LAST UPDATED: 24 October 2000  | A screenshot from an earlier Might and Magic Game. Ooh, those skeltons look mean. | VZSciFi Computer Games Datafile: Legends of Might and Magic Publisher: 3DO Europe Platform: PC Requirements: TBA For: Single and multi-player. Internet and LAN prowess for up to six different players and a Deathmatch mode for up to 16 Out: November 2000 Previewer: John Freeman The Plot 3DO Europe is set to drag the role-playing genre kicking and screaming back into the real world with the release of Legends of Might and Magic, a revolutionary RPG-based, first-person adventure, due to be published for PC CD-ROM in November 2000. Hallmarked by world-famous game developer New World Computing, Legends of Might and Magic is a completely unique combination of the instant addictive action of the best first-person shooter and the unparalleled depth and quality of a Might and Magic RPG experience. The resulting gameplay maximises the fun elements of traditional Might and Magic RPG whilst minimising the time consuming role-playing process. However, fans of the traditional Might and Magic games need not be worried, as 3D0 promise the high quality gameplay and simple interface inherent in all New World Computing games will remain. In true Might and Magic tradition, Legends of Might and Magic is an intriguing story of mystical kingdoms, time travel, loyalty, treason and, ultimately, warfare and magic. The game begins with the young Price Golwyn assembling a team of six different characters, all with different skills and abilities, embarking on a quest to save his father's kingdom. With 70 all-new Might and Magic creatures to contend with, this is no mean feat. The warhorse behind Legends of Might and Magic's polished armour is the powerful Lithtech 2.0 game engine. Developed by Monolith, this young steed ensures the slick animation and in-game graphics run ferociously fast and free across beautifully rendered landscapes. Through swamps, forests, castles and dungeons, players will become completely immersed in an unparalleled, ultra realistic 3D kingdom. The gleaming chain mail holding this mighty warrior together is its multi-player compatibility. With Internet and LAN prowess for up to six different players and a Deathmatch mode for up to 16, Legends is a scenario-based experience that can be shared with enemies and allies the world over. Where can I get more information? The Official Site Myth and Magic Official Site Includes updates, comments, strategy information and more Other Might and Magic Releases 3DO announced the launch of Heroes Chronicles in August, a series of four strategy adventure games set within the Might and Magic universe. Heroes Chronicles is an entirely new direction for 3DO's most popular franchise, and is aimed at those gamers who have never played a Heroes game before. Each Chronicle is a self-contained episode that features a unique story and themes, and tracks Tarnum, as he wanders the lands seeking redemption for the crimes of his past. He is the Immortal Hero, a timeless protector, who is personally troubled by the doubt that he can never make up for the tremendous wrongs he performed in his youth. The four Chronicles are: Warlords of the Wasteland; Conquest of the Underworld; Clash of the Dragons and Masters of the Elements. The Chronicles are not chronological and can be played in any order. Each has its own theme and will differ from the rest with its distinct landscapes, towns, creatures and objects. The Chronicles will be released in pairs, with Warlords of the Wasteland and Conquest of the Underworld releasing in September 2000, and Clash of the Dragons and Masters of the Elements releasing in November 2000. Future Chronicles may follow in 2001. Warriors of Might and Magic brings the bloodlust and terror of the ravaged battlefield to life for PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Color in an enchanting tale of betrayal and redemption. Torn from the life he knew - by forces intent on his destruction - and forced to wear a painful mask as testament to a crime he didn't commit, one man must embark on a journey to discover the truth about himself and the world he must save. Yet as his enemies close in, he finds himself at the center of a prophecy that he wants no part of, and which compels him to make a decision no man should have to. But then again, this is no ordinary man. And this is no ordinary tale. This is Warriors of Might & Magic. With the cut and thrust of a truly skilled swordsman, Warriors of Might and Magic blends the award-winning Might and Magic brand with third person action adventure, intense hand-to-hand combat, a new, intuitive gameplay interface, awe-inspiring lighting and special effects and an innovative new fighting system. 3DO has moved away from traditional combat-based around projectiles and shooting and focused instead on ultra realistic melee-based combat combined with an array of special fighting moves resulting in 'up-close and personal' combat unparalleled in game development. Warriors of Might and Magic also uses a second-generation games engine and enhanced technology for each platform producing more polygons, special mapping and brighter, more detailed environments. Warriors of Might and Magic will be published for Game Boy Color on December 8th 2000, PlayStation in January 2001 and PlayStation 2 on February 16th 2001. Fan Sites Links welcome! Tips and Cheats It's not out yet! Not to be confused with... Celtic Whispers A charming site dedictaed to Celtic myth, with masses of information about Celtic sites, druids, sacred lore,festivals, dream magic and more. Additional links in this section of the VZSciFi Site Game Previews: Cultures | The Never Ending Story | Legends of Might and Magic | Wireless Games (WAP) Reviews: Tachyon: The Fringe Archived Reports: E3 2000 Report by James Brumbaugh Transferred reports: Kalisto Entertainment's Highlander game greenlit -- see Highlander Datafile If you have news you would like to share with our thousands of members about your SF project or you are interested in advertising inworld or on our web site, drop us a line! |