
UPDATED: 29 October 2000
Online Comic Strips Links
Adobe.com Peter Bagge has been contributing an all-new, bi-weekly strip for
the graphic design software giant www.adobe.com since February
2000. The strip stars Chet & Bunny Leeway, those luvvable and
upwardly-mobile yuppies from Bagge's Neat Stuff days.
Comments can be directed to Peter at: BaggeHate1@aol.com. Source:
ComicBookEMag #248 Astounding Space Thrills Steve Conley's award-winning daily comic strip featuring the way
out adventures of maverick adventuer Argosy Smith. Highly
recommended! Stev Conley was the first live guest for VZSciFi in June 2000, and
you can find the latest issue of his terrific strip Links: here
Desperate Times In November 2000, Chris Eliopoulos' Desperate Times comic
strip will relaunch in both print and eBook format AAAARGH! Comics,
in association with After Hours Press and Jam Books. "By giving
people the ability to cheaply access a comic, they may enjoy it and
the industry gains new readers," Eliopoulos told ComicBookNet,
"Hopefully, with a humour book that looks and reads like a comic
strip, it will appeal to folks who would never dream of picking up
a comic before."
Animated Comic Strip The FLOAT WEB STRIP is a spin-off of Yimagination's print sibling
FLOAT the comic book. The strip began on 7 February , 2000, and
will be published and distributed twice a week (Monday and
Thursday) through two online channels: the FLOAT web site, and the
newly formed FLOAT mailing list. With the latter option, readers
can have the strips delivered, free of charge, directly to their
own mail boxes and view them at leisure. To sign up for this free e-mail subscription, log on to FLOAT web
site (http://www.yimagination.com/float/) or register at
FLOAT mailing listhome page (http://float_comics.listbot.com/).
Stan Lee
Media New online publishing company from Stan Lee, creator of the
Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and countless other characters. Lee
describes Stan Lee Media Inc., as the culmination of his career as
a writer and character creator. "I look forward to collaborating
with the brightest creative and technical talent from around the
world." He writes, "and using the Internet as a launching pad for
new characters I'll be introducing to bring a modern brand of Super
Hero excitement!" The site features short "webisodes" and the first strip, The 7th
Portal, began in February 2000. Offline Reference: TIME Magazine 21 February 2000
Suck.com Peter Bagge contributes an all-new strip for this ComicBookNet
recommended site, which debuted in January 2000 and is archived at:
http://www.suck.com/daily/2000/01/07/. Comments can be directed to Peter at: BaggeHate1@aol.com...
Source: ComicBookEMag #248
Fundays Insight Studios new site, which includes Doctor Cyborg by Allan
Gross and Mike Oeming with John Staton. The site comes recommended
by Steve Conley. Link: http://www.sunnyfundays.com/ for the new comic,
previews of others.
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