
| Last Updated: 20 June 2000 Be a Head Roomer! If you think your fan web site has what it takes to be included in our special trophy room on the planet of Technos, dedicated to some of the best amateur sites on the web, then drop us a line via vzscifimailinglist@avaterra.com. You will not be added to any mailing list unless you specifically ask to be! What it Is: 1) VZSciFi is offering a LIMITED number of positions in this special tribute room to fan sites. Each floating head links to some of the web's best science fiction fan web sites. 2) We plan to feature only the very best web sites and the rotation period will be on a three-monthly assessment basis. 3) Initially, we'll also be reviewing the sites on the basis of content and quality, based on our own judgement about your site. The sites will be assessed by VZSciFi Project Manager John Freeman, formerly Managing Editor at Titan Magazines for nearly five years in the UK, who co-ordinated production of several titles including Star Trek Monthly, Babylon 5, Star Wars Magazine, Xena, the X-Files and Manga Max. Prior to this he was, among other diverse career paths, editor of Doctor Who Magazine. 4) The click through rate to the web sites via the Trophy Room links will also help to play a major part in the links to those sites remaining open after the three month review. And if the users think your web site is as great as we do, and say so, it stays linked for longer! (And we're considering some virtual rewards for the web sites that generate the most traffic). Those Head Roomers who actively promote VZScifi -- by running inworld events and through their own promotion on their sites -- may be judged worthy of having their 'Head' relocated to a more prominent position inworld. 5) This ISN'T an area for commercial web site links -- those will be elsewhere in VZSciFi. This special Room will be a space by fans, for fans, and features a linking locale for those fans to meet as avatars to discuss their favourite shows and more. What we'd be looking for in return: 1) If we select your site, rest assured we'll be in touch. But be aware we expect lots of nominations, so it may take us a while to get back to you. 2) In return for promoting your fan site to our 170,000 plus-strong member base, we would want a link on your site to our vzscifi site 3) Your pitch to be included will be helped by any additional information you can give us about your site, including any visitor statistics, plus information about awards you may have won etc. 4) The link would be subject to review by us. Avaterra also has its own terms of usage regarding avatars which are available on request. We know VZSciFi is one of the most exciting new developments for science fiction fans on the web, and we recognise the tremendous work fans put into their SF fan sites. This room recognises that work. It's YOUR spot: so get nominating! |