!}!}!}!}!} !} !} !}!}!}!}!} !}!}!}!} !} !} !} !} !}!}!}!}!} !}!}!}!}!}!} Volume 1 !}!}!}!}!} !} !} !} !} Issue 32 !} !} !} !} !}!}!}!}!} !}!}!}!}!}!} !} October 7, 1996 !} !} !} !} !} !} !} !} Web Page Address: HTTP://WEBCONTACT.COM/WA/ESP !} English ESP! ------------- Publisher/Editor: Acolyte Brynne (104706,716) Events Editor: Jal (74323,3325) Events Editor: Sweet Suz (74323,3325) Financial Editor: Mufasa (mufasa2@ix.netcom.com) Group Liaison Editor: Lord Pumpkin (104505,2313) Social Editor: Princess Di (76732,2041) Events Coordinator: Jadelin (75771,520) Events Coodinator: Paul (London Lad) (106006,2436) Columnist: Cosmocat Columnist: Hierophant Srk Columnist: Hispaniclyte Boricua Columnist: Throbbing Gristle HMS Columnist: Witchy Deutsche ESP! -------------- Editor-in-Chief: Zooey (101552,3560) Features Editor: Throbbing Gristle (101552,3474) Group Liaison Editor: Tom Turbo (101637,1021) ESP!: It's *YOUR* Soapbox! !}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!} !} {! !} Copyright 1996. Articles in ESP! belong to the individual {! !} authors. ESP! is not to be redistributed in whole or in part {! !} without prior permission and the inclusion of its copyright {! !} notice. {! !} {! !}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!} {!} - Table of Contents - {!} Files in this Zipped file: ESP-1-32.TXT ESP! Volume 1, Issue 32 SCHED32A.TXT Event Schedule by Category SCHED32B.TXT Event Schedule by Date/Time From the Editor's Desk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acolyte Brynne Events Editorial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jal Feature Stories Lessons Learned from the Dreamscape Experience . . . . . Cosmocat Tarot Majik: Unraveling the Knots. . . . . . . . . Hierophant SRK The Witching Hour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witchy Kymer-conomics Kymer-conomics!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mufasa Correction Pride Universe Does Anyone Know? Tantalizing Tidbits Table of September Auction Prices (Excluding rarest collectibles) Kymer Happenings Worlds of Fortune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sweet Suz Boxerama Trivia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sweet Suz Megret's Madhouse: Trivia CHALLENGE! . . . . . . . . .Megret, Srk Sunray Knight Poetry Pantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Megret, Srk WARaffle Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acolyte Lynx Just Ducky Upcoming Elections . . . . . . . . . . . . Brains, Wing Commander Duckolyte Shell Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @Dark Sun@, Duckolyte Wing & Lady @Dark Sun@, Duckolyte Wing Duckolyte Ghost Racing . . . . . . . LumMoose, Duckolyte Sr. Wing Duckolyte Benefit Auction: For Lovers Only . . . . . Livy Clemens Duckolyte Auction Results. . . . . . Livy Clemens, Duckolyte Wing Championship Duckolyte TriviaMaster. . . Jimi, Duckolyte Sr. Wing Departments Advertisements Kymer Avatar Group Information Game and Event Advertisements Items Wanted/For Sale Businesses and Services How to Send Submissions to ESP! !}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!} The views and opinions published in ESP! are the sole responsibility of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect those of ESP!, its publisher and its editors. Articles written by Acolytes are not to be viewed as having been written in an official capacity, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of other Acolytes or of the Oracles. !}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!} {!} - From the Editor's Desk - {!} By Acolyte Brynne This issue is 24 hours later than normal. There is a reason for this ... and for me, it's a painful reason. While I know that I could simply discontinue publication of ESP! and not give any kind of explanation, that is simply not my style; and I do not want anyone to be spreading rumors about what they *think* may have occurred to cause this. You are going to hear it directly from me and it is the *absolute* truth of what has happened. It is with deep sadness and regret that I must announce that this issue of ESP! will be the final issue with me as its Publisher and Editor. I am discontinuing its publication. I will be working with a couple avatars who have expressed an interest in keeping ESP! alive. As we work out the details of the transition if that is to be, you will be informed via the forum. When I began ESP! thirty-two weeks ago, I had a vision of a publi- cation which would be a soapbox for avatars to responsibly express their views about a wide variety of subjects ... and it has been. I am pleased that ESP! has been a well-rounded quality publication. I have worked hard, devoting 25-40 hours each and every week to this publi- cation, to insure that it was all I dreamed it could be. It has yet to reach its full potential ... and now, my personal vision for it may never be fully realized. I am saddened by that, but life does go on. This is something that has been building for the past few months and reached its climax Sunday, which is the main reason this issue is late. I have been forced to make a decision as to just where I stand as far as how much ESP! can publish about FSC, its employees ... how critical of FSC I will allow authors to be and whether I will allow authors to divulge avatar identities of FSC employees or attack oracles and other FSC employees in the pages of ESP! I will not allow that, to be perfectly blunt. But that is censorship ... and that, in my system of morals and ethics, is simply not right. I had hoped it would never come to this. I had hoped that everyone would understand that as an Acolyte, I would have to set a limit as to what could be published. I had set in my own mind a very, very high tolerance level; but recently, that tolerance level was exceeded and brought me to this decision. My dream has become a nightmare. ESP! has been a labor of love ... it has been my way of being an intermediary between the avatars and FSC. I've never taken sides ... I won't side with the avatars against FSC and I won't side with FSC against the avatars. I am able to see both sides and try to work to bring the two sides together whenever it is possible. I have published in ESP! articles critical of FSC -- but they were constructively written and were issues which concerned avatars, which I felt FSC needed to hear about. I have edited a few articles because of some very specific digs against *individuals* at FSC. And last week, I removed a paragraph in an article that would have divulged some sensitive information. I could not have that kind of information published in ESP! The author is upset that I removed text; FSC and the employee involved would have been extremely upset had I left it in ... and rightfully so. So, I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. I have been hearing complaints from some FSC employees for the contents of some articles even though they released the issue to the Newsstand Library (because FSC does *not* censor ESP!) ... and hearing complaints from the writers of articles from which I must remove text. It has come to where I have been put into the position where I *must* make a decision: either remain as an Acolyte and give up ESP! ... or quit my job as an Acolyte and publish ESP! as an avatar. In the end, it is I who is solely responsible for every word published in ESP! ... not the authors. There may very well be that authorship disclaimer on every issue; but if it's got my name on it, I stand behind it ... period. If I am not prepared to defend something published in ESP!, it doesn't go in or it gets edited to the point where I *can* defend it if that should become necessary. That is part and parcel of my code of ethics and the loyalty I have to anyone who has written for ESP! While this may sound strange, this really has become a moral and ethical issue for me. I can compromise on many things, but my morals and ethics about what I, as the ratava behind this "Acolyte Brynne" character, believe to be right and just are not part of what I am able to compromise. Censorship is wrong. Some authors were forcing me to censor them. And when I did that, they thought FSC was forcing me to do it ... never considering it was my OWN ethics that prevented me from allowing outright attacks against FSC employees, goading them with cheap shots, divulging avatar identities of FSC employees who deserve their privacy. That is *not* the way to get constructive things done; doing this only alienates the very people upon whom the writers are trying to make an impression. I have been feeling like I'm in the middle of a tug of war between my loyalties ... and I would have been broken in half had I not made the decision as to which loyalty is more important to me. The sorrowful reality is that *BOTH* loyalties are equally important to me and I'm deeply saddened that I have been put into a position where I must choose. I would like to stress that this decision was *NOT* forced upon me by FSC. THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU ALL TO KNOW no matter what anyone else may say to you! This decision came about because some authors wanted to use the pages of ESP! to attack individuals at FSC, wanted to expose delicate information, wanted