/*----- Log file started at Wed Feb 07 12:29:47 2001 -----*/ dingdong: they will have very important meeting as next tuesday with CEO for gcity's future dingdong: they will discuss about gcity fiture with CEO dingdong: as you know all gcity world grown so quickly dingdong: they told that at least 5,000 ppls come to gcity four world per day dingdong: but dingdong: there are less ppls and less money in gcity team dingdong: so now they cannot handle all gcity four world and dingdong: cannot give best service now dingdong: so they need more invest dingdong: need more money and more ppls dingdong: they will discuss about that with CEO dingdong: but dingdong: now sure how meeting will go dingdong: they will discuss about four way dingdong: 1.get more money from CEO dingdong: 2.move this glass city to another family sight dingdong: sit dingdong: site dingdong: 3.sell this service to another company dingdong: 4.close all gcity four world include dreamcity dingdong: they will select from 4 dingdong: that is all dingdong: but they sure this world will gorw in 1 year dingdong: so i hope they will not close this world but now dingdong: they reach limit dingdong: they have less tech ppls and less money but a lot of ppls dingdong: and ask me question, plz dingdong: i will answer soul78: who's the ceo? you mean ceo of the parent company? dingdong: owner soul78: of the parent company? dingdong: cjdream sogt dingdong: ok QuickSilver: how much does it cost to maintain gcity? dingdong: glass city is a part of cj dream soft dingdong: i dunno Sabrina: then why not open pay worlds Honey1: What if we paid to be here? Sabrina: instead of them closing them Borg: we would do that dingdong: they will discuss all Honey1: Would that not give $$ for tech ppl? Sabrina: then they could advertise Sabrina: and get money from us to dingdong: well Honey1: I would pay to be here Mandy1: lol dingdong: they will discuss include pay Sabrina: me to dingdong: but at this time they need to discuss about that with CEO dingdong: as you know Sabrina: Ding Dong do you know how long it will be before we know? Sabrina: after meeting? dingdong: i have only information about meeting dingdong: but will make sure soon Honey1: I hope they will not close the worlds Sabrina: Me to Mandy1: tell us they wont DD Mandy1: we love it here Sabrina: He cant do that Mandy dingdong: they know all Sabrina: have to wait till after meeting to find out dingdong: ans they will discuss all soul78: (;_;) I'll do call bomb to the company dingdong: but they cannot handle over 5,000 ppls per day without more ppls in gcity company Lady_Gemini: so we will not get running again until MAYBE after this meeting dingdong: they will find out all way Borg: dingdong, you mentioned selling server, do you have buyers that would wish to purchase Peridot? dingdong: i have no idea borg dingdong: but anyway this virtual world will success in 1-2 yearsd dingdong: years dingdong: so Borg: thats a very scary option to me dingdong: i hope they invest more dingdong: not close dingdong: but as you know dingdong: korea economy is not good, recently Honey1: DD, many here have been in other worlds, and paid for other worlds Honey1: This is the best world Honey1: and worth paying for Borg: thats why so many are here dingdong: i know all ppls love this world Honey1: I am not here because it's free...I am here because it's best Borg: yes soul78: (;_;) my sprays in ma turf.. goodbye my turf dingdong: so a lot of ppls comes here and growing everyday dingdong: that means that grow troubles and problems dingdong: include new paid world drreamcity dingdong: so gcity team cannot handle alone now Honey1: Well you know we will all help here with inworld things dingdong: yes i know Honey1: Wish I was a tech dingdong: i talked with gcity top manager dingdong: enough dingdong: he know well how ppls help this world dingdong: he know this is best world dingdong: but dingdong: he is not owner and he have no money dingdong: so he have to give information to owner Borg: dingdong, let me ask, would the CEO take into consideration how we, the people might can help with money? dingdong: at this time dingdong: i can tell only one dingdong: they will discuss all Borg: ok dingdong: and cannot go anymore like this soul78: and when we can we get a definite answer?? dingdong: but they know well peridot is best and have a lot of possiblity dingdong: they will have meeting as next tuesday so after that we will get soul78: ty (¡£_¡Æ)/" dingdong: we use temp server now QuickSilver: why aren't all three worlds merged and split into korean and english areas? dingdong: but this is not only peridot's matter dingdong: as you know when peridot start dingdong: they had no plan about english world Lady_Gemini: why is Topaz running so well...can we share their server? dingdong: and they cannot handle english world dingdong: they will discuss all four world's future Lady_Gemini: are you going to this meeting DD? dingdong: so at this time they need special plan dingdong: continue? dingdong: if you have any question ask me Lady_Gemini: are you going to be meeting with the CEO at this meeting tuesday? or who do you meet with? dingdong: i will not go dingdong: gcity team will go dingdong: they will discuss all about four worlds not only peridot dingdong: include dreamcity world dingdong: as youu know there are a few tech ppls in gcity team Borg: yes dingdong: so need to many time to solve server problem and dingdong: problem occured everyday dingdong: but ppls growing everyday dingdong: they need more money