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Serena Bloodline Dance Contest Pairs Competition ..................Marianne G Bloodline Go For Broke Month................................Marianne G Schedule of Events, 9/26-10/2...................................Brynne How to Publish Articles and Place Advertisements.......Editorial Board Accompanying photographs (Downloadable from the Library) CHOKE#-1.GIF PAIRWIN.GIF %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% THE PHANTASUS ACOLYTES Oracles Vaserius and Teresias Let it be known that in the city of Phantasus, as of September 23, the roster of Acolytes is as follows: Brynne Milen CaribeLynx Moria Chameleon Nicci Data Ravenwhyte Electra Rosaleah Hindemith Sabertooth Indigo Serena JWFriendly Tulip Libra VIQer They are here to help the avatars as told by Morpheus. Should you need assistance, an Acolyte may be reached by choosing Page Acolyte from your Help Menu. %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% SOMETHING'S COMING! By Brynne Something's coming! And it's not too far away! I've been listening to the voices in the air and they seem to be moving closer! Earlier this past week, all I knew was that whatever this something IS, it's going be everywhere, going to make you glad and it's going to be MAD! Now what could THAT possibly mean? I asked myself. I didn't know, but I thought I should at least warn you all that *something* is coming! Then early today, I was listening for the voices again, and heard the word GREEN! Hmmm ... something that's going to be everywhere, something that's going to make you glad, something that's going to be MAD and now something that's got the color GREEN! The voices are getting very close now and I hear something about two weeks from this past Sunday! Hmmmm ... that would make it October 8. And there's something else I hear that I don't quite understand. The word "chest". Now what could that possibly mean? Something is going to be everywhere! Something that is going to make you glad! Something that's going to be MAD! Something that's gonna be GREEN! Something is arriving October 8! And something about a "chest" ::straining to hear more from the voices in the air:: When I get more of what they're saying, I'll let you know! Watch -- and LISTEN -- everywhere you can! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% THE GREAT CHOKE CONSPIRACY Part Two - Walking Past Customs By Marianne G GIF By BLOOD Stalker (See CHOKE#-1.GIF in library) When BLOOD Dragon and BLOOD Stalker (BLOOD stands for Bloodline) joined me, I was at a low point. I was finally here in the new home, but I had no pony tail head and there was my Choke Machine sitting in an impound area. Not yet home. "What's it doing there?" Stalker asked. I explained to them that it had been impounded until they could decide if it would be allowed in. "Do you meant to tell me," Dragon raged, " we killed ourselves getting that thing on board the ship, we all had to wait longer to get here because of it, and now they aren't letting it in?" Speaking of letting things in, I asked after BloodFang the cat. Where was that little troublemaker? BLD Stalker pointed to a point on his shoulder, and momentarily the cat phased in and was visible. I asked why it was not hanging around in a visible state and was told it had already managed to get into trouble, and it was better that no one could actually find it here. At least not until everything had all blown over. Stalker had smuggled the cat in the invisible state. The cat usually was no problem, spent all it's time sleeping, but trouble always seemed to follow it. Seems it had been sleeping in the middle of one of the main walk areas when a guy in robes had come by and tripped over the cat. The guy, who up till then had looked very dignified, had gone tumbling with the robes all out of kilter and everything. I started laughing, picturing it in my mind. Then Dragon pitched in with the rest of the story. The guy in the robes that BloodFang had managed to trip up was an Oracle. As in one of THE Oracles! What a first impression to make. BloodFang should definitely remain hidden for a time. Which, though I felt better, didn't solve the problem at hand. How to release my Choke Machine. We decided to just check out the area. So, finding a gate that led into the dock area, we approached the choke machine. The fenced area was accessible through a building that had some arches in front of it that led back into the city. Since no one seemed to mind our presence there, we just kept walking. Into the building, where there were very few people and they all smiled as we went past, and into the yard and the Choke Machine. There it was, just waiting for us. "I know this is going to sound crazy," Stalker said, "but