
31 October 2000
US Comic Book Releases: The
completed release list is posted weekly, usually Tuesday evenings,
at http://www.comiclist.com
and other places. You can receive this list each Tuesday via
e-mail by following the instructions at the web site, or you
can email NCRL-subscribe@egroups.com
40ozcomics The Official Jim Mahfood Site. Publishers of Girl Scout and stupidcomics, also works with Kevin Clerks Smith. 5th Panel Comics 16 1/2 Moyers Street, Oxford, MI 48371 USA E-mail: youguys@5thpanel.com 5th Panel Comics is an independent small press publisher hailing from just outside of Detroit, Michigan. 5PC is currently comprised of a close knit group of a half dozen creators hailing from America's Midwest. Each of them work on their own individual projects, and collectively pool their talent, ideas, time, and energy to produce, market, and distribute their own brand of unique and entertaining stories. Titles include the varied anthology Razorwire.
PO Box 448 Southend-On-Sea Essex SS1 2FN England
Publishers of the highly-acclaimed Strangehaven.
Graphic novels of this title are distributed in the US by
AC Comics
Publisher of Femforce, the longest-running team
of superheroines in comics. It is also the publishing home
of Golden-Age Reprints. They publish comics in the genre of
Good Girl Art, Westerns, Science Fiction, Jungle Comics, etc.
The new site includes an e-commerce website. The webstore
will have AC Comics books for sale. We have close to 500 titles
in stock, published from 1982 to today, including all 113
issues of Femforce, plus other AC comics characters
like Nightveil, The Shade, Commando D and the Scarlet Scorpion
in Americomics, Captain Paragon, Sentinels of Justice and
She-Cat, Golden Age Reprint books like Golden Age Greats reprinting,
Golden Age Men of Mystery, Crimebuster Classics and Golden
Age of Sheena and our Western titles Roy Rogers Western, Dale
Evans, Rocky Lane, Lash Larue, Best of the West plus many,
many more.
Press, Inc.
Publishers of Detour , indy Magazine, Lemon Kids and others.
AMARA: the offcial Purge
web site
1410 West Academy Street, Suite 16, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Tel: (336) 722-2416 or (336) 275-1902 FAX (336) 721-2441 Email:
AMARA projects positive Ethnic Role Models through Super Hero
Characters. Publishers of Purge. Suitable for all ages.
Ankh publisher Noel Hannan has been busy with his web site,
adding new fiction to the growing site. Added to the Nightfall
Archive are two stories, The Hallelujah Man and The
Last Flight of the Atomic Adonis, and also a page dedicated
to the launch of his new book, Shenanigans, to be published
by Pendragon Press. Hannan attended the British Fantasy Society
convention in Birmingham on 9-10 September 2000 along with
Chris Teague from Pendragon, where they launched the book.
Formed 1985, and currently 11th-largest publisher of comic
books in the US. The company produce lots of comics and action
figures including MangaZine, Ninja High Scgool and Gigantor.
Publishing manga and other titles including Allison Chains,
Dark Oz, Dr. Goyle, Land of Oz, Semantic Lace, Spank the Monkey,
War of the Worlds and Wonderland. A history of the company
on the site describes its origins as borne from "An outgrowth
of a long time love of comics and comic collecting (of course
we were collectors, what did you think!?). Not to mention
the fact that this oh so strange hobby/industry has an almost
mystical charm that makes its fans want to join the ranks
of its creators."
9 Triumph Drive, Urbana, IL 61802. Fax: 217-384-2216
Publishers of titles such as Faust, Strange Kiss, Threshold,
Vortex and others. Contributors include writer par excellence
Warren Ellis
Blue Moon Comics Blue Moon Comics Group HC 66 Box 1448 Barbourville, KY 40906
USA Contributors include writer Steve Skeates (PLOP!). Steve
recently completed a brand new script--a modern, 21st Century
version of the same type of "dark humour" strips he originated in
Bone c/o Cartoon Books, P.O. Box 16973, Columbus, OH 43216 Independent comic created by Jeff Smith
Comics Michigan-based Publishers of Talismen and local 205. Interesting
Flash-based site but contact info is a bit unclear.
