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Rosaleah >> THE TROUBLE WITH SOPHIA ..................................... Milen >> KYMER TRIVIA QUIZ RESULTS ........................... Acolyte Moria >> CONTEST REMINDER ....................................... Marianne G >> THE GREAT TELEPORTER MISHAP ................................. VIQer >> A SAD DAY FOR PHANTASUS .................................... Brynne >> LETTER TO THE EDITOR ...................................... Editors >> DREAMSCAPE DREAM LOTTO REPORT ................................ Lynx >> GHOST RACING ....................................... Acolyte Serena >> MILEN'S TIP SHEET ........................................... Milen >> BLOODLINE DANCE CONTEST ................................ Marianne G >> AROUND THE TOWN .......................................... Brynne >> EVENTS IN PHANTASUS ...................................... Schedule ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> THE EDITOR SPEAKS --By Rosaleah It has been wonderful to see so many new arrivals in Phantasus this past week! Truly Morpheus has blessed us indeed to send so many new citizens to Phantasus to meet and greet on the street, by the fountain, and in the shops. We hope they enjoy their stays in Phantasus, and hope, too, that most will make their homes here among us. We know that most everyone here does their best to make Phantasus the kind of welcoming and pleasant city that would do the heart of Morpheus proud. Many citizens have been showing the new arrivals around, taking them into the shops, showing them how the pawn brokers work, explaining the workings of the ATMs and Teleporters, and the like. This is a wonderful way for everyone to get to know each other and make new friends, and is a delight to observe! We've also heard some folks taking the time to remind the new arrivals that they are in a city with many, many different people, so that it can be wise to take precautions from time to time. For instance, it is generally a good idea to be cautious about putting on the ground those things that you want to keep. Some might mistake the item for a prize or a gift from Morpheus and so pick it up and keep it. Or sometimes a citizen will be momentarily recalled to the Waking World and return only to discover that something that they had left on the ground was now missing. These are unfortunate occurrences, indeed. Eventually, all will likely have their own private turfs in which to go through and select items in their containers and their pockets, so that they won't ever need to place their items on the ground in public, risking loss. Until then, however, it is probably good to remember that, while things you hold in your hand cannot be taken from you, anyone can pick up whatever is placed on the ground. If necessary, one can always ask for aid from a trustworthy citizen who can hold the item temporarily or be ready to pick the item up and hold it for the owner's return should the owner be unexpectedly recalled to the Waking World for a while. It is always good to be alert! And to remember that the things we do have a way of coming back to visit us again and again: kindness is more often repaid with additional kindness than not, and being considerate of our fellow citizens makes Phantasus a pleasant city for everyone! "If you inquire what the people are like here, I must answer, `The same as everywhere!'" --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, "Die Leiden des junges Werthers" ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> THE TROUBLE WITH SOPHIA -- by Milen of the Hidden Glade Visitors to Phantasus at around midnight to 4 am (!) the Friday night before last on their way by the main Temple doors would have caught sight of a strange and unusual event indeed. Sometime before midnight a previously unknown avatar named Sophia walked in front of the temple... and lost consciousness. The precise reason why is a bit of a mystery, but the avatar was spotted by Oracle Teresias while surrounded by martinis and bottles of RedEye. Apparently Sophia was merely drunk out of his (yes, his) mind. Although this may seem unlikely, remember, he had a male body but a female head. That's got to really affect some people. Now, this situation brought about a bit of a problem; no one had ever gotten drunk in Phantasus before. (Mr. Musty not withstanding. And those rumors about Joyce are *false*.) Sophia was just *standing there*, vulnerable to all manner of element and insult. For hours. With no response. At this point the story becomes a bit unclear. Some say that Teresias commanded or merely suggested to Earendil that he should start pushing Sophia about the locale, in the hopes that he would wake up. Others suggest that this was in fact entirely the idea of Earendil himself and those whom