and more ppls Borg: DingDong, are you saying that the english world is causing some tech problems? dingdong: if they cannot get more money they cannot handle this virtual world Borg: or could be Borg: via the server that is dingdong: english word is not problem dingdong: gcity team members work too hard dingdong: over 10 hours a day and dingdong: sometimes work in home at night time dingdong: they are getting tired and reach limit Borg: I can imagine Yummy: are there any sponsors that might help? dingdong: and receive a lot of e-mail everyday dingdong: if there are 10 ppls in gcity company dingdong: do you think they can handle over 5,000 ppls? dingdong: but they don't get money at all dingdong: thank you top dingdong: tom dingdong: i understand what u said dingdong: before on years ago dingdong: population is only 300-400 dingdong: and only 1 server dingdong: but now four server and almost 2,000 population dingdong: and they didn't earn money at al dingdong: all dingdong: they need more ppls in gcity dingdong: and need more money dingdong: so they will discuss with CEO dingdong: but Yummy: how did dreamcity run they raised money dingdong: CEO have a lot of other big company dingdong: dreamcity is stil testing world dingdong: dreamcity have some problem now but dingdong: they cannot solve it quickly dingdong: because there are few tech ppls in gcity company Yummy: yes i c dingdong: it means that they cannot handle all four worlds dingdong: so they need speciall plan dingdong: we hope this world go forever dingdong: but it is our thinking dingdong: there are another four worlds dingdong: they have to think all four worlds not only peridot Borg: so we might be, dust in the wind dingdong: so all gcity four world's future depends on next meeting Sabrina: I think so Borg dingdong: if we have good result dingdong: we will get more money from CEO dingdong: and going well dingdong: but ths worst result is dingdong: if CEO think this virtual world will not get money in future dingdong: they will close this world Borg: I understand dingdong: so we have to wait the result dingdong: and i'm one of the member too Lady_Gemini: truthfully DD how do you see this turning out? whats your honest opinion? dingdong: only volunteer manager dingdong: in my opinion dingdong: there are some problem dingdong: include gcity team all members know this world well but dingdong: CEO cannot know this world well dingdong: and dingdong: they think about economy not culture Borg: true, as it should be dingdong: if CEO live this world dingdong: he will invest a lot dingdong: but he didn;t dingdong: didn't Lady_Gemini: is there away we can get the CEO in here for a week or so to see and hear us? dingdong: no way Borg: How Successful has DreamCity been as the first pay world? dingdong: dreamcity is still testing Sabrina: why would the CEO not come and listen to ideas to make money for company? dingdong: they told that it will start 2 months later Borg: so they are not open yet? dingdong: it is open but dingdong: will pay after 2 months later Sabrina: beta testing it still dingdong: but not sure dreamcity going well because Borg: are there many inworld there? dingdong: gcity have four worlds but less ppls dingdong: it is not stayble still dingdong: i worked hard during 6 months and geting more ppls everyday dingdong: and all members did good job dingdong: but as ppls growing Lady_Gemini: are the people that are meeting with the CEO really know what goes on in Peridot and what we stand for in here? dingdong: many problems too dingdong: we need new good server dingdong: i talked enough with gcity top manager Lady_Gemini: what im asking is are they ready to fight for our world? dingdong: fight? dingdong: why fight? Lady_Gemini: figure of speach DD Yummy: to fight for Borg: defend Lady_Gemini: do everything possible to convince the CEO to keep us going dingdong: they will discuss about gcity future include more investment dingdong: of course dingdong: it is possible but soul78: I'll write to the ceo... esp soul78 if ya interested dingdong: it depends on economy dingdong: they they cannot earn money from this world dingdong: how they run dingdong: if they cannot earn Borg: I agree DingDong dingdong: but as you know dingdong: i cannot understand quick dingdong: tell me again dingdong: i'm only inworld manager dingdong: and i'm not gcity man dingdong: so i cannot tell there plan dingdong: of couse i told that to them dingdong: and they know well it Borg: ok, good dingdong: i talked woth gcity top manager and dingdong: he know well about this world dingdong: he will tell to CEO Borg: can you get him here, and we can bribe him?? Borg: just kidding dingdong: i never meet and talked with him Lady_Gemini: its to bad they never came in here Borg: anything we can do DingDong, in the meantime? Lady_Gemini: how much is the cost of DreamCity dingdong: about 8-9 dollars per month dingdong: and 20 dollars per 3 month dingdong: but Lady_Gemini: so we may be looking at the same price if they deside on a paying world here dingdong: not sure dreamcity's future dingdong: we have to wait till meeting Magic: thanks SO much Sabrina: hi lucas Magic: hi dingdong: dreamcity cannot go alone without other 3 worlds dingdong: but there are less ppls in gcity team Magic: Many people here have been members of other worlds that charge to be members...such as Vzones, DS and Pride dingdong: join? Magic: Much talk about closing of Aventerra and VZ...Pride is already closed dingdong: you can tell to me dingdong: i can tell it to gcity team