Blue Monkey
Comics Home Page Home to Adam Bomb, Momo the Obnoxious Kid, The Heavy Hitters and
dozens of other off the wall characters! One of the first sites to
run Frank Cho's hilarious daily adventures (Mon-Sat), a day or two
before they are even published. Provides a link to Fred Hembeck,
described as the man who destroyed the Marvel universe.
Buzz Boy
Comics With the growing popularity of Buzzboy.Net's Daily Buzzboy Comic,
as well as increasing sales of the Buzzboy comic book (published by
Peregrine Entertainment), John Gallagher is now creating web
cartoons featuring his characters. "I always wrote the Buzzboy
comic as if it was a movie on paper," Gallagher told ComicBookNet,
"because that is how I see it in my head." To get more info on the upcoming Webisodes, or to sign up for the
Free Buzzboy Daily Web Comic, go to www.buzzboy.net Contact: John Gallagher Buzzboy.Net., 2911 McComas Ave.
Kensington, MD 20895. E-mail: johng@creative.com
Chaos Comics Publishers of Evil Ernie, Lady Death and
more. On 5 April 2000, NextPlanetOver (http://www.npo.com), an online comics and merchandise sales
portal, opened the Steven Hughes Memorial Auction to benefit the wife and children of illustrator Steven Hughes, who
passed away on 18 February 2000after a long illness. The comic-book
artist was best known for his character Lady Death. Chaos! Comics
Hughes's publisher, and All About Books and Comics (http://www.allaboutcomics.com), an Arizona-based comic- book retailer, were the first to donate items that will be auctioned online at NextPlanetOver. "Steven's warmth toward his fans and patience toward the younger kids who came to see him can only be a reflection of the wonderful family that he has," says Mike Banks, manager of All About Books and Comics. "Left behind in Hughes's untimely passing are his wife, Barbara, and his delightful children, daughters Amber and Samantha and son Chance." One of the most prominent African-American artists in comic-book history, Hughes was recognized in February 1999 for his accomplishments by the Words and Pictures Museum of Northampton, MA, in a Black History Month celebration. His work was most recently featured in "The Next Step," a traveling art show featuring mainstream African-American comic-book artists. Hughes was one of the driving forces behind the success of Chaos! Comics, beginning with the launch of Evil Ernie: Youth Gone Wild, in December 1991. Hughes's work gained national attention with the success of the wildly popular Lady Death No. 1, and he rose to global prominence with the release of the sequel, Lady Death: Between Heaven and Hell. Wizard magazine included Hughes in its 1995 list of top 10 artists. Sources: Next Planet Over, Comic BookNet Mag CrossGen Comics E-mail: Letters@crossgen.com or info@crossgen.com Publishes characters such as Sigil, Mystic, and Meridian. Comics writer Mark Waid is now working for the company as of August 2000, writing Sigil and writing a new character for a company he says "that has solid, sane and exciting plans to recapture a lost audience." CrossGen Comics has announced that as of Thursday, 12 October 2000 they have stopped accepting writing submissions, in preparation of beginning the search through their existing submissions to find the publisherÕs first Associate Writer as part Head Writer Barbara Kesel and Mark WaidÕs new Associate Writers Program. The publisher hopes to fill the spot by early 2001. The Associate WriterÕs duties will include writing practice plots and dialogue, research, technical writing, and sales copy. The Associate will work out of CrossGenÕs Oldsmar, Florida, office and receive a salary. Since the publisher says the selection process will take some time to complete, they will not accept any new writing samples until February 2001. Any writing samples received prior to February 2001 will be stored for later evaluation. Any current samples are automatically considered eligible for selection. This "moratorium" will not affect art submissions. Art samples will continue to be accepted and evaluated by CrossGen as usual.
Dark Horse
Cool Flash-based site, but those of you without such plug-ins
aren't neglected. Publishers of Star Wars Comics, Frank
Miller's Sin City and many other titles, both licnesed
and original. Very keyed into film spin-off market.
rue Moussorgski 75897 Paris Cedex 18, France
French language publisher. Apart from their best-selling classic
series such as Boule & Bill, Lucky Luke
and Blake Mortimer, some of Dargaud's newer albums
deserve attention, such as Lapinot, full of its own
particular charm, already sold in the United States, Germany
and Italy, Aldebaran, an original science fiction series;
XIII, a fast-moving, action-packed adventures series
already making its mark throughout Europe; take a look too
at Dixie Road, relating the adventures of a family
during the Depression in the American Deep South, Rapaces,
a new outstanding science fiction series, already translated
in Spanish, American, Portuguese, German and Italian, and
Merlin, a new and original humour series telling the
hilarious childhood of the legendary druid for the great pleasure
all ages readers.
