{}{}{}{}{} {} {} {}{}{}{}{} {}{}{}{} {} {} {} {} {}{}{}{}{} {}{}{}{}{}{} Volume 1 {}{}{}{}{} {} {} {} {} Issue 3 {} {} {} {} {}{}{}{}{} {}{}{}{}{}{} {} March 18, 1996 {} {} {} {} {} {} {} Publisher/Managing Editor: Acolyte Brynne (71273,373) {} Group Liaison Editor: Astarte (70003,7617) Features Editor: Dread (101646,2776) {} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} {} {} Copyright 1996. Articles in ESP! belong to the individual {} {} authors. ESP! is not to be redistributed in whole or in part {} {} without prior permission and the inclusion of its copyright {} {} notice. {} {} {} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Table of Contents - {} Feature Articles Conning a Con.............................................Astarte Dread's Spot: Newbie News...................................Dread Dread's Poets Society.......................................Dread The Elves of Kymer...............................DarkWolf Fenrier Headhunter Chieftain: A Softer Side.................Normala Kelly Max Raven: A Hero!........................................Astarte Some Stop-Loss Ideas.........................SunRay Knight Mufasa Theft: Nuisance or Danger?...................SunRay Knight Mufasa Uncrowding Crowded Areas...................Chief Duckolyte Brains When Is a Newbie Not a Newbie Anymore?.................Oceanfront Where Are You From? .......................................Atillo The Witching Hour..........................................Witchy The Poetry Corner I Met Dread.................................................Deena Phantasus Avatar Groups Alienyte News............................High Alienyte Wyld Karde Dead Poets Society....................................Prez, Supel Knights of Kymer: Group Information.................SunRay Render Kymer Community Services............................Normala Kelly Event Announcements and Other Event Information Clover's Collectibles......................................Clover Wert's KYMER hosts..................................Wert P. Gumby The Week In Review The Mean Streets..............................................Bog Duckolyte Ghost Racing Results.............Chief Duckolyte Brains Knights of Kymer Tech Trivia..........................SunRay Hera MAD Report .......................................Acolyte Brynne Pick-3 Lotto Results: March 11.................>>Joe Blowsem Up<< Worlds of Fortune Recap.......................Acolyte SunRay Data The Social Registry Avatars to be Ordained!.............Council on Marriages in Kymer Engagement and Wedding Announcements..............Khai Joybringer Departments Event Schedule, Week of March 18 through March 24 Letters to the Editors Advertisements How to Send Submissions to ESP! {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} The views and opinions published in ESP! are the sole responsibility of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect those of ESP! and its publisher. Articles written by Acolytes are not to be viewed as having been written in an official capacity, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of other Acolytes or of the Oracles. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Conning a Con - {} Subtitle: Headhunter Chieftain's Tale of Woe By Astarte While discussing business with my illustrious partner Codemaster John D. and our assistent Cadet Alienyte You, John pointed out that HHC was ESPing him, asking to buy his head. Well, John must have stated our location, because who wanders about but HHC himself! Well, I ESP John a quick "trust me" and start going on: "Oh, please, John, let me try on your skull head ... it is SO cool!" Well, as soon as he did, I put it on and started to laugh. I then quickly ghosted and HHC started to ESP me. "Oh, I LOVE you! I cant believe you DID that!" You see, I had been asking HHC about joining him for some time now ... the Alliance actually seemed intriguing. I then ESP'd Cadet You to explain quickly, and told him to make a big fuss ... which he did, the whole time ... give that Cadet an Oscar! He was screaming "I HATE YOU!!!! IM POSTING A MESSAGE IN THE FORUM!!!" John and I then decided for him to come back as his alternate, and I will *sell* him the head. HHC meanwhile, is begging for me to sell him the head. I told HHC I found a buyer, as I am running WINSOCK and am also in the forum. Bob Barker comes in, and offers me tokens (1, actually) ... HHC says "Bob doesnt have 8000T, I can see in his pockets, all he has is paint", which was not true. I mean Bob didn't have 8000T, but he didn't have paint, either! So I *sell* Bob (John) his head back, and who walks up but F. Randall Farmer himself! (as one of his avatars, OBVIOUSLY) So I ESP Bob and tell him, let's let the cat out of the bag. We do, and HHC is FURIOUS! I then tell Bob to give me the head back, so he can log on with John, and get his head back. While waiting for John, HHC is STILL trying to buy the head from me! I give John the head back, and HHC is busting a gut. THEN Randy LECTURES HHC about friendship and trust, and lets John try on his RARE GLASSES! (Nice menu command...wear accessory). Well, HHC BEGS to wear the glasses, and Randy laughs at him. HHC finally goes away with his tail between his legs. Much later, while recounting the tale to some others, HHC deghosts and cries out "when you want to have fun, sing tales about HHC" and LEAVES! Imagine, getting HHC to LEAVE an area! It was WONDERFUL!!!!! You know, when accessories come out ... I'm gonna buy HHC a pair of glasses. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Dread's Spot - {} NewbieNews By Dread Hi, natty dreads! This week we'll follow up on our techi intro to Kymer and talk about what it's like today. We'll look at what it's shaping up to and take a close look at the populace of Phantasus. This week was great for me and as usual, I've been trying to unravel the many mysteries that abound in the Dreamscape. Is the Dreamscape really about living out your *dream*? Most of us, I'm sure, would certainly like to think so. I'm certain that Fujitsu Cultural Technologies, Compuserve and the telephone companies want us to believe so. But they have our cash at interest, not our welfare, so what do we want out of it, companionship, friends with like-minded interests, comfort, pleasure, fulfillment, just fun, et cetera - It's almost impossible to cap, isn't it. Any one, all, or hundreds of reasons could apply to each of us, but we do all share one thing in common - we swap our bodies for personas, however temporarily, to escape to a surreal world that beckons us to share whatever it is we have to offer. Does it really matter what our reasons are then? It seems they more often than not stem from our subconscious and in understanding this we can begin to approach the question *why?* -- Why do we enact our dream here? Perhaps the answer is more revealing about ourselves than we'd like to admit and that's why our reasons are not given much thought. In the Waking World we watch from within our bodies, our dreams are private, we act accordingly and follow rules, we are human shields of our inner selves and no one can know what goes on in our mind, ( I'd have to stop going to those mixed saunas otherwise ! ). Dig this example: PERSON: What would you do if I called you an ass? POLICEMAN: I'd arrest you PERSON : And what would you do if I just think you're an ass POLICEMAN: Nothing, you're entitled to think what you like PERSON: Then officer, I think you're an ass In the Dreamscape things tend to work the other way around, sort of. Our bodies are insignificant to the extent that they don't stereo-type us as being tall, fat, ugly or short, slim, good looking. Everything about your persona can be changed inworld: heads, bodies, even your name at the registry in the temple of Morpheus. What's in the fore is your mind, the essence of our persona is just this: it is the expression of our thoughts and the means by which we can enact our dreams whatever they might be. It is a billboard for our tastes and a window into the souls of the rest of the populace. Well then, what of the rules any congregation needs. That seems to be left pretty much up to us in the Dreamscape. Would we want to be governed from above? I don't think so. Any community evolves of its own character and becomes whatever the reflection of its real self is. The freedom of spirit that we experience inworld is probably the source of our addiction to Phantasus. Okay, so what is it really like then? We know that all sorts of people live there, of many nationalities, of varying ages, and with different outlooks. There are individuals and groupings - is it now beginning to sound too much like the waking world? Maybe, but certainly each world has a flavour all of its own. The WA forum is a kind of halfway house between the two worlds and it does highlight much of the current concerns in Kymer which are quite alarming. While thumbing through the messages this week, I saw many complaints about someone or other. He did this, she did that, he replies so what, she doesn't care. Are we right to talk about others that don't meet our own expectations in this way? Shouldn't people be allowed to live out their own dream in their own way even if they want to be jerks? There are so many varying opinions that we could not hope to answer that conclusively. These avatars seem to be arguing that thieves, rapists, abusers, and other fungi abound in the waking world and so it is only proper that they should be represented inworld. While I would agree with this principle in general, I would not agree that it applies inworld when at the expense of someone else's dream. Thieves do add a certain je ne sais quoi to Phantasus, if we were all perfect then it would be heaven and not the dreamscape. However, rapists and abusers certainly have no place in our dreams - these are sad individuals who are frustrated and twisted and probably very young or at least immature. I had to write about it this week because this week's topic wouldn't be complete without its reference. But I will say this -- Why are jerks encouraged on the forum's stage? Talking about them is one thing, leaving messages for them and encouraging them to participate is quite another. Surely a good deterrent would be to make sure that when they enter the forum the GET WAITING MESSAGES will never be available for them. After all, they are only laughing - they are robbing you of the most precious thing in life - TIME. Okay, nuff said about jerks in the forum, and inworld for that matter too - I have been to the magic shop (well I got in! I did!) and bought a compound from the wizard who told me to scatter it throughout Phantasus. The next time you venture inworld, go to the fountains and dip yourself in the magic waters, you will become reborn of spirit and completely uninterested in attention seeking jerks - wouldn't you scrape the muck from your boots before entering a house? Responsibility for patrolling Kymer and punishing offenders lies with FCT and no one else has that right. However, they do entrust these duties to the Acolytes and there seem to be plenty of do gooders and guardians about to protect us and help diffuse uncomfortable situations. I am still a newbie, but the one piece of advice I *can* give others is not to give anyone any tokens - no one expects tokens from a newbie okay. I have seen it happen twice this week. Another point of note is the increasing harassment from people asking for loose change. I've received several letters this week regarding this and in particular from one avatar who said that was what he came inworld to avoid. I hope it's not the IRS who are asking, but seriously - just ignore or walk away. What is the world coming to eh, all these thieves and beggars, sometimes I wonder whether they truly believe that stupidity is a virtue. Until we can creosote their mouths, I guess we'll all just have to tolerate it for now. esp ---> [ JEEZ ! IS THE BORING BIT OVER YET ? ] "I shall ignore that." Inworld then. This week was a great one for re-vamping my persona, meeting women, giving things to newbies, pretending I'd been inworld for eons, buying my favourite avatar flowers, being given flowers by another hippy - yikes! and ad-libbing silly macro wielding swashbucklers with my own macro *can you repeat that please, I'm a newbie.