to use the pages of ESP! for negative criticsm. These authors didn't want censorship either and frankly, I did not want to have to do that anyway because I don't believe in censorship; minor editing, yes, but not preventing them from expressing their views in whatever way they chose to do it. Yet, I could not, in all good conscience, allow anyone to do what they wanted to do because I am loyal to the company who hired me as an Acolyte. They have never asked for that loyalty, but they have earned it by hiring me and putting up with me. And I will not betray that loyalty ... nor will I betray the loyalty I feel toward the avatars who have a right to their own opinions and the right to express them however they choose to do so. It has been avatar authors who pushed me to make this decision ... not Fujitsu Software Corporation. If you remember nothing else of what I am saying in this editorial, please remember that! Since I have been put into a position where I must choose, I have chosen to remain an Acolyte and discontinue publishing ESP! I feel that I'm letting everyone down ... the loyal ESP! readers ... my staff because they have been so incredibly supportive ... the Duckolytes and Jimi and his helpers who have spent an inordinate amount of time on the ESP! web page ... and me ... I am letting my own dream down ... the dream of being able to make a *difference* ... of being a publisher (something I've always wanted to do in the real world). ESP! has provided me an outlet which I do not have in my real world life. It has been a worthwhile project and I have put my heart and soul into it, as I do with everything in which I involve myself. Anything worth doing is worth doing well and I have done my very best with ESP! It is very painful giving up this part of my dream but my reasons for giving it up -- refusing to compromise my morals and ethics and refusing to betray my loyalties to *both* groups -- are much more important to me. I will now turn my attention elsewhere and look for other ways to make a difference in Kymer. To everyone who has helped make ESP! the #1 English publication, I thank you. I am grateful to each and every one of you for your commitment to ESP!, to my vision for it and for your help in making it a reality. {!} - Events Editorial - {!} By Jal Well, another week has passed us by. Lots of great events have taken place, and there is lots of talk about the new Pride! World opening up. Friday's Teddy Bear Picnic was canceled, due to a very unstable server. The Picnic has been rescheduled for Friday, October 18. We do not have a Host Spotlight for you this week. We have quite a few surveys in email boxes, but no replies yet. If you know of someone you would like to see featured, or even if you would like to be in the Host Spotlight, send me an Email to 74323,3325. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Feature Stories ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {!} - Lessons Learned from the Dreamscape Experience - {!} By Cosmocat Part One: Misguided Perceptions Many of you know I recently attended a gathering of WorldsAway avatars, and almost everyone there was surprised to find Cosmocat wasn't a he in real life--I even had Oracle Uni fooled. I find this very interesting because one of the things I liked initially about the Dreamscape was the fact that people wouldn't judge by appearance because they wouldn't know what you're really like. But this isn't entirely true, as I found out. I was judged by what I *presented* to others -- they presumed I was male because I had a male avatar. Many of them also assumed I was a programmer, despite my protestations, because I had figured out how to paint heads. I wonder how many would have thought I was a programmer if I had used a female avatar to paint heads? I imagine it would be very few. Anyway, Cosmocat is not the only example of this I have experienced inworld. I have used other avatars to perform experiments with members of the community over the last ten months (and you thought FSC was using you as guinea pigs. ) One of the things I did was play the role of a self-proclaimed "thief". I went to the Visitor's Center late one night back before turfs were introduced, and hung out for a couple of hours with those who were there. The name I had chosen indicated I was a thief, and I was immediately assumed to be one *simply because of the name*. At no time did I take anything from anyone, nor did I harass anyone -- I more or less just stood there and engaged in idle chatter. I was welcomed by the other "thieves" who gave me items and shared secrets with me. And I was reproached by some of the "helpers" present. When I tried to explain that I hadn't taken anything or offended anyone, I was told by the "helpers" that it didn't matter -- because my name indicated I was a thief, I must *be* one, or I wouldn't have chosen it. And they claimed I was "guilty by association", even though I had associated as much with the "helpers" as with the "thieves" that night, and this was a new avatar with no prior socialization inworld, so there was no reputation that had been established prior to this encounter. I found the reactions of those present enlightening, but also rather disturbing -- how can we possibly hope to integrate the miscreants of society into the community if we don't even give them a chance? This experience opened my eyes to the way "thieves" are treated--I had previously assumed they got exactly what they deserved, but I saw first hand that this isn't always true. I concluded my little experiment by explaining that maybe if we objected to only the *behavior* we find unacceptable, and not the *person*, we could develop a better understanding of those we share this space with. I'm not sure this incident had much effect -- we are very much influenced by real-world predjudice -- no matter how much we may believe we're not, but at least one person present seemed to understand what I was trying to do. I think it would be really interesting if everyone, regardless of who they "are" inworld or outworld, experimented with different roles. This doesn't necessarily mean you should do anything you're uncomfortable with, but by taking a risk, you can learn a lot about not only your fellow avatars, but also about yourself. The bigger the risk you take, the more you'll learn -- trust me, I know. This world has so many possibilities--why not embrace a few? Part Two: How Well Does Your Avatar Know You? How many of you play "yourself" inworld? Despite what you may believe, if you have a primary avatar (the one you most often use) that you've used regularly for at least three months, you're not playing "yourself" inworld. At least not the self you *think* you're playing. If you're convinced you're the same inworld and out, look very closely at who your avatar *really* is. The more closely your avatar represents you, the harder you may have to look -- the differences can be very subtle. An easy way to do this is to use an avatar you've never used before, and go inworld and ask about your primary avatar. Find out how others see "you" inworld -- their opinions will tend to be much more objective than what you can see by looking at "yourself". Allow others to be your mirror, and pay attention to what they reflect back to you. This can be a very enlightening (and sometimes shocking) exercise -- you may even find that your "friends" are not all they seem, either. If you learn things that make you uncomfortable -- good! That means your avatar knows you better than you know yourself. Avatars have a somewhat annoying tendency to take on a life of their own after a while. You can learn by watching things your avatar says and does that bother you -- don't try to curb their seemingly misguided behavior -- just watch it and pay attention. Now, take those aspects that bother you, and examine them. What about them makes you uncomfortable? Are you afraid of expressing this behavior in the real-world? Why? If you look closely at the reasons why, you'll learn something about yourself. And if you're brave enough, try this experiment: Create an avatar that posesses one or more of the traits or behaviors that you discovered made you uneasy, and exaggerate these traits in your new avatar. Then live with this avatar long enough to feel comfortable with it. The more you explore, the more you'll learn, and it's a *lot* of fun, too. Part Three: Gender Switching One thing a lot of people have a problem with inworld is people who use an avatar of a gender that is different from their real-world self. I personally don't have a problem with it (but you knew that, didn't you? ), because you can learn more about yourself and others by just this one thing alone than probably any other experimenting you can try inworld. Of course, there are certain risks involved, and you can enter areas where trust and honesty are more important than experimenting, so you have to be careful. I don't advocate using a gender-bending avatar to purposely deceive people into thinking you're something you're not, and using that deception to use people -- if your motives are misguided, people will get hurt. And I think getting romantically involved is especially dangerous if you're gender switching -- you must be absolutely sure you