why don't we just walk it out?" Why not? No one had seemed upset that we were just walking around here. If we acted like we knew what we were doing.... So saying we got closer to the machine to check out the padlock. That's when it happened. It felt like a wave washed over me and then..... My Pony Tail was back!! Getting closer to the machine changed us all back into our Caribe shapes! Even BloodFang materialized in his less then cat like colors. Looking at each other, and seeing the change, we all drew back, passing through the wave again, and becoming just like we had been before. It had to be magic. Some kind of time temperance around the machine because it did not yet BELONG in World's Away. We decided that once we got it there, and made it at home, it wouldn't happen. All we had to do was get it out of there. Passing back through the wave, we let Dragon fry the padlock off, and released the machine from it's bonds. Then gently tipping it on it's side, the guys each took one side and hefted it between them. This was going to be easier then carrying it up a thin gang plank. That's when Dragon told me to get on top with Fang and kinda drape myself over it. I did, feeling like a princess being carried in a litter, and off we went. We were doing great! We got out of the building, and were heading toward the arches, when he arrived. He, it seemed was an Oracle and custom inspector and we had to go through him. He asked about the Choke Machine. "What Choke Machine?", Stalker innocently asked. "And the cat," he began when, glancing back over, he realized that the cat was no longer there. He just went back to the subject at hand with a small frown. Did we have papers to clear it for entry? Errr, well, not quite. With a smile on his face, he directed some guards to escort us back to the impound area. Leaving the Choke Machine back in its original spot, we went into town to get a drink and think of another plan. (Coming in two weeks - Part 3 - Beam Me In!) %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW By Milen of the Hidden Glade A wee guide for those who are new to the Dreamscape, as written by a person who's not so large herself. (An excerpt from the upcoming "The WorldsAway Dictionary", third edition. Extensively rewritten and currently maintained by Milen.) Q. I just logged on and I can't see myself! Where am I? A. Hmmm... that's funny. I'm getting... dizzy.... (This question is most often heard from those just signing on for their second time. The answer is simple; when you log on, you appear in "ghost mode." Just click on the eye in the corner of the main window and choose to BECOME AN AVATAR. If there are fewer than six people in the current locale, you'll appear just like you were when last you visited the Dreamscape.) ...huh? What happened? Was I channeling again? Sheesh... must remember to stop doing that. Let's continue. Q. "How do I get tokens?" A. Generally there are three ways. 1. You receive tokens from the Bank of Phantasus in direct relation to the amount of time you spend in-world. Every minute you spend in the Dreamscape is another token in your ATM account. (Ghosted minutes, however, only count for 1/2 a token.) These appear to be credited whenever the accumulated time adds up to an hour. So, if you're feeling low on cash, go on out to the ATM and see if you've gained any interest! 2. You can get tokens from selling items to the pawn machines. You never get more than was originally paid for the item; the machines are too smart for that. Also note that this isn't so much a way to make tokens as a way to trade for them. 3. You can get tokens from other avatars, most typically from playing games. Large sums of tokens can be gained in this manner, but, of course, only if you *win* at said game. Don't ask for help in this department; that's up to you. Q. "I tried to enter a room, but it won't let me in!" "Why can't I ghost?" "Why did I log back in in a room other than the one I logged off from?" A. The Element Rooms, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, are special because only a limited number of people are allowed in at any one time. If you tried entering but your avatar just stops at the doorway, the room is already full. You may want to try another one. Two other things about Element Rooms; you can't ghost in them and, if you log off from one, you'll reappear in the Temple Foyer. Morpheus and the Oracles did this so someone wouldn't get stuck when logging into a locale where no ghosts are allowed. Q. "Where is everybody?" A. The answer to this question isn't always so easy to answer; the Acolytes have no way currently to check on who's where. But good first places to try, even late at night, are the Temple and the Visitor's Center. Q. "Where can I