*. I had been happy and relieved to find a hippy head available on the Argo which I bought there and then with my 50T - it had a none too uncanny connotation for me ... hehe. I got a boombox and coloured my clothes and started looking for the hippy group. WHAT! no hippy group, I couldn't believe it. This week I had to accept that if there was going to be such a group it would need someone to start it. Big Buzzer was heard talking this week about arranging a group gathering for now, at one of the fountain locales - Hey BB if yer reading this, it's magic water not acid rain man ! Can you imagine the unwashed gathering of a large crowd of hippies with make-do tepees on the Blasted Heath, smoking every blade of grass in sight, red-eyed and mellow, and waiting for the end of the world to come and go. Electric guitars and water-bongs available from the Blasted Heath vendroid, and simple macros of *peace,* *cool,* *the poor shall inherit,* and *save yourselves from oblivion by opposing turfs*. Free speech and paranoia for all, that's what I say BB. Someone with no head had the bare face cheek to ask me for my mine - Sarcastically I removed it saying: "so I'll give you my head because you haven't got one and then hang around here for an hour until I can afford to buy another yes?" "Thanks," he replied, so I gave him my newbie head and two days later he was still walking around with no head. Geez. I have to confess that I have since changed my appearance. The first thing I wanted to do was use one of those body machines so with my first 1000T that's exactly what I did. Put on a bit of colour and off I went trying to figure out how to paint my hippy head. Thanks to *brilliant* advice from the welcome center that I needed an asterisk in my name I rushed off to the temple of Morpheus to change my name and subsequently wasted the better part of two hours wondering why the head spray still wouldn't work. It wasn't until I met those wonderful Alienytes that all was explained to me. The asterisk (*) is in the name of the heads at the vendroids. I soon realised that my longed for carrot head wasn't paintable and so went in search of a teddy to sob on but at 700T are you kidding! It was then that I met cadet alienytes Lorelei and You. I'd already made a pact last week with the alienytes at the Starway that I was tough mutton and not worth eating and they agreed, so my conversations with them now are *relaxed* (I hope). I couldn't believe it when *You* gave me a head as a gift. "You can use the headsprays on this one," he said. Thanks, thanks, thanks guys. I met Deena at the V-Mart but before I could tell her that I didn't want a carrot head anymore she slipped 620T into my hand! I explained of course and gave her back the tokens, and, because I had received a free new head I insisted on buying her something nice. Then she helped me chose some colours and we had lots of fun. Try this: While at the Pawn Broker double click on the back of your avatar's neck just before you turn around again. I tried it and my head turned but my body stayed, giving the impression that my head was on backwards. You can also hold a token in each hand but I'm not going to tell you how I did that. I've done it several times now and it works. It rights itself on your next click or when you touch the keyboard. Had to include this, it's advice I found in the library from FCT. You have been warned: KNOWN PROBLEMS: best advise * If you turn off or reset your modem while WorldsAway is running, you will need to restart WorldsAway and WinCIM. (c) 1995 Fujitsu Cultural Technologies, Yeah right! Thanks FCT - from Dread, planet Earth. The best way to ensure that you're comprehensively up to date in Kymer is not to forget to download your copy of ESP! It is without doubt the hottest news in Kymer at present and aims to stay that way. Let's just misuse that term *interactive* one last time - we don't just want you to read a newspaper called ESP! - we want you to be part of it. Keep smiling - DREAD {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Dread's Poets Society - {} By Dread POETA NASCITUR NON FIT. (The poet is born, not made). Poetry is a special way of using words; it is sensuous, passionate, compelling, and the poet may sometimes have no preconceived idea of how the poetry will develop or conclude but essentially, authentic poetry reflects the spirit of the time in which it is composed. I have heard it said of the poet that he might spend half a day deciding to remove a comma and the other half deciding to put it back. Thus is the nature of the poet. Until the opening of the Blasted Heath and the Theater, aspiring poets have only two platforms from which to voice their talent -- the newspapers and the Dead Poets Society Recitals. If you like writing poetry or just love to hear it then why not attend the next DPS recitals; you'll find their details in this issue. If you would like to share your work with others then why not publish it in ESP! I am not looking for *works of art* and ESP! is not a showcase. As well as poets with some experience, we wish to offer a platform for new poets in particular, to encourage them to develop their creative, and possibly dormant talent. Emphasis should be given to expression of the mood or feelings rather than the structural perfection of the words. If you have something inside that's niggling you to write, then now is the time to contact me. I do appreciate that you may be hesitant or uncomfortable at the thought of publishing, but do contact me. You don't have to send me a poem straight away -- that's not how it works. We can discuss your proposals through mail until YOU decide that it is ready to be published and you could always use a pseudonym or publish anonymously of course. Prose is probably something most of you can have a go at. It's fun, it's simple and you don't feel like you have to be a Pulitzer prize winner to tackle it. It is a lighter form of poetry but the two are accepted as being essentially *different*. It is a straightforward discourse and is ideal for capturing a moment in time or a feeling or sensation. It could be just seventeen syllable like Japanese Haiku, or seventeen paragraphs, it's really up to you. Please do contact me or ESP me inworld, poetry and prose are fun even if it's only for posterity and not prosperity, so take a step towards capturing your feelings that as yet exist only in your mind's eye. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - The Elves Of Kymer - {} A Report on the many Elves of Kymer By DarkWolf Fenrier With Input from Firenth Part I: Fire Elves It seems that as I walk the streets of Kymer these days, that many an Elf I see. And all of differing species, As I am of the Elven Race myself, I have decided to ask these other Elven races to describe to you all, exactly who they are and why they differ so. My sources tell me that there are five realms of power among Elvenkind: Air: Ethereal or High Elves, the high reaches (Distance, Nobility) Earth: Forest Elves, Green, growing things, animals (Growth) Dark: Drow (dark elves), Powers of Darkness (Chaos, Magic) Water: Water Elves, Streams, lakes, seas (Change) Fire: Fire Elves, Heat, flame, passion (Warmth, Justice) This week....The Fire Elves. I walked the streets until I saw, An elf of ashen grey, Her maine was of a fiery red, I boldly asked her name, Firenth she did reply, A grin upon her lips, I am of the Fire Elf Race, And this is what I say..... Beneath the mountains, deep and bold, in caverns made from molten gold, the Fire Elves live, whose hearts do hold the dragons blood, from times of old. Fire Elves are associated with volcanic mountains and the geological heat and change inherent in them. They are reclusive and have great dignity. They claim a long association with Dragon-kind, often claiming dragon blood coming down through their family. Heat and passion runs beneath their surface like volcanic fire and can come to the surface if it builds up far enough. They fall in love quickly and hotly, and as the surface cools, the fire goes deeper and becomes hotter or more intense. The warmth of their being warms all within reach. The heat of their justice burns the unjust. Their justice is subtle and not always evident at first. It takes time to occur, seemingly geological in time span. Thank you Firenth for those words. So it seems that if you treat the Fire Elves fairly you will do well by them, but cross them and ... well, you'd be playing with Fire! Known Fire Elves are: The Unicorn, Firenth, Firenath, Fire Elf HeartFlame. Next Week: You asked for it! You'll get it! An expose on those cool(er) Elves ... The Drow. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Headhunter Chieftain: A Softer Side - {} By Normala Kelly Just to update you on the latest news regarding Headhunter Chieftain. Most of you know his reputation as a thief. Perhaps all of you know that. Well, I pay attention to the happenings inWorld, and like many of you, I knew that if HHC was around, there was always the possibility of a crime happening, too. Imagine my surprise to find out that HHC has a softer side! A kinder, gentler Headhunter Chieftan, if you will. Naturally, upon learning this new information, I *had* to share it with you. The Garden club met last week on the Observation Deck as we often do. There, we can discuss our latest projects; advise each other on keeping our gradens in tip-top shape, and generally just share with each other the joys of working with the soil. Well, that was no ordinary night. As I entered the Deck, HHC happened to walk in right behind me. This was not so unusual; other avatars walk in and out during our meetings. Of course, I had a fleeting uh-oh feeling; but this was quickly replaced by a sense of warmth and welcoming. The meeting began where it left off last time, and all was well. Interestingly, HHC did not leave. Instead, he joined right in! He discussed his love of lavender, and his special fondness of daffodils. One statement he made which truly warmed our spirits was that he loves to see the sunlight as it bounces off the lips of the daffodils. He advised me on how to take a soil sample to my local nursery for testing; he discussed the growth of bulbs; he discussed watering requirements. He was very knowledgeable and civilized. He even put on a SunRay head when one of the other Garden Club members suggested that he have another head that represented the softer side of HHC. He returned to wearing his usual head a few moments later when the meeting was coming to its close. He made a nasty parting remark, but all in all, it was a good meeting. And I just couldn't resist sharing it! {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Theft: Nuisance or Danger? - {} By SunRay Knight Mufasa During an average day in the real world, how much time do you spend thinking about theft? Most of us simply accept that crime exists, that many thefts occur every day in offices, shops, houses, on public transportation, and on the streets. We don't like theft; we secure and safeguard our property in appropriate ways, but we rarely spend an inordinate amount of time thinking, talking, and writing about it. However, Kymer is a completely different world. Things that would be of grave importance to us in real life, are often completely insignificant in the Dreamscape. Likewise, matters that would be of relatively minor importance in real life are often of serious, even devastating importance, in Kymer. Inworld thievery is an emotional issue among Kymerians. Talk to any ten avatars, follow any of the threads on the subject of theft in the Worlds Away Community Forum, and a rich diversity of opinions emerges. There seem to be at least eight different opinions, each stoutly championed by a vocal group, on the morality of inworld theft inworld. 