and the other person know the rules and it's especially important to be honest. So don't do it unless you are sure you can handle it. And then just don't do it. Well, enough of the warnings. One of the most interesting things I've discovered from playing with gender-switching is that people's behavior is different based not only on how *others* perceive them, but on how we perceive ourselves. When I use Cosmocat, I communicate differently than I do in the real world. I'm very quiet in real-life (just ask anyone who was at the gathering ), but Cosmocat is very rarely quiet (just ask Milen ). Because Cosmocat is very different from myself, it frees me to allow myself, through him, to try things I wouldn't ordinarily do. A few examples are: Asking a lot of questions (in real-life, I usually do research to find things out rather than just asking someone); saying the first thing that pops into my head (in real-life I'm much more reflective); and standing up for what I think (in real-life, I *think* about challenging ideas I disagree with, but rarely follow through.) But one thing I've found is that by allowing Cosmocat to say and do things I wouldn't do and say, I've become more comfortable with these aspects of myself and express them more in the real-world. I ask more questions, I say things without thinking first (which sometimes gets me in trouble ), and I challenge things I disagree with or have a problem with (just ask Oracle Uni about the cat in the pocket incident ). Anyway, by using a male avatar, it was easier for me to experiment because certain behavior is more acceptable from a male than a female, and Cosmocat isn't me. Or he wasn't when I first created him. But he and I are becoming more unified (scary, huh? ), and he's becoming less useful and not as much fun to use as he used to be. But there are other reasons to use a different gender avatar, too. One is to get a perspective on how it feels to be the other gender. I recently conducted a survey of avatars whose inworld gender is different than their real-world gender, and didn't get much response, but I did learn some interesting things. One thing is that female avatars (especially the athletic female) get losts of unwanted propositions from male avatars. This isn't very shocking, but I was surprised to find that the male athletic body gets a surprising number of propositions from female avatars. So if you're a woman thinking about gender-switching, be aware you'll get a lot of attention from female aveys if you're a hunk. I think it would be useful for men to try using a female avatar, too, if even just for a few hours, so they can see how often they're the recipient of messages like, "Wow, you look really hot! How old are you? You wanna go to the temple and **** ***?" I'll admit, Cosmocat almost *never* gets any attention from female avatars, although he does get some from male avatars -- interesting, huh? So I use him when I don't want to be bothered. Of course, sometimes I *like* going to the Temple--and that's when I use my other avey. Anyway, there are lots of things to learn by playing a different gender, and it can be a really good way to hide from friends (and enemies), too. And there are a *lot* of people inworld who are doing it, so experiment ... and you'll see. {!} - Tarot Majik - Unraveling the Knots - {!} By Hierophant SRK, Facilitator of Sunray Majik Guild Timber Wolf New Band Struggles for Rhythm Phred was walking in Dreamscape, humming a tune, when he saw his good friend Hannah and her brother Timber Wolf. "Hi, Hannah. Hi Tim. Nice to see you," he said. "Hi Phred," they replied, in unison. "So what have you been up to, Tim. Did you quit your job?" "Nope. But I quit worrying about it," Tim laughed. "That's good news. What changed?" Phred asked. "I'm starting a band, so I don't have time to worry about my job. I go home at night focused on composing music, rehearsing, improving my singin; I'm having a ball. I'm really making music!" Tim said, hopping up and down. "That's wonderful Tim. Have you heard him play, Hannah?" "Oh yes, Phred," she said. "He's great. And you should see how much fun he has when he plays. It's like magic." "Music IS Magic, Hannah. It has the power to awaken your dreams. And music is most magical when you try to make it. Making music opens doors in your mind that you didn't even know existed." "I feel exhilarated when I sing along with my favorite songs," Hannah said. "That's a neat feeling, Hannah. Have you considered singing in Tim's band?" Hannah looked shocked and with her eyes on Phred's feet she stammered, "Umm - not ready for that, Tim. Why don't you invite Phred to hear you play," she said, changing the subject. "That would be great," Timber Wolf said. "But there's one problem. We don't have a drummer, and you wouldn't believe how confused I am about it." Hannah chimed in, "Yes, Phred. The last time you talked to Tim, you gave him such good advice about making decisions from his innermost dream. So he wanted to talk to you about his band." "Why are you confused, Tim?" Phred asked. "My mind is in a whirl. I want the band to sound right, so I'm looking for a drummer. But a friend of mine plays the keyboard, and it would be so cool playing with him. I'm confused because I'm worried that the keyboard would spoil my band sound." "There's nothing wrong with a keyboard. In this age of synthesizers a keyboard can sound like violins or horns or just about anything. Even drums! It adds a rich sound." "I know, Phred. The sound would be great. But I'm so confused, it just goes around and around in my head. Sometimes when I play music I get so high I feel like I'm flying. Other times I start thinking about money, and I break out into a cold sweat worrying about the beat and if people will like us enough to pay." "It's exciting that you care so much Tim. Your passion is inspiring. What a neat place to put your energy. Let's see if the Tarot can help you sort out the ups and downs." "Oh cool," Tim said. "Let's ask the Tarot how I can make the best band." After shuffling the deck, selecting eleven cards and laying them out, the three friends peered thoughtfully at the reading. "That's amazing," Phred exclaimed. "The first card in the 'question' position is so perfect. It's the two of Ankhs, which represents the merging of opposites. See the way the two ankhs are intertwined to form a circle? The two ankhs represent the opposite energies in life; male and female, hope and fear, love and hate. Most of the time we react to opposites by trying to split them apart. We think that if we crush one side and glorify the other we can create a world just the way we want it. But splitting the world in two is destructive. True wisdom accepts and respects both sides." "The intertwined ankhs remind me of the way different musical sounds play against each other to make harmony. How does this card apply to the reading?" Tim asked. "You feel that making music for love is separated and opposite from making music for money. You don't see how both motivations can coexist, so whenever you think of one, you feel separated and isolated from the other. This card says that you have to accept their intertwined wholeness." "Whoa! That's interesting. Let me get my bearings here!" Tim said. "Yes. I can see how my mind is going back and forth like a ping-pong ball. Hmmm. That seems crazy to me when I think about it. Plenty of artists have made beautiful music and made money from it. I wonder how they steered down the middle between passion for their music and commercial success." "The good ones keep their artistic dreams while accepting the need to please their audience. Neither aspect ruins the other. But you are so wrapped up in worrying about which side to be on that you lose sight of the interplay. You've got a lot of passion for creating music, which is wonderful. Don't let it go. But think of the way the two ankhs are intertwined. Neither one is on top or bottom. Neither one is right or wrong. In fact, together they form a perfect whole. The solution to your problem will flow naturally from the question if you let yourself see both sides at once!" "Wow! That's very cool, Phred. It feels like I can get the best of both worlds if I let myself." "Oh, Phred," Hannah said, pointing to the next card. "That next card looks so terribly sad with that woman sitting in bed, holding her hands over her face in misery. It's so dark and forbidding." "That's true, Hannah. The nine of Swords does look upsetting. The number nine means the completion of a cycle. And the Sword suit cuts through the knots of life. So this card represents the completion of a cycle of cutting knots. The woman in this card is overwhelmed and can't take anymore. The good news is that she's nearing the end of this cycle and will find release." "If swords cut through knots, shouldn't she be happy?" Timber Wolf asked. "As swords cut through the knots they are pretty rough, Tim. They bring life's unpleasant and hurtful experiences. We react to the swords by feeling sad, angry, stuck, even meditative. The feelings escalates through the suit, until you get to the nine of Swords, when you feel as if you've been completely rejected by God. This card is so sad because it represents the anguish of someone who can no longer