teleport?" A. Try "Fountain" (North Fountain across from the temple), "Orchid" (Jungle locale) and "Oak" (Blasted Heath locale) as destinations. Q. "Where can I get a new head?" A. There are head vendroids in the NuYu, the Visitor's Center and the Bar-L Bar. The VC vendo contains the cheapest neckwear of all, containing heads that only cost 50T. There you can obtain the ever popular Asian Female head, which causes all the guys to just melt! Q. "How can I change my colors?" A. In the early days you had to find one of two special avatars, named Charlotte-N and Yul Brynner, in order to get your colors changed. Now you can do it yourself with the special cans of Body Spray available in the V-Mart. Forty-nine different varieties are available to provide you with many different possible ensembles to choose from. (Although the precise type of clothing is still unchangeable.) But beware! If you don't have a head on your shoulders, the Body Spray cans won't work! Head colors are a different matter. For one thing, not all heads are colorable. You can discover if yours is or not by examining its name. If the letters "Rep" appear in the title then it's colorable. Body spray doesn't work on heads; you'll still have to hunt up Charlotte or Yul to do that. If Rep doesn't appear in your head's title then it's colors cannot be changed. *Sigh.* That's the one major flaw of the Asian Female head. Q. "Are there any games going on?" A. A weekly schedule is published in the Clarion and a daily schedule in the waking-world forum. Still, there are often impromptu events occurring all over the place, and the Acolytes, especially the one at the help desk, are usually reliable sources of what's happening where. A quick search of the right-most South Fountain region may also turn up some information; this is where MarvL bases his Town Crier business, and they're usually pretty good at keeping up with the latest activities. Q. "How can I get a turf?" A. Well, you can't yet. The Phantasus Housing Authority is still reviewing vital matters concerning the construction and maintenance of such places. Trust me; you'll *know* when these become available. It'll likely be the sole topic of conversation everywhere in Phantasus! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% KNOCKING ON THE DOORS by Rosaleah It seems that everyone is waiting for the Temple Stewards to finish working on all the new locales that lie behind the locked and sealed doors that are all around us. The Magic Shop seems to interest quite a number of people who think they may know how to break the seal that keeps it shut up so tight. Pounding on the door brings no response, not even from the door, which certainly must be smarting from all that insistent knocking. Incantations -- at least the ones that people have tried so far -- also seem not to break the seal. Even the tried and true "Open sesame" has no effect. The seal placed there by Morpheus remains intact! None of the locked doors on the other buildings give way, either. That doesn't stop people from wondering and trying, however. There was even, we heard, someone who claimed to have a key that would open up one of the doors. Certainly that's an Imaginary Key, granted to everyone by Morpheus! I know *I* have been having fun imagining all sorts of wondrous things to be behind those doors. Could the Starway Cafe have a planetarium inside? Do you suppose it might serve planetary pancakes for breakfast? Rocket blast-off surprise for dessert? I wonder if we'll step on a twinkling star when we finally walk through that door. Maybe we'll have to don spacesuits before we sit down to eat in there! And the magic shop! Will there be small jars of potions arrayed on the counters for sale there? Perhaps even now the Temple Scribes are piecing together the Magical Lore that the earnest seeker will be able to find mysteriously revealed in the book section of the Shop. I can imagine a Vendroid of Wizardry selling magical secrets! We can't know the truth, at least not yet, of course. But we don't really have to knock the paint off the doors trying to get in to see what's behind them. Imagination is key, and that is something Morpheus has already granted us all in abundance! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WHAT'S YOUR WISH LIST BY: Marianne G We are so lucky to be in at the beginning of a new and exciting world! The world is developing around us all the time, and we have a chance to help shape it. One of the ways we do that is when we leave Kymer and dream. I know you've had them also. Dreams where you walk into a forum with other people and discuss different items of interest. Did you know that Morpheus could hear what you discuss when you are dreaming? Yes, he can, and that is where your dreaming becomes part of what could be the future. Take a walk with me now as you go to sleep in Kymer. I know, it's a little uncomfortable since we're all still standing, but your eyes are getting heavier and heavier. You are feeling sleepier and sleepier, you are now ready to come with me into the forum, and there, yes, there it is, a room called Discussions & Issues with the door open and the welcome mat out. Enter with me and let us dream what we could see. Breath slow and steady, see the room? See the bulletin boards lining the room. See the pads of paper on the desks. Let us take one of those pads and write upon them our dreams of Kymer's future. There it is, the perfect topic. I dreamed I saw..... What will you write down on that topic? What do you see in your dreams? A Choke Machine? A Ponytail head? A pad of paper in your pocket? Let us share our dreams with Morpheus and each other. Write up your dreams and we will share them here also. Perhaps we will see them come true in the future. %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% HAPPY TOKENS LITTER PHANTASUS AGAIN! By Brynne Saturday morning, I was strolling the streets of Phantasus and found what looked like a Happy Token. I thought my eyes were deceiving me. Wasn't it just two short weeks ago that the last of the Happy Tokens were seen? The night I came across Khai Joybringer sitting on a bench at the East Fountain from which she disappeared? I continued on my stroll and lo and behold, I found yet another 1T on the ground. I left it there, not sure whether someone had just dropped it or whether it was really one of Khai Joybringer's Happy Tokens. She was so saddened the last time I saw her, I thought for sure she'd not return. Then I remembered some words I read in the waking-world ... someone saying something about finding small denomination tokens ... and Sabertooth responding that these were the hallmark of Khai Joybringer's Happy Token hunts. Could it be? Was it true? Could Khai really have returned and I just didn't know it yet? Quickening my pace, I moved through the streets and buildings ... and sure enough, there were MORE 1T pieces just lying around. I *knew* Khai had to be back, but where was she? I walked a few more locales and what to my wondering eyes did appear! Khai Joybringer, all decked out in yellow, wearing a new head, was standing there planting another Happy Token! "KHAI! You're back!" I cried with a leap into the air in utter joy! Khai smiled. "Did you think I could really stay away? Now please excuse me, Brynne, I have lots of planting to do today!" And up into that ghost cloud she went, off to do what comes so naturally to her. I knew for sure on Saturday evening that Khai was most definitely back when Elijah, caught up in the magic that Khai brings, began littering the Visitor's Center Help Room floor with his own version of Happy Tokens! So, if you are wandering in Phantasus and find a 1T piece, be sure to pick it up! Khai Joybringer has touched you with her happy magic! The token itself may not buy you much. But if you share the happiness you feel when you place that token in your pocket, it will multiply and come back to you a hundredfold! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% SEEN ON THE STREET by Rosaleah Now that the duck population seems to have settled down from its growth spurt, I've been seeing more and more Pandas of late. I understand that Pandas like to eat bamboo, just as they do at home, but as they haven't found any bamboo here yet, they're making do with the ferns available from V-Mart. I'm told they're absolutely delicious. And wonderful company (though that was a wood sprite that mentioned company, not a panda). Taz bought himself some spiffy new clothes and turned himself into a frog the other night, before heading out to the Bar-L Bar for an evening of fun and frolic. It's nice to see so many frogs around ... in addition to looking totally cool, they are all certainly doing their best to keep Phantasus fly-free! Some odd things have been happening in the Visitors Center lately. Big Kahoona was spotted in there the other night, conversing with one of the banners. That seems a little far-fetched, I realize. Perhaps he was simply closely examining the fine workmanship of the banners, and the resulting comments were taken as being addressed to the banner. Yes, that must be the explanation. Also, it seems that Vadim lost a canary when he went to place it on the desk in the Center. Now, a canary-eating desk seems as far-fetched as a talking banner, but we did later find a canary chirping up a storm in one of the desk drawers! Our best conclusion: the Visitors Center is charmed -- be careful in there! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% The WARaffle By Lynx On Saturday, September 23, the first WARaffle (WAR) was held at Isle Caribe. Here's a list of our winners! Grand Prize (2850T and a few items): Venus De Kymer First place (700T): Pat W 2nd Place (500T): Jaxam 3rd place (300T): Pearl Congrats all! Don't forget to get your Raffle tickets for next week's drawing. Contact Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra or Acolyte Moria in world for your Tickets!! Cost of tickets is 10T with a maximum of 25 tickets per avatar. Since this was a major success, it will be a weekly event. The drawing will be held at the Isle Caribe building at 5:00pm WAT every Saturday. The following prizes will be up for grabs (these are unofficial and may change.) Of the total tokens earned from the raffle: Grand Prize: 70% 1st Prize: 20 % 2nd Prize: 10% Door prizes will be raffled off every Saturday!! See you there! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% GHOST RACING By: Serena Before I tell you who won last Monday, I have to tell you about the special prize I had fall into my lap for this month's Champion. I was out walking in the city, when a green robed Oracle rushed past me. If it wasn't that they really seem to float more then walk, I would say he was in some kind of race, he was going so fast. And then I saw it, lying in the gutter where he had passed, a sneaker! It must have fallen off, but he was long gone! Picking up the brightly colored object, I almost dropped it again when it called out "Hey! don't knot my laces!" It talked, and as if it could read my mind, it told me that of course it could, it was a head in search of an owner. It wanted a fast owner, one that would realize how special it was. If it was happy with the owner it found, it would let the owner talk for it. Could I recommend a way to find a racing owner for a racing sneaker? This was perfect! The perfect prize for the monthly champion to be decided on 9/25 at 5 PM WAT in front of Isle Caribe. So come and see who wins the nicest head you could ever think of. You can be sure that I'll be keeping a close eye out to see whatever else those Oracles drop as they pass. We had over 10 racers this past week and I wish they all could have won more. Winning no races, but prizes were Chessnute 75T and Piemur 75T. Winning one race was Efo for 125T, and Florian winning flowers in a vase. Winning two races were Shaker for a saddle and fern, Miranda Mirage winning 100T and a chest with an orchid, Sweets winning a Lantern and a fox head, and Remus winning a video camera head and an Eprom. Tied in first place so far this month, with 6 wins each, are Shaker and Miranda Mirage again. Good going all! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% BLOODLINE DANCE CONTEST PAIRS COMPETITION By: Marianne G We had seven couples who signed up, but two of them did not show for the contest. The remaining five put on quite a show, from the more athletic to the artistic. Entrants were judged on four criteria. Movement, the meshing of the male and female movements, originality, and how fun they were to watch. Our judges, BLD Stalker, Acolyte Chameleon, and Acolyte Electra had their jobs cut out. First Jaxam and Sexy Sady performed a nicely matched number that even had a costume change in it. Taz the tazmanian devil and Sky Imager went next with a nicely matched number that showed how well they moved together. Rob King and Coyote Moon followed with a number so energetic that it had their heads leaving their bodies. Scuttle and Clover performed the Tinman Tango in perfect harmony. Lastly, Rydia, (formerly Zippy) and Acolyte Ravenwhyte filled in for Acolyte Indigo and Data, performing the Corny Duck Waltz-Tango. This required not only props, but a head change during the number. They were all good and in third place, Jaxam and Sexy Sady went away with his and her dumbbells to keep in shape for next year. Only three points ahead, Rob King and Coyote Moon took home two tape heads, and winning the first ever Bloodline Dance Contest, Pairs Competition, were Ravenwhyte and Rydia. They took home engraved trophies, boombox heads and 100 tokens each. To see all the winners, look for the PAIRWIN.GIF in the library. What can the Bloodline do to follow up on the events of September? Stay tuned for the BLOODLINE GO FOR BROKE MONTH running from Oct 1st to the 30th. Keep on your toes and dance, till next year, this is your dancing correspondent and MC, who will tell you that snake joke sometime, Marianne G. %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% BLOODLINE GO FOR BROKE MONTH By: Marianne G Going from October 1st to the 30th, the Bloodline will host a novel way for you to come up with some pretty unusual items. We caught the oracles cleaning out their closet, and some of the stuff was really