1. Theft is immoral and reprehensible, and it is FCT's responsi- bility to protect its customers by creating program safeguards that make theft difficult or impossible. 2. Theft is immoral and reprehensible, and thieves should be punished by the Oracles. 3. Theft is immoral, but each avatar is responsible for safeguarding his or her own property; the Oracles should have no role or responsibility in preventing or punishing theft. 4. Theft is only an unpleasant fact of life in Kymer, and each avatar is totally responsible for the safety of his or her own property. 5. Thefts that occur because of careless are not immoral, but simply a predictable consequence; however, thefts that occur at events or as the result of program crashes are mean-spirited. 6. The program allows theft to occur, therefore, theft is moral according to the constructs of Kymer society. 7. Theft is acceptable when targets of opportunity, such as mislaid property, present themselves. 8. The actions of thieves, who are also paying for the service, are legitimate means to play a role and pursue happiness inworld, and it is not appropriate for others to judge them. Not only is there a disparity of opinion about the morality of theft, but those who believe that inworld theft is wrong are deeply divided about the actions that should be taken. 1. Thieves make Kymer less enjoyable and deprive avatars of the benefits earned from spending time inworld. Thieves should be hunted down and forced to make restitution. Thieves who refuse to reform or to make restitution should be locked out of Kymer by the Oracles. 2. Kymer needs some form of government that would be empowered to enforce appropriate sanctions for theft. 3. Thieves steal more for attention than for enrichment, therefore, thieves should be ostracized. 4. Thieves steal for enrichment, therefore, their names should be publicized in the Forum. 5. Thieves are human beings with human needs, so it is important to be friendly to them, feeding the good within, and ignoring the bad. 6. Thieves need to be appropriately socialized, so it is important to offer a good example, and to encourage them to play a more constructive role in Kymer. 7. Tievery is a fact of life, but it need not spoil one's day, and, though wrong, theft is best ignored. 8. A thief is only a thief when he or she is stealing. Therefore, known thieves should be treated as all other avatars, except when they are actually stealing. No one should be accused of thievery unless a theft has been observed and the report can be corroborated. 9. Any form of government or of ethics imposed by one group, even a majority, is more immoral than stealing. No course of action should be adopted unless it is the result of consensus. In the heat of the debates about thievery, several important points are often ignored. 1. While the community exhausts itself in circuitous debates about who is primarily at fault and who should be held accountable, crime and theft are steadily increasing. 2. Education, responsibility, awareness, and self-protection are necessary in Kymer, just as they are in the real world. However, in the real world, thieves are not immune from punishment. Under the present system, thieves have total immunity in Kymer. 3. As Worlds Away attracts more new avatars, and as long-time avatars amass more tokens and property, there will be more thefts, more frequent thefts, and larger thefts. 4. Those who believe that theft is morally wrong and should be punished are probably in the vast majority. 5. As long as we present ourselves as a divided community, neither FCT, as a corporate entity, nor the Oracles, as employees of that entity, have any incentive to deal with the issue. In order for the quality of the Kymer experience to remain high, we must attract and keep quality people. People are leaving WorldsAway because they have become totally demoralized by the pervasiveness of theft and crime. Rather than continue to debate the morality of theft, let us approach it as a practical problem that requires a practical solution that can be supported by the community at large. Like the real world, Kymer is also imperfect. Those imperfections should not allow us to rationalize divisiveness and delay, which the problem continues to gallop apace. We must decide, once and for all, whether theft endangers the community or is a mere nuisance. If it is perceived as a danger, then we must determine a course of action to be taken, and demand the cooperation of FCT. The SunRay Knights are the largest identifiable group in Kymer, and one of the most credible. The SunRay Knights could serve the community well by hosting a Town Meeting to discuss these issues, then, under the auspices of its Kingdoms/Bridges Guild, obtaining recommendations from individual Kymerians and from other groups within the community. This would be an excellent way to translate their mission of bringing love and light into concrete benefits for all Kymer citizens. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Max Raven: A Hero! - {} By Astarte Spiney Norman, proven Cyberrapist and all around JERKO was booted outta Phantasus by the Avatar everyone loves to hate, Max Raven. When this reporter found herself in the same room as the man who violated her earlier this week, she brought out the big guns, the Mouth of Manhattan, Max Raven! Max, in a stunning St. Paddy's Day ensemble of green from head to toe, was raving about how his shoes matched his clothing. Spiney Norman all in black EXCEPT for his BROWN SHOES, wanted to match, also.... So Max told him: "Its Easy ...just hit ALT + F4" If you don't know that, try to make your shoes match next time you are inworld. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Some Stop-Loss Ideas - {} By SunRay Knight Mufasa All of us would prefer to prevent thefts, rather than to spend hours of time chasing down criminals and obtaining return of stolen property. Therefore, I thought it appropriate to write about some proactive stop-loss methods. I realize that none of the following ideas is *new*. I hope that avatars will think of them as reminders: 1. If using a Changing Room isn't convenient, call 5 of your trusted friends to meet you on an adjacent screen while you are shifting the items. Do *not* open any chest(s) until all five have arrived and are ready. If five of your friends aren't available, ESP those named below. 2. Send ESP to Artema SunRay-Kymer Guardian or SunRay LumMoose Kymer-Guardian and ask them to ghost in the area. Both have superfast computers, and can rapidly materialize to fill the gap left by a crashed friend. Crusader Sidekick Mage Cnslr, Golden Knight Ultimus, Arch Duckolyte Mage Brains, Crusader Little Princess-LMW, Pal Joey, and Sparhawk also provide excellent security services. They are always happy to assist other avatars. Don't hesitate to ESP them and ask for help *before* you begin shifting items. The Sharkolytes, led by Arch Sharkolyte Sniper7, also provide security. They are a newer group, but seem to be very good at their chosen mission. The purpose of the SunRay Knights is to radiate light and love in Kymer. They are always willing to assist other avatars, and are honest and trustworthy. If none of the security experts is available, ESP the SunRay Knights who are inworld. Unless they are on help duty or hosting games at they time they receive a request, they are happy to help. Please note, however: the SunRay Knights, as such, are not Kymer security professionals. 3. Your five friends/assistants should have golden handcuffs or empty paint cans in hand, ready to foil a would-be perp (just in case). 4. If you haven't already done so, avail yourself of MarvL's APEX training as soon as possible. I have taken this training, and it is excellent. Please pass this information on to your avatar friends who are new in Kymer. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Uncrowding Crowded Locales - {} By Chief Duckolyte Brains Kymer is getting increasingly busier each day. I think we all need to be more sensitive to the locations we select to conduct our conver- sations. As a veteran, I am finding it very frustrating to get to the Teleporters, Pawnbroker machines and ATMs lately. I can't imagine how difficult it is for a newbie. We only have three teleporters, two ATMs and two Pawnbroker machines. Let's allow the newbies a chance to try them and use them. The Pawn at V-Mart is the worst situation followed by the ATMs. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - The Witching Hour - {} By Witchy Just a short introduction. I am Witchy, many of you have probably seen me hanging around the Magic Shop. I will be writing weekly 'Spells' for all to try and enjoy. Skeptical? Well, then I guess you'll just have to try them and find out for yourself. I will write about many different types of spells, along with examples of spells from a number of different magical practices. It will give you an overview of the field of natural magic so you can decide whether or not you wish to pursue the study of magic. At all times, my intent has been to clearly explain the advantages and limitations of the magical art. The development of magical abilities is the result of the spiritu- alization of the human soul. The closer we grow to our creator, the greater are our abilities and perceptions of the divine reality. It is this divine reality that is the true reality our physical universe imperfectly reflects. Those who have refined their senses by harmonizing them with the divine reality can see interconnections between otherwise unrelated things. The ability to sense this interconnection forms the basis for all magical operations. Those who are true adepts have developed their moral and ethical senses along with their magical powers. They do not display their abilities randomly or in a negative manner. True magic always has a physical result on the earth. It does not end in dreams, delusions, and self-deception. True magic is a natural ability that is developed as a result of spiritual growth. It is never the product of a search for power or privilege. It is wise to keep this in mind as you read and practice my spells. One last note: Deviating from my instructions may be harmful, and could even cause serious damage to the spiritual nature of the experimenter. Because some of my spells may sound "simple" and interesting, don't get the idea to "do a variation." When you try to work magic using only your own enthusiasm, you are treading in dangerous waters. Follow my directions as they are presented here. Okay, now for some fun. There are many different spells: protection spells, reversing spells, water and incense spells, spells using oils or herbs, spells of Obeah and Wanga, spoken or written spells and many other miscellaneous spells. I have chosen to start with Obeah and Wanga spells. Obeah and Wanga are the names of two religiomagical practices of African origin that are found primarily in the British colonies of the New World. They have lost much of their African background, and most of its religious associations. What remains is the magical practice. The names of the former religious practices now simply mean a spell. Ju-ju is another word with a similar meaning. The spell indicated by any of these words may be used for either good or evil purposes. Since good spells are seldom complained about, the phrase usually heard is on the order of, "He put a wanga on me!" Occasionally, one is asked for a specific wanga, but usually money or love charms are desired, with the spell being left up to the person making it. Spells of obeah and wanga usually involve a magical charm of one sort of another. The charm may be made from natural ingredients, such as herbs, or the charm may be a manufactured item, such as an amulet. A material object is involved in the work. If the spell is a curse, the discovery and subsequent destruction of the material object will void the curse. At the present time, the most common of these charms are the charm bags worn or carried for some particular purpose. They are often worn around the neck of those who believe in them. For the most part these are protective spells or charms. They are intended to keep negative energy away from the wearer, or add some quality which is desired. Negative wangas are usually placed near the home or workplace of the person they are designed to affect. The charm bags which ordinarily contain the herbs and material used to make the obeah and wanga are sewn from ordinary cloth such as cotton flannel. A piece of cloth about three by five inches is cut and folded in half. It is then sewn on two sides, and the material put into a bag. The remaining side is then sewn shut. NUTMEG SPELL Nutmeg is often used as a charm. In addition to relating astrologi- cally to Jupiter, it has the reputation of bringing money to the person who carries it. Nutmeg has been used as a charm because at one time having nutmeg in the house was a display of prosperity. Nutmeg strengthens the Jupiterian influence around you if you carry it. A typical charm or wanga made from the nutmeg is called "the gambler's nutmeg." The charm is so popular in certain areas of the country that at one time it had an unofficial "fair trade" price of $25.00 in New York City. The popularity of the charm attests to its effectiveness. It is carried by people who gamble, by business people, and by those who simply are asking for assistance in their economic evolution. The nutmeg charm is usually supplied in a chamois skin or red flannel charm bag, and it comes with the following rules. First, your wanga should be carried on your person. At night it should be kept with your personal belongings in the bedroom. During the day it may either be carried in a purse, pocket, or worn around the neck in a charm bag. Second, the wanga should be discarded if it drops to the floor or is broken in any way. Third, the charm should be treated with respect. It is a living thing, and if you own it, you are asking it to work for you - to do what you cannot. By respecting the charm, you are demon- strating that you will allow it to work for you. This means that you will not show it to others, or treat the charm in a negative manner, such as tossing it around or thinking badly of it. These are the basic rules of a wanga. To make your own "Gambler's Nutmeg," take a whole nutmeg, and drill a small hole in the stem end, about half way into the nutmeg. Clean out the shavings and put a drop of mercury into the hole. Seal the hole closed with a few drops of red sealing wax. Anoint the circumference of the nutmeg with a dab of sandlewood oil, and pray over it for yourself or for the person you are making it for. Place the nutmeg in a new charm pouch and it is ready to use. This is a fairly simple wanga, and you will have an opportunity to test yourself when you make it. If you have been having money problems, they should begin to clear up in a month or so. The number of people who use this charm should convince the most hardened skeptic of its benefit. It has a positive effect on most people, and is certainly worth trying. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - When Is a Newbie Not a Newbie Anymore? - {} By Oceanfront When does a newbie stop being one? After an hour? After a day? After they have first been scammed? After their first scam? After their first forum posting? After the ferret initiation ceremony? After they get totally lost in the temple? After people keep telling them to ghost outside the games place when they don't know what ghosting is? After they first innocently pick up a box on the floor and find their screen blotted out with cries of THIEF!? After their third can of headspray when they find that although the can is empty, they don't actually colour all heads? After they figure out other avatars have interesting and attractive names like: Alienyte Wyld Kard, Masseb Coronary, Evergreen, Sappholyte Orlando, Christopher Storm, to name a handful, and they are 'Avatar 2116'? Or maybe it is that moment when you are standing there, in this pretty little world, stunned because you trustingly gave some guy <'nice charming guy' if he belonged to the thieves guild> your head to swap and he just dissappeared leaving you empty handed; then as quickly as that happened another stranger lands a very cute looking cat head in your hands asking only that you don't trust again? Hugs to all you good avatars and thank Morpheus that you outnumber the 'baddies' {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Where Are You From? - {} By Atillo One of the most regularly asked questions in Kymer, particularly by newbies, is "Where are you from?" (or sometimes "wear R U fro?"). This, I have noticed, tends to annoy some of the longer-standing members of our community but it really isn't such a silly question. After all, no one has been in Kymer more than 8 months and if you met someone in the RW who had been in your town less than a year, you would be quite likely to ask them the same question. The most obvious answer is that all the avatars were born in Kymer so they didn't come from anywhere. This theory, however, does not stand up very well under close scrutiny. For a start, why would the Kymer maternity hospital be on a ship? Even assuming that it is, why do the crew raise the sails and remove the gangplank every time there is a new birth if they aren't going anywhere? Obviously avatars aren't being born in Kymer (apart from the odd infatar); they are being brought here from somewhere else. This brings us back to the original question, "where *are* we from?" It seems extremely unlikely that the Dreamscape is connected to the RW by sea, so a direct route from the ratava's country of origin can probably be ruled out. It is possible, I suppose, that there is actually an incredibly powerful teleport that can suck people out of the RW but the immense power it generates results in severe localized radiation of some sort so it has to be kept on an island offshore. Maybe the Argo travels to the deserted ruins of Club Caribe with stopovers to the MUD islands to pick up refugees in search of graphical quality of life. I'm sure I can't think of all the possible answers, so at risk of annoying the don't-ever-ask-me-that-question brigade I pose it to everyone reading this: Where are YOU from? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: The Poetry Corner :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: {} - I met Dread - {} By Deena Dread is really Dread, But not quite the same now A lot of fun, a great guy to be around especially when he has a new head! This newbie gets respect, He has muscles and we all know the power of his pen! He is looking perfect! He sold his boombox. He looked so cute when he wore my face. I wore his hippy face with style and grace. He needs toys and a chest box. He can be a little shy. But its always safe to discuss writing. Can you write, will you write, then just write it. And who can turn down this great looking guy! He has a great sense of humor. So I almost let him hold my bear. But then he said no, "I should not have asked to hold that bear". This after he paraded around for ten minutes with my chest. (some humor) Of course, he gave the wooden chest back to me. And we visited the cafe and atm machine. There was talk of our mutual dislike for really long macroing. We all had fun, Dread, my bear and me. Now since this is all about Dread, He might nix it from ESP! So I'm gonna send the copy on above his head. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Phantasus Avatar Groups :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: {} - Alienyte News - {} By High Alienyte Wyld Karde (Blueness is Greatness) Accompanying JPG files (available in Newstand Library) ALIENS.JPG (Primes when we changed our names) STAR.JPG (Cadets with Vice High Ryo Oh Ko and Prime Lorelei) Greetings and Hallucinations! The last few days have seen some intense discussions amongst the Primes, and here are the results. Yours truly has been elected over-all leader of the Alienytes, with the title 'High Alienyte' The current Primes list runs thus: Vice High Alienyte Ryo Oh Ki Prime Alienyte Lorelei Prime Alienyte Dax Prime Alienyte Plasma Fire We would like to announce the assimilation of three new cadets: Cadet Alienyte Elric Gemstone Cadet Alienyte Femme Fatale Cadet Alienyte You {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Dead Poets Society Recital - {} Join the Cyber-Poets Every Sunday in Phantasus! The Dead Poets Society is an ongoing poetry recital open to all citizens. Recitals are held at 8.30-9.00pm WAT every Sunday on the observation deck of the StarWay Cafe. Avatars Prez and Supel alternate as hosts (with generous assistance from Pops, Dang and others), and *all* are welcome to attend. Choice of poems is up to the reciters but we do ask that individual poems be no longer than eight verses and that reciters avoid inappropriate language or subject matter. Participation is easy: if you want to recite, just show up a few minutes early and ESP the host. Recently, the Alienytes and Duckolytes were special guests. To showcase your special group, you must make your arrangements in advance; contact Prez at 102726,1655. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Knights of Kymer: Group Information - {} By SunRay Render Greetings fellow Kymerians! If you are interested in becoming a Knight or Sunray in the Knights of Kymer, please contact me, SunRay Render at 103135,2612. I handle the public relations for our group and can answer your questions. I will help you become acquainted with the necessary steps to becoming a member. Upon your request, I will email you preliminary information that may help you to decide if you do indeed want to become a member of our organization. Feel free to email me with any inquiries you may have. Thank you. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Kymer Community Services - {} By Normala Kelly Director KCS is an organization dedicated to the individual growth, personal development, and social well-being of avatars and infatars. If you would like further information, please contact me at 75147,3120 or send a message via ESP. The KCS Program is growing. The programs, classes, etc. listed here are updated regularly, through new brochures and via our mailing list. To be added to the KCS Mailing List, please email the director with "KCS Mail" in the subject heading. Be sure to include your inworld name and email address on all correspondence. Voices Poetry Project: A way to mingle with other poets! Share your work, get some feedback. Make new friends! Meets informally. Members receive the Voices Poetry Project Newsletter. All members are en- couraged to submit their work for publication in the newsletter, as well as to enter their work in the Project's poetry contests. Email for membership application with "Voices" in the subject heading. Avatarobics: So, you've been eating too many Valentine's Day candies ... indulging in a little lemon chiffon cake here and there ... sud- denly you notice that you just don't even have the energy to ghost anymore, much less fly! What can an avatar do? Join Avatarobics! Currently, membership is not required; pay for each class as you take it. Only 20T. To sign up, email with "Avatarobics" in the subject heading. Kymer Crime Victims Support: A way to fight back. Join with other victims to share experiences; brainstorm ideas to help stop crime in Kymer. Membership is free of charge. To join, email with "Crime Victim Support" in the subject heading. Membership is open only to crime victims. Kymer Avatar Peer Counselling: Staffed with volunteer peer counselors. Whether it's an inworld problem that you need to discuss; a romantic dilemma with another avatar, or pre-nuptial inworld marital counseling ... there's someone to listen and help. Counsellors are not RW thera- pists; but are peer avatar advisors, meaning that they are upstanding Kymer citizens who have shown themselves to be level- headed, dis- creet, and concerned. Meeting fee covers both the referral fee and the peer advisor's fee. For more information, email with the words "Peer Avatar Counselling" in the subject heading. Vendoholics: So, how many trunks do you have in your pocket? Are you finding yourself spending more and more time at the vendos? Getting short on tokens? Meet with others who are in the same boat. Membership fees go to shopping sprees! To find out more, email with "Vendo" in the subject heading. Pregnatar Birthing Program: Breathing classes to prepare you for the big day! Coaching classes too! Course fee includes midwife's fee. Email with "Pregnatar" in subject heading for more information. Infatar Sandbox: Can't find safe child care inworld? You want your infatar to be safe from the head hunters of the city, and have fun with other little tykes? Enroll them in the Infatar Sandbox! We are a child care center and school centered on providing your infatar with the very best. We have both regular placement and Gifted Infatar placement (see below). Graduates receive diplomas! Email for infor- mation and an enrollment application. New pupils will be required to take an inworld placement test. Please put "Infatar Sandbox" in the subject heading of your email message. St. Morpheus Academy for Infatars: With it's strong academic standing and excellence in extra-curricular activities, St. Morpheus is a school that will provide the very best in education for your infatar or teddy bear. Parents are kept informed with regular progress reports and testing results via e-mail, and are encouraged to be a part of the education process. Graduates receive diplomas with the possibility of earning Honors. When turfs are available inworld, we will also be offering a Boarding School. For more information, please email with the words "St. Morpheus" in the subject heading. We will then send you our Prospectus and tuition fee schedule. Hunter Brown Academy for Gifted and Talented Infatars: The very best in education for gifted infatars and teddy bears. As a parent, you know that your infatar is in need of specialized education and you want to be certain that they grow to become confident and successful, as well as well-adjusted. We strive to foster a sense of family at the academy, encouraging sensitivity by teaching understanding and aware- ness of the needs of all groups and avatars within Kymer, as well as providing the very best in gifted infatar education. Parents are kept informed of their infatar or bear's progress via email progress reports and are mailed regular testing results. Hunter Brown Academy pupils receive special diplomas upon graduation. To receive an Admission Application and Prospectus, please email with the words "HB Academy" in the subject heading. InWorld admission testing is required before acceptance into the academy. Due to small class sizes, there is a waiting list, so please send your Admission applications back to us promptly. Phantasus Fountains Country Club: We don't have golf or tennis in- world, but perhaps you'd like to meet other avatars who are interested in sport. Perhaps you're interested in simply meeting other avatars in a social setting. When turfs are available inworld, Phantasus Fountains Country Club will be opened officially, and there, members will be able to meet and mingle, wine and dine. This is a private club, and space will be limited, so reserve your membership now. For membership dues information, please email with the words "Country Club" in the subject heading. (until the Country Club itself is "built," members will meet informally via email or ESP.) Matchmaker, Find me a Date!: A way to meet other singles! It's easy. You pay your membership fee, and you fill out a questionnaire. You are then entered into the Matchmaking database. We then get to work to find a match.... someone with similar ideas and interests. Give it a try! For more information, email with the words "Matchmaker" in the subject heading. KCS Email Club: Wanna get some email? Wanna send some email? Then you want this club! Avatars fill out a basic personality profile for our records, and are added to a mailing list. Periodically you receive a list of avatars, their email addresses, and interests. Then you can make some new friends! Email with the words "Email Club" in the subject heading for more information. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Event Announcements :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: {} - Clover's Collectibles - {} By Clover The Dreamscape's premier dealer of rare heads and items no longer available in vendos. Grand Opening Auction Monday, March 25, 8:00 p.m. WAT Starway Cafe Stage We are here to serve you. We are accepting consignment of rare items for future sales. Consignment fee is 20% of selling price. All items will be auctioned to the highest bidder. If you have rare or hard to obtain items you wish to place on consignment, please contact one of our staff via Email (All CIS UIDs and information supplied will be handled in a professional and confidential manner): Clover......73071,1252 Remus.......74627,1701 Passion.....102443,1111 Please supply the following information: -Consignor Avatar Name -Consignor UID (if different from UID on Email) -Item Names -Minimum starting bids for each item -Locale for collecting consignment item -Proposed time for collection of consignment item You will receive return Email either confirming the meeting or proposing an alternate meeting time. Please allow 1-2 days for a response. ****************WARNING**************** * Protect yourself from scam artists! * ******************************************* Do not meet with anyone claiming to represent Clover's Collectibles unless you receive return Email with an appropriate staffer UID from the above list. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Wert's KYMER Hosts - {} By Wert P Gumby Here is a current list of the authorized Kymer Hosts. When there are new Hosts I will add to this list. Please support these hosts as they have paid for the right to use the Kymer Host program. Acolyte Lynx Artema SunRay-Kymer Guardian Camile Storm Charity Case Chief Duckolyte Brains Chief Duckolyte Davy Joe Chief Duckolyte Renegade Christopher Storm Cr. Necrolyte Little Princess Crusader Actionizer Duckolyte Escaper Duckolyte Larry Lamb Duckolyte LumMoose Duckolyte Melissa T GermanGiant (currently not hosting) Guardian Sleuthmeister Helpolyte Meaf Highlander JpzV Knight Darkrose Knight Jed Clampet Little Princess Mivo Necrolyte SKY TOWER Necrolyte SunRay White Rose Necrolyte Xian Rehan Alvi Sunray Ann Sunray Eliminster Sunray Knight Necrolyte Jackal Sunray Knight Oliver Sunray Lightweaver Sunray LumMoose-Kymer Guardian Sunray Ole Dogg SunRay Kibbi SunRay Mage CyberMage SunRay Mage CyberMage II William T. Ryker I am currently selling the host for 5000T. If you are interested in it or BlackJack or Kategories, see me inworld. I will get you set up as quickly as possible with the host program of your choice. On Monday March 18, I will have TriviaMaster on the block as well after Brains does the debut. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: The Week in Review :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: {} - The Mean Streets - {} By Bog On Friday, March 15, evening you may have seen me inworld. You may have thought "he's quiet." I had a lot of ESP that night (God knows how the Acolytes manage!) and was grinding to a halt. My frantic efforts to read, let alone reply, was beyond my 'two fingers and a thumb' typing technique. Why was I being bombarded like this? Well ... I'd fallen foul of the meanest, roughest, toughest group in town ... The Magicas! ... Don't laugh! I'm serious! I'd upset one of their members (another, more private, story), and although I was attempting to make amends, the group swung into action to make sure that this duck regretted his actions. And boy ... did I ever! They chose Friday night as my night of 'penance'. I knew what was coming, and my hands shook as I logged into WA. I had been inworld no more than 30 seconds when it started. The first of a zillion ESPs flashed up on my screen "BOG!!...GET OVER HERE NOW!!!" I'm sure Magica Lambchop had been waiting in ambush, and she pounced. After a really professional, and blistering, dressing down, I was instructed to prepare a macro, dictated by Lambie. It was of the "I'm lower than pondscum" variety. I balked at this, but Lambie's steely gaze (and choice words) soon made me change my mind! All the time, the ESPs continued. Now there were two more members of the group, who basically started from scratch and singed the few remaining feathers on this duck's poor battered body. My mouse cursor hovered temptingly over the exit button, but no! ... I had to go through with this. The bombardment paused momentarily every five minutes, as Lambie instructed me to play my macro to any passing avatar. By this time, friends of the Magicas (and they have a LOT!) joined in, and I started crashing out under the sheer weight of ESP. I really COULDN'T 'walk and talk' at the same time! Of course I logged back in straight away after these crashes. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'VE BEEN?" was my greeting . Poor Tonya, Beached, Evergreen and others! They thought I was either comatose, or ignoring them! I was getting swamped. No matter where I went, the long arm of the Magicas found me. Blocking ESP was NOT an option. It would have been cowardly, ungentlemanly, and ... I was too scared. For six hours I endured this. I was battered, scorched, reviled, plucked (Aisha got my tail feathers), flattened, knocked down, picked up, knocked down again, ridiculed, lectured, and generally abused (I felt better at one point, as I saw VIQer was getting it too!). It's amazing, but not one swear word passed the lips of these 'gentle' ladies, but their command of invective was such, they didn't need to swear. The target of my bad behaviour (Magica Jan) finally appeared, and after an abject apology (Lambie made me repeat it six times!), I was treated to a group {{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}. You ain't ever had a proper hug, until you get one from the Magicas! So my advice is ... pick a fight with a male avatar! They just get angry and storm off. DO NOT tangle with the Magicas, or indeed any group of females. They don't get angry, they just get even! The weaker sex? ACK! {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Duckolyte Ghost Racing Results - {} By Chief Duckolyte Brains Duckolyte Ghost Racing is underway. Two events were held this week due to the Duckolyte TriviaMaster game scheduled on St. Patrick's Day at 7:00 pm WAT at Starway Cafe. Approximately 25 racers joined the festivities. Sunday's game results were as follows: Knight Electus won two races winning a Hot Chocolate and Christmas ornament Sidekick won a Fern and 50 tokens Chris Storm won a Voodoo Doll and flowers Darkhorse won a Rose_Head and a Chest with goodies inside. A newbie racer showed up at the races, by the name of Avatar3305, who pulled down two wins, 100 Tokens and 75 tokens. Feedback on the new race types was overwhelmingly positive. The Box races and Screen races were a big hit. These races and the Head Race also reap big rewards, with rare items being the prizes. Wednesday Night's races drew about 30 competitor's. The following are the results: Mage CyberMage won 50 tokens and 75 tokens Darkhorse won Dumbells (we were trying to slow the fast racers up a little ) and a Fern Sidekick won Flowers and a Christmas ornament Duckolyte LumMoose won a Bouquet Captain Griffin won a Sparkolyte Soda Princess Toadstool won a Lacey Heart Head OM won 100 tokens The Monthly Standings are as follows: Four Wins: Sidekick Darkhorse Two Wins: Knight Electus Christopher Storm Avatar3305 Mage CyberMage One Win: Duckolyte LumMoose Princess Toadstool Captain Griffin OM Conratulations to all the winners. So far it looks like its between Sidekick and Darkhorse for the Monthly Champioship. But it's not over yet. There are still two more events schedule for this month. The next races are scheduled for March 24 and March 31 (Sundays) starting at 7:00 a.m. at the Isle Caribe. The is the new permanent time slot. Races will be held every Sunday until further notice. Please join us for the fun. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Knights Of Kymer TechTrivia - {} By SunRay Hera This week's TechTrivia game was one of the most exciting ever to take place on the Stage of the StarWay Cafe. Hosted by SunRay Hera and SunRay Mariah with assistance from SunRay Love, 17 players registered to play. This represents the largest attendance in a month. On behalf of the hosts and the Knights of Kymer, we would like to thank you for playing. We will keep striving to make this "free" game one of the best paying events for you to participate in. The big news this week: Chris Brown did not play!!! Sorry Chris, I had to do it. For those of you that didn't make it this week... don't be surprised if Chris becomes a host and tells his wonderful jokes to our questions during the game. (hint hint, Chris ) YES, they were that good! Winning 1st place this week with 15 correct answers was Sh@crock. She received 400 tokens and a Rose_head. Winning 2nd place with 14 correct answers was SunRay Ann. She received a Lacy_Heart_head and 200 tokens. Winning 3rd place with 12 correct answers was Nares h. He received a Gingerbread_head and 100 tokens. Winning 4th place (that's right, maybe we will award to 5th place next week) with 11 correct answers was RoseHannah. She received a Fern and 100 tokens. Congratulations to all of the winners, especially to Naresh and RoseHannah, two first time winners! We are MOVING to Wednesday nights at 5 pm WAT. A special prize for returning players who follow us to our new night. Winning Honorable Mention were Alienyte WAK, Lajolla, Super Ordinary Guy, micki, and Captain Griffen. Thanks to all of the players for attending and making this a real fun event. This game is sponsored by the Knights of Kymer's Entertainment Guild. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - MAD Report - March 17 - {} By Acolyte Brynne To everyone who was there at the StarWay Stage, you all know what happened. As I write this, it has only been a couple hours since the happenings at the Starway Stage and to say the very least, I am quite disheartened by the disruption of this event by Headhunter Chieftain. I could have handled the loss of my storage chests to HHC; what I am most disturbed about was his refusal to ghost and leave the area so the event could move forward. Rest assured that Libra and I are taking this matter up with the Oracles and we do expect this matter to be resolved. It does my heart good to know that you all love Make a Deal and for that reason, I work very hard for the weeks before the event getting ready for MAD. A new vendo goes in and I attack it with a vengeance, buying as many of the new items as I can so that when the items disappear from the vendos, I have them to use as MAD chest stuffins' for you to find and win. You all heard me give you my email address, but I shall give it to you again: 71273,373. Please contact me by email to let me know you have a MAD chest (there are 19 of you). We will make arrangements to find a private place where I will open your chest for you so you can get the prize within it. Thank you for your patience when I could not respond to all your ESPs individually; for the kindness you showed when it was obvious I was so choked up about the whole thing. Special thanks go to Acolyte Libra who took over for me when I could no longer talk due to the deep pain I was feeling over what was going on. My greatest sadness, however, came as a result of the loss of Christopher Storm from the world. Chris has given so much of himself to our community to help make it a better place for us all and to provide us with entertainment. The loss of Christopher Storm will be deeply felt by all of us. He will truly be missed. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Pick-3 Lotto Results: March 11 - {} By >>Joe Blowsem Up<< The winning numbers were 5-9-3 Kaino won the ->6000T <- jackpot! The pot is now at 6000T and the next drawing is on March 25 Bar-L Bar Storeroom at 6:00 p.m. WAT. The following winners got ?-9-3 and each got 25T Artema - WA Guardian RanZZ Cr!tter Kaino Ute For 5-?-3 Willie Wonka @Dark Sun@ Bog Max Raven Kaino Nexus Potestatis Duckolyte Mage Bubbly II Scoundel For 5-9-? Imagination Oliver Air Franceson Porcelina Kaino Nexus Potestatis If your name is above please e-mail me at 73357.1576 to let me know when you are available to pick up your prize! And if you would like to buy tickets for the next drawing see any of our authorized sellers: >>Joe Blowsem UP<<, Mr. Boombastic, Sherry, Charlie Chicken, Agent 6, Mage Dumpling, Mr Nice Guy, or Stefan 96. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Worlds of Fortune Recap - {} March 12, 1996 By Acolyte SunRay Data I want to thank this weeks co-hosts, Necrolyte SunRay White Rose and Sunray Ann for helping me with the game. We had 21 ghosts at one point in our game. I thank all of you for your participation. Worlds of Fortune is like the Waking World TV show Wheel of Fortune. A note I might make about Worlds of Fortune is that NO DOWNLOADS are required and there are NO ENTRY FEES. This weeks winners are as follows: #Tokens or Name Item Won Round one Ultimus* 100 T Chris Brown 50 T Sunray Quagmire 50 T Sunray Moondream 50 T Round Two Meridenne* 100 T Sunray LumMoose 50 T The Chameleon 50 T Cassandra Kane 50 T (Ghost Winner) Round Three Bob Hope 25 T SunRay Jyoti-Chriselfer* 100 T Wart 25 T Ultimus 50 T (Ghost Winner) Championship Ultimus 100 T Meridienne* Rose head (rare white) Sunray Jyoti-Chriselfer 100 T Wart 50 T (Ghost Winner) Ghost Champ Ultimus* Rose head (rare gold) Cassandra Cane 25 T Sunray Moondream 25 T LaJolla 50 T (Ghost Winner) * - Designates Round Winner Thanks again to our contestants and hosts who made this game a success! Next week's game (March 19) is cancelled due to some waking world obligations I have. The next game will be Tuesday, March 26, 1996, at 7:30PM WAT. See you then!!! {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: The Social Registry :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: {} - Avatars to be Ordained! - {} By the Council on Marriages in Kymer The Council on Marriages in Kymer, consisting of Oracle Uni, Acolyte Brynne, Acolyte Ravenwhyte, Acolyte Sunray Data and Acolyte Sunray Indigo, is pleased to announce that we will begin to take applications to become ordained avatars VERY SOON! An ordained avatar can marry and officially register weddings in the dreamscape, just like the Acolytes and Oracles do. There are some basic requirements to qualify for this position as it is one of trust. (1) The avatar must have been in WorldsAway 30 days or more. (2) The avatar must write and submit their own wedding ritual (text script). (3) Be trustworthy and of good character. (4) Upon being notified that you have become a candidate for ordination, a bonding fee of 1,000 Tokens is required. The complete guidelines will be uploaded on March 22 along with the CIS address to E-Mail your application to. PLEASE do not send any applications to any council member. Any early aplication will be deleted. The sole intent of this announcement is to give those interested time to start writing their proposed wedding rituals for submitting an application. The complete guidelines will state what information you will need to submit with your application and who/where to E-Mail it to. The tentative release date for the full ordination guidelines to be released and applications to begin to be taken will be March 22, 1996. The Application period will last two weeks. Oracle Uni will be ordaining seven selected avatars in a ceremony on Saturday, April 20. Khai Joybringer, who has been ordained since the initial guidelines came out will be reordained in the public ceremony. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} - Engagement and Wedding Announcements - {} By Khai Joybringer Engagement Announcements We are pleased to announce the engagement of Coondog and Tinkerbelle. A very nervous Coondog proposed on March 9! Wedding date to be advised! Wedding Announcements Duckolyte John Whiz and Dream Diana On March 14 by Acolyte Zippy. Dream Diana shared this lovely poem with all who attended this wedding. "To Understand" by: Diana S. Kirk aka Dream Diana Dedication: I would like to dedicate the following poem to all the on-line lovers who, despite distance and heartache, find happiness with their loved one. How can you love him? You've never met! His world is far away. His face is printed, black and white, your night is his bright day. My love is kind, he's there for me, feelings nurtured from our talks, he's tasted my heart and knows my soul, through our frequent cyber walks. He knows my words before I type, he reads my thoughts so clear. For when we're all alone at night, we are strong and have no fear. There is no wrong, It feels so right! don't judge or question my mind. How can you know of what I speak, until love, at last you find. You can not know the joy he brings, his love, so strong and warm. he lifts me up above this gloom, Like a sun burst at dark dawn. So do not doubt my love for him, this passion I know is true. Although I have not seen him, it does not matter, but to you. Tsuyo and Bree Starlyte Were joined in the bonds of dreamscape matrimony by Oracle Uni on Friday, March 15. Note to Community members from Bree: "I just wanted to post a brief note of thanks for all that everyone did to help Tsuyo and me to have a wonderful wedding day. Everyone was very gracious and helpful. Thanks for all the wonderful gifts and good wishes. Special thanks to: White Rose, Dream Keeper, Bionic Woman, Webmite, Lotis Blossom, and anyone I might be forgetting, who contributed special gifts for my heart chest to Tsuyo. You are all generous, wonderful people. Thanks also to: Ropes, Lady Di, K. Michele, and all our other friends who ghosted to provide security during the ceremony. A special thank you to Oracle Uni for honoring us by performing the ceremony, and for the gracious gift of engraved keys, which we will cherish. And last, thank you to our special friends who comprised the wedding party: Frank Rizzo (thanks for giving Tsuyo a great bachelor party!), Salisarr (who's great at calming down the nervous bride-to-be), and to my best girlfriends, Bionic Woman and Precious One/Brat, without whom I could never have gotten everything together." Scheduled Weddings Saturday, March 23 Duckolyte Ropes and Princess Di 11:00 a.m. at the Meditation Park, Rose Garden Arbor. Other details to follow. Thursday, April 4 SunRay Love and SunRay Render 6:00 p.m. at the Tabernacle. Ceremony to be conducted by Oracle Uni. Reception will be held in Meditation Park's Rose Garden following the services. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Phantasus Event Schedule :: :: Week of Monday, March 18, through Sunday, March 25 :: :: All times in WAT (Pacific) :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: + Indicates Recurring Event {} --------------------- {} Monday, March 18 {} --------------------- {} 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. For location ESP host +After School Bingo................................Knight Jed Clampet Come in and join the fun. When you're bored after school, when the Acolytes aren't there, when NOTHING is going on, come join me, Knight Jed Clampet. I hope to see you there. My motto is to have FUN (and make a few thousand tokens while you're at it). I'll see you there. 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Isle Caribe +Ghost Races ...........................................Acolyte Serena Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship! 6:00 p.m. Isle Caribe Kung Fu Fighting.........................................Alienyte Bibo The rules are simple, two avatars pay me, and then you and the other avatar start to fight. Points will be awarded for the types of hits (using the "F" keys) and the one who recives 20 points first wins the money. For a demonstration ESP me inworld. 6:00-8:00 p.m. Outside Magic Shop +BlackKat Entertainment (Blackjack)............... Sunray Knight Haplo Players will need BLACKJK1.EXE found in "Worlds Away Life" Library (4) as well as CARDS.DLL and VBRUN300.DLL. Rules and betting policy will be explained by the dealer just before the game. {} --------------------- {} Tuesday, March 19 {} --------------------- {} 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Harlequin Games +Duckolyte Bingo.............................Chief Duckolyte Renegade You need the software Kymer1.exe from the forum (GO:TRA-39) to join the game with your card. If you are the winner you get many Tokens, depending on the number of players. 6:00-8:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom +Kymer/Bingo......................................Sunray Knight Oliver Everyone who plays in every game of the evening is eligible to win a bonus prize which will be awarded after the last game! Don't be late! {} --------------------- {} Wednesday, March 20 {} --------------------- {} 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Harlequin Games +Duckolyte Bingo..............................Chief Duckolyte Renegade Call KYMER! first, and get payouts depending on the number of players! Download KYMER1.EXE, from AWAYFORUM/Library 4 WorldsAway Life. 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. For location ESP host +After School Bingo.................................Knight Jed Clampet Come in and join the fun. When you're bored after school, when the Acolytes aren't there, when NOTHING is going on, come join me, Knight Jed Clampet. I hope to see you there. My motto is to have FUN (and make a few thousand tokens while you're at it). I'll see you there. 3:00 p.m. Starway Stage +The Knights of Kymer Kategories.................SunRay Fawn, Soltron2 Knights of Kymer version of Wert's Kategories. 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Stage +Knights of Kymer TechTrivia ....SunRays Hera, Mariah, Knight Alexis Computer Technical Trivia questions. Everyone wins. We award tokens, items (many are rare) and door prizes. This game is sponsored by the Games & Role Playing Guild. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Meditation Park, Statue of Cupid Tales of passion and betrayal in the Dreamscape from Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, courtesy of Alayne. Retelling "Morpheus and the Origins of the Dreamscape", for those who might have missed her previous telling or who would like to revisit the gods of this fair realm. 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Library +Pop Culture Trivia......................................PEZ Collector Beginning weekly as of today. This week's theme will be television shows and commercials. Prizes will be awaded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Exact prizes will be announced before the event begins. {} --------------------- {} Thursday, March 21 {} --------------------- {} 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom +Chaos Incorporated....................Acolyte Serena or Marianne G New games and more! 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Meditation Park, Statue of Cupid Tales of passion and betrayal in the Dreamscape from Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, courtesy of Alayne. This tale is told in honor of the first couple of Phantasus, Elwing and Earendil, Ethereal Elves. If you enjoy love and the mystery of Dreams, join us both nights for this epic drama of war, jealousy, and Immortal passion. {} --------------------- {} Friday, March 22 {} --------------------- {} 11:00 - 12:00 a.m. Ghost Races +Isle Caribe ...................................................Holger Win tokens and prizes, monthly championship! 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. For location ESP host +After School Bingo.................................Knight Jed Clampet Come in and join the fun. When you're bored after school, when the Acolytes aren't there, when NOTHING is going on, come join me! Hope to see you there. My motto is to have FUN (and make a few thousand tokens while you're at it). I'll see you there. 6:00 p.m. Meditation Park, Statue of Cupid Tales of passion and betrayal in the Dreamscape from Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, courtesy of Alayne. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Lounge +Trek Trivia............................................Acolyte VIQer Visit the bridge crew of the WA Enterprise. Win prizes and tokens for your Trek knowledge. Get back at the bridge crew with some tough questions of your own! We have to answer correctly or we pay! 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Visitor's Center, Left +Dreaming Insomniacs Society.................................Acolyte Milen Something DIFFERENT will be held during these times each week. {} --------------------- {} Saturday, March 23 {} --------------------- {} 9:00 - 11:00 am. South Fountain Central +Stammtisch ...................... Brucilla, Perry Rhodan, Sundance Meeting of German-speaking avatars. If you want to spread rumors and news or just want to chat, if you want to learn some German or just love the "sound" of it, you're invited to join us. 11:00 a.m. Meditation Park, Rose Garden Arbor Wedding of Duckolyte Ropes and Princess Di. 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Library +MultiTrivia...............................................Mivo, Nicci General knowledge trivia questions will be asked in German and English. Each point for a correct answer is worth 5 Tokens. Frage&Antwort-Spiel zu allgemeinen Themen. Fuer jede richtige Antwort gibt es 5 Tokens 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom +Great Kymer Quiz.......................Acolyte Moria, Acolyte Zippy Some easy, some hard, some just downright tricky. 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. StarWay Cafe Stage +WARaffle Drawing........Acolyte Lynx, Acolyte Electra, Acolyte Moria Purchase tickets from authorized agents. Door prize raffle! 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Visitor's Center, Outside +Ghost Relay Races......................................Acolyte VIQer Ghost races played baton style like Olympic Relay races. Variations will be coming in the future, allowing more winners in each race. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Starway Stage........................................Arch Mage Darpeth The announcing of the winners of the Mage: Avatar History contest for best story of an avatar. 