UPDATED: 29 October
Comics Writers' Links
Casey Brennan
Web: http://www.konformist.com/mkkafe/tcasey/tcasey.htm
This is one of several
links for the writer. The Black Mistress, an obscure
Phantom Lady imitator created by Bill Black (and
scripted by Brennan), seems to be gaining momentum on the
Internet. Brennan wrote several Phantom
Lady stories
for Bill Black, two of them published in Fem Fantastique
# 1 AND #3. Brenan feels the character be "a ridiculous
racial and sexual double entendre, offensive to an extreme
degree -- in short, the kind of thing Netizens love".
Find one strip at: http://www.videogasm.com
Michael T. Collins
Web: http://www.freakhousegraphics.co.uk Mike's written for several titles, including DC's Star Trek. And he draws too, the talented swine. D. Curtis Johnson Web: http://deeptht.armory.com/~crisper/ Co-creator (along with J.H Williams III) of the much too short-lived DC series Chase. Warren Ellis Web: http://www.warrenelllis.com If you want opinions, this guy has them in spades, and bucket loads of talent, too. Ellis also has his own forum over on Delphi I wonder if ths fazines he did bsck in1984 are worth anything now... Tony Isabella Tony's Online Tips: http://www.wfcomics.com/tony The official website for Tony Isabella, "America's Most Beloved Comic-Book Writer & Columnist" (it says here). Seven days a week of views, news, and truths! Bill Mantlo A prolific contributor to Marvel Comics in the 1970s, Tony Isabella informed comics fans that after leaving the comics field to practice law, Bill Mantlo suffered what is called a 'closed-head, traumatic brain injury' after being struck by an automobile approximately six-and- a-half years ago. While he was able to regain nearly all of his physical abilities, he was, and remains, severely impaired cognitively. Outside of immediate family, Bill currently has little, or no, contact with the 'outside world' on any regular basis.
If fans of Bill's work would like to communicate with
him, all cards/letters should be sent to Bill in care
of: The Mantlo Family, 1995 Miller Place, Merrick, NY
11566 USA. They will relay all correspondence to Bill
during one of our near-daily visits with him, and if possible,
will try to have Bill respond personally, as best he can."
The most recent published work by Mantlo was in Heavy
Metal's 20th anniversary issue, a short story written
years ago for French artist Jean-Claude Gal. The writer's
brother described it as "a neat Indiana Jones-type adventure."
Publishers seeking to contact Mantlo's
family for the payment of royalties owed to the writer
for the various reprintings of his work can contact them
at the above address.
Source: Comic Book Net Mag
Spencer Millidge
Web: http://www.millidge.com
Abiogenesis Press PO Box 448 Southend-On-Sea Essex
SS1 2FN England
Writer, artist
and publisher of the highly-acclaimed Strangehaven.
Graphic novels of this title are distributed in the US
by Top
Grant Morrison
Official website: http://www.grant-morrison.com
Includes info on the Invisibles creator's his upcoming
comics work, including his stint on the X-Men. Haven't
found any info on Zoids, yet but I'm sure it's
you have a link you would like to share with our thousands of
members, drop us a line!
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