neat! They didn't need it, so we asked for, and received it. We want everyone to get a chance for it, so we're letting you all earn points, which you can turn in for a chance to go for it. Each 100 points you earn in October can be turned in for a chance to choose one of three trunks. One of them will contain a special prize. The others, well, some of the stuff the Oracles kept in their closet should have been thrown out long ago. Perhaps you will even pick an empty trunk, (Bummer). But you still have a one in three chance at a jackpot, so Go for Broke! You will also be able to earn points by redeeming items. In one case, for every newbie head you turn in to BLD Stalker or myself during the 1st to the 30th, you earn 50 points. What about the end of the month? You can either buy points (1T = 1 point) to get to the total you need to take a chance, or you can redeem your points under 100 for tokens at that same exchange rate. What games can you play to earn points? Stay tuned! We have a new weekly event planned to start you off earning those points. For more information on the BLOODLINE GO FOR BROKE MONTH, stay tuned to this paper! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% SCHEDULE OF EVENTS IN PHANTASUS Tuesday, September 26 through Monday, October 2 All times in WAT (PDT) --------------------- Tuesday, September 26 --------------------- Botticelli 6:00-800 p.m., Visitor's Center Left ............................MarvL Twisted Trivia-Cliches 6:00 p.m., Victorian Gardens.................................Chameleon ----------------------- Thursday, September 28 ----------------------- Where am I? 5:00-7:00 p.m., Somewhere in the world ....................... Brynne ESP her for a clue and find her for 50T or a prize! ----------------------- Wednesday, September 27 ----------------------- Author! Author! 4:00-6:00 p.m. WAT, Library...................................Rosaleah I name the book: can you name the author? In three rounds: Children's Lit, General Fiction, Science Fiction Ghost Racing 11:00 AM - 1:00 p.m., Isle Caribe ..........................Sabertooth -------------------- Friday, September 29 -------------------- Freaky Newbie Fridays 4:00-6:00 p.m., Forum Help Desk Conference Room....Hunter Brown, Sysop 6:00 p.m. Mixed Trivia, Regency Hall...........................Holger, Chameleon Trek Trivia 7:00-8:00PM WAT, Visitor's Center Left ...........................VIQer Dreaming Insomniacs Society 9:00-11:00 p.m., Visitor's Center Left.......................... Milen ---------------------- Saturday, September 30 ---------------------- WA Guidelines Conference 10:00 a.m. Forum conference room, TBA ........................Earendil Conference Moderator WARaffle 5:00 p.m., Isle Caribe............................................Lynx Ghost Relay Races 6:30-8:00 p.m., Outside Visitor's Center.........................VIQer Dreaming Insomniacs Society 9:00-11:00 p.m., Visitor's Center Left ..........................Milen ---------------------- Sunday, October 1 ---------------------- Liars' Club 10:30 AM WAT, The Bar-L Bar..................................Rosaleah In the tradition of Paul Bunyan, come tell us whoppers, lies,and tall tales! Keep it clean, keep it fun! Stump The Trekkies 2:00-3:00 p.m., Visitor's Center Left.............................VIQer ----------------- Monday, October 2 ----------------- Ghost Racing 5:00-6:00 p.m., Isle Caribe.............................Serena, Brynne %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% HOW TO PUBLISH ARTICLES AND PLACE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE KYMER CLARION Waking World CIS email address: 75664,663 Deadline: 12:00 noon PDT every Saturday Letters to the Editors: We'd like your feedback! Please send letters to the above email address with the subject LETTER TO EDITORS. Please mark all letters you do not wish published as NOT FOR PUBLICATION. All mail to the Editors not so marked will be considered for publication, subject to editing for clarity and space considerations. Articles, poetry, etc: Do you have a poem you'd like published? An Article? Submit them to the above email address with the subject of ARTICLE SUBMISSION. The Kymer Clarion is currently token-free to all members; thus, we are not presently paying for submissions. We are currently considering our position on this and will notify our readers and potential authors should we decide to begin paying tokens for articles. Advertisements: All ads should be submitted in email or private forum message to the email address noted above and should be marked ADVERTISEMENT. The Board of Editors has not decided yet if they should charge for your advertisements, so get them in fast before they do! %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%