Star Comics
P.O. Box 231343, Hartford, CT 06123-1343 USA Publishes Dark Matter, a computer-generated, sci-fi,
superhero comic.
1700 Broadway, New York NY 10019 USA
Part of the Warner Bros. conglomerate, publishers of Superman,
Batman etc.
Also: DC
Comics Newsletter
An online very visually based comics site for a variety of artists
and writers.
E El Webo Site of the Ecuadorian comics. Hasn't been updated since 1998, by
the look of it.
F Fantagraphics Publishers of a wide variety of independent comics and home of the
Comics Journal.
A small comicbook operation that
publishes a quarterly anthology book showcasing various stories
from all over the globe by aspiring creators.
Hurricane Comics
The place for up to date info on
Chassis and Violent Messiahs, now published by Image Comics.
Features sneak previews of upcoming issues, Celebrity Covers and
Pin-Ups by Artists like Randy Green, Mike Wieringo, Adam Hughes,
Dave Johnson, Sergio Aragones, Lewis Small, Jr., the lovely Amanda
Conner, and much much, more.
I Image
Comics Home to a huge number of independent comic
productions, including the print edition of Steve Conley's Astounding Space
Moonlight Way Elk Groove, CA 95758-6837 USA. Contact: Go
A small comics publisher
with a newsletter for peole who love comics. The place to
come for amauter and professional art, online interviews,
reviews and features.
King Led
Honouring the past. Respecting the
present. Faith in the future. Combining the vast, vibrant and
diverse creativity of the Golden Age with the inspired
characterizational storytelling of the Silver Age and the
incredibly sophisticated production value of the Bronze Age; King
Led Comics is poised to carve out its place in the Digital Age of
Comic Books. Creations include Millennium Man himself, Stallion
Canuck. King Led's acquisition of the incredibly popular Omega
Knights from Underground Comics solidified the companies place as
the hot underdog company in the highly competitive Independent
Comic Book market.
M Marvel Comics 387 Park Avenue South, New York NY 10016 USA Publishers of Daredevil, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four etc. Oh, and
those X-Men books.
N New
England Comics
of the Tick!
T Todd McFarlane Productions
Publishers of Spawn, the best-selling independent comic
plus huge range of toy figure merchandise including Spawn, the
Beatles and X-Files.
Top Shelf Productions, Inc.
PO Box
1282, Marietta, GA 30061-1282 USA The official Web site of Top Shelf Productions, Inc. If you're not
familiar with Top Shelf, we're the graphic novel and comic book
publishing house that's best known for its ability to discover and
showcase the vanguard of the alternative comics scene. Their books
usually appeal to men and women between 18 and 40, in metropolitan
centres, college towns, or otherwise culturally hip communities.
But then, really, no one's exempt from their intoxicating
Top Cow
Publishers of a variety of titles, including J. Michael
Straczynski's Rising Stars, Tomb Raider and
Kin. Joe's Comics will be an imprint from Top Cow, produced
by Straczynski.
U United Comics Publishers of the graphic novel Twilight: First Flight by by Lewis
K.Stanley and T.C. Ford. "Mark O'Riley, a young teen...an
accident...super powers...bad guys...what more could you ask for?
Christopher J. O'Bryant and Lewis K. Stanley have created a new
hero reminiscent of the Lee/Ditko Spider-Man days!"
Studios 25502 Via Labrada, Valencia, CA 91355. We started publishing in print our first title, FLOAT in January
1999. It's a graphic thriller about reincarnation and millennium.
Since then, 4 issue have been released. FLOAT is also published on
the World Wide Web. The web version is not designed to merely
mirror the print, but to complement and to enhance the
reading experience. The commercial arm of Yitch Graphics.
Web http://www.yitch.com/
If you have a link you would like to share with our
thousands of members, drop us a line!