he enlisted to aid him. (The whole occasion would make a wonderful case study for a paper on urban legends and how they spread and change.) So they began to push. How they did this is interesting in itself. Did you, dear reader, ever notice how, when someone enters a locale in a location in which someone is already standing, that the already-present person gets displaced? He moves a little to the left or right, depending on the direction of entry. Well, Sophia was on the right side of the region. Earendil, Zippy and many others as well began to try shoving poor Sophia about in the hopes that the movement would awaken him, or that, somehow, they'd be able to get him through the temple doors for assistance, or SOMETHING. Earendil would move and push Sophia one space to the left. Then someone else would come in and push Earendil, which in turn would move Sophia *another* space, then someone *else* came in, and so on. The strange thing was, after Sophia had been pushed five spaces it seemed to *work*. Sophia came round for a while! Someone was even able to pass him some pizza. But, alas, it was for naught. A couple of minutes later Sophia was out again, this time at the *left* edge of the screen. The conga line, as it was becoming known, started up once again, this time heading right. But, once he was freighted five spaces back in the direction from which he came, he didn't awaken a second time. Since a locale can only ordinarily contain six, this presented a problem; no one new could enter in order to extend the chain. Someone hit upon the idea that they could enter from the *bottom* and perhaps push Sophia up towards the doors, but alas, pushed avatars only move left or right. The would-be rescue squad had reached an impasse. Fortunately, however, Oracle Teresias hadn't been sitting idle all this time. He was in the Temple Study doing research on this quite unusual problem. Finally, he found a magical spell that would send Sophia back to the waking world, where presumably he could find his own way to the nearest AA meeting. (No one stopped to think about whether a designated driver was available, but that's beside the point.) So Teresias had the gang all move to the right side of the screen away from Sophia (apparently the spell was an area-effect weapon), said some highly impressive, mystical gibberish and LO, it worked! Sophia disappeared from the world and has not been seen since. Whether, upon his return to the world, he'll be plastered or sober is still a great mystery. And everyone lived happily ever after, at least until the next crisis began. Also, everyone thought the Oracle was going to return after the Sophia incident and say some things but were apparently mistaken, so they waited around until 4 am until Teresias saw 'em and said they could go. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> KYMER TRIVIA QUIZ RESULTS -- by Acolyte Moria Saturday 9th September, BarLBar Storeroom Once again, the Kymer Quiz attracted a large following with 4 players visible and at one point 21 ghosts all playing. Game hosts Moria and a new-look Zippy in all orange (apparently an accident with sauce just before the contest) took on all comers with trivia questions about Kymer's past and present. In a hard fought contest the eventual winners were :- 1st: Vampire with a wonderful 57 points 2nd: Shaker with 47 points 3rd: Earendil with 30 points 4th: Mythical Figure with 24 points Earendil, Shaker and Rider, also won spot prizes of heads. Congratulations to all and thanks to all the others playing for participating. Owing to the forthcoming Nuptials and Celebrations on the 16th, it is likely that next week's contest will be postponed, but never fear, game addicts, Zippy and I will be back with a vengeance on the 23rd September. Watch this space for details. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> CONTEST REMINDER -- by Marianne G Remember, you have till Midnight WAT September 14th to send your entry that completes the sentence, I'VE BEEN TERMINATED GRACEFULLY SO OFTEN..... Send in E-Mail or private forum mail to 72007,221 Marianne G and thanks to those who have already replied. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><>< >> THE GREAT TELEPORTER MISHAP --by VIQer I was in downtown Phantasus when I was saw something very unique sitting on Locke's shoulders. I couldn't believe my eyes--it was a FLY head. Right out of the movies, there it was. Wondering where it came from, I came out from my ghost cloud and had to ask Locke about its origin. That's when I learned of this "FREAKISH" teleporter malfunction! It all started on an average nice day in Phantasus. Big Kahoona was walking around, sniffing the flowers by the Jungle and he decided to use the teleporter. He was wearing a Fisherman head as he proceeded to activate the device. Everything looked and sounded normal during transport, according to Kahoona, but when he arrived at his destination, there was a FLY head on his shoulders. Inquiring about the head revealed nothing; it was labeled a Fisherman's head. Were Kahoona's eyes decieving him? Seeing is believing however and Kahoona saw the evil spirit in the head as well. I say that because he quickly sold the head to a passerby named Locke for a paltry 50 tokens!!!! Locke was very skeptical at first when the price was so small. He paged an Acolyte to verify its authenticity and to make sure it wasn't part of some sick prank! Locke was also given the benefit of the knowledge of the head's origin at the same time. When asked if he would consider parting with it, Locke said "I would have to think about it". I tested him by offering him a 20-fold increase on its original purchase price but he realized that he has a unique item. Ask him to show it to you when you pass him on the street. And as for Kahoona, he didn't want the head for fear that keeping it would possibly cause another accident while he transports. As for me, I will always wonder! I wouldn't disagree with Dr. McCoy from Star Trek in his opinion that "It's not a good idea to scatter a person's molecules all over the universe. Blast that thing anyway!" This reminds me of an old movie I once saw! Be careful everyone, it could've happened to anyone! And be sure to check out the fly.gif in the library for a photo of Locke wearing that FLY head!! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> A SAD DAY FOR PHANTASUS -- by Brynne It was very late, or shall I say, very early in the morning, when I was strolling around the Fountains just to get a breath of air before turning in for the night. I had just turned the corner to the East Fountains when I heard a sobbing sound in the distance. Quickening my pace, I followed the sound, and what I saw upon reaching my destination shocked me to the core. There, sitting on a bench, was Khai Joybringer, her head buried in her hands, sobbing as though she'd lost her dearest friend. "Khai!" I asked. "Whatever is wrong? Why are you crying?" She was so distraught that she didn't even hear me. As an automatic reflex, I tried to sit down next to her but my body just wouldn't give in to the reflex and then it dawned on me that she was SITTING! "Khai! You're sitting!" I yelled. "How did you DO that?" It was then that she came out of her reverie of sorrow and looked up at me. "Well, of course I'm sitting, Brynne. That's what these benches are for, aren't they?" She dried her eyes with the tissue I handed her, but I could see a large teardrop dangling from the tip of her eye, threatening to stream down her lovely face. "Y..yes, that's what the benches are for, I think, but our bodies don't know how to do that yet! How did you get yours to sit?" There was an exasperated expression on her face as she replied. "I simply told my body to sit and it sat." "Okay, Khai, I don't understand but if you say so. But why were you crying? Whatever is wrong?" A whole new burst of tears poured from her eyes as she sobbed her answer to my question. "I... I ... I'm not wanted here, Brynne." Oh, how I desperately longed to sit on that bench next to her and take her into my arms to console her. The next best thing I could do, though, was to walk over to her and gently place my hands on her shoulders. "But of course you're wanted here, Khai! We need you in Phantasus!" "N... no, you don't. No one wants my Happy Tokens. I sprinkled my special happy magic all over them, but no one wants them! I know they don't! I've left them around and when I go back, they're still there, even though I know people have been through." "Ah, Khai. They would if they knew they were from YOU!" "Brynne, I've tried and tried to let them know in the waking world but I think that when they come here, they just plain forget! I think it's just best that I leave. No one wants me here. I don't think they know how to really dream and be a part of what this world really is." I gasped. "Khai! You can't leave here! Whatever would I do without you?" She looked up at me. "Brynne, you'll do fine without me. Although I did so long for a place I could call home, even if I must be a ghost most of the time to keep my energy from being exhausted. It has been hard living in spirit form all these years since leaving Caribe Island. I was wanted there, but not here. I can feel that." I nodded sadly. "Khai, you are much wiser than I am. But I ... " She interrupted me. "No, Brynne. I know what I must do. I had been so excited when I arrived on the Argo and found a new world, a new home. And then I found that I have no way of leaving my Happy Notes, and I know that is the best way for me to spread my joy. Perhaps this world just isn't