/latino, hablar español y 10T para el cambio de nombre. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To all the hispanics/latins of WA who wants to join the new club for hispanics please E-mail me "Hispaniclyte Iván Boricua" to 103201.2414@compuserve.com. The purpose is to set a date and time for the initiation ceremony. Or ESP me to "Hispaniclyte Iván Boricua". The requirements are being hispanic/latin, 10T for the name change (more or less depending on how many changes you've made) and talking spanish. $ $ $ $ $ Knights of Kymer Information If you are interested in becoming a Knight or Sunray in the Knights of Kymer, please contact me, SunRay Render at 103135,2612. I handle the public relations for our group and can answer your questions. I will help you become acquainted with the necessary steps to becoming a member. I will email you some preliminary information that will be helpful to you. This information may help you to decide if you do indeed want to become a member of our organization. Feel free to email me with any inquiries you may have. Thank you. $ $ $ $ $ DONATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED for the CHOKE Machine Repair Fund. All proceeds will go to the repair of the CHOKE Machine, which was just recently vandalized. Any fund above the cost of the repairs will be donated to event hosts and organizations for their future hosting of events. Donations can be turned in to Marianne G, Acolyte Milen, Acolyte BLD Stalker, Acolyte Rosaleah and Acolyte VIQer. $ $ $ $ $ Please give a warm WorldsAway welcome to our new Assistant SysOp! Michael Campbell [111111,726] Michael replaces Seth Schroeder in helping out WorldsAway Member Support and the Forum Staff. Like Seth before him, Michael is also a CompuServe Customer Support Rep. here on loan to us to help out. It's a part of CompuServe's commitment to provide technical support for WorldsAway not only on the phone lines, but here in the forum too (which, btw is handling most of the technical problems with the software installation. --a little pat on the back and kudos to our excellent forum staff.) Michael is mainly here to help out with questions in the Help Desk and Installation Support sections. Welcome Michael! (Seth got promoted and transferred to MacCIM software engineering, a position he's coveted for a while --and he's only 19 years old and going places! Seth checks in the forum time to time and is around if you want to chat with him.) Hunter, SysOp On behalf of WorldsAway Member Support and the Forum Staff $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ HELP WANTED $ $ $ $ $ COMING SOON! There is a new game in town. Its called KAOGRAB which to be streched out is called Kymer Avatar or Ghost Racing and Betting. Here I have a racers start at one locale and race to get the fastest way to another one wihtout using teleports. Also before the races other avatars can bet on the racers that will race that week. The people will get the pot that other avatars bet in. I will also gice you the records of racers if you ask for it. If more than one person wins the pot will be split. NEEDED! RACERS FOR THE GAME! Contact me Inworld. MR. BOOMBASTIC $ $ $ $ $ Kymer Community Services Due to the overwhelming response regarding the Email club and Matchmaker in particular, Kymer Community Services is looking for a few good avatars to come to the aid of their community. The jobs are partially behind-the-scenes; partially inWorld contact with avatars; and at the moment, they are volunteer positions. The perks, of course, are good... for instance, access to a zillion e-mail pals if you're interested. :-) The work includes typing and doing mailings; cross-referencing avatars; that sort of thing. It requires a knack for noticing detail, good typing skills (accuracy most important; speed secondary importance); the ability to be on time, work independently, and work under deadline; good people/avatar communication skills, honesty, and integrity. At times, the positions will require inWorld contact (meetings with groups of avatars, or individual meetings; also Q&A sessions inWorld at pre-designated times. If you feel that you'd be good in a position like this, please email me at 75147,3120 with the words "Job Applicant" in the subject heading. In the body of your message, state your inWorld name and the position you are interested in. When I receive your e-mail, I will send you a Volunteer Application. Applications will be accepted until ** Sunday, 31 March, 1995, ** so please put in your application request early so I can get the paperwork out to you quickly. Beginning on 31 March, the applications received will be reviewed; when a decision is made, I will notify you via e-mail. Other positions (volunteer positions as well as a few paid positions) will be opening as well; if you see a program in the KCS information packet that you think you would work well in as an employee, please feel free to e-mail me and let me know. When a position in your area of interest is open, I'll send you an application. (All applications, by the way, will be kept on file; if you want to have your application removed, let me know via email.) Normala Kelly, Director, Kymer Community Services *We accept PAC* $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ LOST/FOUND/BUY/SELL/TRADE $ $ $ $ $ Lost - Memory - Hardly Used - Needed to keep track of what the heck I'm doing here and when. If found, please Contact Marianne G at 72007,221 Sorry, I can't remember if there is an award or not. $ $ $ $ $ WANTED: One Female Avatar Ponytail Head! Please send pictures to me, Marianne G at 72007,221 ####################################################################### ##### EVENT NOTICES ##### Just some things you may want to be aware of..... Duckolyte Ghost Racing has moved to a new, permanent location inside the StarWay Stage Cafe. The Friday Night Ghost Racing hosted by Holger is a CLOUD RACE SPECIAL, please see the article that gives the details. Only non-winners of the month will be allowed to race. Contestants are being sought for future games. See the ads in the paper and the articles that will tell you how to join the contests. ######## ##### SCHEDULE OF GAMES AND EVENTS ##### Week of March 27 through April 3 All Times in WAT (Pacific Standard) WEDNESDAY, March 27 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................ LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Duckolyte Bingo ........................... Chief Duckolyte Renegade Call KYMER! first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Download KYMER1.EXE, from AWAYFORUM/Library 4 WorldsAway Life. 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Stage Techtrivia .................... SunRays Hera, Mariah and Knight Alexis Computer Technical Trivia questions. Everyone wins. Tokens, items (many rare) and door prizes awarded. Sponsored by the Games & Role Playing Guild. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................. Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Library Pop Culture Trivia ..................................... PEZ Collector This week's theme is a mixed bag of Pop Culture questions from Music, TV, Movies, and gadgets. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. There is no fee to play the game. Exact prizes will be announced before the event. THURSDAY, March 28 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Storm Games, Kymer Bingo ......................... Christopher Storm All players welcome! You need KYMER1.EXE to play. Bets are 25T-225T. Over 90,000T won so far! 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom CHAOS, Incorporated ................... Acolyte Serena or Marianne G Something new and different every week! This week try Pass-Link. Come early for instructions! 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................. Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia .................................. Mr. & Mrs. Nutty Questions covering general info. Three winners per game. Grand prize for the most points in a month. 10T playing fee to help defray the costs. FRIDAY, March 29 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................ LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 11:00 - 12:00 a.m. - Isle Caribe Ghost Races ................................................ Holger THIS RACE IS A CLOUD RACER SPECIAL! Only those who have not won at all this month can race! Please read the recently updated rules found in the Forum, Worlds Away Life section of the library as GHOSTG.TXT before coming to the game! There will also be a race-off for the Monthly Championship! 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Kategories ............................................ Ann Ominous 20T of each fee is put in the round and 20T into the final. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Lounge Trek Trivia ......................................... Acolyte VIQer Visit the bridge crew of the WA Enterprise. Win prizes and tokens for your Trek knowledge. Get back at the bridge crew with some tough questions of your own! We have to answer correctly or we pay! 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Visitor's Center, Left Dreaming Insomniacs Society ........................... Acolyte Milen Something DIFFERENT will be held during these times each week. SATURDAY, March 30 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. (18-20 CET) - South Fountain Central Stammtisch ......................... Brucilla, Perry Rhodan, Sundance Meeting of German-speaking avatars. If you want to spread rumors and news or just want to chat, if you want to learn some German or just love the "sound" of it, you're invited to join us. 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................ LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 12:00 noon - Harlequin Games Kymer Pot BINGO ..................................... Simon Spellmoon The rules can be found in AWAYFORUM in the file SIMON.TXT 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. - Library MultiTrivia ............................................. Mivo, Nicci General knowledge trivia questions will be asked in German and English. Each point for a correct answer is worth 5 Tokens. Frage&Antwort-Spiel zu allgemeinen Themen. Fuer jede richtige Antwort gibt es 5 Tokens. 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Stage WARaffle Drawing ..... Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Purchase tickets from authorized agents. Door prize raffle! 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. - Outside Visitors Center Ghost Relay Races ................................... Acolyte VIQer Ghost races played baton style like Olympic Relay races. Variations will be coming in the future, allowing more winners in each race. SUNDAY, March 31 7:00 a.m. - Starway Cafe Stage Duckolyte Ghost Racing ................ Chief Duckolyte Mage Brains Win tokens and prizes weekly, and a Monthly Championship. Instructions in English and German. Read GHOSTG.TXT for basic rules. NOTE THE CHANGE IN LOCATION! 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................ LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom Jackal3's Trivia .................................,.. Mr & Mrs Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. 10T playing fee to help defray the costs. 12:00 noon - Harlequin Games Kymer Pot BINGO .................................... Simon Spellmoon The rules can be found in AWAYFORUM in the file SIMON.TXT 4:00 p.m. - Outside Fire Room Take a Chance ....................... Necrolytes Benny, Xian, Jackal 25T entry fee. Answer questions on Kymer to win points. Top 3 scorers ener Fireroom and have choice of tokens or contents of chest. 7:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Stage Duckolyte Trivia Master Game ........... Chief Duckolyte Mage Brains Fastpaced trivia using multiple choice answers. Game uses the Trivia Engine just developed by Wert P. Gumby to administer all scoring. 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Observation Deck Dead Poets Society Recital .. Prez, Sunshine, Brandy, Corey and AlexA Contact Prez [102726,1655] if you wish to be a presenter. Poems should be six verses or shorter. MONDAY, April 1 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................ LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. - Isle Caribe Ghost Races .......................................... Acolyte Serena Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship! Please read the recently updated rules found in the Forum, Worlds Away Life section of the library as GHOSTG.TXT before coming to the game! 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................. Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Outside Magic Shop BlackKat Entertainment (Blackjack) .............. Sunray Knight Haplo Players will need BLACKJK1.EXE found in "Worlds Away Life" Library (4) as well as CARDS.DLL and VBRUN300.DLL. Rules and betting policy will be explained by the dealer just before the game. TUESDAY, April 2 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................ LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 12:00 noon - Harlequin Games Kymer Pot BINGO ..................................... Simon Spellmoon The rules can be found in AWAYFORUM in the file SIMON.TXT 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Duckolyte Bingo..............................Chief Duckolyte Renegade You need the software Kymer1.exe from the forum (GO:TRA-39) to join the game with your card. If you are the winner you get many Tokens, depending on the number of players. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................. Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Bar-L Bar Storeroom Kymer/Bingo ..................................... Sunray Knight Oliver Everyone who plays in every game of the evening is eligible to win a bonus prize which will be awarded after the last game! Don't be late! 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. - Visitors Center Left Worlds Of Fortune ................................ Acolyte Sunray Data No entry fee or download needed, but do come early if you need instructions. WEDNESDAY, April 3 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - Harlequin Games LeadMan's Bingo ............................................ LeadMan Call BINGO first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Call JACKPOT first to win the additional jackpot. Bets are 25-210T. Download BINGO1.EXE or BINGO2.EXE from GO CITYLIFE/Library 6 (Lifestyle Worldwide). 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Harlequin Games Duckolyte Bingo ........................... Chief Duckolyte Renegade Call KYMER! first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Download KYMER1.EXE, from AWAYFORUM/Library 4 WorldsAway Life. 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - StarWay Cafe Stage Techtrivia .................... SunRays Hera, Mariah and Knight Alexis Computer Technical Trivia questions. Everyone wins. Tokens, items (many rare) and door prizes awarded. Sponsored by the Games & Role Playing Guild. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Harlequin Games Madra Rua Bingo ................................. Darien-Golden Knight Bingo1.exe or Bingo2.exe needed to play (found at GO:CITYLIFE). The more people who play, the higher the pot and the more the cash. 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Library Pop Culture Trivia ..................................... PEZ Collector Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. There is no fee to play the game. Exact prizes will be announced before the event. ** UPCOMING EVENTS ** THURSDAY, April 4 6:00 p.m. - Meditation Park Rose Garden Wedding of SunRay Love and SunRay Render .............. Oracle Uni Reception immediately following at the StarWay Cafe Observation Deck. SATURDAY, April 6 4:00 p.m. - Meditation Park Rose Arbor Dating, Kymer Style! ............... Codemaster John D and Astarte So the 'Month of Romance' didn't work out the way you wanted? The first ever 'date auction' will now solve all your problems! Clover's Collectibles will be helping with door prizes. =====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====// ==/ CLARION COLOPHON /== PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES TO SEND SOME OF THE INFORMATION TO! PLEASE NOTE THESE CHANGES FOR FUTURE REFRENCE! The Staff of the CLARION Thanks You. - How To Publish In The Kymer Clarion - Waking World CIS email address: 75664,663 Deadline: 12:00 noon WAT every Saturday Letters to the Editors: We'd like your feedback! Please send letters to the above email address with the subject LETTER TO EDITORS. Please mark all letters you do not wish published as NOT FOR PUBLICATION. All mail to the Editors not so marked will be considered for publication, subject to editing for clarity and space considerations. Articles, poetry, etc.: Do you have a poem you'd like published? An Article? Submit them to the above email address with the subject of ARTICLE SUBMISSION. The Kymer Clarion is currently token-free to all members; thus, we are not presently paying for submissions. Advertisements: All ads should be submitted in email or private forum message to the email address noted above and should be marked ADVERTISEMENT. The Board of Editors has not decided yet if they should charge for your advertisements, so get them in fast before they do! ================== Waking World Email Address: 72007,221 or 75664,663 Deadline: 3:00 p.m. WAT every Saturday Wedding Information: We are happy to provide you with a section of the Kymer Clarion where you can announce either a wedding to come or a wedding that has already happened! If you would like your wedding announced in these pages, please send the following marked WEDDING INFO to the above Email Address. Please include the following: Name of Bride Name of Groom Oracle or Acolyte performing service Date of Wedding (to be held, or was held) Reception Location Members of the Wedding Party Events & Game Reports: Event Schedule covers the following Wednesday through Wednesday. The submission to the Kymer Clarion is IN ADDITION to submitting your event information to the Scheduling Group. The Kymer Clarion assumes no responsibility for resolving scheduling conflicts; this will remain under the jurisdiction of the Scheduling Group. If currently recurring events are changed in any way, besides notifying the Scheduling Group, should you wish the Kymer Clarion schedule of Events to reflect your event(s) accurately, please *also* submit the change of information as noted above. Want everyone to know who won at your event? Want to provide them with helpful information on how it was played? Just want your winners to be able to see their name in print? Send your submissions to the Kymer Clarion at the above address, and we'll let everyone know who won what and where! =====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====//=====// KYMER CLARION Volume one, Issue thirty-three, copyright 1996 Clarion Price: Free Editorial Board Rotating Editors: Marianne G, Acolyte Rosaleah, Acolyte VIQer, Acolyte Milen This issue edited by Marianne G Posted to WorldsAway Community Forum on March 26th, 1996. >*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<