tolerate the cutting of those knots. The antidote to this pain is to see that behind the swords there is a compassionate purpose that is moving you forward in your growth." "Ouch. The woman in the card looks like she's been kicked around by life. I can relate to that. So how does it apply to the reading, Phred?" Timber Wolf asked. "When you were considering leaving your job, you felt disappointed and alone. That feeling pushed you into finding music and the music is already starting to connect you to your dreams. So reaching the end of your rope in the nine of Swords hasn't been all that bad. It's kind of neat that as the knots were cut you were pushed along to your next step." "I can see a positive outcome from all that frustration. I just wish I could have avoided it altogether." "It's tempting to wish away the pain. But it helps to see that the swords cut through old stagnation and open the way to new opportunities," Phred said thoughtfully. "The next card in the 'environment' position is the Sun," he continued. "It's a lot more cheerful looking." "I love that little child on horseback," Hannah said. "The sun is looking down on him with such compassion, lighting his innocent little world. It makes me feel warm and cozy." "The Sun is a card of innocence, Hannah. When you're in that state of innocence you don't worry about how things will turn out, or try to plan and manipulate every moment. Innocence is a great ally of dreaming. The bright, warm sun will take care of everything. You can just relax and enjoy the moment." "But Phred. It's an incredible amount of work and planning to pull the band together," Timber Wolf said. "Of course, Tim. It's hard work learning an instrument, studying the principles of music composition, getting the members of the band together in one room, and everything else that goes with it. But once you're actually playing a song, this card is about the innocent flow of your music." "That's a neat card for the environment, Phred. Trusting and innocence … Those are warm feelings. What's the next card? Is that a king?" Tim asked. "Yes, that's the king of Cups. The cups represent love, and the king represents leadership, generosity and protection, so the king of Cups is a generous, protector and provider of love. It's in the 'hopes and fears' position." "What do you mean, Phred. Is Tim hoping for love?" Hannah asked. "Well, everyone hopes for love, but the Tarot is multidimensional, so if you look you can find other dimensions. In this case, I see Tim's hope that he will be able to give love as generously as the king does." "Wow, Phred. How can I do that?" "Music is a beautiful form of dreaming, and like all dreaming, music has the power to lift the heart up out of details, into a transcendent state. Because music can lift the heart, it is the perfect vehicle for love. The love of the composer and performer is transmitted to the listener, and the listener is lifted in that love." "That's a beautiful image, Phred. I never thought that making music is a way of giving love. It would be wonderful to share love in that way." "The next card reveals another dimension of the power of music," Phred said. "The Temperance card shows a woman in a majestic robe. She's holding two cups, pouring the waters of love from the unconscious into the conscious." "What suit is that in, Phred? She's holding two cups. Is it in the Cups suit?" Hannah asked. "The Tarot is organized in two sections; the Minor and Major Arcana. The Minor Arcana are all the suit cards. All the other cards, like Temperance, that aren't in any suit are called the Major Arcana. The two cups she's holding in this card are symbolic, of course. Every image in the Tarot has some symbolic meaning. The cups contain and pour love." "How does this card relate to the reading, Phred?" Timber Wolf asked. "It's amazing how unconscious we are of what goes on in our own minds. Thoughts and impressions bubble up into your awareness, but you don't see their source. The loving powerful woman in the Temperance card is helping you become aware of your own unconscious universe. By becoming more consciously aware you can learn about the source of your own being." "That sounds like a very deep, spiritual learning process, Phred. I'd like to grow closer to the inner source of consciousness. When I write music, I feel like it's bubbling up from somewhere inside me, and I've often wished I could peer deeper into that place. Is it difficult?" Timber Wolf asked. "Oh yes, Tim. It's a lifelong job." "What position is this card in, Phred? I'm trying to see how it applies in the reading," Timber Wolf said. "Temperance is in the 'significator' position which means that you are the one who is awakening. It's time to grow Tim. And music is a powerful bridge to your innermost dreams. Music is the language of the soul. The more you learn about music and the way it makes you and other people feel, the more you'll be aware of the Dream. The Temperance card shows that you will use music to awaken your awareness of the unconscious." "That's so cool Phred. Actively seeking awareness through music … I wish I could make that the name of my band. Well, I'll keep it tucked away somewhere as our motto." "That's neat, Tim. You've reached a time in your life when you're no longer satisfied to sit back and let your consciousness bubble up on its own. You want to know more about it. And this band is going to give you that opportunity. Just one warning, though. Music's power can be misused, so instead of lifting you it immerses you in the troubles of the world and dulls your awareness of the dream. It's easy to tell how music is working by the way it pulls your heart." Phred continued, "The ten of Wands is in the 'past or passing' position. The ten of Wands means letting go of your burdens. This card shows that you have recently reached the end of your cycle of frustration, and have let go of your previous attitude." "You mean when I was upset about my job, and I was thinking of quitting?" "Right. Your burden was a big load of expectations, thinking that life was supposed to turn out a certain way. The more you insisted that life meet your expectations, the heavier your load became. Finally you were lifted , not by the fulfillment of your expectations, but by letting them go." "Yes, it's really funny the way that worked out, Phred. It's so amazing that the solution to my problems came in a completely different way than what I expected." "The deepest mysteries of the spirit are hidden within ordinary situations but in order to find them you must learn and grow. That inner growth is represented in the next card, the nine of Ankhs. The number nine is the completion of a cycle, and the ankhs represent inner awareness. The nine of Ankhs represents reaching the end of a cycle in your inner growth." "What position is that card in, Phred? I don't understand what all the positions mean," Hannah said. "That's the 'crown' position which shows an energy that influences the outcome of the reading. The energy in this reading is the nine of Ankhs which shows that inner growth is an important aspect of Tim's musical direction." "So the nine of ankhs in the 'crown' position means that Tim can direct his band better if he sees that it's part of his inner growth?" Hannah asked. "Right, Hannah. He is learning to stay in touch with his dream. That's the essence of inner growth." "Sometimes when you passionately struggle to find your dream, your emotional reactions can become intense," he continued. "That's shown in the next card, the Knight of Wands in the 'immediate future' position. The knight comes charging in on a horse, and the wands are filled with life energy. The combined energy of the knight and the Wands create a roller coaster of ups and downs." "That is the way I've been feeling. I'm so excited, I'm either flying in a cloud or despairing that I'll never get it right. Why is the Tarot showing me that? Is it like a warning or something?" "It's not 'bad' that you feel up and down, and nothing to be ashamed of. But it can be painful. When you're high, your hopes are elevated unrealistically. Then you crash down into valleys where everything looks black. If you understand these cycles, you'll be able to roll through them so they don't disrupt your life. When you know that neither the ups or the downs are going to last forever, you can be more fluid about accepting the inevitable change." "Hmm. Whether I'm in a big up or down, I feel like that's the way things are going to be forever. Then when my feelings switch, it makes me feel like my previous perspective was all wrong. That whole process makes me feel shaky about life." "Ups and downs are part of life, but you don't need to get completely disoriented by them. You'll feel much more steady when you are anchored in an unshakable foundation. The 'final outcome' card, six of Ankhs, can give you that deep foundation." "What is the six of Ankhs, exactly?" Timber Wolf asked. "It's the commitment to trying to understand your own inner world." "That sounds like the same awareness you were explaining in the Temperance card. It should be easy to learn about my own consciousness once I my mind to it." Tim said. "It might sound easy, but it's really quite hard. At first all you know is that