

| Encyclopaedia Orellia: Data File 007 - Technos Technos is a completely artificial planet which may posses a hyperspatial
travel system enabling transportation to other parts of the Chi'kkren Empire
in other star systems. So far, scientists have been unable to penetrate many
of its secrets though the world is undergoing extensive exploration. The planet most distant from the system's sun, this artificial world is the jewel in the crown among the system-wide achievements of the Chi'kkren (see Datafile002), whose empire may once have spanned many star systems. Technos is a honey pot for technologists. Every new discovery could mean a fortune for the lucky finder and research teams from all the multi-globe industries are permanently stationed here. New discoveries are being made every day -- gadgets, software and other items, some which we can only begin to guess the use of. Technos also features a huge hyperspatial tunnel generation system which, it is believed, will enable access to other parts of the Chi'kkren Empire if its functions can be initiated.
Places to Visit
The Surface of Technos
Connection points via Technos Immigration for system visitors and Space City residents
bring you straight to the Technos Injection Point, the focal point of T'Chell and Human
archaeological investigations on this mysterious planet. In the distance, the awesome
hyperspace tunnel generator - also known as The Spike - towers above the bio-organic
landscape that hides so many technological mysteries. The Intersection
As visitors reach the first level below the planet's surface you will notice several
exits, including the opened access point to the lower levels via the Arctuary. You are
advised not to explore these tunnels without a guide as they are dangerous places for the
unwary, particularly the access to the Chaosium Depths. This access has been blamed for the
disappearance of 15 seasoned explorers alone in the last three months of 3045.
The Arctuary
A link point to lower levels, the Technosian biospiderz, advanced robotic drones which appear
to have a variety of functions, are particularly busy in this tunnel. Biospider functions
include cleaning, repairs and, it is rumoured, observation tasks for unseen organoputers.
The Black Hole Bar
Respite for both newcomer and seasoned explorer, the Black Hole Bar offers a wide range of
refreshments for patrons, serviced by a well-worn RoboDrone that may or may not provide
you with additional advice depending on its mood.
The Chi'kkren Relic Room
Fabulous technologies have created stunning works of art and other items for sale to visitors.
Chi'kkren science can even improve your body shape, which Aquans feel particularly beneficial
to thin Humans.
The Chi'kkren Trophy Room
Your chance to discover information on twenty first century culture using
Chi'kkren time probes.
The Meet
A quiet meeting room for contemplation and debate, often used by patrons of the arts.
Principal trades: Technology and antiquities
Indigenous intelligent species: None
Security Alert: Access to Technos is currently permitted but visitors are warned that some
Chi'kkren relics are known to have peculiar effects on users. You have been warned
(although whether anyone ever reads this small print... I don't know why I bother.
I mean, it's not as if I'm going to be sued because some sap gets turned into a duck).
See also: A History of Technos |