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Visitor's Center, Left +Dreaming Insomniacs Society.............................Acolyte Milen Something DIFFERENT will be held during these times each week. {} --------------------- {} Sunday, March 24 {} --------------------- {} 7:00 a.m. Isle Caribe +Duckolyte Ghost Racing.......Chief Duckolyte Mage Brains and Renegade We follow all of the standard rules for ghost racing documented in the GHOSTG.TXT file found in the forum. See article this issue for Rules for Box Racing and Screen Racing. Prizes include a wide assortment of rare and current items, tokens, and heads. There will be a special prize awarded to the Monthly Champion. Monthly Champions from the prior two months are not eligible for these prizes to try to make it fair for everyone. This includes Acolyte Serena's and Holger's races. 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Bar-L Bar Storeroom +Jackal3's Trivia.......................................Mr & Mrs Nutty Questions covering general info, three winners per game. Grand prize for the person who has the most points in a month. 10T playing fee to help defray the costs. 3:00 p.m. Harlequin Games +Kymer Gambling Bingo..............................Necrolyte Sky Tower You will need KYMER1.EXE to play (downloadable from the WA Community Library, GO TRA-39). 4:00 p.m. Outside Fire Room +Take A Chance...........................Necrolyte Benny, Xian, Jackal 25T entry fee. Answer questions on Kymer to win points. Top 3 scores enter Fireroom and have choice of tokens or contents of chest. 7:00 p.m. Duckolyte Trivia Master Game +StarWay Cafe Stage .........................Chief Duckolyte Mage Brains Fast paced trivia using multiple choice answers. Topics vary week to week, Monthly Grand Prize awarded. Starway Stage. This game uses the Trivia engine just developed by Wert P Gumby to administer all scoring. This week is World Wide Facts. 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe, Observation Deck +Dead Poets Society Recital..............................Prez, Supel This will be a very special evening featuring recitals by that dashing in-world group, the Duckolytes! Rumor has it they will appear in various shades of green to mark the RW holiday. See the green ducks and hear them speak verse! Poems should be six verses or shorter. If you want to get involved, contact us inworld. {} --------------------- {} Upcoming Events {} --------------------- {} Monday, March 25 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. StarWay Cafe Stage Clover Collectibles Auction ................................... Clover Rare items and heads no longer available in vendos will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Be sure to download the newest auction catalog from the WorldsAway Life Library (4) after it is uploaded Sunday. Consignments accepted up until Sunday afternoon before the sale. Thursday, April 4 Wedding of SunRay Love and SunRay Render 6:00 p.m. at the Tabernacle. Ceremony to be conducted by Oracle Uni. Reception will be held in Meditation Park's Rose Garden following the services. Saturday, April 20 Temple of Morpheus, Tabernacle Time to be advised Avatar Ordination conducted by Oracle Uni. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Letters to the Editors :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Greetings, Brynne! Just read the latest ESP! Issue. Think you're doing a good job. But let me introduce myself first: I am what you would call a newbie, known as "Zooey" in the city of Phantasus. Joined the WA-community last Monday - and I was cordially recieved. Met so many nice and friendly people here, some guided me around, others gave me token or just answered my (stupid) questions. That gives a sensation of warmth. Special thanks to Iggy Wonder, Nichole, Nemo, SunRay Kanjo, RoseHannah, Super Mario and all the others who accompanied my first steps on the Isle of Kymer. Meanwhile I feel very much at home here - and jump at every chance to be helpful to other newcomers. Sincerely, Zooey From the Editor: Thanks very much for your letter, Zooey! Welcome to Phantasus! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Advertisements :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hera's Advertising Services I had a need for doing some advertising and found a gap in our business community. I created my own service which proved very successful in telling Kymerians about upcoming events. If you need to "get the word out" about your upcoming event or you just want to increase attendance, please contact SunRay Hera at 71762,3210. I will send you rates and coverages. Hera's Advertising Services (HAS) is not affiliated with the Knights of Kymer. Keno is coming to Phantasus! It's a mix between Lotto and Bingo. Just pick a couple numbers, place your bet, and wait for the numbers to be announced. If your numbers match the ones announced, you won. It would be a pain to have to keep unghosting to pay your bets. With Phantasus credit, you won't have to. Just esp your number and payment and you're set. It's that simple. With Phantasus Credit you also can buy Pick-3, Pick-4 lotto tickets, get your picture taken by Honor, pay for your courses at Kymer Community Services and place an ad in the WA Yellow and White pages without ever taking out a token. Best of all, it's free. For March, you pay no interest. After that it's 12% which is lower than the 18% that most real world credit cards charge you. So whether you're inworld or out, you'll benefit from Phantasus Credit. For more information, see Imagination inworld or contact me at 76724,3017. Kymer Community Services is proud to announce that we now accept PAC (Phantasus Credit)...The Better Token (TM). This will make it much easier for both KCS members and for the KCS staff. (It's a fantastic system; if you're interested in a PAC account, please contact Imagination.) Due to the overwhelming response regarding the Email club and Matchmaker in particular, KCS is looking for a few good avatars to come to the aid of their community. The jobs are partially behind-the-scenes; partially inworld contact with avatars; and at the moment, they are volunteer positions. The perks, of course, are good ... for instance, access to a zillion e-mail pals if you're interested. The work includes typing and doing mailings; cross-referencing avatars. It requires a knack for noticing detail, good typing skills (accuracy most important; speed secondary importance); the ability to be on time, work independently, and work under deadline; good people/avatar communication skills, honesty, and integrity. At times, the positions will require inworld contact (meetings with groups of avatars, or individual meetings; also Q&A sessions inworld at pre-designated times. If you feel that you'd be good in a position like this, please email me at 75147,3120 with the words "Job Applicant" in the subject heading. In the body of your message, state your inworld name and the position you are interested in. When I receive your eemail, I will send you a Volunteer Application. Applications will be accepted until Sunday, 31 March, 1995 Other positions (volunteer positions as well as a few paid positions) will be opening as well; if you see a program in the KCS information packet that you think you would work well in as an employee, please feel free to e-mail me and let me know. When a position in your area of interest is open, I'll send you an application. (All applications, buy the way, will be kept on file; if you want to have your application removed, let me know via email.) Leadman's Sport & Event Bets Bet on all major WakingWorld sports events (and more) and earn big money! We cover Boxing, Formula 1 Car Racing, IndyCar Racing (soon), ATP Tennis, NHL, NBA, etc. We are working on bets for WA-events too. Bets ranging from 20-500T Official agents: Cr. Necrolyte Little Princess, Tin-Tin; ESP us or E-Mail LeadMan at 100413,1430 if interested. A list of the latest is available for download as SPORTBET.TXT Meaf and Jed Inc. If you are interested in buying or selling rare items. Talk to Helpolyte MEAF or Knight Mage Jed and we might be able to make a deal!! IF WE CANT FIND IT NOT MANY CAN!! Meaf's Auction is Coming I will be holding an auction; no time or date is set yet. All are invited to come and buy and sell rare items. Send Helployte Meaf mail at 103263,1575 with items you will sell and how much. Send soon or you will be too late. The Phantasus Yellow Pages For the most complete listing of inworld businesses, and the ONLY single listing of resident avatars, check out the WorldsAway Yellow & White Pages! Whether to find a service, check to see which businesses are already operating inworld, or to verify the correct spelling or User ID of an avatar, the WA Yellow & White Pages is the BEST source available! You can download a copy of the WA Yellow & White Pages in the WA Community Forum Library, Newsstand Section, filename YELLOW.TXT. Thanks to all the WAYP customers for making it a success! If you have any questions or would like to place an ad, contact GermanGiant, Big Kahoona, Necrolyte Xian, Hotspot, or Sunray Dream Keeper. Phantasus Credit- "The Better Token" Have you ever hosted Bingo games and wanted it to run faster and smoother? Or are you tired of having to come inworld and meet someone just to get a payment? Well if you are, then you need to accept Phantasus Credit. Try it out for a month TOTALLY FREE. After that, if you stay, the rates are only 50T a month to accept credit. That's it. No other fees. OR you can pay 500T ONE TIME and accept credit for the rest of your life without paying again. If you have any questions, please e-mail Imagination at 76724,3017. This ad was focused towards people who want ACCEPT credit. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: How to Send Submissions to ESP! :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Currently there are three editors who will receive specific types of submissions: Publisher/Managing Editor.......Acolyte Brynne (71273,373) Deadline: Saturdays, 3:00 p.m. WAT Types of submissions: Gaming Reports General Articles Event Listings for the Event Schedule Engagement and Wedding Announcements Letters to the Editors Advertisements Anything you wish to submit but are not sure who should receive Group Liaison Editor............Astarte (70003,7617) Deadline: Fridays, 7:00 p.m. WAT Articles regarding new groups Articles regarding existing groups Anything other than events regarding groups Features Editor.................Dread (101646,2776) Deadline: Fridays, 7:00 p.m. WAT Feature and General Articles Opinion Pieces Poetry {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} Engagement and Wedding Announcements should include: Names of Bride and Groom Oracle or Acolyte performing service Wedding Date (or "will be announced" for engagement notices) Reception Location (if known) Event Listings for the Event Schedule cover the ESP! publication period of Monday through Sunday. Submitting these listings to ESP! is in addition to submitting event information to the Scheduling Group. Scheduling conflicts, if any, are resolved by the Scheduling Group. Changes to recurring events should be submitted to both the Scheduling Group and ESP! ESP! is available in the Newstand Library of the WA Community Forum and thus earns no tokens to pay authors. Likewise, advertisements are no charge to the advertisers. Upon the availability of inworld documents and the sale of ESP! inworld, this policy will be reviewed and payments/advertisment rates will be adjusted accordingly. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}