that there's something going on 'in there' but you don't know what. Even though it's your own mind, it's unknown territory. You have to be brave and persistent to push into the unknown. The six of Ankhs represents that commitment." "So you're saying that by focusing on a goal of inner growth I'll be guided through the ups and downs?" Tim asked. "It's like carrying a compass which always gives you the right direction whether you're on top of a hill or down in a valley," Phred answered. "That's a really helpful 'final outcome' Phred. I can see how a life time goal would give me a solid foundation. Inner growth sounds like a wonderful thing to live for." "The two 'insight' cards add depth to that perspective," Phred continued. One is the Lovers card and the other is the six of Cups." "Umm. I like the Lovers card. It makes me happy seeing those people in love," Hannah said. "But it's not about two people, exactly. Look at the way the attention of the lovers is drawn upwards. Love is not limited to any particular relationship. You can pour out love to everyone, whether they are family, friends, people you work with, or people who come to hear you play music. Love lifts everyone it touches." "Wow! That is SO cool. Tell me more about how I can pour love through music. It's such an interesting thought. I hope I can get it," Timber Wolf said. "When people are listening to your music they are open to whatever you send them. Your feelings are transmitted through the music directly to their hearts. Love is magic. When you send them love, they'll feel it and be lifted by it." "That's excellent, Phred. I know how I've felt when I listened to great music. I want to share that feeling with others." "The other insight card, the six of Cups, is also very neat." "Oh look at those sweet little children," Hannah said. "I love this card. It makes me feel so nostalgic, like a time and place I've been and wish I could be again." "The six of Cups represents spiritual memories. When you remember something that happened in the past, you have certain feelings. But think about it. You're having those feelings right now. It's a time warp, in which the feelings of the past affect you today." "That's true. The feelings are in the present, even though they are in the past. But what's a spiritual memory?" Timber Wolf asked. "Whenever you think of something that has lifted you in the past, you become lifted in the present. You receive the lifting of that feeling over and over. If you've ever had a sense of a comforting presence, that presence can pervade all of time whenever you remember it and feel it. When you remember special moments that lifted you, try to appreciate the lift you experience in this moment." "That's interesting, Phred. So many times, a piece of music reminds me of where I was when I was younger, or the way I felt then. It's so easy to think of music as being an experience of the past." "Yes. And today will be the past tomorrow. So try to make every musical moment a special moment. Build your spiritual memories starting today." "This has been a beautiful reading Phred. It's given me some neat tools to help me focus my music. This is all so cool. I have enough material here to organize my band around the principles the Tarot has shown. We'll go for a full sound without a drummer. And if I don't get dance jobs, hopefully other types of jobs will come along that give me all the pleasure and artistic creativity that I'm looking for. Thanks!" {!} - The Witching Hour - {!} By Witchy Color Healing ------------- Light is radiant energy traveling in the form of waves. The rate of vibration can be measured in units known as Angstrom units (A), measuring one ten-millionth of a millimeter. For example, the color violet has a wavelength varying from 4000 to 4500A; indigo from 4500 to 4700; blue 4700 to 5100; green 5100 to 5600; yellow 5600 to 5900; orange 5900 to 6200 and red 6200 to 6700A. Your body selects, from the sunlight, whatever colors needed for balance, the vibrations being absorbed into you. The principle of healing with color (Chromopathy or Chromotherapy; Chromopathy from the Greek: kroma - color; pathos - suffering) is to give the ailing body an extra dose of any color (s) lacking. One of the joys of chromopathy is its practicability. It is something anyone can do with no danger, being the use of natural element. The application can be done in a variety of ways, as you will see. Basically, the red end of the spectrum stimulates while the blue end calms. Here is a look at the specific colors of the spectrum one by one to see what their properties are. RED: A warming, invigorating color, excellent for the treatment of blood diseases. Anaemic people need the color red, as do those with liver infections. ORANGE: Not quite as harsh as red yet contains many of its properties. It is especially good for the respiratory system; for those who suffer from asthma and bronchitis; also as a tonic and a laxative. YELLOW: Excellent for the bowels and intestines. It is a mild sedative; helps remove fears of all kinds and gives a mental uplift. It is good for indigestion and heartburn, for constipation and piles, also for menstrual problems. GREEN: This is the great healer. It is neutral for other colors and can be a general tonic and revitalizer. When in doubt; use green. Excellent for heart troubles; neuralgic headaches; ulcers; colds in the head and boils. BLUE: An antiseptic and cooling agent. Excellent for use on all inflammations including those of internal organs. Good on cuts and burns; also for rheumatism. INDIGO: A slight nacotic. Will remove the fears of the mind and reassure those afraid of the dark. Good for emotional disorders; deafness; especially good for the eyes, even for catatacts. VIOLET: Good for mental disorders; for the nervous system; for baldness and for female complaints. Directing The Color ------------------- It is the COLOR that is important, so anything that will produce colored light will serve your needs. This could be colored glass, plastic or even cellophane. You don't even have to wait for sunshine. Any light will do, including artificial light. If you have a window that gets a lot of sunshine then certainly make use of that. Tape a sheet of colored glass, plastic or even tissue paper over the window and have the patient sit in front of it so that the colored light falls directly on her/him. Make sure it falls on the troubled area (e.g. for an upset stomach, direct yellow light on the stomach area). Concentrate the light on the area for at least thirty minutes each day. Two periods of thirty minutes (one in the morning and another in the evening) would be better. You will notice a definite improvement almost from the start. If you don't have a convenient sunny window, then a good substitute is a photographic slide projector. In fact, in many ways it is better than the window since you can focus on particular areas. From photo supply stores you can obtain empty cardboard slide mounts. Into these put small rectangles of colored plastic or acetate, so that you have a set of slides of the seven primary colors. Color-Charged Water ------------------- You can turn ordinary water into potent medicine by charging it with colored light. Fill a clear bottle with water and tape a sheet of colored paper or acetate around it (if you can get a colored bottle of the appropriate color, all the better). Then stand the bottle in the window for six to eight hours. Even if the sun is not shining directly on the bottle, it will still charge the water. Then, a wineglassful of the water, taken three times a day, will have a similar effect to the half-hour of colored light appplication. If you are feeling "down", or listless, a glassful of red-charged water each morning will pep you up. Similarly, if you have trouble sleeping at night, a glassful of indigo-charged water before bed will relax you and help you fall asleep. All of the colors can be used, as in the color chart above. Such treatment is called Hydrochromopathy. Distant Color Healing --------------------- Color can also be used to do absent healing. Again you utilize a photograph (the basic sympathetic magick principle of "like attracts like"). This is known as Graphochromopathy. Make sure that there is no one other then the patient in the photograph and also make sure that the afflicted part of the person (e.g. leg; stomach) is in the picture. Place the photograph under the appropriate colored light and leave it there. A low wattage bulb is best for this; perhaps something light a nightlight bulb. You will find it easier to put the colored sheet over the front of the photograph than to try to wrap it around the light bulb. The best way is to put the photo in a frame together with the colored acetate and then to stand the frame in front of the light bulb, or the window. Give it the light treatment for at least three hours a day. Blessed * Be Witchy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Kymer-conomics ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {!} - Kymer-conomics! - {!