ready for me yet." Khai stood up, putting her arms around me. "Brynne, I am the spirit of joy. I live within you. Though others may not even be aware that I live within them, I do. In some places I have been, I materialized myself into body form, leaving my happy notes everywhere, so that when people found them, they would be reminded of the joy that lives within them. But here in Phantasus ..." She pulled away from me, dematerializing into the cloud. Into my mind came Khai's last words. "Brynne, you must carry on without me here in body. I leave my joy with you and within you. You are a part of me and I am a part of you. If you ever need me, you know where I'll be ... right in the center of your innermost being." And with those words ringing through my mind, Khai Joybringer disappeared from Phantasus. Will she ever return? I don't know. Perhaps some day, when this new world is ready for her, she will materialize here again. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Madam or Sir, An article in the most recent "Kymer Clarion" (#4) has disturbed me greatly. Ever since the opening of the Community forum (TRA-39) I wondered why there was a need for closed sections, this need for 'privacy'. After reading the description of your behaviour towards the avatar from "a foreign magazine" I wonder what Kymer has to hide! Does this mean that any of my questions and statements while in Kymer are to be authorized by a socalled Morpheus?!?! Would I be penalized if I entered a political, ethical or moral debate with a fellow Kymerian?!?! Yours sincerely, N. Frazer The Editors reply: Rest assured that your fears are unfounded; neither Kymer nor Morpheus have anything to hide. At the time of the incident in question, Kymer was inhabited only by the first people invited to try out this new world, on the agreement that they would not disclose any information about it until the world was open for all to enjoy. When Uriah came to ask some questions of the citizens at that time, they naturally felt that they should honor that agreement to Morpheus, the benevolent creator of the world, by keeping their comments to themselves. In Waking World terms, it was simply a question of beta testers who had all signed non-disclosure agreements, a common business practice in the Waking World, wishing to abide by those agreements. Now that the world is open for everyone to enjoy, the beta testers are released from the non-disclosure agreements and have spoken freely to all who ask. Morpheus wishes everyone to enjoy Phantasus and to enjoy in the Dreamscape that same freedom of speech that they do in the Waking World. (Special note: All comments to the Editors are welcome! Send your letters to the waking-world e-mail CIS e-mail address of 75664,663 with the subject LETTER TO EDITORS until the Temple Priests bring their own mail system into the Dreamscape. Please mark all letters you do not wish published as NOT FOR PUBLICATION. All mail to the Editors not so marked will be considered for publication, subject to editing for clarity and space considerations.) ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> DREAMSCAPE DREAM LOTTO REPORT! -- by Lynx The Dreamscape Dream Lottery Numbers were drawn on September 9, 1995. They were: 01-02-03-07-11-19 There were no winners but Holger did get 4 out of 6 to win a free ticket! The following avatars still havent claimed their free tickets from 9/2/95. You must do so before next Saturday! If you aren't able to check with me inworld, send me email (76563,2525) with your Dreamscape Dream ticket numbers (for your free ticket) 1. Keldar 2. Kari 3. Gigaki Lucky Three Lottery Drawing!! 08-04-02 No winners. GermanGiant did get the numbers correct (04-02-08) just not in the right order. He wins 50T (please see me inworld) or I can assign a Rep to pay you! Next week's Dreamscape Dream Jackpot : 1300 Tokens Lucky 3 Jackpot : 250 Tokens! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> GHOST RACING -- by Alcolyte Serena Nice turn out again, and thanks to all of you who joined Acolyte Brynne and me for our Monday games. Remember, it's every Monday in front of Isle Caribe 5 PM WAT, which is 8 PM EDT, for Ghost Racing. This was the first race for this month, so everyone is in the running for the monthly prize. Wonder what the Oracles will give us this month? Winning tokens were Enya and Efo for 75 each. Aslan won a fern and 50T. Winning two races each were Shohanna, for 50 and 75T, Miranda Mirage for a Radish Head and 100T, Sorn Freth Baenre for 75T and a Kiwi Head (donated by D-Man), D-Man himself won a Chest and 100T and Shaker won a Canary and a cheese head. Shaker and Miranda seem to be gearing up for another race off at the end of the month, but you can never tell. Till next week, this is your Racing Acolyte, Serena, with all the ghosts who can really put on some speed! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> MILEN'S TIP SHEET -- by Milen of the Hidden Glade NOTE: I'll freely admit it. I'm not the most normal of people. I mean, I'm a *wood sprite* for crying out loud over spilt milk. But even this obvious, tangible deviance from the norm doesn't appear to fully explain the true depths of the situation. For example, I've been observed to, when asked a question about something or other about the world and the things in it, to enter a kind of trance. I can't explain it; I begin talking for some other-worldly being from a dimension far removed from the Dreamscape. Or, at least, that's what people tell me when I awaken. Whether I believe them fully or not, well, I'm not sure. All I can say is that this... "thing?" has had, on occasion, some darn good advice. So we arranged a seance with Indigo and Data and, with the help of Nicci (who may be part gypsy, but we doubt it) managed to contact it via Ouija board. About eight hours later we *finally* got enough information out of that blasted contraption to present you with: *** MILEN'S TIP SHEET FROM BEYOND *** (tah - dah!) "REP" HEADS Late breaking report from Data, who believe's he's figured out the mystery behind the word "rep" in some on the head names. It seems that "Rep" heads are heads that are color-changable, like avatar bodies. If that head doesn't have "Rep" in the title, then not even Charlotte can do anything about its color scheme. FOLLOWING Did you know that, if you choose to follow someone then decide to ghost, that you'll *continue* to follow your target? This can be of great use when taking someone on a tour; ghosting generally seems to postpone the inevitable slowdown of the client software on 8MB systems, and many of the people for whom tours are being given at the moment are, indeed, running on eight megabytes. For this to work the avatar being followed must *not* ghost, though there may be one exception to this rule; I've not tried this out, but according to sources if an avatar who's being followed enters a room with six or more avatars his forced ghosting will *not* break the link. ORACLES AND THE LOCALE LIMIT The mysterious Oracles are the source of many conundrums, but one of the foremost was first revealed at the opening of the Bar-L Bar, when Vaserius (otherwise known as "oh, the GREEN-robed one!") appeared in a room that *already* had six avatars in it. Since then, this amazing property of oracular substance has been demonstrated on two other occasions to my knowledge. We have yet to determine whether a locale already filled with five avatars and an oracle will be able to take an additional occupant. LOCALE REDRAWS Did you ever notice how some locales always seem to slow you down, like the Entrance to Jungle, while others never seem to, like the safe room (a.k.a. Visitor's Center Left), yet still others seem to be a sort of "maybe" proposition. Well, try this out the next time you're around the fountain. Go to one of the corner regions, like South Fountain West... and turn the corner to West Fountain South. If the new region is devoid of avatars, you should experience an unusually rapid scene change. Why? Look carefully at the backgrounds of SF-W and WF-S and you'll see that many of the elements in each of these locales look veeeeeery similar to the elements in the other! As near as we can determine, each region is drawn from a pre-defined stock of image elements. What's more, the last few elements drawn appear to be retained in memory by the client for easy retrieval (possibly by your disk cache, if you use one). Thus, if you switch to a room with lots of picture elements that were in the previous room... well, those elements have already been retrieved. It's a snap to simply re-display them in their new locations. Proof? Notice how the Jungle and Blasted Plains have large swatches of unique graphics elements? That's why they usually take so long to load. However, most of the rooms of the Visitor's Center look the same, you have to go through the middle room to reach the safe room, so most of the images within are already loaded into memory. (I feel I should clarify that this is just a guess.) TOKENS I've had to explain this so often that I think I'd better get it all out in print. At the moment, there are essentially three ways to gain tokens. 1. You gain tokens from your ATM account. WorldsAway records every minute you spend on-line, and generally awards you tokens for them on a one-for-one basis. These tokens appear to be credited to your account on an hourly basis. I've heard persistent rumors that there is a 240T-per-day limit, but I have not confirmed them. 2. You can gain tokens through selling items at the pawn broker machines. The pawn machine at the corner of Temple and Oak pays 80% of an object's sale value in exchange for unwanted items. The machine in front of the V-Mart at the corner of Cypress and Orchid only pays 50%, but is more convenient. (Unless you're buying stuff from the Bar-L Bar, of course.) 