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LAST UPDATED: 26 September 2000 VZSciFi: Star Trek: Voyager Datafile Federation starship USS Voyager is thrown halfway across the galaxy, blows up its only way home and starts to head back to the Alpha Quadrant, a journey that at the outset would take them 70 years. This Just In: A day at the beach for Voyager? That's what happened on 22 August. Star Trek: Voyager episode Inside Man features a rare one-day location shoot on Leo Carrillo State Beach in Los Angeles County. In this episode, the beach serves as a backdrop for a vacationing Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) who is visited by Reg Barclay (Dwight Schultz). Previously: Rage Against the Machine band member Tom Morello had a cameo role with a few lines of dialogue in an upcoming season six episode. Sci-Fi Wire claimed the casting came about because Rick Berman's son is a fan of the band. Voyager fans will recall Berman's enjoymnent of World Wrestling Foundation shows in part prompted the guest star appearances in the recently screened Tsunkatsee. Dateline Starfleet #112 reported from Entertainment Wire that Voyager received several nominations in the first annual Hollywood Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist Guild Awards (well, let's face it, it's not going to win anything for the writing). They were: * Best Special Effects Makeup - Television (For a Single Episode of a Regular Series - Sitcom, Drama or Daytime) for the episode "Dark Frontier" * Best Character Hair Styling - Television (For a Single Episode of a Regular Series - Sitcom, Drama or Daytime) for "Bride of Chaotica" * Best Innovative Hair Styling - Television (For a Single Episode of a Regular Series - Sitcom, Drama or Daytime) for "Dragon's Teeth" The awards will be chosen in 19 March ceremonies. Former Deep Space Nine producer Ron Moore savaged the state of the Voyager show in a very thought-provoking interview to be found on fandom.com. I thoroughly recommend reading the piece. "I don't really care for where the franchise is now, where it's going," says Moore. "It's not about anything. It feels to me that it is a very content-free show. It's not really speaking to the audience on any real level anymore. What's happening is that it's very superficial. It talks a good game. It talks about how it's about deep social problems, and how it's about sociological issues, and that it's very relevant. It's about exploration, and it's about the unknown, and all these cute catch phrases, but scratch the surface of that and there is really not much underneath it all. "Voyager doesn't really believe in anything," he continues. "The show doesn't have a point of view that I can discern. It doesn't have anything really to say. I truly believe it simply is just wandering around the galaxy. It doesn't even really believe in its own central premise, which is to me its greatest flaw." Jennifer Lien made a return appearance as Kes in an upcoming episode of the show, Fury. The episode was shot from 24 January 2000 Troi and Barclay will make a return appearance later this year on Voyager in the episode I, Zimmerman. Jennifer Lien is also set to make a return to the show. Production Notes Main Cast: Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway); Robert Beltran (Commander Chakotay); Robert Picardo (The Doctor); Tim Russ (Tuvok); Ethan Phillips (Neelix); Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) Roxan Dawson (B'Lanna Torres); Garret Wang (Ensign Kim) Copyright Holder: Paramount Production Team: Brannon Braga (Executive Producer) US Broadcast details: UPN (Current Season), Syndicated UK Broadcast Details: SkyOne, BBC2 Cast News Robert Beltran (Commander Chakotay) Official website: //www.robertbeltran.com/ Roxan Dawson (Torres) Official website: The Official Roxann Dawson Fan Club Ethan Phillips (Neelix) Official website: (EPIC) Ethan Phillips International (Fan) Club Robert Picardo (The Doctor) Official website: The Official Robert Picardo Home Page Scarlett Pomers Official website: The Official Scarlett Pomers Homepage Robert Duncan MacNeill Official website: Robert Duncan McNeill Fan Club Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway) Official website: The Kate Mulgrew Home Page Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) Birthday: 22 February Official website: The Official Jeri Lynn Ryan Fan Club Homepage 22/02/00: Sci-Fi Wire reports that will be appearing in a Disney film now in production, working title is The Kid. It's a comedy starring Jean Smart and Bruce Willis. Ryan recently confirmed she is currently dating Voyager executive producer Brannon Braga Garret Wang (Ensign Kim) 25/01/00: Garrett Wang is listed as being part of the cast for the new movie "The Pinata", playing the part of Paul. He's featured on the movie web site: http://www.pinatathemovie.com. No release date has been set for this movie, which seems to have horror tones. Crew News 22/02/00: Star Trek: Continuum reported that the Art Directors Guild nominated production designer Richard James for an Excellence in Production Design Award for his work on "11:59". Web Links Official website: Star Trek: Continuum
Sources include:
Dateline Starfleet; Sci-Fi Wire; Official Magazine: Star
Trek Monthly - available in the UK and Eire
Back to the Home Page If you have any further information on Star Trek: Voyager and its team, please e-mail me at jfreeman@avaterra.com. Thanks!
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