dingdong: there are too busy so Magic: If other worlds like DS and VZ do die, GCity could make tons of money dingdong: have no tome reading english e-mail and dingdong: time dingdong: there english us not good Magic: serving the populations of 3-4 MAJOR pay worlds dingdong: is Borg: Magic is correct Magic: Many of us were/are paying 14-20 US dollars a month to be members Magic: and hating it in the worlds we pay for Magic: but we love Peridot and all of it's memebers dingdong: thank you magic and i talked enough about that with gcity top manager expect other worlds dieing dingdong: but dingdong: we have a lot of korean members in all four worlds dingdong: i'm not sure they will pay Sabrina: If they want in bad enough you will be surprised they will DeeJ: If they make this a pay world, will they only accept korean money, or all others? dingdong: i hope all dingdong: and talked enough dingdong: but as you know Lady_Gemini: this world was set up to help korean students learn english...hopfully that will mean something dingdong: include gcity team nobody want to close this world dingdong: het tom tell me again. i cannot understand Magic: yes, but average age of Korean user is 9-14...so they probably can't afford to buy subscription to Peridot if it goes to pay world Borg: good point dingdong: yes this worls but as you know for running world, need money Sabrina: lucas there were so many kids in vzones Sabrina: so i dont believe that for a minute (?_?) dingdong: and as you know i worked hard during 6 months DeeJ: if paying $10 a month for kids to have fun and stay out of trouble, parents would do it dingdong: but i didn't get pay at all dingdong: how i can eat Magic: Yes, DD does great job in Peridot..as do all our staff based volunteers Sabrina: not only staff lucas Sabrina: everyone that was here helped Sabrina: staff or not dingdong: sure dingdong: all memebrs worked hard Magic: very true Sabrina: we all were a team dingdong: but volunteer Sabrina: but you know it has not closed Sabrina: so maybe it wont Sabrina: that is the worse case dingdong: someone left this world for real world work Sabrina: maybe they will think of something Magic: as staff youhave work schedual and hours you HAVE to work..just like a real world job...and you are just volunteering your time Magic: other users can come and leave when they want, and help who they want Magic: but all make this world great Magic: that is why we will try to keep it Sabrina: i think we all know what staff is lucas most of us have been on it one time or another lol Magic: lol dingdong: anyway we have to keep this world dingdong: if all korean members agree pay dingdong: this world will not close dingdong: but it is not easy dingdong: usually Lady_Gemini: DD can we expect an answer from the CEO on Tuesday or will he have to have a week to think about it? lol dingdong: kids don't like paid world Borg: kids usually don't make much money Magic: exactly Sabrina: well i see tons of kids in vzones so where there is a will there is a way (?_?) just my views Sabrina: and kids are kids Magic: that is English based world though Sabrina: same with adults quick Sabrina: lol Magic: DD...if they do close Peridot, will they tell us in advance so we can take pictures dingdong: hey lucas Magic: and say good bye properly..or will we not be able to login one day and that it Sabrina: DingDong? Ghostie would like to know why they made a pay world when they knew they had no people to run the worlds they have now Magic: yes dd? dingdong: it is only possible dingdong: i hope we get more investment from CEO dingdong: close world is very hard Borg: courious DingDong, you know the general propensity of what is going on dingdong: my english is not good so i cannot understand tell all Sabrina: lol smacks dingdong: sorry Borg: Is it about money? dingdong: how they can close all four worlds dingdong: it is very hard dingdong: they will find out best way dingdong: the best is get more money dingdong: next is sell this to anlther company Lady_Gemini: would they close all worlds tho is the question or just one or 2 of them dingdong: i heard that all dingdong: include dreamcity dingdong: they cannot close one or two dingdong: as you knpw ppls growing everyday Borg: DD, may I ask a point blank question? dingdong: yes lucas dingdong: blank question? Borg: ok dingdong: lol borg sorry Magic: np (^o^) Sabrina: He means straight forward question DingDong Borg: Is Michael, from DS in anyway involved in this world? dingdong: lol Borg: in any aspect dingdong: i never meet him dingdong: and i have no idea about that dingdong: if he want to be our member Sabrina: ohhhhh gota pit in my tummy(;_;) dingdong: how about that? Borg: so you are not sure if he is anyway involved? dingdong: i have no idea Sabrina: he said he didnt know Borg: ok dingdong: if he want to be our member i will welcome dingdong: as a member dingdong: and personally dingdong: i don't know about him Borg: semantics dingdong: well anyway dingdong: have to wait dingdong: the result of meeting dingdong: can i close this meeting? Borg: yes, and thank you for the information Magic: ty DD for telling us the truth dingdong: ok Sabrina: thank you for telling us what you know DD Magic: and being our friend dingdong: i will back in world a little later dingdong: all of us need time Sabrina: bye Lady_Gemini: ty DD Yummy: huggggs dad Magic: ty, bye DD HUGS! dingdong: for think about our future dingdong: bye all Borg: take care Borg: be safe Yummy: (¡£_¡Æ)/" soul78: (;_;) soul78: huggsss soul78: (;_;) Magic: HUGZ