to :
22 November 2000
Today's Birthday: Actor Robert Vaughn (The Man from
U.N.C.L.E.) was born today in 1932
Official Site: Go
Great Tribute Site: Go
The Fans from U.N.C.L.E.: Go
U.N.C.L.E. Online: Go
Recently Updated Section: Events
This Weekend!
from his recent surprise appearance at Fanderson's Century
21 convention in October, Shane Rimmer (Scott Tracy from
Thunderbirds) will be appearing at the Birmingham
NEC Memorabilia alongside other cult film, television and
football stars such as Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Jack
Douglas, Ingrid Pitt and Nobby Styles in what is being advertised
as "The Biggest Ever Star Signing Event".
The NEC Memorabilia event is one of Europe's largest collectors
fairs for SF, film, television, pop and comics with over
300 dealers tables on each of the two days. Doors open at
9.00am on Saturday, 25 November for early entry ticket holders
and at 11am for everyone else.
The event is open from 10.00am on Sunday, 26 November and
closes at 5.00pm on both days.
Regular tickets are £6.00 per day for adults and £4.00 per
day for children. Saturday early entry tickets are £10.00.
Attendees can pay on the door or book their tickets in advance
by calling the NEC box office on 0121 767 4555.
Britney Bows Out of Buffy
US TV Guide reports that Britney Spearshas pulled
out of appearing in Buffy the Vampire Slayer because
of scheduling conflicts
The 18-year-old singer is nominated for three MTV Europe
Awards, which holds its ceremony tonight (Thursday 16) in
Stockholm, Sweden, and she's concluding her European tour
with performances
in Birmingham, England 20 - 21 November.
Buffy co-executive producer Marti Noxon told TV
Guide "We're still going to do the episode, we're just
going to do it with someone else."
Exactly what kind of character Spears was to have played
was, and still is, privileged information.
Buffy web site: Go
Howe's Transcendental Toybox Launch and Signings News
event is planned at the Stamp Centre in London to celebrate
the publication of Doctor Who expert David Howe's
merchandise book devoted to the much-loved series.
Psychic Lawsuit!
newsletter Ansible reports that Uri Geller is suing
Nintendo for "hundreds of millions of dollars"
over the Pokemon monster 'Yun Geller', who wields a spoon,
"uses psychic mind-waves to give his victims bad headaches.
"Nintendo turned me into an evil, occult Pokemon character
... Nintendo stole my identity by using my name and my signature
image of a bent spoon," claims Geller, who is currently
one of several well known names in the UK to be appearing
in Woolworths Christmas adverts on commercial networks.
SciFi UK begins
Farscape screenings
(UK) will be the first channel to show Farscape seasons
one and two back-to-back, in the correct order and in its
unedited glory. The run began on Sunday 12th November at
Farscape Datafile: Go
Fantasy Award Winner Announced
by Martin Scott, published by Orbit in the UK, has been
announced winner of the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel
of 1999 at the World Fantasy Convention in Texas. More...
by Robert Jordan
of Robert Jordan's epic fantasy series, The Wheel of
Time will be pleased to learn Book Nine, Winter's
Heart, is on sale in the US from 7 November. UK publication
follows swiftly. More...
Optioned for TV
Los Angeles production company David Lancaster Productions
has optioned Gary Spencer Millidge's critically acclaimed
and award-winning comic book series STRANGEHAVEN for a potential
TV series and motion picture. More...
Universal has confirmed
Xena, the fantasy tv sries starring Lucy Lawless
will cease production in April 2001.
Is Straczynski's Pilot
recently identified the pilot being written by Babylon
5 creator J. Michael Straczynski for Showtime: Jeremiah,
based on a long-running European SF comic series of the
same name.
Novels set for TV
Jose Farmer's Riverworld novels
are set to come to TV in another ground-breaking development
deal from Earth: Final Conflict's production company,
Alliance Atlantis Entertainment.
Link: VZSciFi TV News
of the Rings:
UK will see it first
Peter Jackson's
Lord of the Rings will be released in Britain before
America, as a tribute to its English author, JRR Tolkien.
The project, currently being filmed in New Zealand has an
international cast including Ian McKellen, Cate Blanchett,
Christopher Lee and Ian Holm.
Source: The Guardian
See also: VZSciFi
2001 Film Schedule
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Event Day!
Saturday 9 December 2000
VZSciFi presents a member-organised event day of science
fiction mayhem, including guest talks, and much more!
Full details: Go
Event Transcripts
Astounding Space Thrills comic creator Steve
Horror author Yvonne
SF and Fantasy author Mary
script writer Fiona