3. You can gain tokens from other avatars. Whether as a prize, a gift, a loan, business profits or just finding them. Some people are better at this method that others. Not coincidentally, some of the main methods of *losing* tokens have to do with other people as well. "STUCK" AVATARS One day *insanely* late at night I got a call from the recently appointed Acolyte Ravenwhyte that there appeared to be a stuck avatar in the NuYu by the second body machine. We arrived and found that Rhizopus was indeed there. His back was to us and he was just *standing*. He was wearing the default head but custom colors. We speculated for a while, had a little fun, and eventually thought to drop 250T in such a location that he, when he awakened, would probably be the only one to notice them. Anyway, it was *insanely* late so I logged off soon after that. The next day I returned to that room to find that both Rhizopus and the tokens were gone, but another new avatar, this one with default colors, was in his place! My deduction; that Rhizopus and this avatar were one and the same, and that Rhizopus was not stuck after all, but just away from keys for a massive amount of time. He was simply waiting un-ghosted so his ATM account would beef up. Evidently, Rhiz figured (correctly, I think) that this would be among the least entered rooms in Phantasus and that he would be able to gain cash overnight here while causing a minimum of offense. With his recently acquired bounty of 250T, equivalent to just over four hours of world time, it looks like Rhiz's zombie days may now be over. OIL OF OKAY With the addition of body spray in the V-Mart it seems that the services of Charlotte-N and Yul Brenner have suffered in both demand and supply, but those two are still the only avatars capable of changing hair color. So, while not as common as it was previously, there is still use for their marvelous (yet unfortunately named) Oil of Okay. However, a word of warning. Indigo reports that ESP turned unreliable while the Oil was present. Many of my messages to her came out unresponded to. We ran some tests on the advice of Oracle Teresias and, sure enough, we did notice that at least a few ESPs were being lost. So, if you ESP someone and don't receive a reply, don't take offense until you're sure that they arrived in the first place. After getting down all of that (painfully, one letter every eight- or-so seconds according to ghosted observer) I crashed. Upon reappearing in Phantasus all signs of my visitor from beyond had vanished. We tried again and again, and twice we did seem to get through to someone, but the first time it turned out to be an answering machine and the second it was just the cryptic words "Forty-two." He's not been heard from since the seance, but who knows? Maybe he'll visit again... someday. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> BLOODLINE DANCE CONTEST -- by Marianne G Wow! Just finished it and it was so much fun! The guys were really moving on that dance floor. Can't wait for next week when the Ladies get to go. Any lady wishing to sign up for their part of the competition, just contact Acolyte Serena, BLD Stalker, Acolyte Lynx, or me! It costs 30T to register and it's really fun. Ladies will compete on the 16th at 6 PM WAT, (9PM EDT) in the Storeroom of the Bar-L Bar. The pairs competition (which costs 60T's to register for) will be there, same time, on the 23rd of September. Thanks to BLD Stalker, Acolyte Chameleon and Acolyte Electra for judging. I know it was a hard job. Thanks also to Elwing for taking care of the door to let people know to come in ghosted. It really helped to give the dancers room, without having to post avatars on the floor to keep them from being interupted. Love that elf! We had 29 ghosts at one point, and only 7 of them were contestants! Thanks to Joe, Osiris, Scuttle, McP, Tentmaker, Hunter and General Lorn for dancing their way into our hearts. It really was an uplifting sight to see them on, and above, the floor. We saw boogie, rock and roll and a mexican head dance, but when the dust settled, Scuttle walked off with his tinman shuffle and first prize! He won an engraved trophy (thanks to the Oracles), a boombox head, and tokens. Second place, and a tape head went to Tentmaker with 83 points and third place and a dumbell to keep in shape went to McP with 82 points. Scuttle had 87 points for his win, so you can see it was close! They were judged on Originality, Movement, and fun to watch, so keep that in mind if you are dancing in the next one. To see the top three winners, please see the mens.gif in the library. We hope to bring you a picture of all the contestants in a future issue. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> AROUND THE TOWN -- by Brynne Try to find Tulip! But before you do, check out the waking world forum's News & Promotions section for her Hidden Contest! She's got tokens and prizes for you! Ghost Racing has become very popular in Phantasus! Be sure to drop by Isle Caribe Monday evening for more with Serena. Clothes? Do I hear free clothes? You bet I do! And if you've seen me lately, you know that I never show up wearing the same outfit twice! Get yours free at the Paint Party. Rosaleah will be there with a cast of dozens of spray paints at the South Fountain. Change your clothes for free! She'll be giving prizes for the best outfits! Find your way over to Regency Hall on Tuesday evening for Word Scrambles. Holger, Indigo and Ravenwhyte sure know how to put on a good game! If you enjoy brain teasers, MarvL will be hosting a game called "Botticelli" Tuesday night. Alayne, the storyteller of Phantasus, will be telling the "Tale of Nimue". Join her Wednesday evening at the main door to the Temple of Morpheus! Go on over to the Visitor's Center after you've heard Alayne's tale and join Data, Indigo and Milen for their increasingly popular game "Worlds of Fortune". I hear they give great prizes! There's that word again! "Pitfall"! Check out this great game hosted by Holger, Indigo and Ravenwhyte on Thursday. Hmmm... Spaceway Cafe or is it Starway Cafe? Whatever it is, TurboMax, Sammuael and Zeldar have Space Trivia going on there Friday night. They tell me that they've got three rounds for this: the first is all about Astronomy, the second is Classic Trek and the third is New Trek. And even MORE Trek Trivia Stuff by VIQer that same night over at the Visitor's Center. I'm still not sure what all this trek stuff is about! The event we've all been waiting for! The marriage of Data and Indigo! I hear that the main doors of Temple of Morpheus will be opening just for this special occasion early Saturday evening. Ladies! Get out your dancing shoes and go strut your stuff at the Dance competitions Saturday night! Marianne G will be emceeing this event. The female winner will get to dance the following week in competition against the male winner of this past week's Male dance competition. Come on Ladies! Make those legs disappear and do us proud! Go tell tales to Rosaleah at the Library on Sunday! She's paying prizes for the most outrageous whoppers! Keep it clean and make it fun! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >> EVENTS IN PHANTASUS Week of Tuesday, September 12 through Monday, September 18 All times are WA Time (PDT). --------------------- Tuesday, September 12 --------------------- Hidden Contest, Everywhere, whenever she's out and about Tulip Paint Party 4:00 to 5:00pm, South Fountain Rosaleah Word Scramble 8:00 to 9:00pm, Regency Hall Holger, Indigo, Ravenwhyte Boticelli 9:00 to 11:00pm, Visitor's Center Left MarvL ---------------------- Wednesday, September 13 ---------------------- Hidden Contest, Everywhere, whenever she's out and about Tulip The Tale of Nimue 7:00pm, Temple Main Doors (Center) Alayne the Storyteller Worlds of Fortune 8:00 to 10:00pm, Visitor's Center Left Data, Indigo, Milen ---------------------- Thursday, September 14 ---------------------- Hidden Contest Everywhere, whenever she's out and about Tulip Pitfall 7:00 to 9:00pm, Visitor's Center Holger, Indigo, Ravenwhyte -------------------- Friday, September 15 -------------------- Hidden Contest Everywhere, whenever she's out and about Tulip Space Trivia 4:00 to 6:00pm, Starway Cafe Turbo Max, Sammuael, Zeldar Quick Trek Quiz 8:00 to 9:00 PM, Visitor's Center Left VIQer ---------------------- Saturday, September 16 ---------------------- Hidden Contest Everywhere, whenever she's out and about Tulip Marriage of Data and Indigo 3:00pm, Temple of Morpheus, Main Doors (center) Grand Opening by the Oracles Female Dance Contest 6:00pm, Bar-L Bar Storeroom Marianne G -------------------- Sunday, September 17 -------------------- Hidden Contest Everywhere, whenever she's out and about Tulip Liar's Club 9:00 to 10:30am, Library Rosaleah Stump the Trekkies 5:00 to 7:00pm, Visitor's Center Left VIQer -------------------- Monday, September 18 -------------------- Ghost Races 5:00pm, Isle Caribe Selena --------------------- Upcoming Events --------------------- September 23, 1995 2:00 to 4:00pm Trivia, Bar-L Bar Storeroom Moria, Zippy September 23, 1995 6:00pm Dance Contest - Pairs, Bar-L Bar Storeroom Marianne G September 25, 1995 5:00pm Ghost Races, Isle Caribe Serena September 30, 1995 2:00 to 4:00pm Trivia, Bar-L Bar Storeroom Moria, Zippy ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><