} by Mufasa, Financial Editor This column comes to you from Whitehorse, capital of Canada's Yukon Territory. We aren't as far North as we had originally planned to be, but we've extended this junket to November 15, so there's plenty of time. In the meantime, our Hummer is drawing lots of interested stares! Accompanying this column is auction price data for the month of September, excluding the extreme rarities (5 or fewer sales in a 3-month period). Enjoy! Correction ---------- We received an E-mail from LumMoose in response to last week's column. In that column, the Econo-Lion observed that, to her knowledge, spectacles had never been given as a contest prize. In his E-mail, Lum said: "You're right about Randy Farmer's glasses being black..but, the other pair existing, the green ones, were one [sic] as a Take-A-Chance prize back in April, if I remember right. But, they were given away..I saw then being given out As for the pipe, it was given to Xian, along with a Snowman head, for the Ghost Racing Championship, December 1995. You can take a look at it if you want, it's GHST1295.GIF in the forum." Before one can be right, one must first be correct. Thanks, Lum! We're not sure that there is only one pair of green spectacles inworld, we're still wondering about the source of the cigar and of the pink and gold fireplaces. If anyone out there can supply this information, E-mail Kymer-conomics! at mufasa2@ix.netcom.com. Thanks! Pride Universe -------------- There has been a great deal written about this new virtual world in the Forum during the last few days, and it is pointless to restate thoseobservations here. In this Lion's opinion, Pride Universe is worth exploring if only for the superb graphics and animation. The Shamans are friendly, helpful, and customer-service oriented. It provides an excellent opportunity for homosexuals and heterosexuals to relate within the context of a world which is run by and for the gay community. Homosexuals spend their real lives in aworld dominated by heterosexuals, in which gays are oppressed by individual and institutional homophobia. Pride has so far welcomed avatars of all persuasions and the Pride personnel have been kind and helpful to all. Wouldn't it be splendid if people in the real world treated gays as well as they have treated straights in Pride Universe? Does Anyone Know? ----------------- Perhaps two weeks ago, my real-world cousin, Aurora Australis, posted an inquiry in the Forum. She asked whether anyone who had placed items on consignment with Swifty had been successful in obtaining their return. After reading that Swifty had been injured in an automobile accident, Aurora Australis sent two E-mails to Swiftess at each of Swiftess's three addresses, but received no response. Sir Launce followed with a message that his items had been sold, but that he has not received the payment. About eight days ago, the Econo-Lion encountered Witchy at Palace in Wonderland. Recalling that Witchy had consigned a beta female skull head to Swifty for auction on September 8, we asked Witchy if this item had ever been returned to her. Witchy ignored the question. We continued to chat, and after a few minutes, repeated the question, which was again ignored. We have received several E-mails from avatars in Kymer about the same issue, but have no information to report. Readers, if you have been able to contact Swifty or Swiftess since September 8, E-mail Kymer-conomics! at mufasa2@ix.netcom.com. We would like to help people get the items and tokens that belong to them. Tantalizing Tidbits ------------------- A few weeks ago, in a street trader spotlight, we reported that LeadGirl is an enthusiastic head collector. LeadGirl is now Rascal Red Rabbit, and has opened a retail store. Those with exceptional heads to sell or trade might find it worthwhile to visit her at turf RRR. For months avatars in Kymer have requested more body types and the ability to change clothes, but we've heard that at least one request has been made for fancy underwear (!). It's an interesting idea, but we don't hold out much hope for this ever becoming an option. There would be a wide range of preferences, and the data might be difficult to gather. Have a wonderful, prosperous week! TABLE OF SEPTEMBER AUCTION PRICES (EXCLUDING RAREST COLLECTIBLES) Includes auctions from September 1-30, 1996 Bag Tr. or Trt. 9 5400 3200 3933 3266 +667 BBQ chicken 4 525 275 400 326 +74 Box Xmas 5 1099 750 849 N/A Cake Lemon chiff. 6 335 300 311 385 -74 Candy Halloween 10 3939 1500 2585 2122 -463 Candy peppermint 7 2450 1750 2147 2122 +25 Chest heart 9 2450 1333 1606 1749 -143 Chest space 6 6500 2700 4158 3925 +233 Chest trunk 4 3000 1701 2375 N/A Chest trunk 1 1800 Fern large 10 375 100 235 300 -65 Flowers 16 1300 500 1035 718 +317 Fruit Jungle 3 600 300 433 344 +89 Head Aristocat 1 N/A Head Bag O Chips 6 4100 3250 3875 4850 -975 Head Cyberchick 1 N/A Head Fern 5 550 355 465 N/A Head Fern 5 444 252 324 300 +24 Head comm. fern 2 1800 1700 1750 2533 -783 Head Gingerbread 5 6000 3750 4550 2525 2025 Head Heroine 2 4000 2100 3050 N/A Head Lacy Heart 9 2000 1201 1472 1517 -45 Head rose 22 2750 1600 1992 1635 +357 Head Snowman 1 5280 +1520 Head Theresa 2 4000 2950 3475 N/A Head Wendy 3 1650 648 1066 1433 -367 Head Woman 4 3300 1100 1850 1196 +654 Hot chocolate 6 600 350 475 519 -44 Masks Unity 7 100 30 43 Ornam't angel 1 4650 2581 -2069 Ornam't blrna/tdy 5 6000 3000 4370 3031 -1339 Ornam't candy cn 2 2650 2606 2628 2700 -72 Ornam't drum 4 3700 2650 3566 3185 +381 Ornam't g'br hse 2 12000 10200 11100 8075 +3025 Ornam't gnome 2 4700 3030 3865 4100 -235 Ornam't rck hrs 6 7750 4800 5925 3595 2330 Ornam't snowman 2 3400 3000 3200 3521 -321 Ornam't trumpet 1 3300 Ornam't woman 1 5001 N/A Paint Body 17 1200 666 753 Paint Head 9 1250 880 1121 Pizza 4 353 350 352 351 +1 Snowball 4 300 205 314 386 -72 Spittoon brass 4 9555 4700 8613 9999 -1386 Stocking Xmas 3 7000 4250 5166 N/A Stocking Xmas 3 7353 4646 6361 5555 +806 Teddy Baby Bear 5 4200 2600 3300 2155 -1145 Teddy Torgerson 6 10100 7720 7716 6625 +1091 Trophy 1 8200 16100 -7900 Valentine large 1 5000 Valentine small 1 1000 575 +425 Valentine small 5 900 550 820 929 -109 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Kymer Happenings ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {!} - Worlds Of Fortune - {!} By Sweet Suz Acolyte Data's great game of Worlds of Fortune, proved to be another night of fun, and great competition, for all of his players. Along with his Helpers for the evening, My Name is Fancy and Acolyte Milen, everyone enjoyed the friendly atmosphere! They held the usual five rounds, coming to the conclusion of "Z" winning a red space chest and Sunray Ann winning the Spitoon! Congrats to all the winners! Read on to find out who and how the rounds were won! In the first round, I was lucky to be one of the contestants along with Dangerous Minds II, and Sunray Ann! We played out the round only to Dangerous Minds, and poor Sunray Ann did not even get a chance to play in this round. Dangerous Minds was able to come up with the answer of Where Have all the Avatars Gone. It seems that Acolyte Data is trying to make things a little more difficult, so he is starting to use phrases during the game! Hmmmm! The ghost winner for this round was þZþ. Congrats to both Dangerous Minds II, and Z. In second round play Sunray Love, Carmela and Mr. Hepcat all competed for the honor of going on to the championship round. Carmela came out on top of this round with the answer of þSeems it never rains in Kymerþ Where do you come up with these sayings Data? Our ghost winner for the round was Sunray Ann! WTG Ann and Carmela! Third round action was just as fast paced as the whole game seemed to be this evening and Golden Boy, Wrenfield and Lord Pumpernickel battled for the final spot of the Championship round! Golden Boy had won the round coming up with the answer of Oracle Book. Sweet Suz (Hey! That's me) was the Ghost winner of the round! WTG Golden Boy! Well this brought us down to the Championship Round! Golden Boy had left so Acolyte Data had to have Z come in from the Ghost Winners to play in the round! So the battle was between Dangerous Minds II, Carmela and Z. Z was the winner of the round with the answer to the Avatar Name puzzle of Queenie Bee! Baby Be Chillin was the ghost winner! Z was able to visit Data's winners room and as we said earlier, he chose the Red Space Chest! Congratulations to Z! It all came down to the Fifth and final round, the Ghost Championship. Due to Z having to play in the Championship round Baby Be Chillin played in the Ghost Championship round! So the competition was between Baby Be Chillin , Sunray Ann and Sweet Suz!(Just me again!) Well competition was tough and Sunray Ann was to come out the winner! She came up with the answer to Avatar name of Bilbo Baggins! WTG Sunray Ann! Ann was able to visit the winners room also, and as we said a little earlier, she chose the Spitoon as her prize! WTG ! Congratulations to all the Winners and Players! Thanks to Acolyte Data, Acolyte Milen and My Name is Fancy for another great night of Entertainment! I know they hope to see you this Tuesday at 7:30 PM WAT in Turf: Worlds of Fortune! See you all there! {!} - Boxerama Trivia - {!} By Sweet Suz Jal held another great game of Boxerama Trivia on Tuesday in Turf: Jal N Suz! This week he kept the puzzles with Kymer Mix Up! This means word scramble of things, avatars, glued items and locales in WorldsAway! He has also thrown in some of the Phrases from the Dreamscape! Well, I have really! Everyone keeps asking him where the great prizes are packed or what will some of the answers be! Well he won't be able to tell you, You see I mix up the puzzles and pack the boxes, that way he does not know the locations or the solutions to the puzzles until they are played. This way everything is on the up and up! I don't like cheaters! LOL Well I guess you would like to know who the winners were for this week and what great prizes there were, so take a peak below and see all the Great Winners! The list of Prizes for this week is also listed below, so keep reading! Sir Percival Box 14 Bag-O-Chips Head Muchas Box 08 Unity Souvenir Jayvee Box 19 Red Rose Head Golden Rebel Box 28 Flowers Golden Rebel was a winner of game 11 and opted to return this item and choose another. Box 29 Hot Chocolate This was the prize she walked away with. Sir Alexander Box 23 Rare Body Paint Green 45 He was also a game 11 winner and opted to return this prize and choose another. Box 03 Red Rose Head This was the gift he walked away with. Helena Box 05 Lemon Chiffon Cake Flik Box 02 Green Fuzzie Larry Lamb Box 01 Rare Head Paint Steel 78/Brown 13 The Verve Pipe Box 27 Rare Head Paint Gold 86/Blonde 5 Niobe Box 04 Flowers Congratulations to all the Winners! Due to the Bag-O-Chips being won this week, Jal has decided to put the Trophy as one the great prizes this coming week! We will have a lot of great prizes again this coming week! We do not have the official prize list as of yet, but we do have the Grand Prizes which are the Trophy as we have said, the 1225T Jackpot, A Red Space Chest, Rose heads, Flowers, Valentines and Ferns, plus much, much more! So come to Boxerama Trivia this week on Tuesday October 8, at 6:00 P.M. WAT at Turf: Jal n Suz! As usual there is a 50T entry fee for the evening, as this helps to build the Jackpot Box and to cover expenses! We would like to Thank Jayvee and Five Spice for the green sack and goodies, boysenberry pie and unity mask, that they have donated to the game! Thanks very Much! It is very appreciated! Good Luck to Everyone this Week! Have Fun! {!} - Megret's Madhouse: Trivia CHALLENGE! - {!} By Megret, Srk This was the second week of collecting points, and the top two "all games" total is no surprise: Polly Mary has a total for ALL games she played of 117, Sir Alex has 66. Per game totals for the top two in each game: Monday AM: Cinnamon Girl 10 Sean 7 Harlequin, 7 Monday PM: Dangerous Mind II 31 PhishHead 29 King of Kymer & Doc tied at 17 Wednesday: Erik, 15 Sunsette and Docolyte Purpleman tied at 13 King of Kymer 11 Friday:: Dangerous mind II, 31 Zero, 18 Cinnamon Girl has 15 Obviously, since Doc, Cinnamon, and King can't be in the finals twice, there are going to be some wildcards in the deck ... 84 *different* people have passed through the Madhouse in these two weeks, and several who only played once scored 10 or more -- which may turn them into wild cards, since you can only be invited into the tournament once ... So the door is still wide open on being invited to this month's finals. Good luck to all. Monday 10 AM game: At half-time I crashed, and was unable to make it back to complete the game, but, while no prizes were given out, the point totals WILL be included in the total scores. Harlequin, 7 points PollyMary, 7 points Aunt May, 7 points Queenie Bee, 6 points Dangerous Mind II, 4 points Sir Alexander, 4 points Whatfeld, 2 points Sean, 2 points Sinigord, 1 point Monday 7 PM Game - 20 questions -- No Ties! 1st Place: PollyMary 18 Points, Heart Chest w/ Unity Day Souvenir Fern 2nd Place: King of Kymer, Rosehead painted w/ Steel paint 3rd Place: Dangerous Mind II, 16 points, Mystery Sack, Key-to- Happiness, Key-to-my Heart, and heart Boobie Prizes: Luna Solari, Mystery Box, with Unity Mask; Suzy Snowflake, Vase of Flowers Wednesday, 7 PM. Wednesday winners, with 20 questions and no ties were: 1st Place Erik, 14 points, Rare Blue Rosehead w/Matching body paint 2nd Place Harlequin,13 points, Heart Chest, empty 3rd Place Docolyte Purpleman Martin, 12 points, Picnic Basket (a not- rare feast) BOOBY PRIZES: 2 since it was such a low scoring game, with a LOT of players. Booby prize WINNERS were: May Aculpa - Mystery Box, Fern Head painted rare green Dangerous Mind II - Mystery Box, Unity Mask Friday, 7 PM 1st Place: PollyMary, 16 points, Mystery Box (Rare white Rosehead) 2nd Place: Dangerous Mind: 12 points, Mystery Box (Vase of Flowers) 3rd Place: Sir Alexander: 11 Points, Mystery Box, (Red Valentine) Booby Prize: Shana, rare red rosehead w/ matching body paint Door Prizes:Elisha, Kittie Kat, SRK Billolyte S.O. Guy, Cinnamon Girl, and Sir Alexander {!} - Sunray Knight Poetry Pantry - {!} By Megret, Srk It was another fantastic week at the Poetry Pantry, with lots of original poems! (My favorite kind!) Sunray Pat W. started things off, with Z-Honeydew reading next, followed by Usagi, who is still perfecting his grouped Haiku and it just keeps getting better. Duckolyte Mage Karnage was next, with a poem he wrote -- but I was so busy keeping track of names of readers I barely got the chance to hear what was written (other than a few chills up my spine for some (cough politely) unknown reason ....Bummer! I really *wanted* to give my full attention to that one! I sure hope Sunray Kethrey comes back soon. Jonny the Poetic Dreamer read for the first time -- and he lives up to his name , reading "Far Away" and, later, Sunray Love, who missed it, requested an encore performance. I wonder why I haven't run into Jonny before???? He *is* good! Yumi returned to us this week with another original -- "Huntress" that left a different kind of chill completely ... I'm not sure I want to run into any dark corners tonight. Saphyre read the poem her husband gave her when he asked her to marry him. She must be a very special lady to a lot of people. It was a very special love poem. Z read one of Keat's poems, and we had a short discussion about the "big three" romantic poets. Zaberia Haberdashery read for the first time -- and did a marvelous job. I'm not going to tell you what his was about, since I couldn't do it justice. You'll just have to come and listen, or, better yet, participate to get the real feelings of an hour or so of poetry! StormWatcher changed our moods completely, alienation becoming the central theme, so I shared a rather "alienated" poem of my own, followed by Frost's "Aquainted with the Night." Then Wrenfield stole the show: if you love puns, find the man and take your PUNishment by getting him to recite "Harvest." I guarantee you'll be laughing for at least 5 minutes, and giggling for a few hours more. Finally Baby Be Chillen read, and we began on some repeats -- but I had to run to get ready for Trivia. *sigh* I really, really wish Sunray Kethrey would make it back..... {!} - WA Raffle Winners- {!} By Acolyte Lynx WARaffle took place on Saturday at 5:00 P.M. WAT. Lots of prizes again this week as follows: Door Prize Winners: Jet Duke Alex (XL Version) Wrenfield Lord Xopl - Patchlord Doctor X Warlord I Sir Alexander Five Spice KD Fuchs Jewel Stone 2 Zamorra M.K.S. Bone Daddy-Patchlord Wonnie Wabbit Bex Sheeva Wild Flower Jayvee Jal 2 Token Prizes: 1st Place 6500T Cinnamon Girl 2nd Place 3250T Wild Flower 3rd Place 1950T Jessee 4th Place 1300T Perry Rhodan WTG to all the winners! Please welcome our two recent ticket sellers, Megret SRK, and Lag-O- Morph See you all next week, Sunday, October 12, 2:00 A.M. at Turf: WarSun Inc. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Just Ducky ! ! sponsored by ! ! The Krewe of the Duckolytes ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {!} - Upcoming Elections - {!} By Brains, Wing Commander Duckolyte elections are drawing near. In just 6 short weeks, we will be electing a Wing Commander and 6 new Senior Wings. I encourage every qualified Duckolyte to consider running for one of these positions. A member who is interested in running for office should review the Constitution and Bylaws and carefully note the qualifications and duties of that office The Council of the Krewe is now reviewing a draft of campaign guidelines and will publish them soon. We are also setting up procedures for our general meeting and elections, and are in the process of selecting our Election Commissioner. The Krewe of the Duckolytes is the best group in Kymer and we want to keep it that way. We need active Duckolytes who want to play an active role in Dreamscape to keep it that way. Watch for more information in your mail box and the next issue of ESP!. The most important elections in November are not the Presidential Elections. They are the Duckolyte Elections, of course. {!} - Duckolyte Shell Game - {!} By @Dark Sun@, Duckolyte Wing & Lady @Dark Sun@, Duckolyte Wing After a long break, we are proud to present once again the exciting Duckolyte Shell Game. As long as there are no unaviodable circum- stances that would force us to postpone the game (e.g. a server crash ), then the game will take place on Sunday, October 13th at 2:00pm WAT. All contestants must come to the turf "Duck Hunt" for the game rules and to be registered. Don't miss this great event! We will hold the game in 5 waves - with four chests used for each wave. That means that there are 4 chests to be found in each wave. PLUS! If you are one of the lucky ones to tag a Duckolyte with a chest, you will be automatically entered into a special Championship Round where you could win a rare engraved head from the Oracles. But don't worry if you don't get into the Championship Round - there are more great prizes for the other rounds too. All the prizes are locked away inside the chests and will not be revealed until some lucky avatars find the Duckolytes with the special chests. Final details will be posted in the Worlds Away Community Forum - So look out for them !!! Please join us in this exciting event. {!} - Duckolyte Ghost Racing - {!} By LumMoose, Duckolyte Sr. Wing Greetings Duckolyte Ghost Racers! The races will have to be rescheduled, due to the server being down. Today's races will be rescheduled to Saturday, October 12th, at 9 AM WAT! This means that if you want to race, you can not win on Monday or Friday. It will be the last races of the week. Which also sets up *two* days in a row of Duckolyte Ghost Racing! It will be interesting..someone can grab the lead quick :) Remember to mark that down, Duckolyte Ghost Racing now Saturday, October 12th, 9 AM WAT! And, Sunday October 13th, 7 AM WAT! In turf: Duck Hunt! Hope to see you all there! {!} - Duckolyte Benefit Auction - for Lovers Only! - {!} By Livy Clemens, Duckolyte Wing DATE: OCTOBER 9 TIME: 6pm WAT TURF: DUCK SOUP Hey all you romantics! Now's the chance to buy your loved one something SPECIAL! Our theme for the 9th is HEARTS & FLOWERS, and yes, that's ALL we'll have. Rose Heads, Lacy Heart Heads, valentines, chests, well, check out the list below. As a special surprise, however, we are offering a VIRTUAL WA MOUSE PAD, for the computer nerd in your life! You must be willing to give your home address out for this one, so please be sure NOT to bid, unless you are willing to do so. The Werts will kindly send it out to the successful bidder's home. The mouse pad has a map of Kymer on it, but with added locales in brilliant color. NO MINIMUM BID!!! Be sure to check out DUCKY9.GIF in the NEWSTAND section, if you'd like to view what is offered. ITEM Rose Head, Rare White White Body Paint (3 left) * WorldsAway VIRTUAL Mouse Pad * Pink Valentine Rose Head, Rare Pink Pink Body Paint (3 left) Rose Head, Blue98 Large Valentine Rose Head, Red90/Orange12 Red62 Body Paint (3 left) Flowers Lacy Heart head (Blue Lace) Fern Red Valentine Rose Head, Turf Rainbow Heart Chest Door prizes will be given out, and a good time is promised. If you wish to consign an item with the Duckolytes, the fee is only 10%. Please ESP one of the helpers on the floor during the auction, or ESP one of the following avatars while in world: Raptor, Duckolyte Senior Wing: Auctioneer Askani, Duckolyte Senior Wing: Assistant Auctioneer Samuel Clemens, Duckolyte Wing: Auction Manager (or Sam Clemens, Duckolyte Wing) Livy Clemens, Duckolyte Wing: Co-Manager (or 502, Duckolyte Wing) LumMoose, Duckolyte SeniorWing: Security {!} - Duckolyte Auction Results - {!} By Livy Clemens, Duckolyte Wing A lot of avatars took advantage of our rare body/head sprays, and decided to give themselves a whole new look. Another successful auction, and a good time, as usual. Here's what went at our 10/2/96 auction: Be sure to come next week, when our theme is þHearts & Flowersþ for all those romantic Kymerians! Get your loved one that rare rose they've been pining for, or a large valentine. And for the computer nerd in your life, a VIRTUAL WA mouse pad!!! Courtesy of the Gathering West! ITEM AMT. BIDDER Lemon Chiffon Cake 200 SrK Mage Fine Dude Red Valentine 600 Cider Pizza 400 Satanas the Master 666 Peppermint 1,650 Warlord I Flowers 800 Rascal Red Rabbit White Body Paint 1,999 Warlord I Fern_Day_Commemorative_Prize 2,000 Jelloman-GK Gold40 Body Paint (3) 1,700 Rascal Red Rabbit Bag-O-Chips Head 4,200 Spooge Red62 Body Paint 550 Rascal Red Rabbit Green45 Body Paint 800 Duckolyte Tolvart GK Rose Head, Rare Pink 1,750 Warlord I Blue98 Head Paint 1,000 Lizzy Deliveries, Inc. Box, From_The_Oracles&Acolytes 4,700 SunRay StarRae {!} - Championship Duckolyte TriviaMaster for Sept. 30, 1996 - {!} By Jimi, Duckolyte Sr. Wing Well, an exciting time was had by all as we ended off the month with the Championship TriviaMaster. In regular game play, the scores were very close, and a tiebreaker was needed to settle First and Second places. In the end, Dark Sun, Duckolyte Wing, came out on top, and Starkley got second place. Dangerous Mind II got third place, and Cosmocat rounded off the top four. Below are a summary of the winners and what they won: First Place: @Dark Sun@, Duckolyte Wing won a Heart chest with Bag-O-Chips Head, fern day commemorative prize and a pink valentine. Second Place: Starkley won a Sack with rare white rose head, and matching body paint. Third Place: Dangerous Mind II won a Picnic basket with fern head painted rare gold with matching body spray. Fourth Place: Cosmocat won flowers. The Monthly Champion is determined by weekly winners using the fol- lowing point system: 1st Place = 5 Points 2nd Place = 3 Points 3rd Place = 2 Points 4th Place = 1 Point After the regular round of trivia was done, the monthly results were added up to determine the final Duckolyte TriviaMaster monthly results for September. Here are all the final results: Dark Sun, Duckolyte Wing: 12 Points Disco Duck, Wing Spec.Projects: 10 Points Dr Soong: 5 points Dangerous Mind II, and Sir Launce: 4 points PollyMary: 3 Points Duckolyte Galador: 2 Points Cosmocat: 1 Point The Pressure was on Dark Sun to win this week's game, as he needed 1st place to ensure his winning of the championship prize- which he did, so he walked away with the Oracle-engraved mask head. Although Disco did not place in the top 4 finsihers of regular play this weeks, she was still able to hold on and get a 2nd place overall, and got a Trophy as a souvenir of a great month. Dr Soong, who was a no-show this week, was still able to walk away (figurativly) with a rare spittoon, and Dangerous Mind II, who missed the first game, and placed 4th in 2 of the weeks, was able to place 4th overall and got a Lacy Heart Head, painted rare. Duckolyte TriviaMaster is a multiple choice trivia game requiring no special software. Both PCs and MACs can play. It is held every week in the "Duck Hunt" turf starting promptly at 7:00p.m.WAT. Registration is required to play, but the game is free and sponsored by The Krewe of the Duckolytes. Come join the fun!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Advertisements ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! How to Send Submissions to ESP! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {!} - English ESP! - {!} Publisher/Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . Acolyte Brynne (104706,716) Deadline: Saturdays, 3:00 p.m. WAT Types of submissions: Engagements and Wedding Announcements Letters to the Editors Advertisements Articles regarding new and existing groups Feature and General Articles Letters to the Editors Opinion Pieces Poetry Anything you wish to submit but are not sure who should receive Financial Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . Mufasa (mufasa2@ix.netcom.com) Deadline: Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. WAT Auction reports; all material pertinent to the economy of Kymer. Events Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jal (74323,3325) Events Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweet Suz (74323,3325) Deadline: Saturdays, 3:00 p.m. WAT Gaming Reports and Announcements Letters regarding games and events in Phantasus Anything else relating to games and events All new event listings and changes to current listings {!} - Deutsche ESP! - {!} Chief-Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zooey (101552,3560) Deadline: Saturdays, 1:00 p.m. WAT (20:00 CET) Types of submissions: Gaming Reports General Articles Engagement and Wedding Announcements Letters to the Editors Advertisements Anything you wish to submit but are not sure who should receive Features Editor . . . . . . . . . . . .Throbbing Gristle (101552,3474) Deadline: Saturdays, 2:00 a.m. WAT (11:00 CET) Feature and General Articles Opinion Pieces Poetry Group Liaison Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tom Turbo (101637,1021) Deadline: Fridays, 4:00 p.m. WAT (23:00 CET) Articles regarding new groups Articles regarding existing groups Anything other than events regarding groups {!}{!}{!}{!}{!}{!}{!}{!}{!}{!}{!}{!}{!} Event Listings for the Event Schedule cover the ESP! publication period of Monday through Sunday. Submitting these listings is in addition to submitting event information to the Scheduling Group. Scheduling conflicts, if any, are resolved by the Scheduling Group. Changes to recurring events should be submitted to both the Scheduling Group and ESP! ESP! is available in the Newsstand Library of the WA Community Forum and thus earns no tokens to pay authors. Likewise, advertisements are no charge to the advertisers. Upon the availability of inworld documents and the sale of ESP! inworld, this policy will be reviewed and payments/advertisement rates will be adjusted accordingly. !}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}!}